Sell 5 items on eBay for free ($0 insertion and final valuation fee) till 31/12/2017
Mod: Updated deal to 'Garage Sale Trail Promotion: List and Sell 5 Items for free' terms and conditions page.
Sell 5 items on eBay for free ($0 insertion and final valuation fee) till 31/12/2017
Mod: Updated deal to 'Garage Sale Trail Promotion: List and Sell 5 Items for free' terms and conditions page.
That goes to an old promotion for me (as I've already accepted it)
Garage Sale Trail Promotion: List and Sell 5 Items for free
Pay no Insertion or Final Value Fees on five listings
Start date *25/10/2017 2:42:40 PM
End date 31/12/2017 11:59:59 PM
so if we sell an item, ebay will not take cut?
and how about paypal?
eBay only, you will still be charged PayPal fees.
What are the paypal fees?
Usually 2.6% + 30c.
do you recall what the ebay and paypal fees are?
eBay fees are about 13% + PayPal fees above.
Actually, eBay fees are 10.9% + another 10% GST on the total.
Actually no, the 10.9% is GST inclusive.…
Articulating on the articulation lends me to add that the cumulative eBay fee inc gst + pp fees apply to both the item and postage. This equates to even higher net fees.
Consider a $45 item plus $15 postage, $8.40 in fees which is effectively 18.7%
Do you know if eBay has ever explained or made any comment/statement in regards to why they charge FVFs on postage?
Let's say I were to sell something which costs $15 to post and I charge the buyer $15 for postage.
eBay takes their fee of $1.64 and now I'm left short with only $13.36 towards covering the $15 cost of postage.
I certainly wouldn't want to take a loss on this so now I'm thinking I should either increase the price of the item or charge a couple dollars extra for postage.
I'm really struggling to understand why eBay feels they should get to profit on this. How do they justify it?
It doesn't benefit anyone except eBay and ultimately it's the consumer who ends up paying the extra cost.
In your example, $15 + $15 - $4.35 fees leaves you with $10.65 for your item after postage. That's effectively 39% !
People used to wrought their fee schedule by charging $1 on an item plus in an example of your item, $29 postage, and back then there was no fee on postage.
In stopping that, eBay also later capped postage cost on some items possibly to give better buyer protection on item refunds. In doing so they effectively make you out of pocket immediately when your actual postage is suddenly 13.5% less, being the example you gave of the postage fee component only, let alone the item fee which is in addition as well.
@kamoi: Yes, the explanation was that people were rorting the system by selling items for low value and high shipping. About the same time they made the change, they also added mailing label printing with discounted rates, pretty much covering the difference, so if you printed the label via eBay, you usually did not lose any money on the postage.
@jaydisc: Do they still offer discount rate for the mailing labels? I thought last time I checked they were the same price as if sending through Australia Post.
Your links go to a .png image.
Can you provide a link to the deal so appropriate T&C etc can be read?
Exclusions apply I assume.…
5802 expires today (30 Nov) according to my offers.
That expires today.
I got this one but never received email for it. Accidentally saw that in my dashboard so I quickly relist couple of my unsold items :)
Pay no Insertion fees
Arent insertion fees free for the first hundred or something anyway?
Click into "What is the Promotion?" and you'll see no FVF as well.
Found it on my dashboard too. But it seems like there isn't a dedicated page for it yet. Clicking the T&C's or the Start Selling button redirects to this Free returns page
It's yet another targeted offer.
Is this targeted?
I find it quite funny now that every screenshot for eBay deals is showing that Bose QC35 headphones.
cocaine cassie would be proud
eBay trolling hard today.
If we already have an active listing, will cancel and relist the item qualified for this promo?
should do.
Thanks for the info
Worked for me with the weekend listings. Cancelled everything and mass resisted it. When items sold it was $1.09 fee only.
I’m not sure if the offer expires today or the items have to be listed today to qualify? hmm
Slow down Jim, does the item just have to sell before NYE? The T&Cs point somewhere else which then point back to the T&Cs. I called eBay and they said marketing has messed up.
So wait for tomorrow you think?
Normally when a promo like this is offered you need to create new (or relist) listings after the promo start date in order to qualify. If it’s an existing listing before the start date then it most always does not count. So the condition for this promo is no FVF if sold before end date.
would have been a perfect opportunity to buy on Amazon and sell on ebay!
How does OP know it starts tomorrow? the png shows only the end date. From his/her dashboard?
You are only eligible for this promotion if it appears in the “Promotional offers” sections of your My eBay account.
click on the get offer and it says
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.
Where can I find this section?
Took up the offer… CRAP it expires midnight tonight! NASTY!
$0 Insertion & Final Value Fees
Pay no Insertion and Final Value Fees on any items you list & sell. Learn More
End Date 30/11/2017 11:59:59 PM
Apparently you have to sell it by midnight 30/11
Nah man. Have to list them by midnight tonight, they have to sell before 31st Dec.
This is the ambiguous thing about "free listings". I had an argument once with an ebay customer service rep because they charged me the full amount of commission when I had listed an item during a promotion and it sold after the promotion ended. The ebay rep kept insisting the item had to be sold during the promotion. I hung up, called again and spoke to another rep, this time the rep said a mistake was made and refunded me the fees. All I can say is beware.
That’s probably a previous offer. You might need to relist tomorrow.
Clicked on the one on the front page, looked the same as the OP screenshot.
Deal is, LIST items by midnight tonight, free if told before 31 Dec.
You can’t choose an offer. They probably choose the one that expires first.
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.
I didn't get the invitation as well but don't worry as I'm sure they will give more of these promotions thanks to Amazon
Got this deal but it says 27/11 to 30/11. 😳
countdown until Ebay cancels this due to the 'leakers' from ozbargain
Lasts only til midnight? Lol what a pos deal.
Doesn't make sense that it's invitation only, yet advertised on the front page (logged in or not).
Guess we'll have to wait till midnight tonight to activate the offer? The offer I accepted three days ago expires midnight.
Good work Amazon. The more pressure on eBay the more deals they are forced to put out.
Cool, now we can sell all the shit we bought that didnt need from CyberMonday… o wait i mean Black Friday :D I guess thats why they have that "Sell this item" button on ebay for items you've purchased.
I have a feeling ebay stuffed up… it says "Sell for Free" but "Buy by 31 Dec" and when you click on the link, it says free returns. No mention of the $0 insertion and final value fee.
Had the same thing. However, the offer was in the selling section of my account, down the bottom of the page.
This is weird. If you click terms and conditions on the banner it takes you to terms and conditions for free returns by the 31st. Same thing happens when you click "start selling"
Could you stack this with the next 10% off eBay sale?
E.g. list something for $1000 with no insertion/sales fee. Buy it for 10% off at $900 and bank the $100? (Ignoring payment processing fees)
Only if you enjoy fraud.
eBay Australia must be getting nervous that Amazon Australia is setting up shop for marketplace sellers.
Try this offer
List and Sell 5 Items for free | Exp 31/12/17
Works for me, thanks.
I don't see how these kinds of deals help sellers. By removing the fees, sellers will lower their prices accordingly, which means that only the buyers really win in the end.
If it's an auction the demand sets the price.
It appears this is a mistake by eBay. The banner is now taken off the site.
"until NYE" "expired"
For the first 10,000 RSVP. Surprised to find out it was still available today since it has been on for over a month!
"We're sorry, the maximum limit of acceptances of this offer has been reached."
That SUX man
Please post link.