This was posted 14 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series [Blu-Ray] [2009] AUD$20.98 [Soldout - Pricing error]


Only 10 pounds for complete series. This is the new version of Battlestar Galactica, not the old one from 1978.
Doesn't seem to include Battlestar Galactica: The Plan, but even so it is still a bargain for 10 pounds. It would be nice to have a box set which includes everything, but for such massive saving, I'm personally quite happy to get The Plan separately.



If you want to have your say about Amazon and the way it treats customers with pricing errors go to the forums and if thread is there add your flames etc there. Or open a new thread if it hasn't been started.

According to a post in this thread Amazon does reserve the right to cancel orders if a pricing error occurs. Not saying its fair, but it does exist….

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • new one or old one ?

    • New Battlestar Galactica, not the old one from 1978.

      • Screw that then :)

        • The original series in Blu-ray… :)

          • @QuiOui: It's actually quite feasible with some good old movies that have been remastered.
            Their old releases in VHS format could not do justice to the film source.

    • Price error

  • 20 discs, that is a decent bargain.

  • -5

    Not a bargain until the Shipping cost is calculated

    • 3.6 pounds to Perth :)

  • +1

    Gosh I just received a receipt stating 8.49 pounds + 3.68 pounds for shipping. Total will only cost me about $21 AUD this is a massive bargain!!! GET IT before it sells out!

  • Shipping is

  • that is seriously cheap!!!!, season 1 on DVD costs more then $20, the only problem is after seeing it get worse and worse with every season ,do i really want to watch it again???? LOL

  • +6

    Great find allyemil this is what a bargain looks like ppl

    • +3

      To allyemil - well done. I agree with bti_jet - this is a bargain!

  • +1

    Great find!

  • +1

    Great work !!!! Bought !

  • -1

    Shipping cost?

    • Nazrath mentioned the shipping cost in GBP up there ^

      Items: GBP 8.49
      Postage & Packing: GBP 3.68
      Total before VAT: GBP 12.17

      Order Total: GBP 12.17
      Payment Total: AUD 20.98

  • I got myself copy and yeah it was $20.98!

    Awesome bargain!

  • There are other amazon bargains to be found in the comments here: if you want to combine postage.

  • thanks

  • Yep its $20.98 AUD delivered. I've updated the title to clear that up.

  • Ordered mine. Good deal…

  • Thankyou allyemil! Absolute bargain. It would cost me more to rent these from my local DVD shop.

  • upvoted
    awesome find guy

  • I might need to buy a blu ray player now :P

    • +1

      just get a ps3 instead :P

  • +4

    I suspect this is a pricing error… I wonder if they will go through with it.

    • Quite possibly an error.

  • This is great, wish it wasn't for crappy blu-ray though.

    Can this be played on Aussie blu-ray players thought, or is it region locked to the UK?

    • +3

      I believe we're in the same region as the UK.

    • +1

      UK and Aus have teh same region code, B

      • Hmmm it's interesting to note under product details it says …
        "Region: Region 2 (This DVD may not be viewable outside Europe. Read more about DVD formats.)"

        I've ordered, hopefully it doesn't turn out to be a DVD as the PS3 is region locked.

        • -1

          its the blu-ray… there is no chance it isn't..

        • Don't ever trust Amazon on regions. Blu-ray is more compatible than DVD however, as we're both region B.

    • +2

      Bluray titles are very often released as multiregion.

      I can verify that this release is region free. My housemate bought this 4 months ago. I have a region A bluray player (from the US). It plays fine. Also, the website confirms it is region free.

      Damn, this is an awesome bargain! Even though my housemate has it, I just bought a copy for myself. I'm not going to tell him the price. It'll just make him sad.

  • Bought 2 of these. Nice deal :).

  • I created an Amazon UK account just now, but when I try and add a credit card it comes up with an error, does it need to buy a UK credit card? If so, how can I get around this?

    • No it doesn't. Not sure why there is an error, maybe you are entering the details wrong?

      • I was entering the credit card details correctly, even tried a couple of cards. The problem must have been that I was entering the information in the account sign-up process because I went into "Your Account" and added it there and it worked fine. Weird.

  • region 2, will it play on r4 bluray players?

    • UK is the same region as Australia. for DVD's its region 4, but for blu-ray is Region 2 or Region B.

      • ah, thanks, didnt know that, assumed was the same region encoding as it is for dvds.

  • No, it'll accept Aussie credit cards…I just ordered it!

    Great find! Very tempted to get the Band of Brothers box set for $15 pounds…

  • This is absolute bargain thanks for this wish I could ++++ more then once!!! :D

  • anyone get a confermation email?

    • +1

      Got an auto-conform email, but that is all so far.

