Phones from $10
Samsung m610 - $10
Nokia 5130 - $29
LG KF750 - $50
Nokia E55 - $100
Nokia N97 - $200
Blackberry 9250 - $200
Saturday - 10am - 5PM
Sunday - 10am - 4PM
Phones from $10
Samsung m610 - $10
Nokia 5130 - $29
LG KF750 - $50
Nokia E55 - $100
Nokia N97 - $200
Blackberry 9250 - $200
Saturday - 10am - 5PM
Sunday - 10am - 4PM
Added image
thanks buddy.
luck would have it that I will be there tomorrow.
I wonder if the phones are network locked. gotta find out when I get there.
the small caption suggests that they are locked, as it says something like Prepaid ? are locked to the Crazy John's network.
Hi could you please get something for me?
I called and confirmed. The sale is genuine. I thought it was a fake. Any shoppers for me.
Gee that is awesome. I will be there!
Hi could you please get something for me?
omg that's omg. i should totally move to VIC
Vic - Mobile phones on the move!
Enjoy your stupid phones ;) we have the hottest babes! here in SA (:
In terrible clothes
I called them and they told me that most of them are unlocked.
I asked specifically about the KF750 and she couldn't tell me.
She also said they have plenty of stock as all crazy john stores sent their stock to this store.
Im sure ill see some fellow ozbargainers tomorrow
Do you need ID to buy an unlocked phone? Or is ID only required for SIM card purchases?
btw its a blackberry 9520 not 9250
we all know why the n97 is on sale don't we
no, not all of us…please do tell? I was thinking of getting the N97. What's wrong with it?
read up on whirlpool forum topics about the n97
personally i went through hell with that phone and went through hell to get onto another phone.
maybe it might just be some models…but there are many issues known to affect the n97
ok, thanks mg, might go for the E55 instead, seems pretty good except for photo/video quality, hope it is unlocked.
E55 is a bargain, i use mine for GPS
so will it work with a 3 sim card since vodafone is 3?
Don't assumed that as I had 3's locked phone but not work on voda sim!
hahah, my phone is the second one.
I paid $200 for it a couple years ago.
Here now. Waiting…
Perfect grammar. Good boy.
Any reports on what other models are available? ie. what is the 'heaps' more to choose from?
What sort of stock levels do they have?
I can only get there tomorrow and was after the BlackBerry 9520 or the N97.
Just came back, there was a line up of about 25-30 people at 9:00am, most people were buying lots of 4 N97's and Blackberry's, so be aware that these phones may have already sold out.
They are also selling cases, webcams, bluetooth accessories etc
Also N97's are unlocked with a vodaphone sim already in it.
we'll see those n97's and blackberry's on ebay soon
I would assume that all of the N97, Blackberrys, N86s, E55s etc are all sold out by now. The only remaining deal would be the lower end phones, such as the Nokia 3500 for 10 bucks unlocked. But its red hot pink.
Personally, I got a N86.
here's an update. i just got back. the line was ridiculous. i saw some e55s, n97 is sold out. i did see some blackberries but not many. and all the nokia 3500's are gone. everyone seemed to want one. the next cheapest UNLOCKED phone was a nokia 5130 for $25, followed by LG Gu230 for $30 (both seemed to have lots in stock as of 2pm)
Went there today around 11 AM… There was so many people, it was crazy!!
Wow! Don't think much stocks left for Sunday.
Went there at 10.30. No blackberry 9520 available anymore. They still have some 8210 though.
So is it worth even heading down tomorrow?
I wanted 2 high end phones and Christmas presents for my kids.
You can try tomorrow. High end phones might not be available. But who knows they might add new stock tomorrow??? I would suggest you go at 9 am….
Hi guys. I went at 4pm. Ended up buying Sony Ericsson w395 for $40 and LG GW300 for $40. Went on their website and unlocked both the phones. (People all the phones are locked to Crazy John network when you buy them, just go online and unlock them).
Most phones are not 3G.
Saw samsung touch 3inch phones for $110
Pretty happy with the deals…. and yeah dont buy that SIM only cap. cos u might end up spending $19 for 6 months which is pretty expensive than buying outright
just go online and unlock them
for free?
sorry dupe
Can you please powt the link to the unlock page.. cant find it.. Thanks
Sorry.. Found it..
Went there at 10am. There was a line of about 20 people before me. When I came out with 4 phones ($245) and a photo printer (free it seems, as I wasn't charged for it), there were about a 100 people waiting to be let in. There are some good phones left but mostly pink.
any e55s?
went there yesterday, got e55 and n97. thanks for the post.
went there yesterday, got e55 and n97. thanks for the post.
No probs
more information plz? the page points so cj's home page there is no information about the deal.
Is that outright purchase?