Those accounts which are not used regularly have a 20% coupon on it.
Maximum discount $50
MOD: From the screenshot vcdeal has uploaded.
- It's a once-off code applicable to specific accounts.
- Coupon code expires 10 Nov.
Those accounts which are not used regularly have a 20% coupon on it.
Maximum discount $50
MOD: From the screenshot vcdeal has uploaded.
Has anyone thought that maybe that this just what they've decided to use as a sales tactic? I mean, it seems that it's pretty effective and it's possible that they have some marketing people working for them. Just a guess. But no, we'll just go with OMG AMAZON!!! instead.
I am sure they have some marketing people…reacting to Amazon!
But commenting about over-used subjects get you up-votes!
Yeah I know! People think Samsung went out and bought the latest iPhone product to dissect it and copy it's features too
Since when Samsung is planning to downgrade?
Game time fellas!!!!
got to get me a few extra dormant logins…
Can you use the same Credit card or paypal account on them?
time for a note 8
Max discount 50
Best discount to spend ratio is $250.00
Well no, the best discount to spend ratio is 0.2 (20%). Provided you're under $250 you'll always get the best discount to spend ratio.
Best discount to spend ratio is $250.00
You mean: "To maximize your discount, spend $250."
- Be sure to pick free-shipping over paid + postage (shipping is not discounted)
- Don't forget cash-rewards to get $2.50 back.
you can buy note 8 from the good guys ebay store with the current 20% off offer
That max discount is tiny
Username checks out
@vcdeal — do you have any proof, like email communication, banner ads, etc? Please provide them otherwise this deal would just be counted as speculation and will be removed.
got an email from ebay.
i have an account that i havent bought anything from..i'll try to send the proof
Maybe take a screenshot of the email, blank out personal info and upload it somewhere.
I have account which i have not used for a year. But no offer :(
Seems to apply only to OP. Useless to the rest of us. Hence irrelevent. best to remove.
Why don't I have one? I don't use my account that regulatory.
Oh you need to get your account regulated for you to receive these promotions :p
Ok good to know, good thing I check OzBargain regulatory
Was excited until I saw max $50 discount zzz…
7 upvotes… are people actually getting this deal or just excited?
none of my 3 accounts were targeted :(
How do we check?
I think just check the top of your ebay Summary page.
Also the scrolling banner on ebay's front page, if logged in, should show it.
Forgive them, for they have not known what they do
deal is legit - i got one on one of my untouched accounts
Seems strange that they send you a coupon where you have to wait 7 days to use it. Maybe expires in 7 days?
How to I make an "infrequent use" account? I created one a few months back, but I've never purchased using it. Is that why?
No emails (as usual) :-(
you had me at "20%" discount.
you lost me at, max $50 off.
I dun think anyone would honor ebays stupid marketing strategies
max $50 discount means total items must not exceed $250 for best bang for buck. question is, how many transactions?
Think its up to 3 transactions…but still only a $50 max…
should have been $100 max
$50 does jack.. lol..
So… when does it starts?
no discount code for me….
edit - if anyone not using their discount, would you mind sharing your code (via PM)?
Just not sure how does it work if you are a ebay seller?
EBay eats it. Seller gets all of their money as normal.
Not me again…
Thought I was missing on a 20% OFF for the LG V30+ (to be released on Nov 16 and this deal expires on Nov 10) -
But then, it was like, pfffft…$50 off as MAX???
Oh well, time to look for Christmas presents..
DIDNTGETSHIT working for me 😀
I have many eBay accounts myself and family members which haven't been used in ages or have never been used for purchasing and no emails or anything about this.
Not sure who they targeted!?
i was waiting for another ebay sale to buy an item i won. anyone not using their code care to share? thought i'd try my luck.
It's usually linked to the ebay account
why do they even bother with targeted deals? eBay should know I only buy stuff when there's a good sale
Same here.
Meh, annoying! Why not reward good customer's? Yeh sure they'll get a few sales but it's not going to turn them into regular buyers. There's a reason that they're dormant accounts, cause they don't buy !@#$
No go
My last Order date was 30 Jun, 2017, so maybe 12m dormant.
Lol I'm sure eBay would have another sale closer to Xmas
Why do I never ever get targeted. Not at work Not at school Not at ebay. Please somebody target me!!!!
Anyone have a discount code they’re not using? I have been wanting to buy this $200 bed frame but none of my three accounts were targeted!
As per OP … "It's a once-off code applicable to specific accounts"
Useless post. Nothing posted that is of any use to anyone here. Pull it down!
You can hide targeted deals by going to My Account -> Edit -> Deals and unchecking the Targeted deals tickbox.
Thanks boss
Where do you find the code if you are targeted?
I received a notification on the ebay app and now its vanished….
got My ebay->and then summary and that's where you should see it
Anyone know when the non discriminatory next sitewide ebay sale might be?
There's a new discount checkout code, PREZZY and it's actually up to $1000 discount. From selected sellers only.
Amazon panic! :)