This was posted 14 years 3 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Misprint] Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 Pack on Blu-ray - $34.63 @ Big W

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In the latest Big W Catalog, which starts on Thursday 18th Nov, there is a picture of a Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 Blu-ray pack for $34.63… could very well be a pricing error though.

You can see the catalog page here:…

MOD: a user has called up Head office, it is in fact a misprint.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Now, if only we had a Blu-ray player…good price, though!

    • -2

      Think I have seen a sony blu-ray player for $108 at jb hifi. Might go tomoz to confirm

  • Great price if it's valid - wonder if JB will price match…

  • excellent price, is about AU$46 + delivery…

    think i might pay big w a visit

  • +1

    Great price, for great memories.

  • +1

    I hadn't seen any of the harry potter movies so I bought it from the last deal. Same with toy story - ill probably pick this up as well. Thanks for the heads up

    • You will enjoy both especially if u have kids!

      • +3

        Still have some time to go before I can enjoy some movies with my boy. He is only 3 weeks old :)

  • Can this be ordered online?

  • +1

    This is a misprint Big W does not have this instore, it is exclusive to JB Hi-Fi…

    JB Will NOT price match

    • Either a misprint on Big W's side, or a misprint on JB Hi-Fi's side.

    • +2

      JB HiFi havein the past stated many of their things to be exclusives, that have turned out not to be

  • It's on both the Big W website and in the catalogue in plain sight.

    Looks extremely unlikely to be a misprint.

  • +1

    cheap as for 3 great family movies

    • Where's Mick?

  • +2

    it is a misprint. price listed is for dvd 3 pack. stores did not (and wont) receive any bluray 3 packs

    • +1

      How do you know this info?

  • Looks good, but they are selling Toy Story 3 by itself on blu-ray for $28.82…which makes me think it might be a misprint. Lets hope its not though :D

  • Dirt cheap. The TS3 DVD by itself is currently $18.88 at BigW. $34.63 for all three movies on blu-ray is a fantastic bargain.

  • -1

    If it is a misprint, thats some serious false advertising there!

  • +1

    I think this answers your questions,…

    It's the three pack Toy Story DVD for $34.63

    This is almost certainly an error (or an extreme coincidence that the BluRay and DVD pack is the same price).


  • +2

    Pretty sad that $35 for 3 movies is a possible misprint here, yet they were selling 6 HP blu-rays on Amazon for the same amount. We get screwed over pretty bad in relation to content pricing (99c itune rental that's $3 here etc).

    • yep, and that's why more and more people are buying online.

      sad that an item can be sent here from the other side of the world with postage costs and STILL be cheaper.

      with our aussie dollar so good, EVERYTHING imported should be cheaper (movies, tvs, games etc)… but they arent. the middle man (JB's, Harveys, etc) are making huge profits off us, so vote with your wallet and go elsewhere.

      • +2

        Not true, its not always the middle man, in the case of Blu-Rays and DVDs, its the distributors, i.e. Sony, Warner, Roadshow etc keeping prices high.

        • +1

          100% correct, stores generally work of a fixed mark up so it wont get cheaper till our suppliers get it to us cheaper

      • I don't get it. If I'm selling slinkies for $5, why would I say no that guy must pay $9, this guy can pay $7, someone else can pay $5… it's just stupid. Especially online as there is NO cost difference for whoever buys it. The prices are higher everywhere (not just itunes), it's the content companies setting the benchmark prices that they all mark up.

        • because of capitalism?

  • If they don't have it in stock, I'll take a raincheck.

  • I just called big w to confirm the trilogy pack is that price and she told me that they don't have the trilogy3pack on blue ray they only have the trilogy pack on DVD. I asked if there getting the trilogy on blue ray like advertised and she said she dosent know!!! I'm like it's advertised starting tomorrow,so you can't tell me?? Can't believe the staff had no idea.. Might just give there head office a call..I'll let u know soon!!

  • +1

    Friend of mine works at JB and thats how I know about it. Apparently it happens from time to time when the supplier gives the retailer the wrong picture to put in their catalog and no one notices till its too late. I'm 100% sure this is a misprit and you wont be able to get it anywhere else but JB as its an exclusive

  • +1

    Yeap your 100% right.. Just called there head office and they told me exactly the same thing that you just said..
    Sorry for those who have blue ray and couldn't get trilogy on DVD is still a good but though??

