Money can be sent for this card for play games. You want? You decisions.
P.S. Choose USD during checkout as Amazon's converter will rip you off in AUD.
Money can be sent for this card for play games. You want? You decisions.
P.S. Choose USD during checkout as Amazon's converter will rip you off in AUD.
Exactly what I was going to say. Impressive price, seems like a good deal.
waiting for sub $400 before i pull the trigger.. almost any week now…
$250 for the 1060, $350 for the 1070 or $550 for the 1080 and I'm in.
im sure i've seen $250 for 1060 before…
Yep it was for the 3GB/crippled version
I had a 1060 3gb paired with a 1440p monitor overclocked to 100hz, BF1 on a mix of medium/high settings averaged 90-100fps with it dipping maybe to ~65 once in a blue moon.
The 3gb is still plenty
Like always, it depends on usage scenarios. Nobody is disputing 3gb VRAM is plenty for shooters. Try playing modded games with intensive texture packs and see how your VRAM gets you then.
Skyrim modded with 60+ mods, ultra, 1440p was hitting atleast 60fps consistently…
In very few situations will vram really limit you all that much, my old 7970 used to pump out 40-50 fps with skyrim on ultra 1440p and that thing only had 3gb of vram as well. These video cards now are efficient as hell, the old 7970 used to hit 80-85C all the time, the 1060 would hit 75 max and draw about half the watts
Same. Been waiting all year lol
Must resist.
Is this a version with the fixed thermal pads?
From the comments, it seems like orders after January are fine.
Comments seem to indicate they've been installed .
Still can't believe i paid $600 for this :( where do I hand in my Ozbargain license??
But I hope you've had he enjoyment of it from that time until this. It's the nature of tech and early adoption.
But how long ago? Things lose value over time, not sure why so many people forget this.
i paid $800, used it pretty much every day since and dont give a (profanity)
It is really hard to be an AMD, my 7950's were great an all but man, this is a great price / performance.
Another 7950 owner here, trying to hold out for Vega. AMD pls :(
I couldn't hold out and impulsed on the $610 PNY 1080…
Getting a bit of buyer's remorse already and I haven't even received it. God damn G-Sync monitors are expensive.
I share your pain, 7950 brother. I was using a 1060 for a couple of months and it was glorious. Too bad I don't game enough…for now.
Don't hold out. You will be disappointed like I was with the rx480. Ended up buying this card (FTW edition) 6+ months ago due to Amds delays.
*AMD fan
Damn lack of sleep makes me cranky and barely literate.
Does the clock speed matter? I looked at the comparison chart at the bottom and for $50 more the memory clock speed goes from 1,594 MHz to 8,018 MHz via the MSI gaming one.
Amazon has it listed wrong. 1594 MHz is the GPU clock. According to Newegg, the memory clock is 8008 MHz, so it's comparable.
Lol ignore that chart completely. It's comparing core clocks with boost clocks with memory clocks. Like saying your hard drive has 1000x the GB of your RAM.
this card boosts to 1911Mhz if you cool it well (ie well ventilated, 100% load) - even EVGA don't quote that
Will fall again soon but so will our dollar so?
you must be able to make money if you already know that.
Not to mention we will soon have 10% gst on all online overseas purchases cutting savings down significantly and making it pointless to buy from other countries in many cases.
Great price, I bought this + Razer Core while on a trip to the states a couple of months ago. Nice card and handles everything I throw at it really well.
The Black edition doesn't have a back plate FYI
Argh the classic Ozbargain 'wait and see' or 'bite and regret' when a better deal is just around the corner…
This was a month ago:
It was only a few frames slower and a few dollars more expensive. If you get the EVGA now, you are not going to regret it that much even several months later.
Where would I have to send this to if I had to claim warranty? and how much would that cost me?
EVGA have a global warranty. So I believe it would be sent somewhere Aus
I stand corrected, as below
I believe it is Taiwan.
Taiwan, Qld. Yep, checks out.
in other words, Sunnybank
Last I had an EVGA card die on me the closest warranty centre was Taiwan and the cheapest postage (Auspost) was over $70.
So yeah, global warranty is good, but there's still some cost if it ever does fail.
better than no warranty at all.
is it better to pay for this card with a regular visa / mastercard
or with an amex platinum edge?
get a card without international transaction fees. anz travel rewards, 28 degrees, bankwest something something
i have citibank plus but too lazy to load money on it when im not travelling
for others:
amex is better because the fee is only 2% for this kind of transaction I think
bankwest are so bad to deal with if there's a problem you're better off paying slightly more.
