Cash in your gift cards during the next 3 days and get 5% more in cash than we usually pay using this coupon which we created exclusively for Ozbargain
MOD Edit - appears it has a $30 limit
Cash in your gift cards during the next 3 days and get 5% more in cash than we usually pay using this coupon which we created exclusively for Ozbargain
MOD Edit - appears it has a $30 limit
Gift cards themselves are the most redundant product ever created in the first place.
With redemption rates of ~70% they are big earners for retailers.
The rates seem to be better than what you end up getting once you sell a card on ebay
A limit of $30
This is itself is NOT a valid reason for a negative vote - read the guidelines please
Thanks for pointing out one of the limits of the offer, but its not enough to justify a negative vote on its own.
With so much agro/passion/opinion etc about the negative voting issue as indicated below, I would suggest to all who have such strong views, that continuing the discussion in this section of this site would be a good place to get all this out on the table
This stops the hijacking - and I know its not the intention of those in this thread - and opens the discussion to where more can contribute their ideas on this topic.
I am willing to respond to concerns comments etc. But bring them up in the forum topic I have opened here. I'll indicate this at the bottom of each issue raised below to help facilitate this.
You give $87 for a $100 Coles voucher… but I can get about $95 for same on ebay. Even with your +5% you can't beat that.
MOD EDIT - So Battler - how much is "about" and given the fees as others have pointed out, your example in itself indicates that this is a personal judgment on the value of the deal. In itself that is a valid opinion, but not for a negative vote - READ the guidelines please
Well they'll give you $91.35 and you have no hassle with eBay and associated fees.
Selling a card for $95 on ebay will mean paying about $9 in ebay and paypal fees.
So you will be worse off selling on ebay
Yea, sort of a rip off.
Not a valid vote - read the guidelines please
I think it's a great service! quit your bitching.
Disagree with all the above :P.
I recently sold a EB games giftcard and 2 movie tickets.
I got $30ish for a $38 giftcard and once you minus ebay/paypal fees and the hassle it was worth it.
wow… 19.50 for a $30 iTunes voucher…
Well they're offering me $27.41 for my $30 Coles Myer card.. I never shop at Coles (and rarely with those in the group) so it's a pretty reasonable deal to me.
Woolies WISH cards have much more use for me since I regularly shop at Woolies and fill up a lot at Caltex co-branded outlets. But yeah, I think I might give this a shot :)
That's actually more than you'd get on eBay (if the buyer paid by paypal, and it sold for $30), postage not taken into account since you'd be paying for it either way.
Hit and miss really. Some decent offers to be had, but others are lacking. Neither a +'ve or a -'ve from me.
Not a great deal but Im sure it will suit someone. Not me though…
While I personally agree - this is a personal opinion, and doesn't indicate there is anything wrong with the deal. READ the GUIDELINES on negative voting.
Cheesh I dont like coke, so I vote down all the coke deals. AS you said its not for you, valid comment make the comment BUT its NOT a reason for a negative vote.
As I said personally I would rather find a friend work colleague etc to buy the card at a discount, and also as the extra 5% is only for 3 days, and I dont have any cards I dont need its of very limited value TO me.
All that raving and I still revoke your vote as its against our guidelines
ozpete, isn't OzBargain about great buy deals rather than sell deals? This is implied in the guidelines which touch on buy deals (for us) and seller responsibilities (for merchants). If you let deals like this on OzBargain, very soon you will see deals offerred by pawnshops sprawling on OzBargain.
Are you voting on the deal or my revoking of a negative vote?. Vote on the deal and give a reason. Otherwise I'll have to revoke your vote. If your vote on my comments, you can correct this by revoking your vote yourself.
Voting negative is a right of all members BUT they must do this according to our guidelines. Negative voting isn't just saying I don't like the deal. Its saying there is something fundamentally wrong with the deal. This is different to other sites.
Negative voting was a way that the site can self regulate deals like spam etc. If a deal gets more than 2 negative votes it disappears, so negative voting is censorship of deals by the community. Again all this is explained in the guidelines.
