Well why not?
You can also watch exclusive original shows — starting with Planet of the Apps.
Well why not?
You can also watch exclusive original shows — starting with Planet of the Apps.
"this is a trial that used to be free"
Surely the test is whether 99c for 3 months represents a current bargain. The 3 months free was the original introductory trial offer.
You can't live in the past forever otherwise a meat pie would still cost 50 cents.
"so should all price rises be posted as bargains"
Of course not. Sorry that you've chosen to miss the point.
"What they may they raised the price on a trial
I think you did"
The original free trial ended. The new trial is 99c for 3 months which is still a great bargain. Simple as that.
Apple music retails for $11.99 per month so this represents a potential saving of $34.98 for new subscribers. By your logic we should never buy ice-cream again because once a year Ben and Jerry's holds free scoop day. Idiotic.
No it was not a one time offer it has been free for more than 2 years
By your logic I should post a bargain. When Ben and jerrys increases their everyday price
@aussman: Apple has not increased their everyday price, or increased the price of the initial free months of membership to their everyday price, they are charging 99c for $35.98 of retail value. Much other services like Spotify and Google Play have offered free month trials at times, and 99 cent deals at others. Much like when eBay posts a 15% off coupon it's still a deal even though 20% off coupons have been posted in the past. The deal is not as good as the previous deal, but it still offers a considerable saving. Perhaps its time to start thinking like a rational human being rather than trolling for attention.
The free trial was not a limited offer or code. It was free since they launched. They are now charging therefore not a bargain. They never removed the trial they just starting charging for it
@mr_me450, @jdr. Technically, @aussman is correct, whilst I do agree he is going about it like a d**k.
This was always a 3 month FREE trial for anyone who wished to try it out. Now Apple is charging $0.99 for exactly the same thing which is 3 months trial. Therefore they have actually just increased the price on something that was once free. They are not providing anything more just because money is changing hands, therefore it is not a NEW deal and neither did the OLD one end.
This is no different to Qantas charging $89.50 to join the FF flyer program whilst technically offering the same things as when it was free.
When it was 3 months for $0 it was a bargain. Now that it is 3 months for 99c, it remains a bargain. I agree that there's nothing really new about the offer but it is useful to see things like this posted occasionally particularly for the benefit of new members and as a reminder for others.
Yeah, not sure why it needs posting. It's a good deal but
a) There's always been a 3 month trial
b) Until two weeks ago it was free, so the timing of this post seems poor
It's not that its a bad deal, its that the deals been in place since day one and until recently was $0.99 better than it is now.
couldn't agree more
Playstation Network use to be free too and now it costs $$
Everything in the end cost money if you want a decent service
Thanks OP.
I just pay 11.99 now, it's worth it just to listen to music. Don't need to buy albums anymore
You can get it for $5.99 if you have a UniDays account. If you have family sharing, you can get it for $17.99, for five people, so $3.60 per person.
Don't have a family or GOTO uni haha
How does this compare to google play, Spotify etc and can you use it on android or just ios? Thanks.
You can use Apple Music on android. You just need to download the Apple Music app on the play store.
I haven't used google play, but Apple Music is better than Spotify in my opinion because it seamlessly blends with my current iTunes library so all my old, previously purchased songs sit alongside the Apple Music streaming songs, rather than in a separate app in Spotify. The Apple Music app is a lot faster than the Spotify app for me too.
They stared charging for the trial only in Australia. Still free in other countries
No, Apple charges in other countries now too.
Don't know why I got all the negs, the evidence of charging in other countries is here: https://www.macrumors.com/2017/05/21/apple-music-trial-no-lo…
Not all countries are charging, but some are.
Yep it's an AMAZING DEAL pay for something that was free and other countries get free
It's $1;
consume one less cigarette, a 20% smaller coffee, a 30% smaller bottle of water, one less litre of petrol, a 15% smaller beer, a 20% smaller burger, anytime in the next 3 months.
Get over it!
Yep ozpriceincreases.com.au
Edit: it is not free in Spain & Switzerland as well
Told ya so, but I still get negged.
Same Price as Spotify trial
Lol you cheap bastards. Apple being cheap for charging a buck and you lot for bitching and arguing about paying a buck. Lol 😂
1 dollah a lot of money.
Is this the only way to watch Planet of the Apps? We only own one i device and have used similar offers previously.
Wouldnt bother with apple music or google music even for free..rather pay for spotify because its the best.
Can you elaborate on being the "best"?
First couple of things that come to mind.
The ability to play directly to many amps and speakers and control from anywhere, tablet, phone or pc on the fly. i.e. Control is handed over to which ever device you are using.
Curated playlists. i.e. triple j "hitlist" is updated weekly and last time I looked wasnt on the other services. Its triple J without any talking…amazing.
I tried to switch to google music because of the google red inclusion but didnt even see out a free trial.
I haven't tried Spotify for long but I have tried Google Play Music and now Apple Music (currently for 1 month).
I jumped on Google Play Music for Youtube Red and that you can upload songs with ease, but I find the Google Play Music app doesn't work properly. Every time I skip a few songs the app will stop playing like it was paused for some reason and even after a few updates it still hasn't worked properly. Very annoying for when you're running or at the gym and you don't want to get your phone out.
Ended up switching to Apple Music for now and for most part, works fine, but uploading music was a pain with iTunes.
Spotify from my experience doesn't allow you to upload songs - only curate on the desktop app. I could be wrong now maybe its changed but I couldn't do it.
I'm switching around between the 3. Google would of been my default if the bloody app worked properly.
Ah so it's not just my app that has issue. I thought it was my iPhone 6 getting old for the app. I will probably switch to Spotify after my current sub runs out. Will miss the ad free Youtube though.
I assume all the music added to library over the trail period is lost if subscription isn't continued?!?
It stays in your library but you can't play it.
I like google music more. Google Music and Apple Music are similar but google music bundled YouTube Red, so no advertisements from watching YouTube vids and additional YouTube Red programs.
I believe the trial is "per device".
Not sure about iTunes card method but when I try creating a new apple account and sign up with even different credit card it rejects it on my iPhone which has had trial under my original account? I think they have a more sophisticated mechanism to catch out free trials abuse??