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Osmer Titanium 216mm Offset Handle Scissors - $7.95 + Free Delivery - The Office Shoppe


Osmer Titanium 216mm Offset Handle Scissors

$7.95 including Free Delivery (34% off)

  • 216mm total length.
  • High quality, titanium coated, stainless steel blades (measuring 2.75mm thick each!)
  • Titanium coating provides a superior finish for sharper blades, with greater corrosion resistance and durability then ordinary stainless steel scissors.
  • Offset Handles allow use just above the work surface for a straighter and neater cut.
  • Inlayed soft grips provide greater comfort.
  • Great for dressmaking and all general home, office, school or art & craft use.

Sale ends Monday 30/10/2017 23:59.

PS: Free delivery on ALL orders! 10% off EVERY order over $55!

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The Office Shoppe
The Office Shoppe

closed Comments

  • +2

    $7.41 here(okschoolandoffice.com.au)

    $8.32 here(cookiesstationery.com.au)

    No free shipping but does make the 34% discount sound a little unrealistic.

    • +2

      That's the price you pay for shopping at a fancy-named stored such as 'The Office Shoppe' instead of 'The Office Shop'

      • +4

        That extra "pe" doesn't come cheap ya know! ;-P

        Seriously though, postage does cost real money, and we all know who ultimately pays - the customer.

        So, I'll leave it to OzBargainer's to do their own math… but when you factor in delivery ($8.25 & $10.89 respectively) our price is still a great deal ( OK - I'll give you a hint… it's about 50% cheaper ).

        We've matched each of our products with Australia Post size and weight guidelines to ensure we achieve the lowest possible delivery and packing costs. Thats why we do free shipping on all products/orders, so that anybody can place an order (big or small) without waiting to find out shipping costs at checkout (or having to make a minimum order amount).

        See our Packing and Postage(theofficeshoppe.com.au) section for details, and/or I'd be happy to answer any questions. :-)

        • +1

          I agree, I post small 250g parcels on ebay and the postage cost now via Aus Post is $7.95!

        • math'S! We are not American - yet.

        • @hell0: I hear ya, they must be running the vans on PULP these days! ;-)

        • @wfdTamar: gosh darnit - my bad! :-)

  • Thanks OP, loved the scissors are sharp (well, DOH) safety warning. The things ya gotta do in the Nanny State era sigh

    • Heh, yeah beerbely, whodathunkit… scissors are sharp! 8-P

      Unfortunately the suits insist - I hope you at least got a belly laugh out of it! :-D

  • Thanks! Was just looking for one but couldn't really find an angle kitchen scissors for a good price. also, a + for your attitude! :)

    • Thanks and your welcome kza2610. I'm glad you found what you were looking for! :-)

      • Wow! Shipped Tuesday, and received today. Great job :👍😀

  • Thanks Op. Was looking for new scissors. Got any deals on a small pair for my travel pack and one for the first aid kit?

  • No probs kalt19.

    I'd recommend our Osmer 114mm Embroidery Scissors(theofficeshoppe.com.au) for both needs. Again, high quality scissors:
    * Vanadium stainless steel blades (measuring 1.75mm thick each!).
    * The vanadium significantly strengthens the stainless steel and improves corrosion resistance.
    * Nice and sharp, pointy tip.
    * Great for embroidery and all sorts of personal uses, and are compact enough to easily fit into either kit!
    * Made in Korea.

    These are also on sale - 2 pairs for $12.00, or 3 pairs for just $2.50 more ( always handy to have a spare ).

    Or our Osmer 155mm School Scissors(theofficeshoppe.com.au) are also a great buy at $5.95 each. They're a bit bigger, but have much longer blades, and a rounded tip… for safety conscious folks like @havebeerbelywillsumo. ;-)

    And as always… Free delivery on ALL products/orders! 10% off EVERY order over $55!

    I hope that helps you out! :-)

    • Would any of these would be suitable for cutting hair?

      • Hey @alidli - Our Osmer Titanium 178mm Scissors(theofficeshoppe.com.au) make a great pair of "DIY/home-style" hairdressing scissors… they're what I use at home! :-) Same quality blades/handles as the above 216mm scissors and perfectly sized for that job.

        I wouldn't use them for commercial purposes however, as I believe professional scissors tend to have steel handles so they can be dunked in that sterilisation solution between customers… I'm not sure what that stuff would do to the handles. But for cutting the family's hair at home, they'll work just fine.

        And FYI ALL: We've had a few latecomers to the original 216mm Offset Handle Scissors(theofficeshoppe.com.au) deal, so we've extended the $7.95 sale until Sunday 5/11/2017 23:59.

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