IT is a community that wants to see deals. One persons deal is another's spam. This deal provides a service to some here. While its not one that I will ever take up, I do defend the right of others to at least consider the deal. 6 positive votes by members who have been here for considerable time, indicates that.
The negative votes were, as by their own admission, personal preferences and that's not what negative voting is about here, due as I said its inherent censorship set up.
If you dont agree how negative voting works bring this up in the forum area which might be a good idea. You maybe surprised to see that I might even agree with you. But as it stands now, as a Mod I work within the guidelines as I see it.
BTW 2 things here. 1. see my response to ishe below that is a correct use of the negative vote. 2. I have also followed guidelines by asking you to amend your post or remove the vote, and giving you time to do this.
And part of this reads
In essence the negative vote is a warning. A warning about being a scam, spam, defective product or a better deal exists already. It is not for saying that the price doesn't match some preconceived idea of what a bargain is in terms of percentage off. Postage costs can be negatively voted against, if it takes the total deal over the price of a product that can be obtained from another supplier. But please use common sense, if this other supplier is not national, then while it might be more expensive for some, it may not be for others.
Evidence should be provided with the negative post so that members can check this for themselves. If you suspect something but don't have evidence don't negative vote the deal. Use the Report button so the mods can investigate.
@[Deactivated]: My vote is on the deal. The stated goal of OzBargain is "bringing the best deals and bargains in Australia to consumers". This deal, however, targets gift card holders wishing to sell their right to use the card in exchange for cash. Other than a possible deal for sellers, I don't see any for consumers here. On this basis, the deal should never have been approved for listing and is fundamental to the objective of this site.
The stated goal of OzBargain is “bringing the best deals and bargains in Australia to consumers”.
So i could sell my gift card on ebay or use the offer in this deal and get more money than i would selling it on ebay.
This seems liker a good deal to me.
@[Deactivated]: Let me guess, like Dell and Lenovo, this place is one of those sponsored deals where you lot get something out of it too??? Hence the heavy moderation?
@ironworthy: Let me guess tchi6 - are you alleging something here without evidence? - grow up or move on. READ the bloodly guidelines before you slander others with your anonymous and unsubstantiated allegations
@[Deactivated]: Well, ozbargain did get called out on whirlpool for affiliate links without disclosing it….
@ironworthy: Only when users aren't logged in. Sure their may be some contributors/users that may not always log in, but chances are if someone's not logged in, they're not contributing to this site, and who cares if they're being linked through affiliate links?
@tomsco: my thoughts exactly tomsco- dunno who negged you but i balanced it back out. in case people didnt notice, this site is free, however the costs associated with maintaining and developing a website arent! and so what if they make a buck? its not ozCharity.
@ironworthy: Whirlpool complained about affiliate links to a user who who is not logged in but whirlpool does exactly the same for a non whirlpool user who finds the site through google.
They are not affiliate links but google paid ads
The more efficient method is to hang out at checkouts and ask people to help you.
Generally works better if you're either hot or grandfatherly (or both)
Like George Clooney! XD
Damn should have found out about these kinds of services earlier. Got $240 in gift cards lying in my wallet for stores I just find too expensive to bother with. Only ones I seem to clear are the WISH and Coles/Myer ones.
a very interesting and innovative service in a way, although, not that great for people with short term gift cards. Got offered $70 forn $120 in gift cards from sanity (id rather spend in haste)
on Thursday before this offer came out.. i check my gift pass was offered $41ish but now offered $40
did you do a mark up to cover the 5%?
Nice, now here's an example of a negative vote being used correctly.
The only point is that if the OP gives a satisfactory answer, then the vote can be removed either by ishe or a Mod.
Listen, Chairman Mao, look at you micro-managing this post.
So what's the definition of a satisfactory answer? Satisfactory to whom? You? Or maybe it's the people who make this site what it is, and without which, the site would be nothing. The common user. Every user besides you.
Let the market be free, for every unwarranted downmod, there will be an upmod to balance and then some, should it be collectively felt to be unwarranted.
Down with centralised planning! Economic reform for Ozbargains!
isdbeta - did you even warrant a look at the guidelines??
