• out of stock

Domino's - 5000 Free Pizzas (Facebook Required)


Free Pizza if you are lucky - same deal like last week

FB Link

Code works on all Value, Traditional & Premium Pizzas. Code valid until Wednesday 4/10/17

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closed Comments

  • and…..they're gone

  • randomly saw this post.. clicked through to see the FB offer live only 4 min before .. and missed out… almost the best day every.

  • +2

    I got the coupon it say valid till 2017-10-25,but t & c say till 4th October only.Now confused which date is correct.??

    • +1

      According to comments on their FB, 25th is correct.

  • So much for 4PM.

  • Expected it'd be 4pm. Just checked then at 20 to, it had been up for ten and they already gone.

    If nothing else, I'm impressed as always guys.

  • +1

    Fark! I thought it was at 4.

  • How do they give out the code?

  • o wtf how fast was that

  • I almost missed it. Had to type in my facebook email address. my normal email didn't work.

    • i didn't use FB email, but still got it. Just got the voucher in my email too.

  • All gone @

  • +3

    Theres going to be a whole wave of people coming back around four and learning they missed out

  • must be a scam, i think they have less than 5000, cant be all gone within 6mins. arent most people at work?

    • +2

      School holidays = more kids on facebook

    • +6

      You underestimated us people with nothing to do all day.

    • +1

      Why let work stop you from grabbing a bargain? Also plenty of casuals, students, part time workers, work from home people around :)

    • and what kind of a workplace blocks facebook? :p

    • Yeah, working full time here.
      Still have my smart phone and access to my terminal here though.

      While I wasn't F5 camping, I was making sure to check every 15 minute interval.

      • -1

        Well there are over 5000 people logged on to ozbargain so I guess its possible everyone just got their codes, like a click frenzy lol..

    • I quit my job last week and I managed to score 2 codes yesterday. Maybe you should consider quitting too?

  • Haha my partner and I both scored 1 pizza! Great!

  • Wow and I thought it'd be around 4. Should have been watching, oh well no free pizza tonight. :(

  • Damn I was too busy watching a youtube video on escobar lol

    • +1

      You missed out on having plenty of dough just like him.

  • +1

    Mmmm peri peri chicken. Bless you OP

  • Guess I was too late? :( I get the thing that says 'all free pizas given out' dammmmn

  • +2

    "for those who missed out, keep an eye out for next week"

  • Let the begging begins

  • +3

    I missed out too. I was too busy trying to put this bargain on Ozbargain's Instagram…

  • +1

    Missed out due to this comment Doweyy, now you owe me a pizza! :p

    • +9

      Code sent for compensation :)

      • +1

        Yeyy thank you so much doweyy… So nice of you… :)

    • I missed for the same reason 😪

      • +4

        I'm sorry! If I can nab a code for the next deal, I'll try get a code for you :)

        • Thanks very much!

        • +1


          Would you like my code I got for todays deal? :)

        • @doweyy:

          I would love it! Thanks (pm is enabled) 😃

  • Damn thought it was 4pm

  • Got 1! Thanks Oz bargain. Glad I didn't follow those comments and didn't wait till 4 pm :) They were gone in 6 mins :O

  • +3

    Rip me

  • +1

    Missed out again, got fooled by the 3:59pm reminder lol

  • -1

    Am I too late? Free pizzas?

  • +1

    missed out because i had work..

    • I'm sure your work pays better than a free pizza :)

      • not really :P

      • +4

        He probably works for Domino's.

  • -3

    Managed to get 3 free pizzas for dinner. Got lucky with the timing.

  • Whoa! Whoa! That was a rush. I didn't get free pizza, but look forward to participating in that again!

  • -1

    It makes you question … was there really 5,000 pizzas giveaway? or was it some sort of marketing scheme trying to get traffic to their facebook page ….

    • Whatever. At least we got free pizzas

      • -2

        Pizza(s) … really? no wonder out of stock …

        • Yes both my partner and I scored 1 pizza. We ordered two premium pizzas last night and they tasted awesome!

        • -4


          for a gal, you should watch your weight .. dominos is not healthy.

        • @tempura:
          haha thanks for your concern! I exercise at least 3 times a week now and I eat only half a pizza for a meal actually so it should be fine

        • -3


          I am just looking out for you, @citygal

          Have a great long weekend ahead!

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