• expired

Sapphire PULSE Radeon RX 9070 16GB GDDR6 Graphics Card $1049 Delivered ($0 VIC/SYD/ADL C&C) @ Centre Com


ATL Delivered price for Pulse non-XT model I guess.

Sapphire's base model is sadly more expensive than PowerColor and XFX because why not. This deal brings Pulse model price down to match Reaper and Swift.

It's the shortest (280mm) and the only double fan model for 9070 in Australia so probably worth it for SFF build.

Surcharges: 0% for bank deposit, Afterpay & Zip Money. 1.2% for Visa / Mastercard / PayPal. 2.2% for AMEX.

Free shipping excludes WA, NT & remote areas.

This is part of Afterpay Day sale for 2025

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  • +34

    My heart stopped, thinking that was the price for the Pulse 9070XT.

    • +3

      Same here for about 3 seconds.

    • +6

      I'd love for that to be true, but all the $1139 XT models have been sold out in minutes whenever they were in stock I don't see deals for XT models anytime soon.

      • +3

        I got one from them, reaper model. You just have to check basically every day. When I picked it up they said they are getting more but they are usually already sold or get sold out quickly. I guess the fact they are still bringing in more MSRP cards is somewhat a positive.

        • +1

          Reaper's price has been jacked up to $1,249 at CC

          • @stuntman: I wouldn't pay that… Super basic card

            • @scud70: No way right, you got a good deal. But when non-xt is priced 1229 one might as well pay 20 more for an XT.

              • @stuntman: The non XT has to be around $900 for it to be an ok deal, the XT is definitely a much better card. Just AMD pushing everyone to the XT… They learnt from the best … NVIDIA lol

      • more stocks coming in, XT will be sub $1k soon with ebay sale, etc. HODL guys! don't let the scalpers win.

        • +7

          Ah yes, it will be below RRP. Of course.

        • Probably not for another 6 months.

  • +1

    I have the pulse 9070 xt and I'm surprised how cool it runs when it's pulling 304w.

    • What temps are you getting and what case/cooling setup?

      • +2

        Around 55c full load 304w. Doesn't go over 55c with 25c ambient temp. I set fans to about 35%, quiet. High airflow case, phantex.
        I'm definitely going to undervolt it so should hit 3.3ghz gpu clock.

        • +1

          That's the coolest running temps for a stock air cooled GPU I've ever heard of. Wow.

          • @shiny1: Yeah I couldn't believe it when I was playing starfield last night, I've only had it one day. I'm assuming 300w is the sweet spot for 9070 xt, the air pass through cooling really makes it efficient compared to sealed back plates.

          • -1

            @shiny1: 9070xt are hot on memory and hotspot, like 80-90c even if core is reporting 50-60c

        • -1

          check ur memory temps

          I was impressed with how cool the core runs, but mem was sitting at 90c for me. I know this is absolutely fine, but it is more in line with what people will expect for GPU temps

          Complete opposite system to you tho, its a Lian Li A4-H2O SFF case. Its basically the biggest card that can fit in there. Gotta say I am still really impressed with temps, performance and noise levels. This is in my wifes PC and its the first time her PC has been faster than mine… Where the hell are the cheap 5090s, lol

          • @DanielP2: Wow memory temp that high. I haven't looked yet, totally forgot to. I'll have a look tomorrow, I'm really curious now.

            • @mckayver: Believe the current theory is AMD has updated the memory readings to also be hotspots so can't really compare to any thing else. Think there's a layer of you just have to look at your core being 60° and be happy and ignore the other two readings.. at least until they hit 100° then it's issue time… 85-95 technically in spec for hot spots.

              • @DuckWearingTopHat: My mem hit Max 100 (avg 96) before i messed around with fan curve, I believe they are specd to 105 or 115 can't remember…but yeh definitely have work on the fan curve… Unfortunately had to make the card a bit louder than I wanted to get mem temps to low 90s… Joys of itx cases lol.

                • +2

                  @scud70: My ASRock 9070XT still in the mail so haven't played with it yet. But also seems most people are jumping straight into the +10% power while if you just do the 50-100mV undervolt and then actually -5% power you get same stock performance but drop 5-10°c. Might be relevant if your case limits cooling.

                  Edit nvm just saw your below comment. Unlucky silicon… Could still try power limits and see.

                  • @DuckWearingTopHat: Yeh that's what I was going to try next, drop the power a little. I'm pretty happy with the performance though so it's not a big deal to me.

