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Xiaomi Mijia Smart Toilet Seat USD $299.99/AUD $403 (was $671.94 save 49%) @ GeekBuying

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Xiaomi Mijia Smart Toilet Seat UV Sterilization IPX4 Waterproof Electric Bidet Cover Dual Self-cleaning Nozzle Intelligent Toilet Lid -White

Instant Hot Constant Water Temperature

Once start washing, fresh water source is heated to constant temperature and remained constant state for a longtime wash to save energy

Hygienic fresh water, prevent from bacteria breeding

More energy-saving than thermal storage type

After longtime washing, water temperature is still unchanging

Comfortable Feminine Cleaning

With one nozzle on the side rim for cleaning the anus and genital areas, helping female to clean their vulva easily and keep healthy even in the menstruation period

4-grade Adjustable Water Temp. Pressure Seat Temp

Easy to customize your optimum water temperature, seat temperature and washing pressure

As you sit down, the inserted sensor senses the user sitting on the toilet seat and automatically turn down the temperature, avoiding from burning your skin

Cold-hot Massage Washing Function

Cold water and hot water massages your body by turns to relax your skin and improve partial blood circulation

Hip Wash Back and Forth

Press the "Hip Wash" button again, the nozzle will move back and forth constantly to expand the washing area, improving the cleaning effect.

Standard External PP Cotton Filter

Coming with a PP cotton filter, it effectively filters out more than 20 microns of impurities such as sand, dirt, rust and worms, providing more hygienic washing water than bathing

Dual-self-cleaning Nozzle / UV Sterilization

Before washing, the ringlike flow will clean the nozzle thoroughly with UV light automatically killing the bacteria on the nozzle when the user is away from the toilet seat

LED nightlight illumination

Convenient for night use, without disturbing your family

Full body IPX4 waterproof

Splash-proof in full range, safe and reliable for daily use

Seat cover slowly down

Prevent the seat ring falling down quickly with a harsh sound

Safety protection

In emergency of electrical leakage, the plug will auto shutdown.

No Band 28

I loved these in Japan!

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closed Comments

    • +217

      You don't know the pleasure of taking a dump until you've taken a dump in Japan. Would go back just for the toilets.

        • +42

          My experience of toilets in a lot of China was squatting over a flushable hole in the ground.
          Though I think the squatting position made pooping quicker and easier…

        • +12

          Imagine a long drain with just partitions and no doors.

        • +12

          Why does where its made have anything to do with this? Its the Japanese culture that has the cleaning toilets, not China.

        • A lot more comfortable than sitting on a steel one, but both need a seat.

        • +7

          In some parts of China you'd be lucky to even find the partitions. Think urinal for pooping.
          Had to use one once in desperation. Fun times.

        • +10


          a flushable hole in the ground.

          You were obvioiusly in a 6 star hotel then.

        • +10

          i learnt to breathe through my mouth trying public toilets in china

        • +21


          i learnt to breathe through my mouth trying public toilets in china

          So you preferred to taste the others instead of just smell them?

        • +1
        • +8

          hard to use mobile phone for browsing when using a squat ….. sitting is a much better experience.

        • +2

          @myusername: Not a good idea unless you want take a shit load of shitty bacteria from others’ shit into your mouth and through to intestine.

          Studies have found that fecal coliforms are rod-shaped bacteria found in human faeces and can spread onto even a toothbrush through the air!

        • +3

          "Well, I'm not hungry anymore."

        • @wem77: I gladly avoided the experience in my six months there. My colleague was not so lucky. Ha and I use to think Malaysia had the worst toilets.

        • -1

          @Maverick-au: This is my dilemma, to taste or just small others poo. I end up smelling rather than letting it in my mouth.

        • -2

          have you been there?

          no one is interested in your weak attempt at humour

          edited obscenities

        • +3

          @Salmando: I heard squat pooping is actually good for your health as well

        • @Salmando:

          squatting over a flushable hole in the ground.

          Luxury! In rural China, public toilets are an experience you will not soon forget.
          Typically the waste is collected for fertiliser (which is why chinese never eat raw vegetables), but sometimes there were pigs waiting underneath to eat the steaming-fresh waste.