  • +1

    Its Region B which is the same as Australia

  • Great deal! Just ordered one

  • Pricing error, will no longer allow orders. Amazon has clause saying purchasing contract not complete until item is shipped.

    • Bummer, oh well, was fun thinking we'd all got a bargain :).

  • +1

    STRIKE !!!
    Grat super-sweet deal. Had to watch it on Internet-quality, Looking forward to some blu-ray battles.
    Thanksalot for the post

    Delivery estimate: 30 Sep 2010 - 13 Oct 2010
    Dispatch estimate for these items: 20 Sep 2010 - 27 Sep 2010
    1 "Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series [Blu-ray] [2009]"
    Edward James Olmos; Blu-ray; £8.49

  • I haven't received any email yet saying this is an error so will see.

    Just got the autoconfirm

  • Never ever seen them but bought!

  • awesome deal, just bought =D so how likely are we to actually receiving these?

  • All orders will be canceled. Had this done to me before be Amazon :(

    • We can only try :)

      If they cancel it oh well, If they don't we gain we lose nothing :)

    • +2

      party pooper.

      • lol

    • lol at the negs. It's not like Twisty is going to be cancelling our orders him/herself.

      I hope it's not cancelled, but it's a bit of a gamble ordering something online that is 94% off.

  • +7

    It's probably a trap, those fracking cylons!

  • Can anyone see a paypal option? I can't find it.

    • Amazon doesn't do paypal

      • So I'm not completely oblivious.
        Thank you :)

  • Is it a good series?

    • starts great then goes downhill rather quickly. for 20$ its a steal tho

      • +1

        Why do people neg funny sarcastic humour?

        • +1

          Because they are somewhat of limited intelligence!

        • +5

          sorry but i dont see where the sarcasm is. unless it's Your comment that's the sarcasm/humour, jared? lol

          lovedeals "I ordered 5, for $18.10 each delivered! :)"

          this seems to suggest it wasnt sarcasm…

    • I think it's a fantastic series. Galactica purists will have trouble with it, as many roles from the original series have been turned on their head. The writing and acting are top notch. Casting was brilliant.

      First two seasons were really good. Dips a little at the beginning of season 3 with the New Caprica situation. The final season was amazing. The conclusion was intriguing, but not brilliant.

  • thanks :)

  • +1

    Awesome, just spent up at Amazon. Thanks for posting the deal. Got UP (Bluray 2disc), ToyStory 1/2 Bluray, Band of Brothers Bluray Boxset and Battlestar all for $98 delivered. Yeehaa.

  • +1

    Really do wonder if it's been miss priced, either way ordered it, thanks.

  • Just ordered, thanks.
    Hope they don't cancel it.

  • Crazy price. Just ordered. Will see if we get it :-)

  • honestly i don't think they have 1000+ copies of this in stock LOL!

  • +1

    Matrix BluRay Boxset going for £14.46 plus shipping !!…

    • Oh yeah, getting that as well!

  • No doubt it's a mistake, and im pretty sure they will not honour it, but i ordered one just in case they do

    • isnt there some law, whatever price being advertised they must complete the transaction

      • no - an advertisement is not an offer to trade but an advertisement to receive an offer to trade. however if you then offer them an amount and they accept (and take your money) then its done deal. not that you would kick up such a stink about something of such little value like this, its not really worth the time fighting about it.

    • +14

      No, they haven't in the past, and people like your buying 5 doesnt help at all

      • -2

        Don't have a cry about it. 1 or 5, it won't matter. 200 people buying 5 or 1000 buying 1. I'm sure Amazon's internal systems will pick this up as an error.

        • +14

          Still it'd be nice if folks just bought something sincerely and gave a larger number of others a chance to. There's taking a chance on a deal that's better than it aught to be, and then there's just being a knob about it…

          • -2

            @[Deactivated]: Arbitrage is legal, in most circumstances and has no doubt been used by many people on OzBargain, whether they ordered 1 of a particular deal, or 100.

            • +8

              @Daabido: dont get me started on what else is legal yet immoral…

  • omg i loved this series!!

    this cant be right…. maybe for 1 season, but for the whole set?!?!

    awesome find OP, very well done.

    • -2

      If you order 5, you get a neg WTF?????????????????

    • +3

      You could be ordering it for friends and they still neg you. meh.

  • Ordered one copy and got the autoconfirm, let's see how we go…

  • Great bargain. Ordered mine. Hope it works.

  • I hope it's not a pricing error. In any case, I had some items in my basket on Saturday and come Sunday the main title I wanted doubled in price! I ended up chucking that out of the basket and got this instead to go with the rest. Hope it is all good.

  • +4

    Fracking good deal. Even if they don't honour the price, the whingefest that ensues should boost OzBargain's ad views, which is a good outcome too, right? :D

  • +6

    With everyone buying 5 don't you think you'll have a hard time flogging them on ebay?

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