This was posted 7 years 8 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Coles $50 off Groceries or 10,000 Flybuys Points


$50 off or 10,000 bonus flybuys points when you spend $50 or more (in one transaction) each week for 4 weeks.
Potentially targeted.

  1. Choose your reward by Sun 16 Jul 2017
  2. Spend $50 or more in one shop, in store or online at Coles, each week for 4 weeks
  3. Make your week 1 purchase between Fri 7 Jul and Sun 16 Jul 2017 — please note you have 10 days to shop in week 1
  4. Scan your flybuys card each time you shop

$50 discount offer
Offer valid only at Coles and Bi-Lo Supermarkets and Coles online (excludes Coles Express). To check whether we deliver to your area visit $50 or more must be spent in one transaction, after all savings, discounts and vouchers each week for 4 weeks. $50 discount is valid for 30 days from date of issue and can't be used against your week 4 shop. $50 discount will be automatically redeemed the first time $50.05 is spent and your flybuys card is used. If discount is used at Coles online, $50 discount will show up on tax invoice at the time of delivery. Offer is available once per household. $50 transaction and $50 discount excludes purchases of all gift cards, iTunes cards, tobacco and tobacco related products. $50 discount will be loaded to your flybuys card after your week 4 qualifying shop. Standard flybuys terms and conditions apply and are available at

10,000 BONUS POINTS offer
Offer valid only at Coles and Bi-Lo Supermarkets and Coles online (excludes Coles Express). To check whether we deliver to your area visit $50 or more must be spent in one transaction, after all savings, discounts and vouchers each week for 4 weeks. Offer is available once per household. $50 transaction excludes purchases of all gift cards, iTunes cards, tobacco and tobacco related products. BONUS POINTS will be loaded to your account after your week 4 qualifying shop. Standard flybuys terms and conditions apply and are available at

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closed Comments

  • +3


    • +3

      definitely not KMARTED

  • +2

    These targeted offers are quite common with Flybuys, the best one was spend $20/week for four weeks and receive $50.

    • +3

      Wow how on earth did you get that? Didn't think it can go that low.

      • +5

        Means he must be spending around $10-15 per week. They want to entice him in and spend a bit more. Once you regularly spend $20 per week your offer will be something like spend $30 or $50 each week.

        Eventually you'll get to a point where it is $180 per week like mine was, but I've cut back on groceries that my offer this time is $130.

        • +2

          Yep, got up to 200 which wasn't impossible with baby but went to woolies out of spite for a while

        • +2

          My last one was 4x$50, and I did it, so now they've upped it to 4x$70, which I won't be able to meet.

        • +1

          @puffinfresh: i received email, this time is 4x$60. I dont think i will spend that money in Coles.

        • +1

          @kendo: This why you have several rewards cards. I have 10 in all my families names (including the 2 cats). I only ever spend about $15-30 a card then use the next one. Eventually some have forced me to increase this to about $60-75 but I've had a very good run with Coles & Woolworths. I am now cancelling cards and recreating them….

        • @techboy: That kind of goes beyond frugality.

        • @spillmill:
          Yeah they just keep pushing you to spend a bit more until you get annoyed and shop woolies for a few months.

      • I don't do any shopping for groceries so that is why :) But only got that once though.

    • Amount required depends on your usual spending habits. Give your details to fly buys and they know all this.

    • Lucky you - I spend about $10 or less there and they always offer me the $50/week, which doesn't match my spending habits at all (as they should know, having a record of all my transactions)

  • +1

    I got spend $90 each week for 4 weeks to get $50 off!

    • mine is Spend $50 or more in one shop, in store or online at Coles, each week for 4 weeks

      • i didn't get that……

    • +3

      Mine is worse, I got $110! Better stop shopping at Coles for awhile til they make a better offer to get me to spend.

      • +5

        Your $110 not yet the worst, mine is $140, maybe someone higher than that… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • Mine is $110

        • @AG1304x: Mine is $140 for $100 off or 20,000 points. I must shop at some high end Coles store (with all the trendy timber work inside & barista)

        • high spend = salary

        • @MITM: Mine is $140 for $50 or 10,000 points, don't click (either point or cash) and it will drop next round.

  • I got the offer but mine is that I have to spend $110 for 4 weeks! Ermmmmm, no chance.

    • +2

      ditto. I think if I was to shop as usual that's achievable but I've been Aldi focused recently, saving heaps on some items.

  • targeted baby

  • damn, i got $100 for 4 weeks. neglect it!

  • +3

    $60 on one card, haven't got the email yet for the other card. I alternate cards and values to try and get lower spend thresholds, seems to be working

  • I got spend $160 a week for 4 weeks and get $100/20000FB points.

