• expired

Aussie Broadband NBN - One Month Free Trial and Double Data for 6 Months (on-net POI areas) with No Contract


Update 7/7/17: Aussie Broadband have given OzBargain users a separate promo code - ozbargain. Expired, use wpfreetrial

Since Skymesh reduced the bandwidth of their CVCs to save money, I switched to Aussie Broadband. They have built their own network using dedicated Telstra links and ensure there is enough CVC bandwidth ensuring full speeds at all times.

If there isn't enough bandwidth available, then you won't be able to sign up until more bandwidth is available.

Residential Plans - https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/residential/residential-i…

Other links:


Check if you are currently in an on-net area here www.aussiebroadband.com.au/nbn-poi/

This offer will remain active until at least 30 days after the last POI goes live with ABB (may be extended).

Referral Links

Referral: random (266)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

Related Stores

Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • +1

    looks good. although the checking address wheel has been spinning for 4mins before erroring.

    looking at pricing I'll be staying with Optus cable as long as I can, it's a much better deal.

  • +11

    I hope you have permission to post this "special offer for Whirlpool users" to Ozbargain…

    • +4
      • Hey Stix the code is ending soon. It expires on November 26th 2017

    • +3

      So they check your whirlpool ID before you sign up? lol

      • +1

        No you just need the code. I'm pretty sure they won't mind people signing up and giving them a free month in return for getting a customer who might never had heard of them otherwise. They are probably wondering why it took so long to appear here.

        • In my case didn't even need the code was explained the deal by the sales rep when i phoned up and offered if I wanted it.

  • -4

    This is meant for whirlpool users only.

  • +4

    AussieBB are absolute pearlers to do business with.

    Shifted from Skymesh as they didn't support NBN FW.

    Had used AussieBB previously on satellite till they sold their satellite customers to Skymesh a few years back.

    Another bonus is the free months data if you refer a friend to a new connection <G>

    AussieBB reps are active on Whirlpool, giving prompt support and updates.

    • +2

      Nice! I'll probably choose them when NBN hits here.

      Getting sick of iinet after the TPG takeover.

      • +2

        I was with internode/iinet before ABB and their congestion was horrendous. Internode's NBN was slower than their ADSL at peak times. Now with ABB NBN I haven't had any congestion issues at all. Highly recommend them.

    • +1

      Definitely! Switched over from internode (was shit with their money grabbing tactics like forcing you to buy their own router for NBN when there is no technical reason to!) and can't recommend these guys enough! Averages 95/39 Mbps even during peak hours! Best of all I can use my existing router with no issues!

  • -4

    This isn't Whirlpool..

  • +13

    Although I have pointed people in the direction of this offer before, I have held back on submitting it as a deal because it's specifically for whirlpool users.

    Maybe it would be better to prompt Aussie Broadband to provide an OzBargain specific offer & code?

    Paging Phil Britt maybe?

    • +10

      Create an account on Whirlpool, it's free. Sleep better at night.

      • +8

        Whirlpool and I don't agree over the quality of their moderation…

        • +5

          Whirlpool and I don't agree over the quality of their moderation

          Yep it's very one sided.

  • +2

    I signed up on this deal about 2 days ago, absolutely sensational so far. Moved from iinet

  • -3

    $65 for 500gb allowance 25 down
    $85 for 1000gb allowance 25 down

    I would have done $65 for 1000gb but 500gb just aint enough

    • +1

      I know it is not the same, but for $10 you can bolt on unlimited off peak data (1am-7am) to any plan.

    • You get double data for first 6mths

  • +4

    In 2017, still limited data on broadband.

    • +21

      You'll find most of the companies who don't offer unlimited data have the best performance. Also investing in their own POI's is a big bonus, means you should always have bandwidth available and won't encounter peak slow downs like a fair number of NBN connections experience - depending on your type of connection anyway.

    • +6

      It's actually a good thing. Unlimited/unmetered tends to equal congestion.

      • +1

        It doesn't have to. I'm in New Zealand with a 1000/500 (Mb/s) unlimited fibre connection and never notice slowdowns at any time of the day, and I do around 5TB per month. There's a company over here that monitors each provider and you can easily see if any of them are underprovisioning http://truenet.nz/story/2017/06/may-2017-urban-broadband-rep…

        The price: NZ$95 per month - although it's more expensive in other parts of the country (around $130 per month)

        • +5

          I stopped reading after you said you're in NZ. Different pricing structure…

        • We need that company for Australia.

