Cheapest option available as far as I know.
Free delivery from Singapore
Cheapest option available as far as I know.
Free delivery from Singapore
On the same token, the fact that you come here means you've saved money compared to if you didn't know of this site (including future purchases). So you're already ahead.
good point made, however impulse buys dont help haha
I bought some Huawai headset from the Telstra ebay store for $23 on an impulse buy.
Listed it on gumtree for $60 (to start haggling, was going to let it go for $23).
Someone paid the full $60 for it lol.
Sometimes impulse buys can pay off.
How long it would take to ship in Australia
Some other said they got their order between 48-72 hours from the point they placed it. But last time I order a phone from them, I waited for around a week (6 days) and didn't hear anything from them. I decided to canceled and buy somewhere else. So I think it depends on the stock level or whatever taking them so long to handle an order.
Yeah, I ordered a phone last week from them. Contacted them today as it was still showing as 'Processing'. Turns out they didn't have any stock of that phone but just decided not to tell anyone this fact, and so offered me a different colour or a refund, but only after I actively made contact.
But then when I ordered my Bose headphones they were delivered in like 2 days.
So who knows…
What phone did you order? I placed an order for a phone last week with Shopmonk and it is still 'processing' so I'm little worried now.
Bought a phone from them and arrived in 2 business days via dhl
That's exactly everyone was telling in the other post. Maybe I am just unlucky or they dont like me.
I'd agree, probably unlucky and a stock issue if you never got a shipping confirmation
@buckster: yea, I didn't get anything at all. Even if they had stock issue, I would expect to hear something from them. I waited nearly a week, not like 2-3 days. Had high expectation for them as there were loads good feedbacks from other users in here. So it was a big flop for my 1st time with them. Hopefully I will get my order next time if I decide to use them again in the future.
Bought for Myers deal last time. Great buy. I would still prefer $209 for local warranty. Not sure if Apple offers international warranty on these …
So no warranty when buying this deal?
Shopmonk Website says standard Apple warranty. Apple website doesn't say international warranty so I would say you would have to ship it back to seller for warranty claim.
international warranty for airpods. You simply take them to Apple store here.
Source please ? Might buy another one for the wife
1 year warranty within an Apple Store for these imports.
2 years consumer rights for products purchased from an Australian retailer on or offline.
I bough it too with the discount. I also took advantage of the prezziee $10 gift card when you purchase $100 gift card thru Apple Pay + a $20 MYER gift card I had lying around, I'm glad I got it locally, makes it easier if there are any hiccups.
FYI they can still be purchased from Myers website for $209 using the ANNIVERSARY20 promo code. I am pretty sure Apple themselves would price match Myer.
Jeepers "Cheapest option"…….maybe "least expensive"?
They mean the same?
You can also get for $189 at Myer with this hack. If you purchased the AirPods at the recent Myer sale for $209, you can return and re-purchase using the $10 gift card promo (the staff actually encourage it). Buy a $200 gift card for $20 credit, so $209 - $20 brings it down to $189.
Yeah but the problem is soon as people receive an item like this, they open it.
That's not getting it for $189.
These things look so ridiculous in people's ears.
They really don't, I purchased a pair for my partner yesterday and she has a small head/face, so naturally we thought they would look odd.
But much like any potential purchase, go and try it out in-store first like we did, the staff at our local Apple store were more than happy to let us try them on prior to buying.
A few more years ago, wearing full sized headphones was a little uncommon. Now every hipster, teen, audiophile is rocking headphones.
"Something about Mary" comes to mind when I see these worn .
Agree. Looks stupid. They should make the antenna pointing up not down.
That would actually look worse.
I think he was being sarcastic.
I actually remember a time when I brought my first mobile the alcatel one touch 'sleazy' back in the late '99. I was talking into it on the street and people were looking at me like I was an idiot which is pretty much the same thing with the airpods.
Attitudes like yours will soon change and these things will become ubiquitous.
Worse than wires dangling from your ears?
Surprisingly yes.
Same pod thingos with wires connected to your phone = ok
Same pod thingos without wires = ridiculous
I think its because the part sticking out used to be tiny and the wire would pretty much start in your ear, now the thick part sticks out of your ear like 2 cm and it looks really dumb. I have wireless Jabra earbuds and they look great, barely noticeable, not sure why they made these look so dumb…
Yeah you're right, they are a bit thicker:
It wouldnt if the design of the buds didnt look like Oral-B toothbrushes in your ears. It's ridiculous.