How? I've been with Bankwest since I was a kid and have never had an issue.
Have you seen their online ratings at all?
You think your singular opinion outranks 216 others on 1 site alone giving bankwest 1 star - the lowest possible rating?
So your post stating that it hasn't happened to me yet so everyone else it has happened to is irrelevant means what exactly?
@petry: Did I say it did? You're the one crapping on about how bad they are to deal with so avoid them, yet say nothing about how they're so bad.
Then you go on about an online review (as I said, they're a bank, take a look at other banks on Product Review. Hell, take a look at nearly any company out there on online review sites and you'll see a trend).
I asked you how they're so bad in my original reply, and said I personally never had an issue with them and been with them for 20+ years so was curious how you thought they were so bad to avoid.
@petry: I'm with bankwest and have had 0 problems.
Moved my mortgage away from them to somewhere cheaper but I still have a transaction account and credit card with them. I've never had any fee's or any problems with both of these accounts.
Also there branch in the westfield shopping center near me is open late nights on Thursdays. So I can rock up at 8pm on a Thursday for those rare occasions when I do need to visit a branch.
It's a shame there homeloans aren't competitive since being brought out by CBA, but its hardly a reason to give them a negative feedback.
Another post stating that it hasn't happened to me yet so everyone else it has happened to is irrelevant meaning what exactly?
Do you think ebay ratings are as meaningless as online reviews as well?
All I'm seeing is people who haven't had a problem asserting that sorting a problem out with Bankwest is easy when they haven't had to do it at all.
Which makes me wonder why you are all so agitated by my sharing my first hand experience, and demanding to know the fine details.
Another post stating that it hasn't happened to me yet so everyone else it has happened to is irrelevant meaning what exactly?
Where have either myself or troyarr said that? You're being very precious over all this simply because we haven't had the same experience as you and 'hundreds' of other people who have decided to write a review on Product Review (hint about people - they generally don't write a review when something isn't wrong. Take Whirlpool forums for example.)
My apologies that we don't add into the 'Bankwest are soooooo bad, never deal with them or any financial institution again!' Would that make you feel better?
You haven't shared any first hand experience at all, just a rant.
It's a simple question though, what have Bankwest done so wrong and how are they 'so bad to deal with'?
No ranting from me - you're the one promoting Bankwest here.
Porthos 4 hours 16 min ago
'That's why you use a card with no foreign exchange fees. I know my Bankwest Zero Platinum follows whatever Mastercard's published exchange rates are pretty closely.'
How many times have you done that here Porthos?
troyar ' I've never had any fee's or any problems with both of these accounts.'
Porthos 'I've been with Bankwest since I was a kid and have never had an issue'
Me ' bankwest are so bad to deal with if there's a problem you're better off paying slightly more.'
Neither of you have any experience of trying to resolve issues with Bankwest in your own words.
I have.
Because of that I simply said 'bankwest are so bad to deal with if there's a problem you're better off paying slightly more.'
And you are going off like someone connected to them. Do you intend to keep it up?
And no I am not going into the details for you - sorry about that.
You keep up your Bankwest promotions here - maybe you should tick the box.
@petry: LOL promoting Bankwest simply because I don't want to join in with your and 'hundreds' of people on PR and saying they're so bad?
Maybe you should tick the box for whichever competitor you're associated with then if you're wanting to throw out random insinuations.
For the record - I have no affiliation with Bankwest (or any financial organisation). Sorry that I've just been with them since I was a kid when they use to be Rural and Industries Bank so actually have a long experience with them.
Apologies that you've had issues that they've been difficult to deal with, I can actually see where the issue was, and I'm 99% sure it wasn't on Bankwest's end :-)
Wrong again - but you have an uncanny knack of misrepresenting things which is usually a sign of someone not to be trusted.
Clearly you think the Ombudsman findings were wrong as well because you are always right.
@petry: Sure thing, mate. Keep your rant going and imagining what other people write. It's hilarious to read.
For anyone who doesn't yet know pascal cards are due for a refresh which is likely coming in the next few months. I recently came across this info and decided to hold off. The refresh will likely drive current pascal cards down further if you want more of a bargain.
Thanks mate!
Likely going to be early 2018. Not exactly in the next "few months". Pascal is a fine purchase for now.