    • +4

      In 2017, still limited data on broadband

      Because of the model that the NBN uses. Unlimited plans on the NBN equals guaranteed congestion.

    • +1

      yeah I don't understand, TPG unlimited always gives me 24.5/4.5 so how can telco's argue people are better off on a metered connection?

      • Same here fttp 95/38 always evenChina has huge population and yet their ISPs only offer unlimited data

        • +3

          Ever used the internet in China?

          From 6-10pm it is absolutely dire.

        • JackyQ: Run a few TPG 95Mbps speedtests to China, USA, Europe and post the links here ;)

        • +1

          @daveee: dude, its affected by various facotrs, but generally they are behind the wall, if you browse domestic websites which most of chinese do, its pretty impressive, Baidu.com QQ.com taobao.com JD.com are all good. not to mention the P@rn downloading, they have 115.com which stream everthing you want to. Ever used internet in China? you should fire the quetion as ever used chinses internet to brwose FB or INS

        • @JackyQ: Speedtest or it didn't happen.

        • @daveee: They don't have the Internet in China, it is more of an Intranet or a sub-Internet. Some call it the Chinanet, but to me it is more surreal, it is like some kind of experimental Great Virtual Environment.

          Most of the traffic is overloaded routers dealing with unanswered connection requests, beacons, Denial of service and botnet traffic. The other half is a variety of promiscuous traffic, refused update requests, media streams and social bilge. All it's good for is public messaging, sharing audio and video, and opening your habits, thoughts and data to the regime, gangster gangs and anyone else that wants to watch.

          Unless you count making your private info public and eCommerce via payment methods only slightly better than plain text of some value.

          How they make things like the great fire cannon function on a net like that amazes me, but I guess such things are a natural result of being contained inside the GVE for too long.

      • +3

        yeah I don't understand, TPG unlimited always gives me 24.5/4.5 so how can telco's argue people are better off on a metered connection?

        Just because you today experience this does not mean that others do and the time will come when your connection will turn into an unusable POS.

        It is impossible for TPG to offer an unlimited connection for the price they charge for a 25/5 connection let alone faster. The NBN pricing is well known so you can do the maths.

        • +1

          Cool, thanks for the info.

        • +1

          I pay for 100/40 unlimited with TPG and thats what I get.

        • @samfisher5986:

          I pay for 100/40 unlimited with TPG and thats what I get.

          No you don't, you might get it some of the time but it's impossible for them to offer it most or all of the time.

        • @Maverick-au:

          But they do…

        • @samfisher5986:

          But they do…

          Sure they do. I guess your connection is on Fantasy Island as well.

        • -1


          Fantasy Island uploading at 38-39mbit 24/7 and downloading from Usenet at 90+mbit.

      • +12

        It is a POI by POI situation. You might be on a POI where TPG has purchased enough CVC capacity from NBN. My POI it is certainly not the case. People drop from 90/38 down to 15/38 during peak periods. Uploads are generally always stable, but downloads completely crap out. So, yes for YOU your experience is awesome. For other customers maybe not. Its a bit like me living in the country and telling people who live in Melbourne that my drive to work was fine so they shouldn't experience congestion during peak periods either.

    • +1

      Unfortunately, the way the NBN has been set up, RSPs that don't have data limits end up really bad. Its shit, its true. But just the way it works. Better to have limits than congestion

        • +5

          CVC is badly designed, simple as that. Look at all the "unlimited" RSPS, and name one that isn't garbage

        • +2

          Absolutely rubbish.

          You really do have no idea. Instead of posting your ridiculous and pointless comment that does nothing but highlight this why don't you spend a few minutes researching?

        • @4agte:

          Plenty of people have rubbish speeds on unlimited and don't complain, whats your point?

        • @Pacify:

          Any plenty have rubbish speeds on their data limited 12/1 plans

          I think my point was pretty clear that data limits is not the one and only deciding factor of congestion as you have implied.

          Other factors include:
          Their business model
          NBN types
          Their pricing structure
          How much bandwidth there purchase

        • @4agte:

          When did I imply that data limits are the only, or even the main, reason why congestion exists?

