• expired

Uber 25% off This Weekend 8pm to 2am Ghost Special (Max Discount $25)


Following a promotion a couple weeks back, another discount is available. I’m an existing customer and code was accepted. 25% off between 8pm and 2am. Max $25 discount.

via Instagram

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (214)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (212)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    I remember GHOSTWITHNAT, I used it but just a short ride.

  • +8

    Photo looks photoshopped AF.

  • +15

    Same girl, same assets being displayed. I think I've worked out their marketing strategy ;).

    • dont tell me…it's her singlet isnt it?! the "U" opening right?!

      • +1

        Original post has now been edited to not show the hot Uber chick from last special (if there's anyone trying to work out what my comment referred to) ;).

  • +1

    No nip slip this time. Disappointed.

  • +13

    more like Boober…

  • Not valid on uberTAXI or UberEATS , meh.

  • +2

    whats this

  • +8

    I think the Uber marketing team have figured out us complicated men. See attractive woman - click.

    • +2

      Edit: Bummer. No more eye candy. Marketing department got woke!

  • +1

    i dunno why i click

    • Same

    • Male.

  • +3

    Why won't any of these girls ghost with me?

  • +1

    supa hot blonde chick on the pic! who's that ? cashback as well for her new ride?

    • She's insta famous. Click on the thumbnail to go to her instagram.

  • +1

    I like a girl with the brains AND the boobs.

  • +7

    i'm a simple man. i see boobs, i upvote.

    • +1

      I read this last Uber post. Still funny.

  • I suddenly have an urge to use Uber….

    • +9

      A ‘rising’ urge, if you will.

      • +3

        At least your post managed to stay 'up'.

  • +2

    Be careful. I used this last promotion after midnight on the Monday morning and the promo didn’t apply :( Uber support was no help. Just said it had expired at midnight. A bit sucky given it says until 2am

  • +3

    I much prefer this non PC form of advertising, here's some boobs now catch an Uber, long may it continue!

  • +1
  • -1

    LOLOLOL it's no wonder they keep getting sued by women.

  • +2

    Did the social justice clique just barfed in here? So many removed comments

    • +2

      I started it all lol 🤣

    • +2

      We all know the war on terror, this is the war on BOOBS!

  • +4

    Original deal link (context)

  • +3

    So many offtopic comments. Sigh.. guys this is Ozbargain…

    Anyway for those using the Uber service, you may wonder who Pia is in the coupon code >>>


    • She is rather attractive. Great marketing.

      • +2

        Click click click

  • +2

    Society is changing so quickly (for the worse). Perhaps somebody could enlighten me on what words I can and cannot use please?

    • +5

      If you are a white male you are not allowed to have an opinion. Does that clear it up?

  • +1

    LOL the link with actual code for the bargain is marked off topic. Absolute power corrupts absolutely

    • Sometimes we look to community for feedback but sometimes we need to lead this community in a positive and respectful direction. With that said misogynistic comments and comments attacking others especially their looks are not inline with this community. All comments not about the deal or Uber are marked off-topic. Sorry to be so harsh but don't like it, then don't participate on OzBargain.

      • +2

        Thanks for the input Neal, much appreciated. What does ozbargain class as misogynistic? The misogynistic line in the sand is moving extremely quickly in society and I know I'm not the only one that struggles to keep up with this.
        If you could please go into more detail that would be appreciated. I'm very positive that it would aid us all in the ozbargain community.

        • +1

          If make reference to a woman's attractiveness, then you are a misogynist. No exceptions. /s

        • -1

          If you wouldn't say it to her face, then you shouldn't say it at all. If you would say some of the comments here to her face, then you should really reconsider how you treat women. Basically, don't forget she is a human being like the rest of us.

      • You forget to add "diversity is our strength!", "inclusion", "safe space for marginalized groups", and other such PC buzzwords/phrases.

        Joking, joking.

        Please don't ban me.

      • -1

        Ironically, by 1. Hiding comments which are positive about the person wearing the revealing outfit as "offtopic" and 2. Changing the Thumbnail, you yourself have actually acted disrespectfully, by engaging in what's called Slut-shaming.

        I'm sure that your intention is to do the right thing and I admire that, but you must also recognise that the line is a very sensitive one and at times you won't be able to please everyone.

  • The marketing style is much look alike an aussie version of football youtuber layla anna lee!

  • +4

    I know its just a guess since I can't see the comments, but I can't help but feel like some have been deleted due to the 'snowflake' culture we are currently falling into.

    Does she come with the ride? Heh-heh… Needed to throw a 90's Simpsons G rated line in here to fit-in.

      • +5

        @kzu, the woman in the picture is making a living from her good looks. The comments on here are admiring her good looks. That is not disrespecting women. It's getting like you can't comment on a women's attractiveness even when a company is cynically using sex to sell their product/service.

        Of course, if comments go beyond good nature humour that is a different story. I haven't read any comments that I thought crossed the line, maybe the mods did a good job, I don't know as the original comments have been deleted. The knee-jerk backlash you see is what people perceive as PC policing overreach that is now so common everywhere. BTW, I'm not saying OzBargain is guilty of this.

        • -3

          It's unfortunate that there is even a thing like PC backlash. Being "PC" Is basically acknowledging that everybody else's experiences do not match your own, and you have to be conscience of that when interacting with society.

          The mods did a great job. Sometimes companies deliberately use sex appeal to sell their products, but using a public forum with such a wide cross section of the community like OzB, is not the place to "appreciate" this.

        • +3

          @kzu: I disagree with your definition of PC. I'm sure PC advocates describe it so positively. I think you are confusing good manners and empathy with PC. In practice PC is overly sensitive, dishonest and authoritarian. A recent poll found 71% of Americans thought PC had a negative effect on the country and was preventing honest discussions about serious issues. https://www.cato.org/blog/poll-71-americans-say-political-co…

        • @rokufan:
          It's an interesting article which better reflects how conflicted Americans are on what is offensive and what is not. The 71% statistic seems rather stand alone and doesn't have much else supporting it - clickbait if you will.

          In terms of controversial topics, I agree that both sides suffer from dismissing the other by opting for name calling over serious discussion. Our definitions of being PC may differ, but I understand where you are coming from.

    • +3
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