This was posted 7 years 3 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free All Access to The Fetch Ultimate Pack (All 48 Channels) This December @ Fetch TV (Fetch TV Box Required)


You need to have a Fetch TV box in order to access to all 48 channels for free this month.
It works on all Fetch TV boxes including retail and ISP/RSP ones.

Explore all the entertainment that the Fetch Ultimate Pack has to offer and keep the whole family entertained this festive season.

Enjoy full access to the Ultimate Pack with 48 channels at no extra charge for the month of December. You won’t need to do a thing. Simply turn on Fetch and go to the TV guide to start watching from Dec 1.

This offer is available to both new and existing Optus Fetch subscribers without an Ultimate Pack subscription from 1 December to 31 December 2017.

New Fetch customers
For new Fetch customers you will automatically have access to all 48 channels in the Ultimate Pack once you have activated your box at no extra charge.

Existing Fetch customers without any channel packs
Existing customers will get full access to all 48 channels in the Ultimate Pack at no extra charge.

For details and FAQs:…

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closed Comments

  • +4

    This is a great deal for those without the Ultimate Pack already.
    I hope Fetch is able to offer something to those people who are already subscribers (and therefore excluded from this deal).

  • Ah, I was wondering why I had full access last night!
    Thought it was a glitch with the new software update.

  • +1

    This looks like it's just for Optus Fetch (Yes TV by Fetch) customers?

    "This offer is available to both new and existing Optus Fetch subscribers"

    • +5

      I'm not linked to a provider and it works fine for me.

      • Good to know. Just seems odd that Fetch aren't advertising it themselves (at least as far as I can see).

        • +1

          Been an Optus customer for years and have their Fetch box. Pretty piss poor that Optus themselves can't even be bothered notifying their loyal paying customers that this is being provided.

    • +3

      Mine is not linked to a provider and it works for me too.

      • +1

        Sweet deal. Thanks for sharing :)

    • Mine's iPrimus, and it came up as a free offer as soon as I turned the box on today.

    • +1

      Ignorance is Bliss !!

      • -3

        Uh huh …

    • Are they free channels? How can I watch ESPN, Nickelodeon or BBC for free on my TV without this deal?

  • +28

    For those that don't know about this device, it's basically a 1Tb PVR with catch-up TV built in. It also has access to custom Foxtel packages at a very competitive rate compared to Foxtel themselves.
    It has a USB slot and so far is the only device I've found (apart from the dodgy chinese boxes) that plays H265 Video codec.
    I bought this box about 3 months ago to replace the Series Link of my Foxtel now that I no longer need Foxtel.
    The built in Catchup and Netflix gets a good run at our place.
    You can get it through some ISPs, Optus and Dodo, or you can buy it outright for use on your own ISP.
    The box retails for around $399 but you can get deals for about $300 (Thanks OzBargain!) I got mine from JB Hifi for $320 with 7.5% discount on top of that.
    You can also get the Fetch Mini which works in conjunction to provide multiroom viewing.
    The menu system is very easy to navigate and is very responsive. It also works with my Harmony 650 remote.
    Hope this helps any curious prospective Fetch owners.

    • Can it stream video files over a network or it has to be an external device via usb ?

      • +1

        It does have Network streaming. It comes up in my connected devices list on my PC. Something about Samba capability, if that means anything.

        • +1

          Samba is the other name for Windows File Sharing (Not the same as Workgroup Sharing though, to confuse matters even worse).

      • +2

        Yes. Can confirm this.

    • +2

      Fetch and Foxtel both broadcast some of the same channels but Fetch is no way associated with Foxtel the way you imply in your post.

    • +1

      You can also get the Fetch Mini which works in conjunction to provide multiroom viewing.

      Mini can also be used as a standalone device.

    • about $300

      That's more than an nvidia Shield …

      • +1

        can the Nvidia shield record free to air TV???

        • +1

          With a network tuner, Plex and Plex pass. Yes it can.

        • @HADOUKEN: not really included in the price though is it…

    • Can you watch Optus Sports (e.g EPL) if bought outright from HN?