Yes, I agree. I'll be interested to see if they stick with the design for v2. To me the DOT and Earin M-2 look far better design wise, and they've integrated the antenna into the earpiece. I'd be worried about losing one or both of the Airpods, Earins or DOTs, though.
this is excellent price paid $209 for mine
Install Fennex and eavesdrop on the world. Also test how good your hearing is. You're welcome.
Tempting, seem good quality but will there be a version 2 soon that looks less stupid?
highly doubt it when places are still sold out
Version 2, active noise cancelling and cleaning…
Chakde mundian, khareed !!
It says Apple warranty on their product page, but then their warranty page says that they do 6 months on all accessories and that warranties go directly through them. That and the longer delivery times, I'm considering getting it from Officeworks for $225 instead.
It's $209 from Myer with $20 off code.
They're out of stock and the delivery times are longer. I got it from officeworks with afterpay, because why not.
Just bought it online this Friday, picked it up Saturday. Maybe new stock now?
Please don't support this terrible backwards marketing strategy by Apple.
If you must, buy any other brand of Bluetooth headphones that don't cost x3 the price for half the quality.
+1 but no point in trying to reason with anyone in this thread.
And it looks like all the 'me-too' Android phones are doing away with the 3.5mm jack too.
I hope Sony doesn't do this.
Agreed, the fact i have been voted down with no comments shows that there is no good argument against what i said, just Apple fans getting their hit and downvoting anyone who reveals the true nature of the antihero.
You're not being downvoted because you're some sort of enlightened hero waking the apple sheep, you're being downvoted because the argument has been done to death. The airpods are competitive against others in its class in price and quality.…
It prefectly serve my fitness purpose
Got a pair yesterday JB hi-fi $213 (just say can you have a few dollars off).
I would stick with local stock for ease of mind. I bought one recently at JB's and left airpods having battery issues, if you google you will see its a problem. Went to Apple store, in and out within 30mins and I got myself a new replacement for left airpods.
You can do this with international stock as well I believe.
This is more expensive than my pc and phone
And house*
And MY AXE!!!
what pc costs $189 ???
A potato
More than my ipad mini 2
six months ago
Do Ozbargainers rate these? I have been undecided on them but this price makes it tempting.
The quality and convenience, and the no effort sync across all your Apple devices makes this an excellent companion. The sound quality is very good. Obviously it's not Audio Technica quality, but the fidelity is crisp, the bass strong enough, and has relatively pleasing soundstage for that full sound. Lots of people complain about the look (I actually like the look on my face… doesn't bother me at all), but ignore how incredible these are built for its utility if you are an Apple ecosystem person. I own a Bose QC35 as well and the sound quality gap isn't as far as you'd imagine… I'd rate the Bose 8.8, the AirPods 7.1.
I really appreciate your in depth reply. Thanks a lot. I think the QC35's are good to 'escape' the world with the noise cancelling, but these look to be on the practical side of things, which helps with the purchase.
I don't get the advantage of these over standard, and much cheaper over ear bluetooth headphones.
e.g. Jabra Move for $80 -…
Airpods with the case are stick going to be too bulky to comfortably carry in your pocket. With over ear headphones like above you won't risk dropping / losing an earbud, the battery will last longer and they'll be far more comfortable for less than half the price.
You can even pick up a cheapo $20-30 bluetooth pair of earbuds from aliexpress like the airpods which will be good enough for audiobooks / podcasts if you really want.
The obvious markup on these airpods morally offends me to the core and I'm sure look/trendiness over functionality is a huge part of the appeal.
@RedSky: I’m not aware of any Non in ear, Non Noise cancelling options. To me this is the AirPods greatest appeal. You can still hear what’s going on around you if you turn them down. It’s easy to say get some QC35’s but for using when you just want some background noise there’s no other practical option.
The obvious markup on these airpods morally offends me to the core and I'm sure look/trendiness over functionality is a huge part of the appeal.
You clearly don't appreciate the quality of Apple products if you think a generic pair of bluetooth earphones at a fraction of the price is comparable.
They're that price for a reason, the convenience of seamless operation between each product is hard to pass, it's certainly not a fashion statement.
Do you think the Airpods sound better than the Jabra Move? Because I all buy guarantee you they don't.
As for seamless operation, what does that even mean?