  • Oh well. Might still try take the catalogue and see if I can find a newbie at JB who's dumb enough to price match.

    • +1

      Yeah…..let us know how it goes. However if you guys really want Toy Story 1 & 2, it's part of Myers 3 for $40 deal.

  • Good luck..nevr thought of that;$

  • Hey, just spotted this in the new deals section, Toys r Us have the bluray pack for $34.99:

    So the Big W price doesn't seem that crazy afterall

    • +2

      no….the way I read it, that's just for toy story 3

    • +1

      I think that's just for Toy Story 3.

      • +1

        Sorry you're right - my mistake!

  • -4

    if it is printed then they have to provide the product as advertise

    • +5

      Actually they don't, all they have to do is place a notice that they accidentally advertised the price incorrectly in store or in a newspaper and they have their arses covered.

      • +1

        This is correct. By law, they do not need to sell it, or anything at the advertised price. If it is an internal policy, they may sell it at that price.

        • well, i used to work in retail and I was told to always check when i put on a special price because whatever is display to the customer, by law you have to sell it at that.

        • +1

          Yeah, you don't HAVE to… but you usually end up with a bunch of pissed off customers if you don't :)

        • What about bait-and-switch?

        • You usually have to show intent or engage repetitively in such conduct for it to be considered bait-and-switch. I would say that confusing bluray and DVD would be a more innocent error and if anything, they would be given a slap on the wrist and made to advertise their error.
          It seems like a one off thing too - Big W afaik don't make too many errors. If you want the definition of repetition, see "DELL".

          Advertised prices are an offer to sell and do not constitute a contract. Most companies have internal policies that will honour some one-off errors ad incorrect advertisements, although as you have seen on this website, not all of them do, or do so consistently.

        • Trance N Dance is correct.
          There is an allowance in Consumer Law for incorrect advertising. They retraction must be published in relevant local papers and be displayed in store.

          Bait and switch is pretty hard to prove. Given that they don;'t even have access to stock of Blu-Ray versions, it would be even harder to prove

  • +2

    It's a mis-print!!!!!!! The picture in the catalogue should read DVD NOT b-ray!!!!! And they don't have to provide the product!!

  • Sorry, dupe of previous comment by oz-dxer.

    Blu-Ray 3-set: $46.63 from Amazon UK including delivery to Oz on pre-order (available 22nd November)…

  • You have to wonder how many times this "mis advertising" is done purposely just to get people into the store.
    Knowing full well that it is totaly incorrect.
    Then putting out the "misprint" excuse to get them off the hook.

    Then we will impulse buy something else while we are there.

    • +1

      lol mr conspiracy theory here

    • For Dell maybe…

      But seriously, we're all human, you have to expect a mistake every now and again… Especially of this type, the difference between a picture of a DVD and Blu-Ray is slight and could be easily overlooked.

    • Having worked on creating catalogues for a large retailer, I can say that intentional "mis advertising" is highly unlikely. It causes too much bureaucratic mess to be cleaned up later, it's not worth the extra effort. They need to publish corrections, make 'voluntary' undertakings to the ACCC, put compliance programs in place, send staff to training, find out how the error came about, explain what happened to the DVD supplier and deal with media. They would rather get on with their day to day jobs. In many cases, they would make the call to honour the wrong price, but restricted to the stock already on the floor.

  • +1

    All signs above point to this being a mis-print (had a feeling there was something slightly askew when posting the original bargain - hence my "could very well be a pricing error"), though I wonder if anyone will try to get JBHifi to price match their own exclusive item? :)

  • +1

    It's for the 3 DVD pack, not the Blu-Ray, confirmed with Head Office.

  • Wait, so its the wrong price AND the wrong picture? Was supposed to be the 3pack DVD?

    • +1

      not the wrong price, the DVDs are $34.63

  • *sorry double posted

  • +5

    STOP THE PRESS!!!! Just got price matched at JB Albert Street Brisbane. Bubbly girl named Kayla checked the BigW catalogue online, spoke to her manager and, in shock, did the deal. Girl at the register said "oh yeah we got a memo this morning saying we'd price match this". Somebody read it wrong? But a win for us. PM me for receipt.

