Chatted with Telstra online today as my phone is over 24 month contract, has been offered the BYO $49 with 15GB data and unlimited calling with $10 discount - which means $39 plan with 15GB data and unlimited calling.
Telstra BYO 12 Month Plan 15GB Data+Unlimited Calls- $39/Month-Available with Online Chat/Call

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I think AU$39, Unlimited, 15GB, Telstra 4GX, No Locked Plan, No need for other Telstra services…. that is what would be competitive. There are plenty of (Optus) MVNO's offering similar or better plans, at similar or lower prices and don't require additional services or lock-in plans.
Telstra just knows that when the "4GX" starts to sputter, they have faster/better +3G coverage, and better phone call coverage in rural areas. As far as Metro is concerned, the other telco's are very competitive (maybe moreso) against Telstra… especially compared to a decade ago.
So i spoke to Telstra online and the agent advised as i have 3 or more services i can get the 5gig but there is no $10 off. I said multiple people have got the deal and provided a link to this page. They advised they could not access the site from work and could i copy the deal in. I then copied the OP's deal word for word (minus the contract ending part :) ). I then proceeded to copy each comment from here with people saying they also got the deal.
The Agent ended up saying 'thanks for the info' 'I have checked for you, Yes you will get same deal but you have already in contract.'
So after saying that they reverted back to saying due to my contract they can give me 5gig but no discount. I advised they always contact me well before my contract end date with a 'better' deal yet when i try to do it myself they throw up road blocks.
So it seems it can be done if your contract is near expiry but good luck if you have a contract already….
If this was negotiated it's not a deal.
Couple days ago, a similar deal on the $59 (@ $49) plan with extra 5 gig for ported numbers was offered, and some existing customers stated they were offered this instead IIRC.
OP, Are you sure you got 15GB plan? $49 plan provides 10GB and not 15GB.
If you sit on their page, you get a pop up for an additional 5gb/month for 'eligible mobile customers'.
Yeah that's for people with Telstra home internet.
How does one get to this page without the direct link? I have a current mobile service with telstra and wouldn't say no to an extra 5gb of data…
@teninchdk: telstra sent me the link in a text but others have used it to ask for the extra 5g via 24/7 and have been successful. Worth a try if you need the extra data. Good luck.
Optus offer the same plan for $30. Just sayin
where can I find this?
You'd need to call them….was a deal I signed up for ~2 weeks ago.
$40 plan for 12 months (with $10 discount, 15GB and free Optus Sport).
For $30, who cares if it's Optus or Telstra (same same)Makes a difference in coverage once you are outside of the cities.
Yeah, but its Optus.
That offer is expired.
Yes but with current competition, any provider will negotiate. Don't give up that easily.
I've tried. They won't do it.
I would rather better reception.
Chalk and cheese. having been on both networks, Telstra is a totally different service.
12 mth contract
Good for OP, but this pricing would be very hard to replicate
OP, are you able to provide any details through PM so I can mention to the Telstra Chat agent.
This is not a deal for all of the ozbargain community or even targeted - this is a single persons negotiation in a single instance.
Can confirm though it's for customers with multiple services (mobile + broadband, mobile + foxtel, etc.) Just sit on the page and activate the chat when the pop-up appears and mention it to the agent.
Edit: Didn't get $39/15GB a month, but got $49/15GB.
Chatted with Telstra online today as my phone is over 24 month contract, has been offered the BYO $49 with 15GB data and unlimited calling with $10 discount
And how is that a deal? I am not sure if this meets deal posting requirements:…
Is this better than Aldi or Woolworths?
Is this a real question?
Yes they both have mobile plans
Better regional coverage. Woolworths/Aldi mobile tend to use a similar area of the Telstra network to match Optus/Voda. Compare the coverage maps: Telstra. Aldi. Woolworths.
Had a quick look, it seems that the wholesalers only got the metro coverage And it should be done by the configuration.
Didn't expect that, i thought their speed is limited.