I have a pair of crappy old Creative WP-350s I bought years ago (am not recommending them). I turn on bluetooth on my phone, turn them on and they connect within a few seconds. What more am I supposed to be expecting?
@RedSky: You can switch between Apple devices without disconnecting and reconnecting. They also are way more portable, unless you wear really skinny jeans you'll have no problems fitting them in your pocket. I also doubt the Jabra Move's ability to stay on while doing things like push-ups or sessions on an ergo machine.
So if you have multiple Apple devices you save a couple of seconds?
Many reviewers have mentioned how easily they fall out. On ear headphones are going to stay put jogging / whatever you're doing.
Portable and easy to fall out & crack that $190 earphone on the pavement, easy to lose, don't hold a charge anywhere near as long.
Also more than twice as expensive.
Multiple reviewers also have stated how well they stay in your ears, I guess it boils down to your ears. Mine stay in better than any regular earbud.
Clearly, you've never used a pair. Comparing over ears to earbuds. As I've stated in other threads, I've replaced my Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 over ears with them as my daily's out of sheer convenience and to be honest they don't sound as good (Would you even expect them to?) but they don't sound anywhere near as bad as 1/2 the people that rag them out claim.
I've had mine since March, I haven't lost one and I've even traveled internationally with them. You say they don't hold a charge very long that's sheer BS Mine lasted an 8 hour flight to Japan with them in my ears the only time I took them out was when I went to the toilet which subsequently charged them at the same time. I traveled around the country, and only needed to charge them once. I'd rather 5 hours charge and then 24 hours from the case than have 12 hours and have to carry a micro USB cable, or a 3.5mm cable everywhere I go. The case is not bulky at all, its literally the size of tooth floss.
You do realise the Move's would have a far better chance of falling off your head onto the pavement and breaking? Even if you did break or lose them, you could easily take them into the apple shop and providing you have 2/3 pieces (Or even just the case) they'll replace them, something I'm sure you won't get from Jabra.
@Dilbery123: Most people complain on the looks and the price without understanding their use case and the simple fact this is Apple. Everything they put out is premium and I actually don't mind paying that as everything just works and the quality is superb. The same arguments could be made of high end watches or cars… They all do similar things, but you're paying for the quality, innovation and ecosystem. If all Apple made were AirPods then of course I'd never buy them. But that's the cleverness and blessing of Apple… They make your life easier through products and services that work as a family. That's value which my money perfectly accepts.
@RedSky: Some people don't know how to pair their headphones initially. With these, you can go into an apple store and ask the friendly staff for help. Hence the $189 pricetag for something which looks like a cumshot.
Not sure why you're being downvoted on a pretty well-summed up comment on Apple and their products.
What is your frame of reference though if you're so heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem? This is my point - I'm not sure you realize that any old Bluetooth headset is incredibly easy to pair. There's nothing particularly seamless about Airpods, it's mostly marketing.
Where are you actually responding to any of my points? All I claimed was:
You enjoy your Airpods. I'm happy you do. For some people they are the better choice, I'm just saying there are alternatives.
@RedSky: Your views are fine. It's where people RESENT and DISMISS AirPods just because of how they look and their price that irks people like me. I personally don't like Mercs, but I won't diss them and challenge their existance in favour of BMWs or Audis. Some people are bent that way - they talk about the AirPods, or other Apple products as if it was outright dumb to create them. Jokes on them, as Apple helped shaped the pace of innovation across ALL ecosystems. Android, tablets, smartphones, smartwatches, apps, etc wouldn't have advanced as fast as they did without Apple continually challenging the status quo.
@RedSky: Point 1 is completely dependent on the fit and activity, clamping headphone are going to either be uncomfortably tight or vulnerable to slipping while jogging. Point 2 is a known trade-off for ANY portable headphone, over ears are going to sound better than on ears, wired is going to sound better than wireless, a set of surround sound speakers is going to sound better than headphones. Same thing for point 3 and 4.
You're not seeing why people would prefer probability over sound quality/battery life, it's the same reason why people carrying around 4kg laptops anymore. It's the same reason why earphones exist in general when there are headphones. It's the same reason why the smartphone is the most popular camera.
@RedSky: Why does it morally offend you? You've given the Jabra Move as an alternative, which is probably fine for some people, but most people who want airpods probably aren't looking for headphones.