What is likely to be 2018 is Volta. I'm talking about a refresh of Pascal which is the current generation. So basically another release of new models using the same architecture as the current lineup. It hasn't been officially confirmed but rumours are abound.
Is it worth waiting? Are new pascal cards gonna be that good?
I doubt there will be new cards this year, they'll just drop prices a little when AMD releases Vega.
Yeah it could be a far fetched rumour. Though they did just release the TitanXp only about 1 month after the 1080ti knocking it out of the top spot which is pretty random.…
How do these gaming cards handle Unigraphics, Solidworks? I have an aging Firepro that will stifle my new rig
Is there an easy way to tell if my current motherboard / power supply is compatible with this? (I can only see a spare 6 pin power supply).
these only require a single 6 pin cable. it will be compatible and probably use less power than whatever GPU you got in there now.
I was assuming I needed an 8 pin after seeing this:
the 8 pin side goes into the psu
Handy keeping a list of your build components here: You can create a new list when you update. Best part, it tells you if anything is conflicted.
Great idea. Thank you.
Worth buying? Been waiting for a good 1070 deal and evga has international warranty…
i got a used 1070 for $440 on ocau 4 months ago, send it to EVGA and they swapped it for a new one with thermal pads free, if this was around back then i would taken it up!
This still isn't capable of 4k 60fps right that's only the 1080ti at the moment ?
Great for 1440p though
Yeah so is my 7990 it even does 4k in some games but is unreliable since the game has to be compatible with crossfire
That depends on what game you want to play and what settings you want to use.
Most reviews will be using the ultra setting which means excessive AA, ultra lighting and shadow effects that becomes really hard to tell the difference for performance cost that might not be worth it for you.
'high' looks great to me, and I can bump my fps significantly so it really depends on the game.
You could probably play most older games on 4k/60fps.
The 1080ti is double the price, and almost double the performance.
That's why its always crazy to me, when people drop tons of money on a card, which is fine if you have plenty of money, but people who don't shouldn't be that worried as you can always adjust the settings. Heck if you have a PS4, you are basically playing at 1080/30 medium settings most of the time.
Curious as to whether you'd need anti-aliasing at this resolution…
You still need AA if you have a larger monitor I.e 28" and above but from what I understand the extra sampling and smoothed edges is not as noticeable in 4k therefore if you need more fps turn it down or off then head for things like lighting and shadows then draw distance and shaders and only then would you lower the resolution and rinse and repeat.
But my question seems to be still unanswered say for a game like rust would this card get 60 fps in 4k everything on high and no AA or do I need to go for a 1080 and above ?
If i didn't buy this first week i would of now
16% off. I probably think It will go much higher, maybe 20% or even 25% off soon.
How long should I expect delivery to take
2 weeks.
I hate you. Now i own two of these.
1440p is the sweet spot for gaming at the moment.
I'd recommend an 8GB RX 480/580 combined with Ryzen processor and a Freesync monitor.
I'm very happy with it.
don't forget the free game choice that comes with it
Only if you don't buy through Amazon. You can get this though:…
My interpretation is we are not eligible.
From the T&C's via your link:
This promotion is only valid for customers who purchase a new eligible product from a retailer located within the countries of Australia and New Zealand, Offer available for a limited time or while supplies last.
And from :
The advantage Newegg has is that it's participating in Nvidia's Prepare for Battle promotion, which allows users to redeem a free code for Ghost Recon: Wildlands or For Honor. Purchases made at Amazon (in the U.S.) and Walmart do not qualify.
I am thinking about doing 2 way SLI with 2 of these cards and i7 4th Gen…which should outperform 1080Ti
sold out? hah the wait continues then
was about to buy
I bought this card before it was out of stock, but not quite as cheaply as OP says. It's $350 USD + $16USD postage. Add in Amazon's exhange rate and I got it for $506 delivered.
You could order this in USD, but then you'd probably add 3% foreign charge by your bank plus whatever dodgy exchange rate your bank has for CC transactions.
Still at $506 I'm happy with my purchase.
That's why you use a card with no foreign exchange fees. I know my Bankwest Zero Platinum follows whatever Mastercard's published exchange rates are pretty closely.
My bank charged $463.84 AUD, so even less than what I put in the title. No special credit cards or anything. Like I said in the description, you pay more by not ordering in USD.
so should we always choose USD for amazon purchases not to be ripped off by ridiculous exchange rates?
DAMN this is cheap!