• expired

Aussie Broadband OzBargain Special Offer - First Month of nbn Free + 6 Months Double Data until July 31


Hi everyone,

Aussie Broadband have a special offer for our friends at Ozbargain!

Sign up for any new nbn™ service before July 31 2017 to receive your first month free of charge, including a $0 nbn install!* as well as double data for the first 6 months!**
Go through our online signup and enter the code “OZJULY” at the checkout, or speak with our Australian based team on 1300 880 905 and quote “OZJULY” to receive your free month + double data

To see all of our residential plans visit (https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/residential/residential-i…

Terms and conditions apply. Service not available in all areas, see
www.aussiebroadband.com.au for full terms and conditions
*nbn™ compatible modem not included in fee.
** Double data not available on the 2000gb and 3000gb data plans

Referral Links

Referral: random (248)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • +25

    Dear ABB, please don't sell out like Skymesh did. :)

    • +6

      Or sell out and lose 70%+ of your customers! Loving their service ATM…

    • Was Skymesh sold? I thought they were one of the good ones?

      • +3

        Yep. They were good.

      • Skymesh owned by SSW

        Australia’s largest provider of NBN satellite services, SkyMesh, has been snapped up by British-based Satellite Solutions Worldwide.

        12:00AM August 2, 2016

      • Yes they sold a year ago but stayed under original management until a few months ago.
        When original management moved on there were quite sudden changes and reputation has taken a beating since then.

        • Can second this.
          I'm with skymesh and note a drop in performance/speed.

  • +2

    Will there be OZOCT ?

    • lol hope they do. my current adsl2 contract finish about oct.

      • +3

        Hi, you are able to pre order our services 3 months prior to nbn going live at your address, and the code will be valid aslong as you order before July 31.

        • sounds good, i may check this out when i back home. thanks.

        • +1

          Thanks for the new offer, can existing AB current customers get this offer rather than disconnecting and reconnecting.

        • Hi CheapyAus, this offer is only available to new nbn customers.


        • so according to the NBN estimator, we should receive NBN July-September.
          Does that mean I can preorder now?

        • Hi, I have just signed up for your service using the code but it doesn't allow me to put the connection date 3 months in advance. the furthest date it would go is in a month's time which is 30/8/17. So I have temporarily selected this date as connection date. Could you please advise us on how do we select 3 months in advance as it is not allowing me to do so online? Thank you!

  • -1
    • No. That one is

      • Double data offer for on-net POI's
      • 1 month free trial

      This one is

      • One month free trial
      • no double data UPDATE this now has double data too.

      Because this has a different code and different terms, we'll let it stand as an exception.

      • +1

        Does seem strange. It's worse than the Whirlpool offer, but they must know most people will realise that this isn't as good. So why do it?

        • +1

          Offer updated :)

        • +4

          @Aussiebroadband: Isn't it exactly the same offer then with just a different promo code?

        • @Aussiebroadband:

          Nice, and glad to see you've updated it.

          BTW might be an idea to bundle a VoIP phone line sub for a few months. Many people switching over are going to want some kind of landline as the move from ADSL.

        • Hi Sane, thanks for the feedback I will pass this on for future offers.


        • @Stix:
          Only real difference is the fixed expiry date. The Whirlpool one is based on all POI's going live which if i remember is still a little way off due to some issues getting Tassie up and running.

    • +2

      HAHA mods, Just yesterday I was trying to see if I could get around the rules here and get the last deal back to the 1st page again but creating a "duplicate"is against the rules.

      Because ABB is proving itself to be a very outstanding and upstanding company who meets it's customers wants and needs. So I am very glad a way was found to get it back to page one for a day.

      ABB rules!!!

  • +1

    Signed up yesterday, booked in for aug 11 :) hope all goes well and the speeds are as good as everyone says got the 100/40

    • +4

      Aussie Broadband have quotas which mean heavy downloaders go elsewhere for unlimited plans.

    • maximum speeds are area specific, depends on a few variable

      • +1

        On my telstra cable im getting 100-120/2-4, on my 100/5 plan. Lets hope it stays the same other than the uploads but ye lets hope it doesnt stray that much

        • 100/5?
          Surely its 100/40?

        • @bobzor bargain: Not telstra cable :)

        • @bobzor bargain:

          Telstra Cable is 100/5, if it was 100/40 I would not have moved. And their nbn plans are too expensive for all the extras i dont use

        • @GajeeL: Telstra Cable is actually 100/2. Most people can get around 115/2.4 though :)

  • shame that can't get more than 100gb data on lowest speed.