Oh and by the way why dont you post a deal or two before criticising others
Or maybe make another intelligent negative vote you made here
But I guess with the coupon you still get $1 more. :P
Which card was it for? Quotes can change depending on the remaining validity period. Some times we do adjust the buy and sell percentages for a specific cards, but I am not aware of any changes made last week. I will definitely check if someone in our team made an adjustment to a buy percentage last week.
If we offered you $41 last week, we will now offer you $43 (that includes the additional 5%). Please send me a short email ([email protected]) with the details of the gift card you would like to sell to us.
Your Cardlimbo team
i just sent you the email
and the gift pass still valid till 31st august 2010
I'm not an expert on this site, but is it possible that the value dropped as it got closer to the expiry date?
but is it possible that the value dropped as it got closer to the expiry date?
Of course it will
@anthony: ishe's negative vote is unwarranted here and should be removed. Obviously he/she entered the wrong dates and a giftcard that expires on 31/08/10 (come on, look what date it is now, doubt anyone would want to buy your card even on eBay) is obviously of lesser value to a card that expires on 31/08/11.
@scarletshoes: if you try to put the expiry date 31/08/2010 in the cardlimbo website it wont process because the pass and card required to has 4 months - 1 year validity!
so now the question for you to analyst.
how can i know it was offered $41 if i put incorrect date at the first place (31/082010)??
@cocomelon: Oh soz hun.. I just read what you posted and you said you made an error and I assumed that is what happened due to the different dates you posted. I won't know the details i.e 4 months limit etc as I have never tried to sell any card on this site even though I have bought a couple when they had the $5 discount promo and have been happy with their service ^^
There is still a lot of ambiguity in this post. I would consider that "what we usually pay" is not sufficient since this service is relatively new to the market. OzBargain members should be given an indicative guide as to conversion rates offered by this service, within this post. For instance, $68 for a $100 Accor Hotels Gift Card. Note that it may be possible to sell a gift card through free newspaper classifieds such as 'Weekend Shopper' sections or online through Gumtree. In the case of a retailer such as JB Hifi, it may be best to attend a ‘sale’ to buy heavily discounted items that could be re-gifted or sold among friends & family. It may not be as convenient, but it is likely that some cards will have a better conversion rate in the secondary market, in the absence of a middleman entity in the distribution chain. Furthermore, the essence of a ’bargain’ in the context of this community could be expressed as a good or service that is offered with a higher relative value than its alternatives. This service does not represent the extent of value, in comparison to the highly commended ‘offers’ listed on OzBargain – e.g. Half price goods at a supermarket or novelty items for free.
We normally offer between 65 - 87% of face value depending how popular the offered gift card is. Our average gross margin is 10%, thus if we buy for 87%, we re-sell for 97%. As we provide free shipping and paypal takes a few % as well to facilitate payment services, there is really only a small margin built into this model. In addition, we validate the balance of each received gift cards to be 100% protected from fraud.
$200-400 millions worth of gift cards expire unused in Australia each year and before we started our website, consumers had very limited options to sell an unwanted gift card. There is a lot of gift card related fraud happening on ebay and even more in classified sections. Our model is 100% safe and very convinient as consumers get they cash fast and without any risk.
We have done a few exclusive promotions on OzBargain (e.g. redballoondays gift vouchers at 30% off, cinema gift vouchers at 20% off; itunes gift cards at 25% off plus a $5 coupon on all other cards) and have had very positive feedback previously from OzBargain members.
Maybe, sales promotions for discounted gift vouchers are better than promotions of unwanted gift cards. We will definitely take this feedback on board.
Your Cardlimbo team
Wow.. I didn't even get a chance to really check out the 'bargain' before warning signs rang out. Why the super-heavy moderation? I've never seen so many mod-removed negatives.
Then we get someone pointing out that the pricing appears to have changed, which makes my blood boil. Changing prices before offering a 'bargain'? Not cool.
And apparently the site has coverage from Ch. 7 and 9. So it clearly doesn't need more coverage from ozb.
Does the moderator have a vested interest in this bargain? Almost looks like it.
I'm sure if the mod had a vested interest he would of declared that and let another mod look over this post.