    I normally shop at Coles and spend above that amount each week so I'll make sure I qualify and it won't cost me any extra I suspect.

    • Wow if I spent that much per week I would spread that across 3 FBs card to get 30,000 points.

  • Not targeted - at least in terms of the offer of $50 or 10,000 FB points.

    The amount of $$$ to spend each week is targeted, since mine says $130 per week.

    • I didn't receive any email about the offer.

  • mine is spend $60/week for 4 weeks.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, I normally delete spam from Woolies and Coles in my inbox, but just retrieved my spend $50 one as above that I had deleted today :-).

    Just activated mine thanks. Maybe I should start reading the specials emails :-)

    • Yes you should either that or download the Coles app and all the offers are in there.

  • I get the same offer, I think they monitor your spending, if you are spending $100 weekly, you will be ask to spend a bit more to get the offer, i,e they wants you to spend more than you average weekly shopping bills.

    For me, I usually spend maybe $30-40 weekly with Coles and shops with Aldi and Woolies, so if they ask me to spend $100, then for sure I will not spend that much with them, unless it is a one week offer.

    • +2

      That's what fly buys is all about- tracking your spending and getting you to spend more.

  • +1

    I received $70 each week, using it in combination with this, 5% staff discount and 5% off gift card to get 15% off

  • I got spend $50/week for 4 weeks and get $25..

  • +1

    I got $120 for 4 week to get $50

  • interesting - I got $60 for 4 weeks and get $50 offer

    A month or two ago I got the $50 for 4 weeks which got me the 10,000 bonus points (ie $50) back

    • Last month I got the same offer and getting the same one again. I just make sure I get slightly above the $50 mark each week, I guess if you spend closer to $60, they will wants to set a higher target for you. I also shop with Aldi and Woolies and make sure I pay the woolies with Coles Mastercard so they knows I am shopping elsewhere as well, if they wants my business, the need to make it attractive. Pay cash at Aldi as they charge fee.

    • If you can spend $60 for 4 weeks this time, the next offer you get will be spend $70 for 4 weeks to get a $50 offer. That's how it works!

  • Wow would be great to get 50 ours is 170!!

  • I got this offer, but unfortunately have stopped getting the mail out newsletter with all the tearout coupons.

    • I think they've stopped doing those. Those were good in their own way as it was Mon to Sun so you had a choice of two catalogues to apply the coupon.

      My offer was $50 for 4 weeks to get $50. They can kiss my arse, no way I spend that much.

      • Apparently they have a set number they send out each quarter and the recipients are chosen randomly (this has come via asking their social media team via PM). I think that's BS though, as my partner used to get one every three months without fail, the first time I actually bothered to use any of the coupons (about half of the ones available) he never saw one again. So I think it's just another tactic to lure you into the stores.

        • I call it BS because I got them regularly from the time I joined Flybuys until recently. This was in addition to the emailed offers. I used to use the 500 points ones now and then to get $2.50 off. Maybe they are more selective now, or they have discontinued the practice to save on postage costs.

        • @greenpossum:

          It's definitely not random. There is a certain formula they follow. I've seen too many patterns over the years for it just to be random.

          Last time they sent out coupons there was only a very small amount sent out and it was mainly to people who very rarely shopped at Coles.

          The last 4 week offer was also only sent to a small percentage of customers who hadn't used their cards very often or taken up 4 week offers in the recent past.

          This round of 4 week offers have been sent to most people who use the cards on a semi regular basis.

          The next round of coupons is due out soon and I have no idea whether they will increase the amount sent out. My theory is that they will go back to their regular pattern from the previous coupon promotions.

          My theory is that the recent limited 4 week promotion and the recent coupon promotion were reduced due to the fact that the financial year was about to finish and Coles/Flybuys only had a limited number of points left in their budget to give out before the end of the financial year. This lot of 4 week offers were sent after the new financial year started and they had plenty of points left in the budget pool.

        • @pointscrazy: I think they've given up on me. 😜

  • It says excludes gift cards, does anyone know if this is just the Coles/ColesMyer ones, or if it includes the retail gift cards (i.e. JB hifi, playstation, xbox, netflix, etc)?

    • In my terms and conditions i got, it says "$xxx spend transaction excludes purchases of all gift cards, iTunes cards, tobacco and tobacco related products."

      Never know maybe if you were going to buy a gift card you could give it a go it will show on the receipt if you qualified or not for that $xxx weekly spend.

      • Oh really? I've never used one of these deals before. I was gonna get a netflix card anyway so if it does say on the receipt, then I will give it a go.

        • Can you please report back if this is working?

  • Been getting these quite often got over 40,000 points so far. Only buy from coles when I get these emails

  • Targeted and customized. Different people requires different minimum weekly spending to get the $50.