          I wonder if the obsession with toilet tech in Japan comes from a recent history of having Chinese style communal toilets.

        • @myusername: Don't go to China, go to Springvale SC, you will learn that too.

        • @Salmando:

          Squatting makes pooping and childbirth easier.

        • The further you walk up the hill the less you have to put up with other people's crap

        • +2


          You obviously went to the wrong places :)

          I had a dodgy meal in KL, and was on the throne much of the night before a flight to Shanghai next day. I survived the flight but when we landed I sensed impending trouble. We were lucky to have a car and driver waiting, from a law firm where a relative worked at the time. When I asked the driver to urgently stop, I kind of thought I might have to hide behind a bush on the side of the freeway, or maybe get lucky and make it to a petrol station. But, being a top end firm, the driver phoned ahead to a swank hotel, and the staff there whisked me off to the most luxuriously appointed toilet I have ever seen. The clear glass door when opaque as I entered, and the gentle sound of music increased in volume as required. I pitied the poor attendants as I was escorted back to the waiting limo, still contemplating the luxury of that toilet.

          But I was not game to touch any of the buttons - nothing at all was in English.

        • @myusername:

          We just don't understand. If there's a bad smell around, I'm going to keep my mouth well and truly closed!!??

        • Why would you steal a Chinese garbage dump?

        • @DoyA:
          Nope, they look more sophisticated. The ones I'm thinking of don't protrude from the ground.

        • @garage sale: Have never understood people doing other things on the toilet. I'm not on there long enough. If they need to do something to pass the time while they wait for it to come out, they obviously didn't need to go in there in the first place, LOL!?

        • @Samsquanch:
          The more North you go, the more Western toilets you find.

          However, in Chengdu, even huge department stores didn't have normal toilets. In fact, in the Hilton (dropped in to use the toilet) they only had 1 regular toilet, with 4 other toilets being the squat.

          The weird part was - when I did find a normal toilet had sanitizer and toilet covers - made it seem like it was a really dirty choice

      • U can enjoy the toilets if you stay at any JAL hotels.

      • i prefer the open air toilets of India. Had to wear plastic shopping bags on my feet when i last traveled there. Over half the Indian population practice open defecation out of necessity.

        yeah..the japanese toilets are niiiiiceeeeeee.

    • +19

      if you touched poo with your hands, would you rather wash it with water (with some sort of sanitisation) or just wipe it a few times with a piece tissue?

      and yes, no other species would bother cleaning up crap from their butts that's for sure, why not do a proper job lol

      • +1

        This argument is always terrible. There's a major difference between my butt cheeks and my hands. I use my hands to pick up food and interact with the world. I do not do this with my arse. There's a reason why there's two standards of clean for these two different body parts.

        That said, I love a bidet, but I hate hearing this dumb argument.

        • +1

          lol in a deal where people are talking about butt plugs and diarrhoea, I am glad this boils your piss on a nice Sunday afternoon

        • Cleaning with dry TP is nothing but smearing the brown shit all around your b-hole. Why walk around with dirty anuses and give opportunity for germs to grow on the remains / stains?

          I was disgusted when I first went to the USA and was asked not to flush the TP down the toilet, rather keep it in a waste bin and once it’s full with shit from everyone in the house, carry it to the garbage bins! Yuck.

          Check this for a detailed Quora post on this.

        • @gentlecrack: I'm not debating how clean my arse truly is. I've agreed that a bidet is the way to the highest standard of clean arse.

          What I'm debating is the equivalence in saying 'you wouldn't leave poo on your hands'. No, I wouldn't, but I'm not worried about some poo on my anus because I use them for different things. Is this not the case?

        • @hweita: Boils my piss? There's no point trying to rile me. Try to address my point instead.

        • @Talonparty: I cant fancy the thought of poo stains getting dried up anywhere on my body. Regardless of whether you use it to greet other people or eat food, it is still your body part which you can feel on the outside. Won’t you get the feeling of being unclean?

