This very popular grill is back again at this very low price.
Previous deals for comments here and here
Also note you can price match at HN and JB
its approved by ozbargain
$10 delivery for me.
Why don't you try your real address?
That is a real address
If you know Marble Bar, you'd know they don't need any electricity to create heat ;) just chuck the sandwich on your bonnet, it'll be toasted in seconds
I like the grill marks though…
Has this one got the locking height adjustment like the Breville Sandwich Press BSG220 as my current sandwich press hasn't and my sandwiches end up squashed and the bread ends up too thin.
I have it and it doesn't - and I can vouch that squashed sandwiches are annoying
Thanks, will get the Breville instead.
Patiently wiaiting on a deal for this one. Stuck with a Kogan one at the moment.
Maybe someone will do a price match?…
no height adjustment in this day and age seems a big oversight …… like are they waiting for a patent to expire or they need to,license it …….. there are lots of models with height adjustment on that market now.
I'm less fussed about height adjustment, just waiting on the Xiaomi version so I can control it over wifi.
Xiaomi sandwich press ….then the problem of Chinese interface and no AU power plug.
You love to have a winge about something.
I prefer the press with both flat plates. Easier to clean..
yeah, totally.. both flat, and height adjustments..
and, ideally (which they're not many of these around) removable plates..
BGR840BS. You can buy an additional flat or ribbed plate direct from Breville (I have one and did this - $60 IIRC)
The unit is probably $320 on sale, although I have seen $100 (rarely) on gumtree
nice. the Bentley of sandwich presses.. shame the price.. and size… well for my purposes at least..
Price has gone back to 44.95 :(
Is this one approved by George Foreman?