This is my first post and I am not sure if this is targeted or not but I just got an email advertising $15 off $100 spend at eBay:
This is my first post and I am not sure if this is targeted or not but I just got an email advertising $15 off $100 spend at eBay:
I've got you in my sight
Leave me alone. I'm not an onion!
BUY.. BUY.. BUY..!
Me too, first time!
It's targeted can't use it :(
Thats odd, I have 2 accounts and they work on both. I must be their key demographic or something
Thanks op !!!
On my account but I never get notification from ebay
I got WINTER10 for 10% off over $100.
same and upto $200 off. Saved $95 on my bathroom renovations just then.
Whenever people hit us up for a discount through eBay, we send them an offer and tell them about whatever discount codes might be available at the time. Feels good to give further discounts that don't cost us haha.
Damn, sorry didn't know about you guys. I went through Renolink and RenovationD. I'll keep you guys in mind next time!
No worries.
900mm Shaving Cabinet
Toilet suite
Wall Mixer
Basin Mixer
900mm vanity
All accessories set
Shower Head
Floor grates
So pretty much everything! Total 905 after 10% discount.
need a professional caulker? lol
Same ,didn't receive any email though.
Looks like that's the wrong code. Please double-check and try again.
Just not targeted tuzii, unlucky you wahahahahaha
Many cries happened already
copyright infringed lol.
Just got the email too. Excludes 'Bullion' unfortunately.
Foiled again!
WINTER69 is working for me!
stay warm
WINTER69 is working for me!
Thanks for suggestion, I'll apply tonight
Thanks, finally received this targeted offer but don't know what to buy ….
Classified section, help other ppl buy and you keep like 2-3% of it hahahhahaha
I wonder what ebays criteria is for this targetting? Purchase/Selling Activity?
I didn't get the email but the code works for me.
It may not receive their email but you can always check it under your eBay summary.
Thank you. Had no idea.
$15 off not 15% off.
$15 off is 15% off $100 though.
Only if you spend exactly $100.
Just got the email 3 minutes and 42 seconds ago
First time a targeted ebay offer worked for me.
Don't know why I bother checking, never anything
You can get this anytime with the groupon offer no?
No they don't have it now anymore.
I can see this offer at the bottom of my summary page. Thanks OP!
Winter15 didn't work for me but winter10 did thanks!
ihv got a one too finally.
Nice, got this one. It can be used for two transactions as well (up to 10 items per transaction)!
If you purchase >$150, winter10 code is better (if targeted)
This worked for me. Wanted the 10% off one to buy a switch though
Can we buy vouchers?
T&,C's say no but my experience with ebay code you somehow can so give it a try
Got the email, min spend kills it though.
WTF, I never get these and I made a new account just to get these but still no dice!
same for me….
I never get an email… :cry
Yes i got the offer too :)
However I didn't receive any emails. The coupon is in my Ebay summary. I never receive any emails from Ebay even though I have chosen to receive emails from Ebay.
+1 Got deal, no email.
Getting really tired of these posts, which are merely a service for people who don't read their email.
No one read emails.
First time in a while, I am receiving a good offer from ebay!
Will be using it :)
Yep I got this one in my system; wish I had the 10% off deal.
Got it, danke!
I buy regularly on ebay but I've been shunned, excluded, blackballed, rejected yet again.
Quite fed up with ebay tbo.
same here, buy regularly and no luck with either the 2 codes
Why would they need to entice you if you're already a regular customer?
It's also about looking after your base, not only sucking in newbies
DIDNTGETSHIT2017 worked for me :)
receiving faeces is bad, so you did alright.
Worked for me! Cheers OP!
Wow, I got this one. Woot.
Woo I got the $15! Now what to spend?
Same here. Nothing exciting :/
Anyone know if it can be used twice? i.e. split your transactions into two
found it - so the answer is yes
3.The offer entitles you to $15 off the purchase price (excluding postage costs) when you spend $100 or more in one transaction on during the Offer Period, for up to two transactions per person.
do all the items in your cart have to be in the same currency?
Yep, unless it's changed recently.
I got this
got it as well, thanks OP!
Is it possible to use this discount code as well as the "COZY" 20% code currently running on select Ebay stores to get a larger discount?
There's only 1 code field to put in during checkout and therefore you can only put 1 code for every purchase.
Ah, that's a shame. Thanks!
About time I got one of these targeted codes. Used one and now hunting for another use.
Finally one of the chosen ones, just saved $15 on a monitor I had already won with auction, thanks OP!
You can still use C5OZ for 5% off now.
code stacking?
If just people read… just a couple comments above you has similar question.
"There's only 1 code field to put in during checkout and therefore you can only put 1 code for every purchase."
Just a code with a $30 minimum spend that was meant to go offline. But it didn't at the time of posting.
Just bought wiper blades for the Bugatti Veyron
If you paid $100 for them you don't deserve OzBargain membership:
Thanks OP! I wouldn't have known to check my summary if this wasn't posted, Ebay never emails me.
Seems I managed to get this promotion on both my ebay accounts, interesting.
Thanks OP, now to find something worth spending $100 on.
Ditto, the struggle is real.
It says for up to two transactions per person in T&C. i've used it once, but can't seem to get it working a second time. anyone have any luck using it twice?
I had the same problem this morning. Then I contacted eBay and they issued me with a different code to use. I used it half an hour ago and I got $15 off again.
thanks, i'll do the same!
Trying to use it for a second time as well and they want me to but the item full price and then wait 15 days to get a refund into my Paypal account?
Did you contact eBay?
I had the same issue, went through eBay help, and the support guy said they "will escalate your discount credit request to our marketing and promotion team and they will credit the discount amount of AU 15 to your PayPal account maximum within 15 business days".
that's what they did with mine except quoted me 5-7 business days.
I got WINTER10, not 15….
thanks eBay again…… seriously. They don't reward regular customers in-which, brings in more money than "new" customers
Hey guys, I received the email with the offer. Probably won't be using it at this stage. Now taking offers for the 15% off. Starting bid $1…
Sweet got a Nike Rosche Two Flynit for $85
omg - i am finally targeted.