          How about some other bodily fluid? Semen sticking to your private parts or some phlegm-filled-spit on any body part other than hands? Would you wipe them dry and feel okay?

        • @gentlecrack: This is getting stupid. I'm not going to be unclean, I'm going to wipe my arse until there's no more poo there. Whether there's a microscopic amount that would have been cleaned by a bidet is debatable but if I'm at the point until I've wiped until I'm clean, I'm fine with that and I'll shower at some other point in the day. You're making the argument that's not enough and I think this argument is flawed.

          I'm not going to walk around with an unwiped arse and yes if there was visible amounts of poo then it would be uncomfortable and I would return to the loo. If it was another bodily fluid it would depend where it was. If someone spits on me then I'll probably clean it. If I spit and a bit of it lands on my chin I'll just wipe it.

        • @Talonparty:

          If your hand touches poop, would you be happy wiping it with paper or clean it with water?

    • -7

      Many people never wash themselves after taking a dump. Some even leave their items for show without flushing.

    • +2

      Can I get a badge on here for having more down votes on a comment than the ledge-dog himself, JV, please?

      • My record is -122

      • If reps could downvote I'd happily do it to help you get into the monthly stats <:

        • (profanity), there's stats?

          I gotta be more of an (profanity). Imma give JV a run for his money.

  • +2

    price shows as AUD 403 to me

    • +7

      Its worth investing.m don't worry about paying more. Your ass needs this.

      • +3

        Not 'needs', but 'deserves' :)

  • +28

    I assume this is compatible with my smart gateway aka butthole?

    • +4

      Which firmware?

      • +19

        Firmware version too high. Need to connect to fibre

        • Looseware… bellpop has no firmness after the pop!

        • Very good!

        • Very good!

        • @aussiebabe: how good though?

    • Cheap hardware dude.

  • +5

    oh Bryan Cranston made it a real thing

    • +2

      I wonder how they will address the butt-skin cancer…

  • +41

    Does this come with the EU, US, AU or BUTT Plug?

    • +2

      If you read the page it says

      Connector Type: CN Plug

      • +1

        So you'd need an electrician to install a power outlet in your toilet (something I don't think any house builder expected to require). That brings up the cost considerably. Unless you know how to do it yourself.

        • +28

          @MikeyR: Wow. You're for real or trolling? What do you plug in when you're in the toilet? Because regardless of what tin shed I use as a toilet, I've been to countless other people's houses and never seen a power outlet in one, unless it's one of those toilets built into the shower room.

        • +1

          @lostn: Many have their's in the bathroom, and with circuit-breaking and earth leakage wiring, bathroom now come with outlets for those who like their toast in the bath.

        • -1

          @MikeyR: none in my tin shed

        • You know what a CN plug is right?

    • This should be polled.

  • +26

    Can you use the Mi Home Gateway to make it flash lights, sound an alarm and turn on a fan when you do a mega poop?

    • well, u can use Dafang to monitor the toilet so u will get the notification when someone goes inside. By using Mi human sensor with Yeelight, maybe u can get flashlights. With the smart socket plugged a fan, it will not be a problem to turn it on.

    • +1

      maybe take a picture for the momentus occasion!

    • You would need the motion sensor option for that.

  • +4

    No speakers or 4G? In-built pregnancy tester?

    • +1

      Or pregnancy inducer?

  • +42

    It'll send your urine data to China

    • +7

      Is there any information they don't want to collect on us? Surprised this doesn't come with a built-in webcam for live-'streaming' that the data miners will also record.

    • +11

      yep works with the Mi Home app to tell you what groceries you need to buy more of.

    • +5

      They are in for some shitty data too.

    • Spy cam to check for prolapse

  • +17

    Dump stats direct to China without band 28

    • That's what I call a data dump.

  • +9

    Cold-hot Massage Washing Function

    Tell me more!

  • +9

    Anyone have installation instructions?

    • Having nozzle removed at ER now. Instructions unclear!

  • +11

    No Band 28, no deal LOL.

    • +18

      Only Band #2

      • and band 1

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