But like you said it is super-heavy moderation with a lot of -ve votes removed.
Every now and again the mods seem to pick on a post and remove the silly -ve votes, but there are silly -ve votes on a lot of other posts which the mods leave in. The mods are volunteers and to go though every post and every -ve vote would be a huge task, but to pick on the -ve votes on this particular post, but leave the -ve votes in another post seems very unfair to me.
Thank you SydGuy… thats pretty well it in a nutshell, there are different mods at different times, and we miss some posts as we are not here 24 hours a day. And by the time some of the dumb votes are found out, its too late.
Just a very simple question to you.
HAVE YOU read the voting guidelines??
I guess not. AND - even you state that it appears that the pricing has changed. AND guess what that negative vote wasn't touched at all!!!! So what got you hot under the collar, is the negative vote that was left stand because it was a legitimate use of the vote.
AND stop making stupid allegations without any proof. Or do you have such proof? I challenge you to put up or shut up.
I have none, but I made no allegations. I simply asked a question.
You're the heavy handed moderator with a bee in your bonnet, how about you 'put up or shut up'.
@ryang: It would be fair to say that this mod is one arrogant keyboard warrior or he/she has a bad case of PMS. I can sense OzBargain losing its spirit as it becomes increasingly commercialised.
@dman801: To be perfectly honest, I'm no fan of ozpete; a few of his comments in other threads are a bit how ya goin' for a mod IMHO; but I don't think he's done anything untoward here!
Yeah a lotta negs removed, but this is the kinda deal you either love or hate; great for those who'd use this kinda service, even though I personally couldn't ever envisage needing or wanting to sell a gift card at less than face value, but that's just me! So I can easily understand why some would think it's a rort! ;)
You guys are getting cut a fair a break though, hell I got sinbinned for a month for simply pointing out (and let me tell you it was done in a very lighthearted way; unlike some of the wild accusations here) what I still feel was a pretty specious bit of modding by another person! But, as ozpete says above "different mods at different times", they're not all equal in terms of competence or maturity! ;)
@StewBalls: woah i had thought this deal was bad… and then I scroll down to read these comments… even badder lol
stewballs, your post by and large sums up exactly what i was thinking after reading this mess.
peeps, mods are on and off all the time, and dont see everything - hence not all deals are moderated equally. Also, different things will get different mods goats, so lets just give them a break aye? they're doing their (unpaid) job and from what I can see, as "opinionated" and "micro managerial" as ozpete can be at times, he is not out of line for removing negs and asking people to provide valid reasons as to why they dont consider it a deal -> this is required as per the voting guidelines. It's simple, if you think a deal is crap, then share your reasons so other ozbargainers can consider it as part of their due diligence to establish the worthiness of a deal.
Further to sydguy's comments, we need to understand that mods are also "general users" of this site, and you have to be able to make that artificial distinction - so when they provide their opinion, even though they are a mod, they may not be saying it with their "mod hat" on. We cant just automatically frown upon the fact that mods have opinions, or assume they are being "power mad" and "heavy handed" because they can.
I hope the unsubstantiated finger pointing that occurred here was not intentional. Notwithstanding, allegations on credibility, or of any nature aren't needed here peeps. If you have an issue with a Mod, take it up with them personally or failing that Scotty.
@ccrap: ccrap and others above, (and below)
who have defended this "heavyhanded" mod, you have made some very welcome observations, and so have my antagonists, lets keep this discussion going but not here. That way we all learn and benefit
You are all welcome to help on this issue by posting here, where more discussion on this will continue
And as CCrap says - if you have an issue with any of us mods there is a forum set up for just that its here. In that forum you talk to us and the discussion stays between us. If you want to take that further and into the general community you can…
You shouldn't see any of the other posts there only yours….
Where you see posts made by many
@StewBalls: Stewballs - just to add. Each mod has different competencies, some of the others have a greater ability to track down spammers, than this puppy, the ones that dman801 rightly indicates, that try to commercialise the site. I'm just an amateur "gvnur" in this field
@[Deactivated]: Ozpete - I commend you for acting as a volunteer and envisaging acceptable guidelines. It's good that a community has some authority, but whether it should be enforced to a considerably high standard or not, is a case of controversy. It's my opinion that if there are certain people that wish the 'neg' an offer then let it be - the natural process of selection. Why not allow long-standing members to assess the merits through democracy? Not everyone has the time to write a lengthy discussion to critically analyse a 'bargain'. As in the case of a federal election, one does not need to enumerate reasons for either a positive or negative view against a political party.
