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Another Round of FREE St. John Ambulance First Aid Courses via Target


Target has posted another round of free first aid courses. Most of the venues still have TBC dates on them, but I've already booked in for my local Target.

St John Ambulance Australia is a self-funding charitable organisation active in all states and territories, dedicated to helping people in sickness, distress, suffering or danger. St John is Australia’s leading provider of first aid training, first aid services at public events and supplier of first aid kits and equipment. St John runs the ambulance services in Western Australia and Northern Territory. St John provides a range of community services and youth development programs.

Our partnership - In October 2008, St John conducted kid’s first aid training courses for our customers in six Victorian stores. This trial was highly successful and in April 2009 we announced a partnership, which will enable Target to take the St. John Kidsafe First Aid program nationally to 1000 carers of children under 12. For more information on the location of courses please call St John on 1300 106 499.

NSW http://www.target.com.au/html/aboutus/img/stjohncourses/NSW.…
ACT http://www.target.com.au/html/aboutus/img/stjohncourses/ACT.…
QLD http://www.target.com.au/html/aboutus/img/stjohncourses/QLD.…
VIC http://www.target.com.au/html/aboutus/img/stjohncourses/vic_…
WA http://www.target.com.au/html/aboutus/img/stjohncourses/WA.p…
SA http://www.target.com.au/html/aboutus/img/stjohncourses/SA.p…
NT http://www.target.com.au/html/aboutus/img/stjohncourses/NT.p…
TAS http://www.target.com.au/html/aboutus/img/stjohncourses/TAS.…

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closed Comments

  • Is it only for parents?

    • Well, the description says for "carers", but I wasn't asked if I was one when I booked in. They also advise not to take the kids with you, so I don't know how they'd monitor that, really.

      • +1

        The last first aid course I did they showed us loads of really gruesome pictures and explained how it (the accident) happened and what the proper course of action would be. I got queasy and fainted - it all happened pretty gradually, my vision was closing in like a tunnel and my skin was clammy. Luckily I was in one of those chairs with a desk attached and I didn't slump over - otherwise the whole class would have done first aid on me.
        I spoke to some people after the class and it turned out I wasn't the only one who felt sick. I think the pictures on their own wouldn't have been so bad, but the story and graphic descriptions were just a bit too much.
        Hopefully no one ever needs to rely on me for first aid!

        Maybe that's why they suggest not to take kids.

      • +4

        They can tell by how tired you look whether or not you have kids…

    • no certification, it's only an information type session
      sessions are 4hrs long and they will only be run on weekdays

  • +2

    They don't ask you for proof of you being a parent. And no this is not a full first aid certificate. This is just a small part of it designed to give first aid to children only. You will still get a first aid certificate though.

    • Thanks! I would love to go, but not being able to bring my baby or your kids defeats the purpose if you want your partner to learn as well

  • +1

    How do you enroll?

    • searched around and found nothing other than pdfs everywhere.

    • you have to pick up the phone and talk to someone :)
      1300 106 499

  • +3

    Just called, far more limited than advertised.
    Advertised as Australia wide, listing all states- but really isnt.

    No courses scheduled in ACT or NSW regional areas for all of this year. Not until next year "if at all" was ladys response. Same with Tas and NT. Only 1 location for SA.

    The only NSW ones are Rouse Hill, Merrylands, Mt Druit, Bass Hill (all in Sydney).

    Negative vote because website and pdfs promote it as australia wide but in reality it isnt.

    • +2

      I really hate to neg a bargain, but it's true, I got the same response when asking about courses in the ACT. I actually signed up 2 years ago (as we were expecting our first little boy). Nothing eventuated, they never called back to put me on a course.

      Really disappointing. Are ACT babies less important?

  • Call them, tell them what target branch is available and enroll. If you are coming with a partner, give his/her name. Last time I attended, they did not give any certificate. Lunch was free though. Kids are not allowed as this is a course and time limited so you will need to get someone to look after them.

  • This course was a great refresher for anyone who had done a course in the past. The reason they ask that children not attend is so the "attendees" can concentrate on what is being said/shown/asked etc. Babes in arms (ie under 12 months) are excluded from this "ban". This was completely worthwhile and lunch being provided was a bonus. Take advantage of this deal if you can!

  • Just called up to sign up in WA. I was told it is not a First Aid Courses, just an introduction session. After 4 hours of listening, we will be taught how important is the First Aid Courses and encouraged to pay the fee and attend the full First Aid Courses.

    Great way to advertise First Aid Courses to save people.

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