          How much CVC is purchased determines everything with NBN. And the simple fact is RSPs who offer unlimited data don't usually buy enough CVC to actually support unlimited data

        • @Pacify:

          I don't know maybe when you said this…

          Unfortunately, the way the NBN has been set up, RSPs that don't have data limits end up really bad. Its shit, its true. But just the way it works. Better to have limits than congestion

        • @4agte:

          Why research when I see and know of plenty first hand accounts? I know dozens of people connected with all different RSP's plan and NBN types. Many are on unlimited 100/40 HFC never complain. Then there are those that buy the slowest speed and plan congestion as their ADSL2 was faster

          Rubbish, you have no idea what you're talking about. There are other issues with HFC but the fact remains that no ISP can offer decent performance that is unlimited.

          Unlimited data does not mean congestion. Companies which don't buy enough bandwidth experience congestion. An unlimited RSP are more prone to it if they don't buy enough bandwidth for their customers

          Unlimited data does mean congestion on the NBN, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it will for everyone on unlimited plans.They CANNOT afford to supply the CVC to unlimited plans.

          So back to my initial point Absolutely rubbish

          You really have no idea at all do you.

          If you think my comment is ridiculous and pointles then feel free to neg my comment but the generic comment data is linked to congestion is BS

          You can say it until you're blue in the face but the facts are there in black and white. Dispute them all you like.

        • -3


          Rubbish, you have no idea what you're talking about. There are other issues with HFC but the fact remains that no ISP can offer decent performance that is unlimited.

          So those that are getting great performance are just imagining it? It's a shame you struggle to rebut anything without making insults

          Unlimited data does mean congestion on the NBN, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it will for everyone on unlimited plans.They CANNOT afford to supply the CVC to unlimited plans.

          Hang on you previously implied unlimited data would mean congestion today. Sure things might change but so might the CVC model

          You really have no idea at all do you.

          Again back to insults. Its difficult to take anyone seriously that struggles to commute a point without insults

          You can say it until you're blue in the face but the facts are there in black and white. Dispute them all you like

          Have better things to do. Have a good night

        • @4agte:

          So those that are getting great performance are just imagining it? It's a shame you struggle to rebut anything without making insult

          You cannot offer unlimited plans on the NBN and get decent performance. The fact that a few people are currently getting decent performance is because those areas are currently undersold.

          Hang on you previously implied unlimited data would mean congestion today. Sure things might change but so might the CVC model

          No I didn't, the fact remains that unlimited ISPs cannot afford to purchase adequate capacity.

    • only australia has the ability to build a brand spanking new internet infrastructure, and actually go backwards

  • +1

    I would if they have a plan in between 100gb to 500gb for 12Mbps/1Mbps.

  • How much does all of this wireless bridging latency effect real usage? In gaming, voip, etc.

    • +1

      What do you mean?

  • +1

    Switched from Internode to AussieBB back in February, and my area went 'on-net' in April - was a bit underwhelming the first couple of weeks, then apparently the kinks got worked out and it's been stellar ever since.

    • And the free netflix offers that were only for singapore people should have been?
      take a chill pill

    • Gizmodo ran an article (https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2017/04/nbn-congestion-is-forcing…) and it was advertised there. Happy to be corrected but I'm sure ABB would have asked Gizmodo to remove the Whirlpool content if they didn't want the wider audience to see it.

    • Even if it was then it is just the usual "create an account with x to qualify for this deal" which is no different than half the deals on here.

    • what about for the people who are members of whirlpool but may not have seen this, ala moi

      thx op 4 dis

    • -2

      The reason why Aussie Broadband has a Whirlpool offer is because Whirlpool users are generally intelligent and understand how internet works and will not bombard Aussie Broadband will stupid questions requiring hand-holding throughout the whole process.

      For example, they wouldn't want it to be posted on a Seniors forum because, lets face it they are high maintenance and would be on the phone to Aussie Broadband at the slightest sign of trouble.

      That doesn't mean that old or stupid people wouldn't be welcome at Aussie Broadband, but rather they shouldn't have the benefit of the cheaper cost.

      • +8

        I clicked through to this deal from ozseniors.com.au

  • +4

    Been with these guy for over 10 years (westvic broadband before the merge with wideband) can't say enough good things about them. Had a few issues here and there along the way but have been handled pretty good.

    No overseas staff at all, which is nice these days. I would call them the new internode for new customers but they are expanding at a very fast rate right now and I hope they don't over work themselves.

    edit: Just beware these guys only allow 80% capacity on their POI so if you sign up and get rejected that could be why, it's to stop overselling etc.

  • +2

    Aussie Broadband are an awesome ISP to use for the NBN, good to deal with compared to many others especially My Republic who were uterly useless.