    • Well the offer makes it 200GB for 6 months, by which time the market will have changed pricing structure anyway.

  • +7

    Part of me wants to lie and say these guys are garbage because I worry they'll become too big and be bought out by TPG etc but the truth is they're very good to deal with. Switched to NBN 2 months ago and haven't noticed any congestion at night, speed test always seems to be close to the 50MB plan I'm on.

  • Damn. Not moving to my new place till September.

    • +1

      Hi, you are able to pre order our services 3 months prior to nbn going live at your address, and the code will be valid aslong as you order before July 31.

      • Just to clarify, upon sign up, you stipulate an earliest connection date can only have a maximum 30 days in advance. Can I put a date 3 months ahead, or is this for something else?

        • For that, I would recommend speaking to our sales team to have this looked at further by calling 1300 880 905

        • not a rep but would suggest giving them a call to get setup they will find a way I am sure.

        • Ok. So can we pre-order 3 mths ahead or 30 days ahead?

      • Not sure if new place has migrated from adsl to nbn yet (the house has nbn available, not sure if current owners are still on adsl or moved)

        Is it possible to find out of a residence is already on the nbn?

        • Sign up and then they will tell you if you need to pay the $300 connection fee or not I think its called 'greenfields'. Have to pay $300 if noone has has NBN running at the property before

      • +1

        What happens if my eta ends up pushed later than 3 months?

        • Good question. With NBN you never know, our area was pushed back 3 times. Sep to Dec and now March :(

    • do you actually know that?

      My area says July-Sep. but hasn't moved from planning for the past 4mths.
      I'd love to sign up, but I doubt they'll meet the sept stage.

  • +2

    Superfast (100/40) + 1000 GB Data + NO Phone = $100! Too expensive. Rather go with Buzz Telco with no download limit and static IP address. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/317040

    • +24

      Enjoy your peak hour congestion.

      • And save $40 :) per month

        • +13

          If congestion isn't a problem for you, then sure :-)

      • +1

        I moved away from ABB to buzz. Download speed about 10mb/s at most of the time. No issue with streaming at the same time.

        • I hope you mean MB, not Mb. Bytes v bits. 8 bits to a byte.

        • +1

          Yes, 10MB/second. Wife and kids are happy.

          I have been with ABB for some time already, they increased price for existing/new customers in Nov2016. ABB does not appreciate existing customers, and market turn its customers away to better values.

        • Same, no congestion for me :)

        • +1

          Probably increased prices due to network expansion. If that's the case and their commitment to it is longstanding then it's well worth it.

    • Hey John, do you think my Republic is worth looking into as well or are they not reliable? Shopping around atm.

      • +2

        This might be of interest to you:

        • Thanks mate. Still much cheaper to go with MP.. and I only use during non peak hours but definitely worth checking out the rest of the pack.


      • +4

        dont touch myrepublic. JUST DONT.


        • They had a rough patch at the start but are now amazing for speed/price! All the recent reviews are great. Plus they are shaking up the market 1000mb/s in Wollongong. Yes please!

        • Just about to leave them
          Getting 2mbps and consistent dropouts in peak and its not the NBN and i got proof
          They tried to palm it off and say it was the co existence period but its not!!! gggrrrrrahhh

        • what about BuzzTelco? Seems to get better reviews and their current deal seems very reasonable.

    • +2

      Been with ABB for bit more than a month and there is almost no congestion during peak times .. on Fri/Sat during 6-9pm my speeds average 90/38 on a 100/40 plan! Thats just amazing! Keep up the great work!

    • +4

      Congestion vs no congestion

      The latter is worth the extra $20 a month. Theres no way that Buzztelco is buying enough CVC to sustain a $60 a month unlimited 100/40

      ABB isn't the cheapest RSP - its one of the best instead.

      • +1

        The latter is $40 extra a month (not $20) if we take the 1000 GB plan. And nowadays, 1000 GB burns out pretty fast when you are watching UHD contents online on Kodi. ABB might be better in terms of pick time congestion however $40 is a big premium.

        • +1

          Sure, if you use 4k video a lot, thats true enough. For anyone else, 500gb is fine. I download/stream everything and I've yet to go over 500gb. You can also spend an extra $10 to get unlimited off-peak data, if you are a very heavy downloader.

          Personally, as someone who has used congested NBN, $20-30 is more than worth it to have a connection that doesnt drop to sub adsl speeds during the time 95% of people actually use their computer (5-10pm)

        • Probably not the best place to ask, John K can you message me about the source repo for these UHD add-ons?