      • Optus Sport is a subscription service so you would need to subscribe if you don't already have it.

        • Yes I do have a subscription and watch EPL via Airplay. Hence, was wondering if the Optus app is installed by default or can be installed.

      • +1

        No - box has to be from Optus

        • Can the Fetch TV M605T 2nd Gen (second hand) compatible with Optus Sport App?

        • @Prav:

          It works on Gen2's, however be aware of issues with second hand boxes:

        • This a real pain. We pay for Optus Sports Premier League on my son's phone and he can watch it on iOS devices, computers, almost everything except our non-Optus Fetch TV Mighty. Why would they do this?

      • +2

        Actually, no. Optus Sports is only available to Fetch customers that acquire their Fetch box directly from Optus.
        There are some slight differences between the retail Fetch product and the Optus product (rebranded as YesTV by Fetch).

        Fetch does have BeINSports 1 as well (but not BeINSports 2), but its not part of the Ultimate pack, and is quite expensive in comparison to the other channels.

    • Can I play media files (MKV, MP4, AVI, ISO) from a portable hard drive into the Fetch TV's USB port? I'm looking to replace my WD TV Live Player.

      Update: Found this link -…. I just want to hear from current users.

      • +2

        I would say yes, but cannot confirm 100%. I have played MKV and MP4 on it, as I said it also plays H265 which is rare these days as it's so new, so one would expect ISO's would play also.

  • I had a fiddle with one of these in Harvey Norman, unless they had the tv set up wrong it looked like poor quality video - 576p maybe ? Do all channels stream in 720/1080 or just some?

    • +3

      I find the video quality to be excellent. Better than Foxtel Now's HD. That Harvey Norman store might have had a congested internet link.

      • +3


    • +3

      I find the 'internet' channels (and occasionally Netflix) are good so long as the kids aren't all playing Youtube and games and stuff online.
      In other words, if you have good bandwidth the quality is good.

    • +1

      You can adjust Fetch Mighty box video display resolution up to 4k@60Hz and play any 4k contents on a 4k TV. I don't think its 48 channels have 4k contents but Mightly box can upscale them to 4k resoltion. It streams 4k Netflix and Stan contents if your internet is fast enough.

  • What if you use smart TV app? Will that work without subscription?

    • The only subscription you need to pay for is the foxtel and Netflix channels. From memory I think there is a free movie channel and a movie preview channel.

  • I might have to turn ours back on! It came bundled for free with our cable internet and it didn't seem that useful (we use a Windows Media Centre PC)

  • Just want to clarify one thing.

    So I can stream free to air channels with the Fetch box via an internet connection? Or do I need an aerial connection for free to air channels?

    • You will need aerial connection to fetch

    • No and no.
      Fetch needs an aerial for the FTA channels. It can record. You can watch the recordings on other network connected devices.
      You cannot atream live TV via Fetch to anywhere.

  • Damned! I just threw away an old Fetch TV box after took out the 1TB HDD!

  • +1

    Just buy a Kodi box no comparison.

    • +1

      How good is Kodi's TV recording function these days in terms of reliability? When I looked a while ago it was pretty buggy. Also, can you stream recorded TV to another Kodi box in another room?

    • +3

      Kodi is very good but it's not really user friendly and with ISP's blocking the sites that the links need access to it becomes a bit frustrating to use unless you know how to change DNS settings and set up VPN's so that your ISP cannot see the traffic on your network. I would not recommend anyone stream over an ISP that records anything without a VPN.

      I do use Kodi mainly to watch films but find Fetch/Stan/Netflix/Foxtel Now to be much easier to use and they are more reliable.

    • +1

      Correct. Because they serve different purposes.

      A Kodi box is the best bit accessory a TV can have IMO. But its different from Fetch TV.

    • I have an android TV/kodi and FetchTV(optus) connected to different TV's. both have different benefits to each other. definitely a fan of fetch TV though.

  • +1

    I am really enjoying my Fetch box save for one gripe - no Plex compatibility…
    I bought it as an all-in-one solution - and it doesn't really do that.
    While it does have a media player function, it is pretty ugly and clunky.
    So I use Plex either through the smart TV, or through the Chromecast and my phone.
    That is the one thing they could fix that would make the most difference to me.

