Just noticed this on EB Games, doesn't look like its live yet tho
Xbox One S 500GB + Destiny 2 + Forza 3 $299
Just noticed this on EB Games, doesn't look like its live yet tho
Xbox One S 500GB + Destiny 2 + Forza 3 $299
Forza 3 and Forza Horizon 3 are different games :P One is 360, other Xbone, but still maybe include it for completeness.
I wonder how much I will get for trading in the game on day 1 of release. Not very interested in FPS games, just looking for a replacement for my faulty xbox one. :x
Maybe $50 if you're lucky. Call and ask
Shall hop by on the 6th and ask them. Thanks!
I'm guessing $30
Thanks. I got $65 off ebay, but minusing the fees and postages fees, I'm getting about $50 back. I'm contented with it. Gonna sell the Overwatch as well. I got the $369 bundle from jbhifi. Didn't like the $379 deal from ebgames with destiny 2, gta v and call of duty black ops 3. Both 1TB bundles btw. Figured it was worth the extra money for 1TB and overwatch for $70 more than the $299 bundle.
Get more off Gumtree :P
Will you take 50 cents for it, can pick up now and pay cash?
I'll give you a bazillion dollars for it, I'm on an oilfield and don't have banking so you just need to pay my shipping agent a release fee.
I'll buy it and pick it up today, then I won't show up and ruin your entire day.
I'll buy it for the listed price, then when I amazingly show up I'll haggle until you pay me to leave.
Ozbargain needs to be changed to allow us to upvote comments more than once.
Well done Scab, u succinctly described the pain…
He is talking about BUYING.. not selling silly scab
I'll buy it from you if you don't want it =P
Forza 3 and Forza Horizon 3 are different games.
if you have a cex store nearby I'm pretty confident you will get $49 in cash for it
cex store
Porno shop?
He was asking about Destiny 2 trade in
I'd take Horizon 3 off of anyone not interested in it.
Might want to mention Forza Horizon 3 is a download code (no disc), which is 55GB in size.
Download code is better as you can play it on the PC too.
Think once you have it on either platform you can play it on the other
Xbox disc versions? No.
Xbox download codes? Yes.
PC disc version (if applicable)? Yes
In short: If it has a code that goes to your MS account, you can play it on PC.
Did not know that! Are all download codes for games available on PC?
Yes, but only for games part of microsofts play anywhere.
E.g I got Gears 4 PC code, I can play it on Xbox and PC
I got HW2 ultimated ed PC disk version, I can play it on both PC and Xbox.
Both of the above can also be family shared on your xbox.
Its an awesome system. Perfect if you have siblings for example. You can play it on the PC and they can play it on the xbox-with you!. I love it.
Yes. Ok so:
I activate the play anywhere code, put it on my account. Then on the Xbox, i set the xbox to family (which shares gold and all my activated code games) to my family on the xbox. Meaning my brothers benefit from my gold, and play any digital (code games) that I have activated on my account and downloaded to the xbox.
Next, for example, my younger brother can go on the xbox, log into gears 4 (digital code game), and play it by sharing my gold.
Since the game is on my account, and it is play anywhere, I go onto my PC, log into gears 4 (with my gamertag/MS email that has code on it, through Xbox app+MS store) then I can invite my brother to party and game (literally exactly like an xbox would). Then we can play horde, campaign, versus etc together. On the same digital code (since my account shares it on the xbox he is on). We have done this many times. Note: The game must have crossplay between PC and Xbox in terms of multiplayer for this. Gears 4 does, for example.
Hope that explained it well.
@Ahbal: Perfectly. Wikipedia says the following have crossplay:
Crackdown 3
Fable Fortune
Forza Horizon 3
Forza Motorsport 7
Gears of War 4
Halo Wars Definitive Edition
Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition
Rise of Nations: Extended Edition
Riptide GP: Renegade
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Super Dungeon Bros
The Long Dark
Not a great list, but for that price, I wouldn't mind getting one to play some exclusives.
Do you know if Destiny 2 is download or disk?
This is a trade in deal, I feel like that is important information to include.
Yes, as it's very deceiving that you have to trade an 500gb Xbox One and 1 game.
The trade-in deal is another option on top of buying the bundle outright for $299.
I read it as "Bundle for $299 or $149 when you trade in a 500GB Original model + 1 game".
If it's 149 if I trade I'm in. If it's $299 after trade…
No it's definitely $299 with trade in, went in and asked.
Then an extremely deceiving looking ad.
@Soluble: My thoughts exactly. Unless of course, I got a derp worker, which isn't unlikely at EB games.
@ONEMariachi: Derp worker, the advertisement is very clear. Otherwise, why would they include a "$150 if you trade in". It's $299 outright.
@StickMan: They are aleays deceptive with trade in deals imo. But it's usually clearer than this. Eg get a nintendo switch for $399*
*when you trade in your WiiU, 15 games, 4 controllers and your first born.