I got the same deal with the online chat +1 from me thanks :)
Just wanted to share my experience, chatted with 3 different operators and once I did the 1st, the next operator knew straight away that I've asked the same questions to the 1st one. Since I only have been having a prepaid account with Telstra, they wouldn't offer anything except what's written on Telstra website. The last operator I spoke to even forwarded the chat to his manager only to be told that I should join Telstra first and then they can negotiate a deal after 12 months.
Therefore, depending on your situation, in OP's case he's been with Telstra for a while, you may or may not get the same offer as OP received.
If it makes you feel any better I've been on various contracts with them for 4 years (2 mobile phones, not to mention home phone and internet) and they wouldn't give me a thing.
Yeah likewise, was knocked back last week when asking for this pricing/plan. I was previously with Telstra postpaid 2011-2014 and prepaid since 2012, but they took no prisoners.
OP is very lucky :)
Belong large plan with 15GB data and unlimited national and international calls for $50 seems to be better and uses Telstra network.
4G - not 4GX network though…
I moved out, I got several shockers. Now a prepaid sim slut and have paid around $120 over the past year or so.
Telstra needs to offer the same deals to all.
Mind to share the secret of how you got a slim slut, mate? Thanks in advance.
Hehe, he said sim not slim. I am guessing what he meant by prepaid sim slut is he constantly changing and starting new prepaid sim cards, just like a slut sleeping with one man then to another man. Probably not a nice description :p
Definitely hit and miss, I've had internet+foxtel for over 12 months and they are saying they only offer the $10 porting discount and 5gb bonus data for M ($59permonth) plans and above.. I'm on Boost $30 per month so it was only the extra data I was chasing for $9 extra. I'm hoping Boost up their allowances again soon..
Sorry unless everyone else can also get this deal, then it is not considered a deal.
Lots of ebay deals on here that are targeted?
I like it when people put these up, gives me idea of what’s out there.
I'm getting it right now, Mx Plan with 15gb for $39. Thanks OP.
What did you say on the chat? Just that you've had a friend get it?
Simples. I just got it done too haha!
Thank you for verifying those details Michael and may I please know if you have already decided which plan are you going to take on with your mobile?
You at 17:45, Oct 9:
Yes, I had a friend call up yesterday and he was able to negotiate a new plan for 12 months.You at 17:45, Oct 9:
BYO $49 with 15GB data and unlimited calling with $10 discountRegin Sidney at 17:47, Oct 9:
Oh got it and no worries then as I can easily put you on that plan as well and before we proceed on changing your plan, I just want to give you a heads up that a pro rata (part month charge) and month in advance will both appear as a once off on your next bill since we're about to make changes on your mobile plan whilst on the middle of your current bill cycle. Are we good with that?You at 17:48, Oct 9:
yepRegin Sidney at 17:48, Oct 9:
Alright, no worries as pro rata (part month credit) will also appear on your next bill for the unused days of service from your outgoing plan once the new plan has been activated. :)Regin Sidney at 17:49, Oct 9:
I'll let you know once I'm done switching your plan here on our endYou at 17:49, Oct 9:
Great!Do you have a reference number/order number? The rep says they don't have the deal. And they would need an order number or reference number as proof. Cheers
This too would be helpful to me if at all possible. Cheers.
I dont see anything on my account for a reference. Only the plan name of "Go Mobile Plus BYO Online Plan $49" and can already see the 15GB.
They say you should've received an email confirmation with an order reference, chat ID etc. They won't accept without it. Thanks!
Would recommend not providing an order or reference number as they will likely use it as evidence of passing the deal on to someone else, which they generally EXPLICITLY state not to do, and both block you from receiving it as well as penalising and removing it from the original order too.
Good advice, but geez Telstra… vindictive much??
Talked to 4 different telstra live chat sales members on Friday and none of them were able to offer this deal so I ended up signing up for the JBHIFI $49/month with 20gb data and $100 gift card deal. Lucky you!!
Thanks OP - I was able to get this deal just now recontracting - I was a month out from contract ending.
Anyone had any luck with this if you’re still in a BYO contract with Telstra? I have 3 devices on $40 plans 2 have about 10 months to run the other one 6 but will recontract then all for 12 on this if possible.