    • Have you tried enabling DLNA in Plex and using the 'My Media Hub' app in Fetch?

      It uses the standard DLNA structure e.g. folder view and is nowhere as sleek at the Plex UI, but it will load anything in your Plex library.

      • Yes - that is what I said. I can access my Plex library through the Fetch box - but the media player Fetch use is ugly and clunky.

    • I use a chromecast and my phone for plex. Easier to use with a high WAF, imho.

  • stupid question: will I be able to watch channels 7/9/10 on this if I don't have an antenna?

    • Not a stupid question. No you won't.
      However most of the content on 7/9/10 will be available from the included Catch Up apps.

      • damn - I was hoping to be able to access these channels because i dont have an antenna.

    • You'll require an antenna for FTA.

      • damn :(
        the guy in live chat is telling me i dont

    • On the Channel 7 catch-up app, there is live streaming of 7, 7Two, 7Mate and 7Flix. I think they have named it 7Tennis or something like that.

      Perhaps in the future other channels will offer this sort of streaming, but at the moment if you want the full range of FTA TV channels then you need an antenna.

      What area do you live in? Is it close to a TV transmitter? If so, maybe a pair of rabbit ear antennas might work?

  • Thanks OP

  • This is good news for summer break (although they could throw in January :-)

    We have a Fetch TV Mighty replacing a TiVo HD and it’s not as good as the TiVo but not bad. It’s all setup to encourage you to purchase TV or movies but it does good with FTA recording and catchup over the Internet.

    Really disappointed that the mobile and tablet apps can no longer stream recordings even when on the same network (I believe) but you can check guide and schedule recordings (or watch paid content, I believe).

    Surprised that the video playback “stutters” every now and then, considering the TiVo was super smooth and had much older hardware. Also, FF over ads is not as easy as TiVo and there are other minor fails.

    It’s great that guide data is included but would be nice if it included a Web browser (most smart TVs do these days but it is nice not to have to change context etc). Also multi device / multiroom has just got a lot better.

    The Mini is interesting but only has 15 mins rewind/pause (enough for a quick interruption) and cannot record but with new update it can schedule and play recordings on and from a Mighty in another room etc.

    • +2

      You know the TiVo HD is still alive and functioning in Australia, after a little bit of hacking? Even if you aren't interested in getting it going again, don't throw it out, there are plenty of people interested in taking it off your hands.

  • Are the paid channels free to watch like 13th Street, EDGEsport, MTV Classic, UFC… ?

    • +1

      This month free access includes your first 3 channels. UFC is pay per view.

    • +1


    • cool, thanks

      had to restart my fetchtv box and it works now :)

  • +2

    any deals on the fetch box itself?

  • Nice one, thx for posting, i can now unhide all the other channels for the rest of this month!

  • +1

    This is awesome news, been enjoying the $90 optus cable bundle (with fetch) for 2 years now. Hopefully this NBN dilemma will let me enjoy my cable deal a while longer as my D/C date is in Jan. :P

  • +1

    Any way to keep it on my channels? keeps reverting to all 😕

    • Yeah, I was finding that last night.
      I hope it is just because we can use all channels for now.
      It better revert to My Channels once this expires or I will be getting annoyed.

      • Me too, annoyed already

  • The most annoying thing about this box is that I cannot press Stop on a channel, it just automatically plays unless press pause or standby the machine

    • I am not sure exactly what you mean but I think that is meant to prevent burn-in on your TV.

    • Thank you OP. All channel temporary access working nicely on my retail Fetch Mini.

  • It would be good if you can add more than 3 boxes per house. The 3 limit cap sorta sucks.

    • +1

      not too sure if true or not - if i'm not mistaken you can add more than 3 per house, but only 3 per account because each box in the same account has to share the same premium subscriptions?