    • Excellent MattyD. Awaiting for your receipt and hoping to get it for myself later this evening.

    • Could you please post your receipt? Thanks.

      • +1

        Limited access/ability at work, but anyone PMing me (ktks?) is welcome to post it. If you'd like it kumak, turn your 'contact' details on in your profile and I'll happily share. Alternatively <noob warning ahead> what's the quickest easiest way to post a pic online without signing up for a million emails suggesting my manhood needs chemical enhancement?

      • Anybody pointing out the noobiness of that question is preaching to the converted. Coolness fail and all that. The question stands ;)

    • Maybe a link to the receipt would save you some time.

    • I'll host it somewhere once MattyD sends it through if nobody else has by the time I get it

    • WIN

    • +3

      Just back from World Square JB, she looked it up on their Intranet its showing on there that BigW image is wrong so if they check that you'll be stuffed but here is MattyD's receipt proof…

      • MattyD: Thanks for the receipt.
        dvestate: Thanks for posting it.

        However, just got back from my local JB, they wouldn't match the price because there is no date on the receipt, and when I said BigW sell for that price, they said that the BD that BigW sells different with the one in JB.

        • -2

          "they wouldn’t match the price because there is no date on the receipt"

          Worst. Lie. EVER! "Why yes! I time travelled to this time next year and managed to pick it up in the bargain bin!!"

          Flippin' retards.

    • You got lucky my friend - well done. They said to me 'tough luck mate' as Big W don't even have stock. I also tried another store for the same result.

  • +1

    Price matched at the Sydney store on Pitt street. They tried to call big w but the lines were busy so just gave it to me for 34.63. Didn't even have the catalogue, just showed them the website from my phone. Easy!

    • My local JB wouldn't even price match their own website for me when I showed them my phone trying to buy Breaking Bad DVD's!

  • Anyone got a receipt of it from JB with a date?

  • Firstly…..thanks MattyD for the receipt (however I didn't use it). Tried price matching it in the World Square JB Hifi but they rejected me. They even show me a memo in their system stating that the Big W pricing is an error. However when I got back home and saw Sety's post, I gave it another shot at the TGV stall. The cute girl behind the register called the manager for approval and I got it without any question asked. Wooohoo~!!!

    Therefore, it's all about luck. But better try soon before word spreads among other JB Hifis. Get it quick.

  • Just picked up mine from TGV by just showing the print catalogue. Staff behind counter discussed amongst themselves, wondered if it was online only price but when couldn't find any mention of such, exclaimed "crazy price !" and let me buy at that price. I had the JB Brisbane scan on my iPhone in case but didn't need to use it.

  • Just got mine from JB-HIFI Pitt St, sydney at $34.63 didn't even have the Big W catalogue

  • LOL. I think the managers there couldn't be bothered to properly read the memo on the pricing error. They just assume it's something about Big W and Toy Story 3 and therefore allow us to price match it.

  • Ryde City (NSW) won't do it. They knew what I was after as soon as I asked them about their price match policy.

  • Aint no printing error, come off it!!!!

  • Before even seeing this deal here on OzB I went into JB early this morning and walked out with the Toy Story triple pack for $34.63.

  • Got JB to price match it at Willows Shopping Centre in Townsville. Just walked in there, showed the guy at the front desk the catalogue and he put it straight through :-)

  • Perth City JB also not doing it… they got this msg from BigW saying it's a wrong advertising. =(
    Anyone got any success, for Perth?

  • After my unsuccessful trip to World Square I hit up my local JB today (Macarthur Square) and walked out with a Blue Ray Triple pack for $34.63, they were going to call BigW but once I wipped out the catalog they put it straight through. So thanks BigW for stuffing up you printng :)

  • If it's acknowledged as a misprint, its not a bargain. JBHiFi Rouse Hill would not honour the price.

  • +1

    Yippie!! JB at Carindale (Brisbane) pricematched one of the Brisbane city receipts posted here.
    My wife had earlier tried JB in the city but they had big signs up about the Big W misprint..

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