Happy to c this as Prague is always the city that I would like to visit. All I need now is a bargain airfare. =)
Free iPhone Lonely Planet Prague City Guide 02 NOV [WORKING NOW]
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are there 2010 ones ???
(mine dont have dates)
These apps have been around since 2009 - they don't come out with a new one for the year, they just update the existing app.
Says it's being modified at the moment and won't download, says to try again later.
yeah still being modified…
works now :)
I was going to post this when I saw it was free, but it isn't actually usable. Someone has jumped the gun here. Neg vote as no bargain can possibly exist if one cannot download the app.
it's a freebie, not a bargain…
I downloaded it
did u download it just now?
I still can't! Still being modified.
still.. im happy to get a heads up.. matter of time before its "downloadable"
it's working now
Your logic is flawed, if you tried to download it, it
must exist, otherwise you should invest in some white walls!I have since got it to work, but my logic was actually flawless.
It was actually the bargain which I doubted existing, not the product. If I cannot download said program, then no such bargain exists.
Look up logic in the dictionary and you will see my smiling face.
Is it green, with pointy ears? :p
Ummm, I've acknowledged it was not the OP's fault I couldn't use the bargain.
The bargain does not exist because someone posts it, that's your flawed logic. The bargain exists when I can access it and actually use the app.
I saw this app as free about 2 hours before OP, but couldn't access it (actually if you read earlier comments, noone else could either), at that point it was not a bargain despite being posted.
Please try to use an ounce of the logic that you so like to claim to possess.
Notice how the OP says "now working", this means at one point it was posted and not working!
It's a bargain as long as -somebody- can access it, and derives value from it. The voting system is not a way for you to personalise the site, or rank posters based on the relevance of bargains specifically to you.
The problem has nothing to do with logic, but your understanding of the system. The way you understand it is something that I'd very much like to see on OzBargain as well, but the reality is that it doesn't work in the way that you think it does, or how I want it to.
@ zzyss
When kiriakoz said that he couldn't access, he was refering to the fact that no one could download it, not just because he doesn't have an iOS device (which I believe he does). He is not trying to personalise the site or vote based on relevance to themself.It is simply a case of the deal not being active yet (similar to group buy sites).
i could download it.
my bad. this ended up working for me… can I somehow undo the neg vote? I'm relatively new.
I think the poor reception at work was the reason for it not working originally.
On the right on top of the image, click on the "votes" tab, find your name and there should be an icon next to your vote that you should click to revoke your neg.
when i try to dl from the iTunes store, the message box pops up telling me that I will still be charged (despite the icon saying its free) ?!!!
But after you click 'Buy', another message box will pop up saying it's being modified.
which store? Australian or US ?
It'd be good if the guides were merged into one bargain
no, then i wont know when new ones are added… there are different ones each day…
the Aussie store. I really hope they come through on this freebie cos I'll be going in November
how much are you spending on the trip? and is the cost of this app going to make much diffence?
i can see it now, a world adventure based entirely around free apps! :)
That is besides the point. Everyone enjoys a freebie irrespective of the $ value, especially when this would come in handy (and would save on international roaming fees if you need to look up something on your trip)
it's working now. enjoy your trip~
I think you're missing his point - he is saying that he can see some OzBargain users so cheap that they'll plan a round-the-world trip itinerary on the basis of which Lonely Planet guidebooks they can get for free on their iPhones.
Frankly, I can see it too.
Stella, I was referring to jv's comment, not 2enjoy's :) - and frankly, why not fork out 2k for a ticket right now to go to Prague cos hey, I saved $7.99 LOL. btw, i gave 2enjoy +1 vote, so i think I get it ! haha
*incase you missed my intonation, I was being sarcastic on the ticket.
Currently still seeing a prompt asking me whether I want to buy the app. Hopefully, it will be corrected soon.
Oops, just commented on a couple of other posts mentioning this. Good work lonely planet :)
Showing $5.99 @ US acc.
It seems that the app changes the price in different stores at different time. For example the Melbourne one was free on Australian store for a few hours before it eventually became free in the US store.
Still not working… ("being modified" error)
It's working now, just got it!
Yeeeahhhyyy!! Let the downloading begin!!
Judging by the comments on the NY City Guide in the other freebie post - which also had the same problem, it will probably become properly available in a few hours time (early afternoon).
Working now. Download away!
Now have 19 city guides, free, from Lonely Planet. I feel a bit better about buying their overpriced travel books, given the extra freebies they've been tossing our way.
does anyone actually buy these?
they are probably giving them away because in a couple of years they'll be a lot of it will be out of date..
There would probably be updates. It doesn't make sense to come up with a new app every time there are changes.
I have a dread feeling that they're offloading these now because there's something different around the corner. I mean, they don't seriously expect somebody to download a several-hundred megabyte update (per guide) every year, right?
Online version maybe?
Either that, or else they've found a way to make you pay for in-app content, and this is just to get as many people onto the apps as possible, so that they have a large install base when they roll out the new "feature".
This is awesome, I'm off to the travel agent first thing tomorrow to get a ticket to Prague !!!
Heck, I might even fly business class now since i got it for free…
When is my turn? Thailand!! Come on :P
Capetown is free also for those that care :)
OP you might want to update your post to include it.
lol they are giving all them away free
i guess the new 2011 guides prolly is coming out soon
not that things change that much!