I have 6 months left on 2 phones and they are telling me that "no $10 discount for MX plan exists". Literally chatting with them right now.
Just ask to be transferred to "Regin Sidney" haha.
which department is Regin from? is it disconnections?
just support.
got this deal this morning, $39 for 12 months, 15gb.
Do you have any sort of reference number, chat ID or order number we could quote to get the deal matched?
didn't keep the transcript, sorry.
To be honest, i didn't even give the chat girl my information yet, i just asked if they could match Optus and she said as i was a loyal customer (don't know how she would know that if i hadn't given her anything yet) she could do the bonus 5 GB (bringing it to 15) and would price beat it by a dollar.
How long have you been with Telstra? They told me they couldn't give me a time frame of what they class as a 'loyal customer'.
@teninchdk: about 5 years, but like I said she didn't even have my details prior to giving me the deal, only once i accepted did she ask for my information.
Seems like it varies depending on the person you get, keep trying!
I love how everyone posts "yep, got this deal" but no one is giving any actual details. The operators I spoke to just straight up refuse to discount the MX plan and say "no operators can discount it".
Some info on how others can get the deal would be great!
Same, I couldnt get the offer.
Damn! I was chatting to Pooja yesterday as well and would not give me a deal at all.
They told me to call 132200 as the live chat can't give the $10 discount but they can give the 5gb extra…
Yep I was told to call them too, and I had been burnt enough in the past with those clowns saying "its online only, we can't touch it".
I wouldn't have bothered except I work in an area where there is only Telstra 3Gbreception and nothing else (sometimes even no Telstra). Will probably make it a matter of principle to stick with Woolies/Aldi as only need 3Gb per month muahahaha
I tried again and managed to get the deal, the agent name was Santosh. maybe keep trying with different agent. He said the new plan will kick in 24 hrs, i guess we'll see.
I'm an existing Telstra customer on a 12-month BYO mobile plan.
They would do the M plan with bonus 5GB and $10 discount, but wouldn't do it for the MX plan.
I asked for just the $10 discount on the MX (I don't need the data) and they couldn't even do that (each time she had to seek Supervisor approval which took about 10 mins btw).Tried again, this time asking them to match Optus 15GB/$40 (rather than match the negotiated plan of a "friend") and again they wouldn't change price on the MX plan, only the M plan.
Again I said I don't want to pay more than $40.
"The best which I can suggest to you is that please call on 132200. There is our dedicated sales team. They can provide you more offers for this."
So I call and as usual get told that the MX plan cannot be changed…
The crazy thing is I'm on a plan from over 12 months ago where I get 7GB/$40 which is miles ahead of anything they can offer me at that price today.
Also they were happy to offer 20GB/$49 yet wouldn't take a cent off the 10GB/$49 plan. WTF.Same thing happened to me. I'm on a $40 plan that has 8.5gb, already off contract but not willing to pay more, if I got more for the same price then i'd recontract. The most i've been offered is 10gb for 44. Not worth it and i'm ok staying as it is, it's more than enough data and calls for my current usage.
Finally had a win, and a very easy one at that.
Increased my existing plan from 7GB to 12GB, no negotiating and Superviser approval required:…
Simply ask them to apply this to your account. That's it.
It even stacks with other bonus data. I'm technically on 5GB +2GB bonus data, and I now have 12GB. :)
Enjoy!You could switch to Optus with the $40/15GB. Maybe if you told them you were going to switch they might change their tune?
Online chat rep told me they cant change the price on $49 plan as its online plan only.
I got told that can either have $10 discount or 5g but not both and that is part of a multiple services discount (have 2 mobiles)
Hello there, long time lurker, finally a post. I've called 2 Telstra guys(normal number), 1 Chat and 1 at 132200. All say the same thing, no discount unless you change over from a different contractor/company. I couldn't even get a deal or whatsoever. Been with Telstra for 8-9 years now and loyalty just means nothing to them. It would be nice if someone of the guys who got a deal could contact me, maybe they can help. Cheers, good deal, if you get it :)
Just wait for a Kogan deal which come round every couple of months. I paid outright $315.08 for 12 months of unlimited calls/text & 16GB ($26.25 per month) on Vodafone network. I haven't had any issues with their speed/coverage.
