Attention Ozbargainers. Struggling to find something to buy in the latest ebay coupon % off sale? Look no further, you have found the perfect item.
Don't pass up this opportunity to be a proud owner of this new farting machine from JayCar.
Attention Ozbargainers. Struggling to find something to buy in the latest ebay coupon % off sale? Look no further, you have found the perfect item.
Don't pass up this opportunity to be a proud owner of this new farting machine from JayCar.
Stop blaming your kids jv.
it was the dog. honest.
Why did you name your dog Honest?
Lol yep JV should stop blaming the kids
I agree jv. I shart be buying this.
Lack of remote though…
Mine can be remotely operated by pulling my finger
Ah…those old fashion remotes with the cord
You sir are a true Ozbargainer!
"i farted"
is a common sentence with a 6 year old kid i know, while smiling proudly making sure everyone knows it was her.
Your comment stinks
This whole deal stinks :P
No shet!
how much do they normally fart?
kids are not free at all.
Since when we need machine assistance to perform build-in function?
Possibly as comedic relief at the moment the host machine is about to have some buffer overflow?
does this help with farting?
oh shiiii
Username checks out
I'll pass
Noisy ones are okay, like an early warning system, they let you know what's coming.
The silent ones… are the violent ones!
silent but deadly.
Any sound demo?
Too funny………..
6 million views and now 2200 clicks on a $22 fart machine. Welcome to technological innovation in the 21st century.
Only 3 sounds? And $20?! This seems quite expensive.
Honestly, I bet the way its retrieving tracks is stupidly minimalist, could probably get your own sounds-medium on there.. Tbh they would probably sell more saying that and just having fart sounds as the stock sound-set.
I will do this for everyone here so they can do it themselves if someone gifts me one xD
Farts on demand… unbelievable
Cheers for sharing
I have one of these, but after a number of weeks of heavy use, it only seems to do silent ones now. Oh wait…
but deadly?
I have a minion for that.
Only fart sound but no smell? Fail.
Can it do accents?
le pffft.
Cheaper to buy some baked beans
What happened to good ol skill of sneaking in a woopie cushion
We're losing our culture!
This is gonna be bigger than fidget spinners! (not really)
I was a non-verbal autist before this, now I'm communicating with farts!!
Fidget Spinners are done. All those Kiwis selling them at makeshift stalls in shopping centres will be out of jobs by next month.
Goes with the dutch oven I got from Aldi last week.
isn't this something to do with carbon capture and storage ?
IF fart capture and storage(FCS) can be proven to works with this machine
then CCS(carbon capture and storage) will work just as well … ?
The remote control should've been a finger
No Band 28…
Ah, the infamous brown band
The best part of the fart is the smell…
Chuck Berry, i thought you were dead!
Before I got wind of this deal, I thought Jaycar were useless.
hands make the most realistic farts without being real farts.
Hoof hearted, ice melted.
This would be hilarious to put inside a toilet cubicle.
This deal doesn't stink…
What's the point of this when you lose the satisfaction of smelling your own farts.
Baked beans 65c
My phone does this for free…
…. and so do I
It's identity theft! I fart therefore I am…
Stinky deal.. What happened to the good old "Whoopie Cushion"?!
If you work in retail, these are great for hiding amongst the shelves and putting the remote in your pocket. Just press the button randomly throughout the day. Disclaimer: I work for Jaycar and I have never done this :)
The devil made me do it…..
Grandsons gonna pee when they get 'em <g>
If you press the button to hard shit get's real.
Have you guys heard about naming your fart using movie title? Sound of Music, Scent of a Woman, Gone with the Wind, Gone in 60 Seconds, Tropic Thunder, the possibilities are endless. Mine would be Pitch Perfect.
the neverending story
cloudy with a chance of meatballs
Wish I could vote more than once for this.
Backdraft, Top Gun, Tremors…
Mine would be The Fifth Element.
or, just like 'Frozen' song
at work : conceal, don't feel, don't let them know…
at home : let it go! let it go! can't hold it back anymore…
Losing my sh*t laughing at this comment.
Apocalypse Now or Breaking Bad (not a movie title, I know)
Hoof Hearted was a British mare that won several races in the early eighties (the announcer didn't flinch). Another horse, Whykickamoocow, was not so lucky.
82 up votes and counting….NONE SOLD
Typical fake ozbargainers
9 sold today (21st June). So far.
Ok so 25 sold so far.
Point is there is 120 upvotes on the deal yet nowhere near as many purchases.
It's not surprising though: lots of upvotes for the novelty of the item - unusual to see in stores - & of course the opportunity for flatulence jokes. Most people probably see an item like this getting boring fast, so wouldn't actually pay for one.
I voted but didn't buy.
Does this just make the sounds or can it do smells too?
My life is complete now
Not to be that guy, but
TL;DR - this is landfill.
Can we get more deals like this then I don't have to spend my money on crap?
Can you drop one?
Someone purchased 5 at once :)
c***w ( 3 ) AU $19.95 5 21-Jun-17 13:36:30 AEST
I hope they added a $1 item to take it past $100 so they could use the $20 off $100 spend COUNT20 code.
How did the OP get wind of this deal?
My kids do it for FREE…