So I'm hoping in this case it's an additional 150 off.
Hi there!
This deal is definitely $299 on it's own, no trade in required.
You can trade in your 500GB Xbox One Console + 1 Game for $150, in which case you would only pay $149 for the deal!
So, I have to trade in 1 game plus my X1 original and I get this for $299? Doesn't feel like much of a deal to me.
I also love how they say about the game you're trading in 'Must be in resealable condition'…So, they're going to pass the game off as BRAND new?
It says resaleable, so, able to be sold as part of their second hand stock.
Yeah, I totally see that now..I completely misread it as resealable..lol
Hi there!
This deal is definitely $299 on it's own, no trade in required.
The game you trade in must be in resaleable condition (not resealable) meaning that it can't be extremely damaged or broken.
Thanks for the clarification..So, if I traded the console + game in I'd get an additional $150 off? Which would bring the thing down to around $150ish?
I just relooked at my mistake..Hahaha..My bad.
Trade XB1 + 1 game and it's 149 for the console.
Hmm, it says it starts Wednesday. I believe it's $299 for the bundle outright.
If you wish to trade in a pre-owned, you'll get $150 for it.
Hi there!
This deal is definitely $299 on it's own, no trade in required.
You can trade in your 500GB Xbox One Console + 1 Game for $150, in which case you would only pay $149 for the deal!
Thats good! how much can you sell a used Normal xbox one for now?
Quick perusal of Gummy seems to indicate around $200.
If you want to sell it, now is the time. Once the One X hits I assume the regular One will drop in price even more.
Tempting, but then I still need to shell out $450 for another xbox… not sure I can justify it.
EDit: meaning the scorpio
I recently sold mine for $250 including postage, included the Kinect and TV Tuner.
Just got rid of my second original Xbox One. Tempted to get another S as they make good media players (4K / 3D Blu-ray / can install streaming apps from any region). Looks like you could make some money back by selling Destiny 2.
Do you need a vpn for the streaming apps to work?
You need a DNS service like Getflix, they have lifetime subscription deals every now and again.
$140.76 with 8% off gift cards and 2% cc fee :D
I read that moving between Xbox One and Xbox One S your account is tied to gamertag. So there is no license transfer like what we had to do moving between Xbox 360 to another Xbox 360?
Are you able to purchase this deal online? Also will this deal be available at midnight or we have to wait till early morning of the 6th?
Yet the Ps4 Pro Bundle is almost double this… And only comes with one game.
Come on Sony, drop it to like 400 and i'll buy one (with discounted giftcards).
Isn't the pro more powerful than an xboxs? I doubt they will drop their flagship it will be like asking Microsoft to drop their price of their new one to the price of a pro
Correct me if I'm wrong tho
Yes, it's much better.
But, the Ps4 Pro Destiny 2 Bundle is 649, vs $299 for the game, plus another game, and the best xbox. LOL. The prices don't equate.
I guess that's what the slim is for lol I see that coming down to 299 and pro to 499 by holiday period tho
Does anyone know what eb games lay-by policy would be with this deal?
Is the trade in value any different if the xbox one is 1 Terabyte version rather than the 500gb? The trade in says 500gb plus 1 game.
Any idea how much they'd trade my old 360 for?
Mod: Private selling removed.
Probably $20. They only take in the Slim and E models, not the original ones.
If only ps4 had this kind of a deal…….
jb also has this now for $299 + shipping until 09/09 https://www.jbhifi.com.au/features/games/xbox-console-bundle…
Also 1tb XBOX one S with overwatch goty, destiny 2 and forza horizon 3 for $369 +shipping.
The extra $70 for Overwatch and 500GB of storage is not too bad, but nothing spectacular.
ewwww Overwatch
Just to add another level EB has a 1tb bundle with Destiny 2 Black OPS 3 and GTA V https://ebgames.com.au/xbox-one-801466-Xbox-One-S-1TB-Consol…
The deal has disappeared from their site :-/
Thankyou! It must have droppes off to be updated with an end date!
Just picked it up, didnt have a game to trade so purchased a used copy of Destiny for $8.
With Destiny 2, does it matter if you have played the 1st one or not? If not, how does it go for single player?
Doesn't matter, new/'continuing' story arc.
It's said to be better for single player since it will have in-built finding for raid groups (raid = highest level gameplay).
Awesome deal. Used PokitPal gift cards for 8% off, came down to $276. Better than the MSFT deal on eBay as I was buying Destiny 2 regardless.
It looks like they removed the trade-in deal?
It was on the posters in store. Still available. For anyone holding off I sold both games for $107. So under $50 to upgrade. Well worth it IMO.
For anyone holding off I sold both games for $107
On Facebook, right? Pretty good deal nevertheless.
Yep, both paid and gone within a couple of hours!
I traded in my old 360 and a couple of games as well and actually ended up with $80 in store credit and didn't have to pay a cent. Ozbargain deal of the month for me!
It's forza horizon 3 not motorsport 5.