          You're not accepting messages at the moment :)

        • @rysith: Sent you a PM

  • I am shopping around too. For me,Buzz Telco has local support team and static IP. Also, according to Whirlpool their speed got better since they started offering static IP

  • +6

    +1 Moved from SkyMesh to ABB a couple weeks ago, connection is great!

    Edit: Props to Rach(a)el in the sales team, top signup experience.

    • +1

      I'm still on the Skymesh Sinking Ship (SSS) network. They've given me a great deal ($55 for 500GB anytime on 50/20 speeds) so I find it very difficult to leave.
      Very sad to see the pommies running a good ISP into the ground.

      AusBBS would be $75 for an equivalent plan, so I guess to save money I'll be staying on the H.M.S Skymesh

      • +1

        How did you get that!?
        I am on SSS as well but will stay for that.

        • Chuck a sookie

  • I need to remind myself about this offer for when im home and find out when NBN is going active in my suburb

  • I'm on Telecube which i have found to be pretty good. i was on a special whirlpool plan ($59 month, 50/20 - 1TB monthly) which im still getting, other than dodo, myrepublic and any other absolutely terrible ISPs, i dont see them beating that deal anytime soon.

    • If you're with Telecube and on Wideband (an ABB company) then they're good. If you're on Vocus backhaul it is quite hit and miss.

  • +1

    +1 Another happy Aussie BB Customer. Since their migrations to on-net, speeds have been phenomenal. Fantastic customer service to boot as well.

    Would much rather pay for a reliable service vs the frustration of constant buffering and page reloads.

  • +1

    This deal will most likely continue for a few more months (as it's the same deal offered to Whirlpool users).

    I've just switched from SkyMesh today as I've been waiting for ABB to be on-net in my area.

    Look forward to switching over in September!

  • +1

    I did the Whirlpool deal a couple months ago. Painless changeover from ADSL & all working well Thanks.
    Nice to see you here.

  • The prerequisite for the FAST internet is limited data again.

    • Just a reality of how CVC is set up :(

  • +1

    I've recently signed up with AussieBB and can confirm they have fantastic customer service and speeds are good* too.
    *FTTN; I get the advertised speeds during quiet times (middle of day etc) and it drops to about half that in the evenings when everyone else is downloading/steaming. But the speed is still respectable even at half.

    I think AussieBB has the potential to be the new pre-TPG iiNet.

    • +2

      You could be getting congestion at the node itself :(

  • +1

    Been with these guys for over 6 months and since becoming on-net has been great

    • +2

      Same, it was pretty bad while they were using Optus, but since they built their own POIs its been almost flawless

  • My location doesn't come live until November, so I miss out.

    Hope they'll be a "OZNOVEMBER" ;)

    • +1

      Mine says October….

      …. I'm just not sure which year

      • Lol

  • +2

    Switched from Skymesh to ABB recently and the peering is leaps and bounds better with their Telstra backbone. Things are just snappier and faster across the board.

  • I wish I could get NBN so I could take advantage of this…

    Currently scheduled for Oct-Dec this year, but who knows when it will actually go live. According to the Telstra spreadsheet it's next June, so I'm going to believe that over the never-updated NBN website.

    My contract is coming up for my current (poor) ADSL2 with Optus. Would anyone recommend that I go with AussieBroadband for ADSL, and then just switch over to the NBN when ready? Or is their ADSL service not considered as good?

  • Be great if i could sign up (the problem is my location)

  • +1

    How does porting over work?

    I've got TPG ADSL, and Telstra landline.

    If I want to switch to ABB for both, do I need to contact TPG and Telstra to cancel, or will ABB take care of it all?

    • +1

      Hi SharkChu, once you have placed an order with Aussie and it has been confirmed, you will need to contact your existing providers to advise of the change also

      • Thanks for the reply, would I get to keep my landline number?

        • +1

          Yes you are able to port your number over to Aussie also

        • @Aussiebroadband: extra cost for number port or free?

        • @bobzor bargain:

          You might well have to pay Telstra - they don't make it clear, but they slug you with a cost on the way out.

          Which is a great way of making sure you never come back, but that's Telstra for you.

        • @sane: lol haven't heard of that one, but a few charge for bringing it across (there is some extra admin to be done on the back end)

        • @bobzor bargain:

          IIRC it was about $8 'port out fee', hidden in the T&Cs.

          It's stupid because it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth as you leave - the very thing that any customer service training tells you to avoid. It's got to cost Telstra more than $8 in ill feeling. I know my view is now "(profanity) telstra".

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