As for portability, they fit perfectly into jeans pockets and pretty much disappear. They don't just get lost if you leave them in your ear (perfectly comfortable for hours) or leave them in the case. And the battery in the case is good for over 10 hours. I think it's clear that you need to try them first before assuming it's all about being trendy.
@RedSky: These are for 1st adopters.
Like corded EarPods, the AirPods are unsealed & lack any low bass. At ~$30, that’s no big deal. At this price we’d like better sound.
Not rated for sweat or water resistance. If they break because of sweat exposure, you might void the warranty.
Because the AirPods are not noise isolating, you will need to listen at a higher volume in busy environments & that can be bad for your hearing health.
Next-gen might have BT 5.0 as the new smartphones.
Your moral issues are very reasonable, as of the most Ozbargainers. ;)
Like corded EarPods, the AirPods are unsealed & lack any low bass.
I disagree, while they cannot be compared to audiophiliac headphones, they sound above average for wireless.
Not rated for sweat or water resistance
Nor were they ever marketed for heavy workout/gym activities.
People are salty towards this product simply because they are white and made by Apple, no more, no less.
@Lorindor: Quoted from (I guess) experts…
White doesn't matter. My 1st white earphones are from Sony 25 years ago (still hanging).
Airpods…Made by the company that traditionally charges 3x the manufacturing cost, including the very expensive marketing research. This applies to wired Earpods that have comparable sound quality to Airpods.
For the wireless convenience, you have to pay 8x the cost of comparable wired earphones. And more, compared to 'less convenient' headphones with deeper bass.
This is where morality is triggered. The opportunity cost of the spent money. What other experience can have more profound impact in your life (per $)? And what message do you pass to the community that struggles with more essential issues.
Sorry, I'm analytical. Most of the time I discover that I actually don't need many/most of the 'wish' products. But the knowledge exchange is more valuable & ozbargained/FREE. ;)
This is where morality is triggered. The opportunity cost of the spent money.
For you perhaps, but the majority of people just want a pair of headphones that will last them as long as their iPhone does, and you can't put a price on piece of mind and reliability.
@Lorindor: I agree that everybody has a choice how they prioritise their effort.
I believe 'majority' is for this offer. Otherwise, majority don't even think of spending that much on simple disposable overpriced items (90% Android).
Just tested included AKG earbuds ('US$99 value') on Galaxy Note 8. As good as they sound & rated better than Earpods, the quality is not as good as the Bose earbuds I bought long time ago, & uncomparable to the Philips Fidelio NC1 (I bought during DSE closedown for much less than the inferior AirPods).
The price of wireless convenience is ~$40 quality sound.
Just tested included AKG earbuds ('US$99 value') on Galaxy Note 8. As good as they sound & rated better than Earpods, the quality is not as good as the Bose earbuds I bought long time ago, & uncomparable to the Philips Fidelio NC1 (I bought during DSE closedown for much less than the inferior AirPods).
The price of wireless convenience is ~$40 quality sound.
You're talking a lot about sound quality, which of course is an important factor when deciding on a pair of headphones/earphones, but Apple didn't design these to take on the big boys, and they certainly aren't being marketed as such either.
Hi! Thank you for the good reply! I have a question, would you consider beats as an alternative to the airpod?! Since they have the chip connection is very simple as well. Or would you say they are overpriced for what they offer?
Thank you!!
BeatsX? Really depends on how they fit in your ears and if you prefer the R/L earbud connecting wires.
The other advantage of the BeatsX is it has a physical button to answer phone, skip tracks etc.
They're obviously priced at a premium, and they aren't considered premium audio whatsoever (they're on par with the $50 earpods which are also premium priced).
They however are fairly intuitive and convenient to use, pairing effortlessly with Apple products, and with little effort non-Apple products (yep, they work with Android).
The gestures are actually quite useful, with the simple features such as removing an ear to pause audio.
Basically you won't find anything like it for less money, so you're paying for the exclusive experience.
Just remember you are not paying for premium audio, just the technology backing Apple's latest wireless earphones.
A bit wasted when I ordered these from the mayweather fight, shouldi cancel it ?
You lost me…
Drunk purchase, dunno if I should cancel
Don't cancel, you only live once
I've had these since they came out, but only just started back up at the gym after a 2 year break. Game changers. Just set my iPhone to play an hour long set, leave the case in the locker, and boom. No cords getting tangled on the weights, no more phone in my pocket distracting me. 100% worth it imo.
One thing i hate about this site is seeing the things you overpaid for :(. Great buy none the less.