Free Pizza if you are lucky - same deal like last week
Code works on all Value, Traditional & Premium Pizzas. Code valid until Wednesday 4/10/17
Free Pizza if you are lucky - same deal like last week
Code works on all Value, Traditional & Premium Pizzas. Code valid until Wednesday 4/10/17
Good luck Doweyy.
Oh whoops, yep AEST, been the same for the last 2 promos so far.
I took your comment a advice but I am in QLD LOL
Yeah my bad.. I won't comment timing on the next deal lol.
When's the next giveaway?
I see what you did there!
Thanks, beat me by 5 minutes.
Not acceptable Scab - why you were late? Did you manage to find your Sydney Apartment under $100K ;)
Was freaking playing Titanfall 2 and ended up doing a duplicate.
BTW, did anyone get yesterday's thickshake giveaway, I forgot all about it?
Reported to the mods
Not available yet
no thanks, it isn't worth my time.
Thanks for your generosity, better chance for the rest of us.
Thanks for letting us know that you aren't taking advantage of this deal post.
Last time it was at 4pm this time i think they go 4.30 or 3.30 to mix it up
That's what I said last time and it was still 4PM.
Both free pizza giveaways have been the same time.
Winner winner right here
Your are fking right! thanks mate!
Keep clicking on refresh button for don't know how long for 1 free Dominos Pizza ?
Write a batch file or get an extension, does all the hard work for you so you don't burn any valuable calories.
This well go well with my 2 free sides coupon :D fingers crossed!
Edit: Just remembered I start work in 2 hours, there goes that dream :/
Thanks for going to work, better chance for the rest of us.
How did you get the coupon?
What? Free sides coupon?!
Share the codes so we can test if it will work for you :D
Anyone still got that link that actually worked from last time when they got swamped?
Might come in handy.
Where did you get that link from last time?
I am the hacker known as 4chan
has this started yet ?
No will probably start around 4pm like last time.
No, starts at midnight.
LOL! Such an (profanity) move :P
ah scab i will remember that move!
Worked for me.. Great - your free pizza voucher is below!
We hope you enjoy your pizza - feel free to let us know your feedback on our Facebook page!
When do they expire? I still have one from last week…
4th October.
Your one from last week expired on this Sunday just passed.
These things only last about a week, need to use them fast.
They screwed up the date
Great - your free pizza voucher is below!
We hope you enjoy your pizza - feel free to let us know your feedback on our Facebook page!
EXPIRES 2017-10-25
looks like we got a month to spend it
I'm not sure I'll risk it though, will probably wait a few days and see what other codes can be combined with it like last week (Got the free 1.25L Drink with my free Pizza last Friday) and use it before the 4th anyway just in case.
They told people in the comments on FB that the expiry is the 25th. So I am going to most likely risk it.
Last week's coupons already expired. Why get one when you're not going to use it? Someone else could've enjoyed the free pizza.
I didn't know it would expire so quickly.
I am pretty sure his intention was to use it if he was fortunate enough to get one from last week
I am pretty sure his intention was to use it if he was fortunate enough to get one from last week
The road to pizza hell is paved with good intentions.
Incorrect, i used my code last night. Mighty tasty.
This one expires: EXPIRES 2017-10-25
good luck, im not going to waste my time again
Scab please insert generosity comment here
live go
Got one, thanks OP!
Go go go
gettem boys
Got one! :)
got one :D
Yes. Got one!
got it :)
1500 gone in 1 minute, wow!
Got one. :-)
Got one!! YAY
Got one :-)
Got one this time :)
Thanks op.. Got one this time..
Sweet got 1 for me and 1 for the mrs!
Got one, thanks!!
Din Dins, thanks!
Live just got one!
Missed out!
Winner winner pizza dinner
all gone
gone again,,
and that's all folks
all gone !!!
5K in 6 mins LOL
dammit. ..
Received a phone call at work, and all gone.
Looks like they screwed up = Expiry on the vouchers ins EXPIRES 2017-10-25 while their tos its Valid only until 04/10/2017
Which one is it LOL
I would go with 4 Oct just in case.
They told people in the comments on FB that the expiry is the 25th.
missed it by 30sec
yay yay!!
Everyone commenting that they got one could at least thumbs up/ + vote this bargain to show their gratitude for it being posted…
edit: a very hearty lol at the ungrateful douchebags negging my comment.
Interesting that the OP's code is only valid until the 4th, mine says: EXPIRES 2017-10-25
Hmmmm dinner sorted got 1
Worth setting a reminder for 3:59pm to get ready for the link, as 4pm is the most likely time for the promo to start.