  • I got the $50 target. Has anyone got a lower target for this round of offers?

  • Grumpf, I never seem to get these really good offers. If Coles are going to take me for granted then I might just change to Woolies. ;P

    • +2

      yep, loyal customers don't seem to be rewarded

      • +1

        Loyal customers don't need to be (from their point of view), if you're already spending with them regularly then they're happy

        • Yes agree - the metrics they use are all wrong. They focus on adding new customers without focusing on securing their existing customer base from leaving (example with flumpf above).

          Good examples of keeping customers are all over the place - like Amex Offers or loyalty cards.

          An example coles could use: Give occasional secret discounts to items you regularly buy -maybe even just applied at the checkout as a surprise!

  • Mine was $140 for 4 weeks

  • Mine is spend $60

  • Can someone tell me how you know you are targeted? Where can I check if I have this offer available.

    • Log into your account and check the offers section.

  • $220 per week for me. Feels bad man :(

    • wow..I never seen it so high as that…then again i don't spend that much when i shop. haven't checked if i got it yet but my last one was $70 for 4 weeks.

  • $190 per week here - feel ripped off

  • +1

    If you use the flybuys card on a regular basis, choose the points. They get credited to the account a few days later and can be redeemed into flybuys dollars.

    If you don't use the relevant flybuys card very often, consider choosing the $50 off but make sure you make the next purchase within the timeframe before the credit expires. It says the credit will expire after 30 days

    If you use the flybuys card for small purchases only every so often, take the points, convert them to flybuys dollars and use this for the next few transactions.

    • +3

      Well I think you should be choosing points by all means -
      * flybuys dollars allows partial redemption, instead of binge shopping before the credit expires you can make small purchases over time.
      * flybuys dollars are accepted at multiple merchants where the $50 off is for Coles in-store only.
      * $50 off is treated as a discount and reduces your total spending. In case you get a docket offer/mail offer that requires a minimum spend, this $50 off won't count towards the spend.

      • Agreed. Always choose points.

      • So if I activate this deal and use flybuys dollars to pay it won't be counted as a discount or savings, thus still being eligible for the points?

        • +1

          Yes. flybuys dollars is a form of payment.

        • @jkcat: Can you use flybuys dollars from another flybuys card?

        • +1


          Yes you can. It's up to you whether you want to do this. Some people don't want flybuys to track the transactions in case they crack down on households who have more than one flybuys account.

    • My suggestion could be summarised by saying choose points most of the time but remember there are a few situations where the $50 cash discount can still be a useful choice.

  • I have to spend $190!!!!!
    This is the 4th time Coles has sent me this tho, I have completed all of them and the price slowey keeps on going up

    • Look like their algorithm is based on your weekly spend, I got $50 but still I don't think I ever spend more than $50 on one invoice consequently every week. I don't just stick to Coles.

  • I have to spend $100 for 4 weeks, but the reward is $75

  • $50 for four weeks for $50/10000pts back here. Will be taking that up.. though means i'll have be organised (list) for once.

  • +4

    Mine is usually $160, but I have done the last 2 shops at Aldi. All of a sudden $120 is the new deal. If you want to keep these deals low, you have to show no loyalty and skip between different supermarkets.

  • So glad for the first time I am the ozbargain targeted target.

  • I got spend $80 total over 4 weeks for 5000 points

  • -2

    the margin in coles and most retail is around 40%.

    • +1

      Always wondered about the margins…

      Where did you get your information?

      Sometimes I can stack multiple offers and end up with around 40% discount and I've always wondered whether Coles were making any money from the transaction.

      • Know people in the retail industry. With regards to the promotion with Coles and Woolies, they have some kind of deal with vendors. Basically the chain may say, I will distribute 1000 crates but you need to provide 100 crates at 50% (or less) and thus we see all these 1/2 price every other week.

        So these range and assortments will rotate as to which promo gets listed on which week.

        • Thanks for the insight.

    • The margin isn't that high. Sure, Woolies and Coles have high margins compared to other supermarket retails around the world, but that margin is closer to 5-7%, not 40% (and is trending down).…

      • Their gross margin is around 30%.

  • I got spend $100 every week for four weeks and get $25 off or 5000 bonus points. :(
    I think I'm going to shop at Woolworths this week out of spite.

  • Wow looks like everyone got an offer, except for me. I didn't get anything

    • me too

      • I had a triple points offer last week but nothing came after that. Sad times.

  • Got the $90 offer

  • I got the spend $130 for 4 weeks and get $50 off. Disappointing :(

  • Got $240, remember last time was about same amount and didn't finish it, pray it coming down.

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