                  • @DuckWearingTopHat: Even though im happy with temps on mine, I was going to play around with at least undervolting, and probably even dropping power limits.
                    Its an ITX build and I'd prefer to play it safe and drop temps even more.

                    • +1

                      @DanielP2: Yeah undervolting likely won't impact temperatures as it will just ramp up clock speed to use the now spare power. So if current temps ok undervolting will get you more performance. Then undervolting+reducing power should be able to net same performance with less heat/power (depending on individual silicon lottery)

      • My Reaper gets mid 60s in a NR200 however my mem temps are on the high side around the 92c avg mark.. 95 Max. This is within spec but the less the better, definitely work on the fan curve, I've had to crank the fan a bit more in my case unfortunately.. Ive undervolted but I have shitty silicon so can't push it past -40 and left the power as is… The core temps and hot spot temps are really good though.

  • +4

    Why this 2 fans 9070 over
    Powercolor hellhound for same price?


    Also there are plenty 9070s for msrp $1049
    Asrock and xfx.

    Edit: ok fair enough for shorter and sff build.

    • The Reaper would be the best for SFF.

    • +31

      have you seen nVidia and Intel mate, the ones you have supported all through the last decade on OCAU, before being banned for trolling.

      Let me remind you about Intel mainstream platform.
      Core 2: QUAD CORE
      Intel 2nd Gen: QUAD CORE
      Intel 3rd Gen: QUAD CORE
      Intel 4th Gen: QUAD CORE
      Intel 5th Gen: QUAD CORE
      Intel 6th Gen: QUAD CORE
      Intel 7th Gen: QUAD CORE Ryzen comes out here
      Intel 8th Gen: HEX CORE
      Intel 9th Gen: OCTO CORE
      Intel 10th Gen: 10 CORE
      Intel 11th Gen: OCTO CORE
      Intel 12th Gen: DUAL OCTO CORE (8P+8E)
      Intel 13th Gen: ****FAULTY**** OCTO P CORE + 16 E Core
      Intel 14th Gen: ****FAULTY**** OCTO P CORE + 16 E Core
      Intel New Ultra Core: Perfomance Downgrade - OCTO P CORE + 16 E Core

      For ROUGHLY 10 years Intel Performance Leadership offered the same CPU Cores and just slight Performance Upgrades.

      Where as

      Zen 1 - 8 Cores
      Zen 2 - 16 Cores
      Zen 3 - X3D
      Zen 4 - X3D on AM5
      Zen 5 - switch the location of cores and the X3D, and resolved the single CCD cached performance penalty
      Zen 6 - Rumoured 12 / 16 core CCDs

      Each AMD has improved on the previous gen, but INTEL did nothing

      Nvidia has been raising prices and so has AMD, so one is not better than the other

      nvidia driver issues
      nvidia missing rops
      nvidia connector failure
      nvidia no stock
      nvidia physx performance

      • +5

        Geez, OCAU. I feel so old remembering this site.

    • +2

      Username checks out

    • +5

      I mean, he’s not wrong?

      The 9070/xt look like good value in the current market, but you could buy a 7900xt nearly 2.5 years ago for $1249 which splits the performance difference and has 20Gb vram.

      I’m not sure ‘at least we’re not as bad as Nvidia’ is really a reason for praise.

      • ozbargain amd cult does not care about objective benchmarking or facts.

        2020-feb 2024: nobody wants fake frames and ray tracing, it's buggy and ugly and performs terribly!

        now: everyone buy amd because their fsr4 and ray tracing is """as good as""" nvidia's!

      • correct you could have had similar performance for similar money years ago you could pick up the 7900 xtx for abort $1350 a while ago which is a better card or a 7900 gre which is cheaper and has similar performance

  • +7

    Sapphire Pulse is supposed to be an MSRP model. Go Scorptec and buy ASRock Steel Legend, PowerColor Reaper, or XFX Swift unless your case is not capable to include those.
    Edit: PowerColor Hellhound $1049 @ Centre Com would be better than Reaper. All the models I listed are $1049.