@dman801: Seriously, if you don't like the way the site is run you can leave. I can't believe the amount of whining that happens here. I'm perfectly happy with the way things are run here and I feel what ozpete did is justified, and can't believe the attacks. Having mod a forum in the past, all I can say is most of the comments would have been removed with NO explanation given. Kudos to ozpete for putting up with your sh*t. I love all the bargains posted here! I personally find a lot of the negative posts are sooo harsh and in many instances unwarranted/unfair.. That is why I have never posted any deals. I commend those who have ^^ Cheers & Thx.
@dman801: dman
I have asked that all negative vote comments go the thread created to discuss these issues. See post near top.
Put your very valid points there. But please read the guidelines first, something which frustrates us mods no end, we are being slammed by uninformed comments, by both sides and nobody can have the courtesy to read these, and then expect us mods to quietly cop the abuse for playing by them.
By reading thru the guidelines you might get some insight into negative voting as its meant to be used here. It is NOT used the same as your election example and has dramatic effects here. Unlike a federal election, here a number of negative votes early eliminates a candidate before all votes can be cast… now hows that for democracy? Hence the moderation so at least people can make a judgment, unless of course those using the votes this way have the courtesy and thought to explain their actions. Sorta like not shooting first….
As Scarletshoes indicates, this shooting first does frighten away people who may post deals, so we only get deals that suit a certain crowd. A surefire way of getting less bargains. Moderators constantly kill spam deals, you never see them as they disappear from the site. We see them as mods and the OP also but no one else.
Is this the right way for the site to operate? Now that is how what the thread I created can help everyone to comment on.
And Scarletshoes, thanks for the idea on removal of the comments, its formulated a possible solution, that I will put to the other mods, the solution will balance the need for expression as above, but at the same time stop taking a bargain post off track. ie it takes to to another area where its more appropriate
@ryang: "almost looks like" you made no allegations. Please read the site wiki about how to talk to mods, it isn't right making "observations" in public , just because ozpete is doing his job
Look through the votes that were revoked. Not one of them gave a sufficient enough reason for voting negative. The guidelines are there for the posters and the voters. If posters fail to follow the guidelines than often their deals are removed (dupes, spam, etc.). At the same time, if the voters are not going to follow the voting guidelines, then their votes are going to get removed. It's that simple.
I honestly can't believe so many are accusing ozpete of being affiliated with Card Limbo.
Only people that expect full price back for their giftcard would neg IMO . Also the website asks younto give the expiry date of the giftcards, so an innocent mistake could change the price easily. If
this were a normal post without the extra 5% i'd support the neg then
I Buy Coles/Woolies cards heavily at about 5% discounted price to complete Groceries/Petrol purchase (saving me $25 to $45 in a month - based on a spending of $500 to $900)
There are scammers abound in eBay and an attempt to buy a card for 8% discount resulted in nearly loosing the money (saved by PayPal)
Though I came across Cardlimbo through other channels, I find the site to be useful (for selling and buying). Offers like this help you to make few extra bucks.
Not sure of people giving a -ve here
what's the point of even having a "negative vote" option if every time someone does, the mods come in and have a massive cry and claim their reason for the neg isn't good enough? jesus.
Because people dont read the guidelines.
Not personally liking the deal is not a reason for a negative vote.
the point is, to let other know that there are risks in purchasing items with certain businesses. All it is basically asking for is a legitimate reason and a little explanation about how it happened or why.
would you rather take the risk you would be on the receiving end of a dodgy practise, or have a forum where you can interact with other consumers and talk about items with people that are into the same things as you?
all how can i revoke??
i get a better deal fro Cardlimbo
click votes (found under the title to this deal, justified to the right). you can revoke from there.
That is an incredibly useless service. Seriously mate.