Long time lurker, first time poster.
My aerocino stopped working so was after a good milk frother.
Seems to have much better review compared to Nespresso Aerocino. $99.20 with THANKYOU20 voucher.
Looks to be pretty good price.
Long time lurker, first time poster.
My aerocino stopped working so was after a good milk frother.
Seems to have much better review compared to Nespresso Aerocino. $99.20 with THANKYOU20 voucher.
Looks to be pretty good price.
Does it do anything over and above the Aldi one? variable temp control? I think the aldi one has hot and cold?
I have not used the Aldi one before. My Nespresso one always had "burnt" milk after use. Reviews online said the Aldi one has the same problem. This one supposed to have much better performance in that section.
I don't know what you guys and the reviewers are doing with your aerocinno. I have the aerocinno 3 via our inissia machine and not once has there been a burnt milk stuck to it after? it just is froth and the leftovers. I don't know how else it could burn? Is it the milk your usuing? have never seen anyone even with the aerocinno 2 (mrs house) have burnt milk, so not sure how on earht you guys are experiencing it?
Wait and see my friend. It will magically start to show burnt milk eventually. With mine, it took a good 2 years (and heavy use).
haha don't jinx me! 2 years with heavy use is pretty long I would have though IMO? If you said a few months or a year…?Or you reckon you can get a couple of years out of something like this?
@SaberX: I've got 5 mates who all have the same problem. For some it started to play up within the warranty period, others were well after 2 years. $99 or whatever they cost these days is a premium price for something that just frothes just milk IMO, I would expect it to last 3+ years but maybe that's just me.
This is one of those products you buy and end up recommending to others, do you do that with the aldi one; and after 3 years of at least daily use?
I have had that recommendation for the couple of years my friend has had an Aldi one..No burnt taste.I dont know anyone with this one thats why Im asking…do you have this one and for how long?
yes read my comment ^
How much was the aldi one?
under $30
can buy the same thing on Myer with their codes, just FYI, that would be more general than using a targeted code OP
Sorry didn't realise ther is a general code. Can you please let me know what it is I update the post
I don't use mine anymore as I've upgraded to the creatista - but these are the best you can buy.
Complete control over the temperature, as the frother uses induction. Which also means absolutely no burnt milk like the Nespresso Aerochino.
And you can just take the jug out and rinse it under the tap - or put it straight in the dishwasher.
100% recommended.
Thx! Definite getting one. I am so disappointed at my Nespresso one and I thought cleaning that burnt milk every time is normal until today!
This thing makes the BEST hot chocolate. I drop in a few spoons of Callebaut dark callets after the milk has been spinning for awhile and it melts in perfectly.
This is pretty good, I bought it from the Breville outlet store in Smith St, Fitzroy. They had a bunch of reconditioned ones and, from memory, they were cheaper than this. The foam can be a bit fragile if you are overzealous with mixing in the hot chocolate in the cup but it is really simple to use. Just put the milk in the jug and turn it on. It beeps at you when it is finished. Just make sure the spin attachment is clicked in properly. The secret is to swirl the milk properly before pouring once it has finished. They do have a bit of a reputation for being prone to breaking down according to some of the reviews I've seen.
Had mine for over 3 years now after giving up on the nespresso aero thing.
Used it daily since then with zero problems. Full control over milk temperature, no burning and creates great froth. At $99 this is an absolute steal imho.
how much milk does it hold relative to the max line on the aerocinnos? I still don't ge tthe whole burnt milk problem though, either i don't notice it (blind) or everyone is doing something different or wrong - no signs of burnt milk here at all :O
it is the aerocinno 3 model though?
Somehow I read it as coffee father … Can this father resolve our psychological issue?
Thanks for the post! just got myself one
Yeah been eyeing this one off for a while and the last few 20% off that brought it down to $119 had me on the fence. But at $99, I'm in. Only thing that disappointed me was I ordered last night for click and collect at a local store that had it in stock, and it said it should be ready to pickup in 1 day… but then after I completed the order it says it should be ready by 9:30am on Tuesday… I don't want to wait until Tuesday!
You could try ringing the store to see if they have any in stock.
Interestingly, when I ordered last night the 2 stores closest to me (and all other ones except the 3rd closest to me) were showing Out of Stock. So I ordered from the one I could get it from. Now the eBay page is showing the item is out of stock altogether. Yet if I go on the Myer website, all the stores near me say Free Pick Up Tomorrow. So who knows. :)
Now I kind of wish I just paid the extra 20 bucks to get it from my local store today. Oh well… 20 bucks is 20 bucks. :)
My click and collect came through shortly after I posted and I've picked it up. About to give it…. a whirl.
what is your opinion?
I dig it. Oddly, I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love a good hot chocolate. So that's it's main purpose for me. First crack with the latte attachment I used nowhere near enough chocolate and it was not great. Second time I used the capp attachment and a bunch more chocolate and it was beautiful. The Mrs used it for a mocha this morning too, so I think we'll get some good mileage out of it. Would recommend!
@S-Hart: I use mine for hot chocolate as well, but I just do the milk and mix into the chocolate in the cup. The swirl mixes the froth through the milk.
Had one of these for a couple of years
it is the best I have used so far
Please beware that although this is a great frother while it works, this model has the famous three beeps of death which typically appear 12-24 months in. It is probably a design issue that may spoil your party especially when it is out of warranty after 12 months. There is no easy fix for it and the machine is basically useless then.
That's illegal in most states.