Saw this was on half price, have a great day.
Jack Link's Jerky 50g $2.25 (Half Price) @ Woolworths

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Do you like jerky Tightarse, I do?
Thought so, I can tell without even meeting someone if they like jerky or not.
Wish I was rich, I'd buy kilos of it.
Unfortunately they don't stock Spam flavour.
Jerky is so expensive. No way I'd pay $5 for 50g
I make my own jerky, and it isn't cheap to make. Think that the meat reduces in weight by around 60%, meat costs around $15/kg, at cost this is ~$40/kg to make. Obviously Jack Links would get the meat cheaper, but factoring in any labour and spices etc makes this an expensive product to produce.
I make my own jerky, and it isn't cheap to make.
I was going to buy a dehydrator but when I researched I decided against it due to the running cost.
Electricity isn't cheap these days, and you have to leave them on for a while.
Meat is 75% water, that increases the weight substantially and once you take that into consideration you appreciate why jerky is expensive.
Correct - I like to think of it as a 50g bag of jerky is really 125g meat. Makes me feel better about my habit.
Aldi's Hydale beef jerky is better than Jack Link's and is always $3.
The Aldi and jack links stuff is better than nothing but you can't even really compare them to proper jerky
My local doesn't seem to have them on special
Thanks Savas. Grabbed one of each flavour.
Great deal. Thanks Savas :)