    • +3

      Don't think they won't see this, if even MSRP gets many upvotes, the price will never go down

      • Ozbargain will upvote any 9070 posts nowadays

  • +13

    Having not upgraded my PC for 10 years, I'm completely in shock by GPU prices now that I've started looking

    • Somewhat the same boat, began looking in 2019 or so in anticipation for Cyberpunk (and PC was old) and thought I’d wait for the new cards at the time…here we (still) are all these years later re prices…

    • +2

      Yes me too! My last gpu purchase was back in the days when you could get an xx70 for a few hundred dollars!

    • to be fair price per frame is actuallly dropping

  • +6

    The 9070xt is a fantastic offering, whereas this card is really relatively poor value. $90 more for 10-15% perf increase or 8.5% price increase. this card needs to be $999 or below to represent value.

    • +1

      Where are you getting the xt for 90 bucks more tho

      • +2

        Got mine from pccasegear. So far RRP cards have come up each week, though you have to be quick to nab one.

  • *looks at MSRP of all xx70 cards *

    *cries in 1080p Low Quality *

    • Lol just keep an eye on for last gen used cards as more people upgrade… You'll move off 1080 low easily 😂

      • +1

        I feel most people want to much for used cards imo. I hope the 9060/5060 put downwards pressure on the used market

  • HODL for 9070XT prices to be at this level or lower.

  • +2

    $1050 to $1350+ for MID RANGE gpus, and people are loving it

    • +2

      Agree, if we all voted with our wallets they wouldn't charge these prices.

      • I doubt it. They’d just sell more to enterprise

  • +4

    Prices of video cards these days is getting way out of control.

    • GPU prices have not recovered since COVID-19 outbreak and crypto mining craze a few years ago.

  • For 1440p gaming is it worth spending the extra $350ish for this over the 7800xt?

    Does anyone think the 7800xt will drop below $700 once more of these cards are available?

    • They've already stopped producing 7800 XTs, they're only going to get harder to come by as time goes on.

  • This or RTX 4070 Super ?
    My PC is a bit older but I don't want to replace everything, my current one still a RX 5700 XT and my MB is PCIe 4.0

    • +1


      Wait for an MSRP 9070 XT.

  • I'm out of the loop - did AMD change their naming convention, or is this a $1000 mid range card? I'm feeling exploited

    • +4


      They changed the naming convention to more closely align with nVidia - this is basically the successor to the 7800XT.

      It's also true that price points have jumped significantly and we're being exploited. While the 9070(XT) roughly replaces the 7800XT, the performance is marginally LOWER than the 7900XT(X) respectively, for about the same proportion less money. So you could've bought the 7900Xt 2.5 years ago for functionally the same price and performance. Unfortunately the same is true (or worse) over with nVidia.

      • Ahh thanks. Was just looking at the 7000 range compared to these - seemed nearly identical, or at least one of the smallest jumps in a model I've seen for a long time.

        Oh well, that's the market i guess

    • -3

      this is a $1000 mid range card with performance you could have had years ago for a similar price — Thanks AMD

      • +1

        Well sure, but it's not like this is an exclusive amd thing

  • +2

    There are still many cases where this can't fit,
    In SFF PC Master list, sorted A->Z there are 90 Sub 10L cases which fit the Reaper (Bracket on)
    There are less than 60 Sub 10L cases which fit the Pulse

    Most popular cases can fit a full 305mm GPU of a smaller thickness such as the Louqe Ghost S1
    Popular cases with adjustable brackets in a Sandwich design such as the Ncase T1, Formd T1, Zcase ZS-A4 prefer to have smaller GPU heights as it allows for taller CPU Coolers.

    However, a slimmer GPU may mean being able to fit extra 2.5" drives on the sides of a case. It does depend on the case though and whether this feature is built into a side bracket or if there's enough room to diy mount it.
    Disregard this if you're building something beyond the 10L Range, and always check whether your desired case can fit this card.

  • Not sure what AMD was thinking with the pricing of the non-xt. If this was cheaper, it would have been an excellent card. As its current price, I don't see how it can compared to the xt which is only $100 more

  • +1

    Not a deal

  • This is not a good deal. you are paying $1k for the "7" variant non XT model where as I paid $900 for a 6900xt around a year after it came out. There will be a 9080 & 9090 model coming later. Overall right now isnt a good time to be buying a new top spec GPU, these arent true 4k cards from nvidia or amd.

    • +1

      There is no 9080 or 9090 model coming. AMD made that clear. They are not competing in the high end.

  • This doesnt seem like much of a deal and 9070 isnt much of a card

    And damn fat fingered up vote and can't change to downvote on mobile wtf

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