  • +2

    Im with Aussie Broadband and they are the best ISP i have been with. I get no congestion in peak times now. Very happy.

  • +3

    We reserve the right to limit the number of simultaneous free trials per POI, basically so if this goes viral, we don’t go broke providing too much free bandwidth.

    Yep and you just ozbargained it

    • Sharing is caring. :)

    • We reserve the right to limit the number of simultaneous free trials per POI, basically so if this goes viral, we don’t go broke providing too much free bandwidth.

      Thanks to the ACCC screwing us there are 121 POIs so it's not a problem. And unless you're on FTTP it would be pretty stupid to sign up for one month to use it free.

  • +2

    Just moved from AusBBS to this. Amazing customer service and top notch internet.

  • Is Aussie Broadband any better than Mate? Quite satisfied with Mate's customer service right now.

  • +3

    Went from Internode to this. Great service and I don't get congestion

  • +1

    Another happy ABB customer switched to them form Telecube, my service was up & running within 3 hours from signing up

  • Man, being very new to FTTN and NBN, I signed up my work internet to sky mesh…so disappointed to hear about there CVC reduction. ITs why I chose sky mesh!

    • Yeah, very disappointing. They sold to a UK provider middle of last year and Paul Rees (owner) left a couple of months ago (officially on 30 June though). It seems they've made some difficult commercial decisions to the detriment of customers who appreciated the premium service.

      • Oh wow.. man I wish I'd know about this sooner. Literally today is the NBN install! But at least there's no contract so I can move anytime

        • You should give notice immediately to close your account so that you only have to use 30 days.

        • @psyren89: that's a good idea!

        • +1


          Skymesh are waiving the 30 day notice period if you complain about congestion and speed issues.

        • @Stix:
          Hey Stix
          Looking at moving to ABB from Skymesh? Do I phone Skymesh to cancel due to congestion/speed issues and they'll waiver the 30 notice period?

        • +1

          @mmd: Yep, connect with ABB first then cancel Skymesh.

        • @Stix:
          They didn't waiver the 30 day notice period. :(

      • So that is what happened to Paul. He was great at helping me setup an account and I wondered where he disappeared from the forums. I am with Skymesh so far and haven't noticed any disasters in speeds lately (Fingers crossed) but shall keep AussieBB in mind.

    • I switched from Skymesh to Aussie. Sykmesh used to be the best premium RSP, but doesn't seem to be anymore

      • +2

        When I was looking around I talked to Skymesh and Aussie. Skymesh, even in what was sales, had poor customer service. Aussie sounded more human, so I went with them. There was prime time congestion at the start, but once they built out their own network and got rid of Optus, quality went up. During the same time Skymesh has got worse.

        Today I wouldn't even bother to phone Skymesh.

  • I was so looking forward to move to AussieBB when my area gets connected because of the good reputation…then other household users needed a landline phone -_-… Stuck with TPG in the future

    • Aussie has VOIP also. Traditional landline will be phased out 18mths after your are becomes RFS

  • +1

    User #760710 22 posts
    Janet Granger-Wilcox
    Aussie / Wideband
    ISP Representative
    herring | anchor
    Reply to this post
    posted Today at 3:14 pm
    Ge3ks writes…
    Check the last post of the previous page.

    Thanks all – we're aware of it. Just figuring out what to do with it!

  • They are saying I can get NBN from the neighboring suburb even though I'm out of the suburb's area on the rollup map by 1-2km…

  • I've been using Aussie on FTTP for maybe 4-5 months, and the service was pretty mediocre when it was using Optus POI. But since they swapped to their own POI, its been very good. 90+ mb down during peak times, and very solid overseas speeds.

    Probably the best RSP for the price at the moment, but that might change if their customer numbers increase a lot.

  • +2

    Signed up a week or so ago and have to say, just awesome. Was connected today in about 30 mins after getting the message. No tricky modem settings and full speed. On a 50/20 plan and getting 45/18. Great ping time for gaming as well.

    Last provider I was with on a 100/40 plan got me 36/12 at best in the middle of the night. Blamed my modem and line to the node. Node is about 200m away and I'm using the same modem. What took them 2 weeks took Aussie about 30 mins to get sorted.

    Just wish I could upvote them some more…

    • who was the last provider?

      • +1

        MATE Communicate… Avoid them like the plague. They are full of shit and lie every chance they get.

  • Does it apply to existing customer?

    • Doesn't look like it alas. Thinking about emailing them to ask if they can offer anything for us at all

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