Shruti: I can give you $59 plan with 15 gb data and $10 discount.
Shruti: We don't have authority to give discount more than $10, system does not allow us to apply discount more than $10.=(
I got the same response.
me too. copy/paste jobs.
Did one better and got 20GB and unlimited calls for $49 per month + $10 credit!
Skipped some personal details but here's the chat log:
Hi Dondon, I had a friend call up yesterday and he was able to negotiate a new plan for 12 months. BYO $49 with 20GB data and unlimited calling with $10 discount
Dondon at 20:09, Oct 9:
No worries. I am happy to check on this for you.
Dondon at 20:16, Oct 9:
Thanks. I'm pulling up your account now. It may take 2-3 minutes
Dondon at 20:18, Oct 9:
I can see here that you have been our valued customer so we are able to provide the same. How's that sound?
You at 20:18, Oct 9:
That sounds great!
Dondon at 20:19, Oct 9:
As usual, once the plan has changed, you will get part charges of the old and new plan, plus month in advance for the new plan on your first bill. Are we good to proceed?
You at 20:19, Oct 9:
Yes that's fine
Dondon at 20:20, Oct 9:
No problems. Please allow me few minutes to process the order for the BYO $49 with 20GB data and unlimited calling with $10 discount
You at 20:21, Oct 9:
Thanks mateCheers for the notice!
Mate! You gotta provide a reference number or something so we can all get this. How long have you been with Telstra?
Funnily enough I am trying again right now and got the exact same guy, Dondon (unless it's a common name).
He isn't being quite as friendly to me as Michalek has been with telstra for over 10 years (according to Dondon).
Said he can give me $40 for 10gb and not much else.
You're lucky to even get 10gb for $40! I haven't even been able to get that!
Be sure to mention the optus deal mentioned further up, $40/month for 15gb.
I said "Surely you can beat Optus and keep my 2 services on for another 12 months?"
@teninchdk: Ahh… I'm a new customer. They seem to be offering better deals to current customers at the moment (based on the comments).
@ihavecentsnotsense: Try pasting the extra 5gb for free link and asking for it. If it doesn't work just close and reopen the 24/7. Seems to be very dependent on the operator.…
You: Surely you can beat Optus and keep my 2 services on for another 12 months?
Regin Sidney: Sure thing and may I please confirm with whom am I chatting with?
Regin Sidney: Thank you for verifying the code XYZ and what we can offer here on our end is our Go Mobile Plus Mx Plan $49/month - 10GB but as a valued customer, I can make it $39/month and 10GB + 5GB Bonus Shared Data plus unlimited talk & text for over 12 months. How does that sound to you?
You: Optus is offering 300 international minutes in the 40$ plan. I would either like 35$ or something other service added to the plan
Regin Sidney: Apparently our Mx Plan doesn't include international minutes and that is already the cheapest plan which our market has to offer at the present. You may even view this link: Mobile BYO Plan ***** to see what I'm pertaining about.
You: Thanks for the offer but as per the optus link Optus has a better offer at the moment.
You: I was willing to go into a contract, certainly 4$ could have been negotiated.
Regin Sidney: As what was mentioned above, what I can do here is a $39 plan with 10GB + 5GB of bonus data which can be shared across all of your mobiles on the account plus unlimited talk & text.
You: Is there a contract for this ?
Regin Sidney: Yes as it would be for over 12 months of contract.
You: hmm.
You: ok ill take that offer then
I've tried phone and online chat now and the best I've been offered is $49 a month for 15gb data. I'm a new customer as well.
You might be best with this if you are looking at changing for that - I was hoping to pay closer to $39 a month (the Mx plan with a $10 discount would be perfect for me). I'll keep trying!
This is a great deal if everyone can get it, but im suspecting it would highly depend on who you get on chat, and whether you have a nice pre-existing history of being with them..