• expired

[Limited Stock] WD 8TB My Book Desktop External Hard Drive US$196.52/AU$264 Delivered from Amazon.com

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Same deal was posted in april:

~$15AUD cheaper now, shipping from 11th June

****NOTE stock is continuously selling out and being replenished, if it's sold out when you try, keep trying. I was able to purchase after hours of it being sold out, as have others in the comments

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • What drive does it use?

    • Amazon comments say "It contain WD80EZZX. 'can' called Blue. In fact, it's HGST 8TB 5400RPM non TLER oem hdd."

      Whether that's good or not dunno….

      • the HGST's are Red's. $264 for a 8TB red is crazy

        • +3

          That's not what the numerous amazon comments are saying for this.. says reds are in duo models not this one.

        • +3

          No that's not apparently correct anymore. The intial batches apparently sometimes contained Reds but not anymore.

          This will be the 5400 "Blue" equivelant which is fine by me for the money. As long as it isn't an SMR drive it's great value.

        • @yanman:

          Is there any specific concern with SMR drives for external backup?

          I've been looking at the "Seagate Backup Plus Hub 8TB External Desktop Hard Drive Storage - STEL8000100" (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HD6ZLQ6?th=1) which is an SMR drive. I'm just waiting for the price to come back down a bit again (https://camelcamelcamel.com/Seagate-External-Desktop-Storage…)

          I'm not that knowledgable on these things, but from the bit of reading of done so far, SMR limitations don't seem to be an issue for general backup needs.

          Thanks for any insights.

        • +1

          @surethang: You are right. SMR doesn't have problem when doing incremental backup. Especially for scheduled daily backup (where the drive stops spinning on the rest of time)

        • +1

          @surethang: SMR is meant for backup, so no. But I want it for a NAS so SMR would be a bad chocie for that. This drive is not SMR.

    • The drives used vary.

  • +2

    The drives are fine, even though they are not Reds. I bought two in the April deal.
    My only disappointment with them is that the fancy new square-design case has no indicator lights at all. Not for power or activity.
    The only way you can tell if they are on is by listening to them spin up or during activity.
    They are somewhat noisier than the "old" design 8TB externals or the 8TB Reds I have in a WD Duo, but not excessively so.
    Also, for a while now, WD doesn't include worldwide "duckheads" for the power supplies. If you buy from the US, you get a US plugpack and if you buy from the UK, you'll get a plugpack with their monstrous plugs.
    So, be prepared to buy adapters for the plugpacks.

  • Should have bought this morning when I got camel alert. Looks like it's all gone

  • Whoa nice price! Bought four of these last month for $15-20 more. Shucked them when they arrived last week and now have them in a NAS. I found them very quiet compared to other 'NAS' specific raw drives I've bought recently. Nice find SimBech but it seems they're all gone now :(

  • Wont let me buy, unavaliable. :(

  • It's back, and will be in stock on 11 Jun. Just bought one mins ago, hurry up.

  • Damn, just missed it again. Gone.

  • Still unavailable

  • Stock keeps coming back and selling out, after seeing it sold out for hours i just was able to order 1 at 9:40PM

  • I suspect I can open the case and use the internal hdd only?

    • That's what I'm going to do. Did some research online and it's not hard to do that.

  • I saw the "WD 8TB My Book Duo Desktop RAID External Hard Drive - USB 3.0 - WDBLWE0080JCH-NESN" cost US$319 / AU$430 from Amazon, which equals to AU$219/drive; looks like a good bargain too, no?

    • that will equals AU$219 / per 4tb drive yes (4x2 = 8tb)

      this deal is one 8tb drive for $264

      • Oh…I thought it'll be 16GB…sorry my bad :(

  • Managed to Secure a unit this morning. Finally have some storage for my much overdue NAS Upgrade.

  • is this expired???

  • +1

    Hi, I need some help.

    When I click on "go to deal" it opens in the internet explorer equivalent on my samsung phone, I then have to click on buying options and then tge cheapest price is about $246. How do I get to see the correct price ie $199?

    I have downloaded the Amazon app, but how do I open this deal on it?

    Finally, how do I know if the prove shown is in US or Aus dollars?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    • Stock is jumping in and out. What you are seeing is no stock. Keep trying until it says buy it now

      • if we are seeing no stock then this post should be labelled as OUT OF STOCK, its misleading for people who are trying to get it.

        • +2

          Again, stock is continually being added and is selling out. It's not misleading as the only way to buy it is to keep trying, labelling it as out of stock would mean people won't bother trying at all.

        • @SimBech: just got 1 thanks

      • Ok. Thanks. If it is in stock does it mean that I won't have to click on "show buying options"?

        Also are the prices in US dollars?

        Finally, how would I purchase this via the Amazon app?

        • +1

          Back in stock now

  • +1

    As of time of this post, still no stock at this price point.

    Will keep trying I guess!

    • +1

      It's back now

      • Did you manage to buy one?

        • Yes just 5min ago but just tried again and the option isn't showing to buy now. Not sure if it's because I have already purchased or they are out again

        • Well done! I just looked but can't see stock. If you check now can you still see stock?

        • @d123:
          Gone again (

        • +1

          Just checked now, and still out.

          I think this one is a goner.

  • lmao it was a goner this morning when i posted

  • +1

    Just bought it now!!

    Going to the Amazon website from the link "Go to Deal" in this post, allows you now to place the order with an expected shipment on 12 June 2017, ie the end of this week.

    I suggest to un-Expire this post. It is still good!

  • +1

    Just got one as well!

    Get in there folks… this thing is like Rocky in the 15th round, just won't stay down (bloody evil Ivan Drago…. booo) :).

  • +1

    back in stock, just ordered

  • FYI back in stock, just ordered one

  • Just ordered one too.

  • +4

    I apologise guys you were right i was wrong, i appreciate the replies and i picked one up Thanks :))

  • +1

    Back in stock, ordered!!

  • Just ordered one as well.

  • Go go go…. 8.23pm

  • Now USD 209.99 plus delivery.

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