  • out of interest does it have the afl live channels and other sport like golf pga tour ? i'm liking foxtel now but not liking it locks me to telstra…
    my main tool is a synology nas which is fn awesum but for live sport- foxtel now along with netflix etc.. also foxtel now has the full hbo archive and good bbc so larry david / got / peaky blinders etc on there too. better than expected just a pity internet speeds are so crap…

    • Fetch only has ESPN1 and ESPN2 as sport channels.

      AFL and golf are shown on Fox Sports which is exclusive to Foxtel.

      Foxtel Now is not locked to any ISP.

    • Foxtel/Tesltra has the AFL rights. The only sport channel included in the pack is ESPN. One channel of BeIN Sport is $15pm extra and if the Fetch is through Optus, you can also get Optus Sport (EPL, Cricket) either included in your broadband/phone plan or $15pm extra. Foxtel is much better for Sport.

      • +3

        Optus Sports is only available for Fetch boxes that were acquired from Optus.
        If you buy a Fetch box from HN or JBHiFi it won't have access to Optus Sports, even if you have a subscription for it through your mobile plan.

        • That's what I meant by "if the Fetch is through Optus" but your explanation is clearer ;)

  • I literally just sent mine back via a courier yesterday… goddamnit! :)

  • Can I use a second hand box if I am not an Optus customer?

    I found this:…

    The Fetch would be fun for a month… And then just use as a PVR

    • If you buy a Fetch box that has previously been activated by an ISP (eg. iiNet, Optus, Dodo) then as soon as the original owner cancels their ISP subscription then the Fetch box becomes a door stop.

      If you want to buy a second had Fetch box, ensure that it is a RETAIL box. ie. it has been purchased from JB Hi-Fi or Harvey Norman. That way you can re-register the box with Fetch using your own details. If the owner has been stupid enough to not clear out their details from the box, then go ahead and start ordering movies and entertainment packages. They'll get the bill :D. Of course, you'd better hope they don't know where you live :D

      • Thanks for that. I just got a similar response from Fetch

        "Thanks for your email, unfortunately Fetch Boxes supplied by an ISP (Optus in this case) are only operable whilst the original account they are supplied with is active.

        Once these accounts have been closed the boxes are no longer operational."

        Shame they cant be hacked at least to use as a PVR…

    • that's the probs with 2nd hand Optus boxes, you're at the mercy of the account holder who was issued it (if they cancel, then they're supposed to send the box back & Optus can OTA brick it - i.e. can't even start up like the one in your link).

      The other prob is for those who sell Optus Fetch boxes, the new owner can just buy things (movies, channels, etc) which will be charged to your account.

      Optus never did send a courier to fetch my fetch after I left them in Sept and it still works fine.

  • I bought it outright from Harvey last year Xmas sale od $279

    One of the best devices … You can even get World Channel Packages like Indian TV Pack, Chinese, Korean, Italian and more for add on $15 per month

    • Yeah, the world packs are good value. My dad subscribes to the Italian pack. He used to pay $23 a month on Foxtel for RAI Italia. Now for $15 a month he gets RAI Italia, RAI News 24, Mediaset and Mediaset Premium. That being said he usually watches RAI Italia and RAI News the most. The PQ on these channels are only SD and rather average SD at that but that's the same quality that you get on Foxtel, free satellite or the other pay-tv provider that provides access to these channels via satellite in Australia.

  • I must say I'm loving the Fetch Mighty.

    I moved across from a tivo using the tivo swap-out offer and must admit I haven't missed it's predecessor at all.

    I've still got the tivo, but it's becoming increasingly likely I won't bother with any modding to bring it back to life.

    Thumbs up for the fetch - it can be glitchy for some setups, but all good at my place.

    • +1

      Yeah I swapped from Tivo too. I'm happy enough but don't like that Fetch is very much designed to sell you more stuff. I don't want to 'navigate' to the recordings.

      • +1

        I don't want to 'navigate' to the recordings.

        Get yourself the Gen2 remote - it works with the Mighty and Mini, and has the PVR button, which goes directly to Recordings.

        Alternatively, get yourself a Harmony remote and map the PVR command.

        • Thanks, I'll keep it in mind.

      • True - an option to have a menu system that hides their advertising would be welcome.

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