• long running

Under One Roof Season One Streaming @ Mediacorp YouTube


previously broadcasted on SBS… in the 1990s

All seasons available…

The story of shop-owner Tan Ah Teck and his family—wife Dolly and children Ronnie, Paul, and Denise—and neighbors in their apartment building.

https://www.mewatch.sg/show/Under-One-Roof-30458 official site thanks @user!!

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Mediacorp, Singapore
Mediacorp, Singapore


  • +4

    Oh damn! That’s some nostalgic TV show!

  • +4

    Oh wow the memories….

    What I'm really hoping for is a good stream of Phua Chu Kang. Used to stay up next to the VCR to record it so I have my own tape series 😂 fk that was around 25-30 years ago now I feel old

  • +9

    All seasons are available from media corps online platform available free from here:


  • +3

    Hey OP,
    Thanks so much for posting this.

    I loved watching this on SBS.

  • +1

    That accent reminds last time I was in SG.

  • +1

    is only "season one free"?

  • +1

    What's the deal with the aspect ratio? It's stretched horizontally

    • -3

      It's stretched horizontally

      Nah, they just ate too many Singapore noodles.

  • -7

    Asian comedy lol

    • ?

      • -8

        Singapore comedy = cringe.

        • +1

          Best comedy of all time imo

    • -1

      honestly never seen asian comedy. I wonder what it's like.

      is it like those popular asian influencers? one which is like a chef I think.

      like talking normal english to mum, and then turns around makes a face and says something with a strong accent like "ching chong good!!!" and there is a laugh track?

      • give it a watch and give us your thoughts! :D

        • -1

          I wanna watch a movie tonight.

          wouldn’t be fair to judge it on 1 minute right.

          tbh though don’t really find comedies that depend on stereotypes to get laughs funny (like the chef guy, Steven He I think). like a black guy talking normally, then starting to talk like a gangsta all of a sudden. idk just isn’t funny to me.
          same thing with like a blonde acting all stupid all of a sudden like “d’uhhhh” not very funny.

  • +4

    I thought I was the only person that watched this show. As an Aussie Asian growing up in the 90s, this was the first show I saw on Aussie tv that had people that looked like my family and our circle of family friends. The actress that plays Denise is a radio DJ in Singapore now - on Class 95 and the actress that played Rosna migrated to Qld but doesn't act anymore.

    • +1

      woah had no idea Aussies watched our shows here (I am from SG), so cool!

  • such a slapstick show. honestly the english level is embarrassing

  • +2

    In some sad news, i've also just learnt that Moses Lim, the actor that plays the father Tan Ah Teck, has passed away. https://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/entertainment/moses…

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