• expired

[Hack] Belong NBN Unlimited 100/40 $57/Month for 13 Months (12 Month Contract)


Belong NBN owned by Telstra.

Unlimited 100/40 $57/month over 13 months (12 Month Contract) plan.

Follow this procedure:

  1. Belongs billing cycle is from the 2nd of every month. If your connection goes active after the 2nd, Belong does not pro rata the remaining days of that month instead they just give you the rest of the month for free. So signup on the first day of the month or a few days at the end of the previous month to time the activation to begin right on the 2nd to give you the whole of your activation month for free.

  2. When signing up, ask for the Unlimited 12/1 $65 month plan. This will give you one month free(not including the free activation month). You will also get a free speed boost up to 100/40 for the first three months (four months including the activation month).

  3. After the 2nd day of the month after the free activation month (so within the first free month of the 12 month contract) call Belong or login to your Belong account online and downgrade to the 100GB $50/month plan. You will get to keep your existing Unlimited data allowance until the next billing period begins (2nd of the next month).

  4. After the 2nd of the next month and your credit card has been billed $50 for the 100GB plan, login to your Belong account again and upgrade your plan to the Unlimited $65 (It's 12/1 but you are still getting your free 100/40 speed boost). The changes will take effect immediately or within the next 48 hours but you won't get any charge any extra for the data upgrade. The new charges always apply from the 2nd of the next month.

  5. After the 2nd of the next month when your credit card has been billed $65 downgrade your plan to the 100GB $50/Month plan. This change will not affect your unlimited data allowance until the 2nd of the next month.

  6. After the 2nd of the next month when your credit card has been billed $50 upgrade to the unlimited 100/40 $95 month plan. The changes will take effect within the next 48 hours but you won't get charged any extra for the data upgrade until the next billing cycle.

  7. After the 2nd of the next month when your credit card has been billed $95 downgrade to the 100GB 12/1 $50 month plan. The changes won't take effect until the 2nd of the following month.

  8. After the 2nd of the next month when your credit card has been billed $50 upgrade to the unlimited 100/40 $95 month plan. The changes will take effect within the next 48 hours but you won't get charged any extra for the until the next billing cycle.

Rinse and repeat until you reach the end of your 12 month contract. So it should look like this, counting from month 0 (activation month):

0 Free
1 Free (downgrade your plan)
2 $50 (upgrade your plan)
3 $65 (downgrade your plan)
4 $50 (upgrade your plan)
5 $95 (downgrade your plan)
6 $50 (upgrade your plan)
7 $95 (downgrade your plan)
8 $50 (upgrade your plan)
9 $95 (downgrade your plan)
10 $50 (upgrade your plan)
11 $95 (downgrade your plan)
12 $50

13 months total = $745.
So it works out as Unlimited 100/40 $57/month give or take a few days.

In addition, there's also a $20 credit for new signups using my referral code: IAFCXNTG1

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (294)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • +83

    Or you can just sign up with MyRepublic for $59/month and save yourself a whole lot of hassle and time.

    I have been with Belongs - it wasn't good. They use a budget wholesaler owned by Telstra (http://www.telcoinabox.com.au/telco/index.html). During peak hours, I couldn't even stream Youtube. And that was on ADSL!

    • +1

      Maybe the problem was the ADSL and not NBN

      • +15

        No, it wasn't. It's Belong not having enough capacity during peak hours.

        Belong are dodgy as, with their reps not understanding their own product, especially in the early days, where they explicitly told me I would be on the Telstra network.

        • +12

          Read properly. Belong does not use a Telstra back-end, they use "telcoinabox", a budget wholesaler. And Belong does not buy enough capacity, so even on ADSL you suffer from congestion.
          I'm on MyRepublic now. It is 10:22pm (normally a congested time), and this is my SpeedTest result (67.5/25.8Mbps down/up). I'm on FTTN with a line rate (sync speed) of 75.5Mbps.
          It all depends on where you are. Some ISP's are good in one area, and not in another, and vice versa.

        • -4

          @Make it so:

          the fact it's droping so low at peak times means it's sharing too much CVC.

          MY NBN isp. i live 1 house from the node get 97mbit.
          never once have i gone below 95.
          Why cause they provision enough capacity for all the users.

          Were talking NBN here not ADSL

          Uhmm yeah that's my point.

          Smaller ISP's can manage customer usage easier than a large one can as they don't have profit targets as large.

          MyRepublic as of yesterday has 8.5 Mbit spare of CVC usage.
          YMrepuiblics good.
          So long as you don't mind shit activation times.
          Or shockingly long wait to update capacity at the POI level they have been 7 weeks to upgrade the CCS-6 poi in nsw.

          Compare this to skymesh with 85Mbit,Leaptels 75,AusBBS 56,belong has 15.

          However they have made strides to improve.

          It's problem is it's following the TPG model of ISP.

          start off with really low margings.
          Get as many customers as you can get on and everyone shares from the same pool.

          This is why TPG/iinet nbn is for shit right now as they are offering unlimited plans with only a few dollars marging cost have to come from somewhere

        • @reader64: My point is, it is not dropping low. I am getting close to my attainable line speed (I can't get 100Mbps because I'm on FTTN, which is part copper). But maybe I'm lucky, and maybe it will change if more people sign up to MyRepublic. For now, I'm not complaining. Yes, signup is very slow.

        • I back what you say about peak hours.

          I couldn't load youtube, facebook videos. Hell I couldn't even load Ozbargain sometimes and I was on 100mbit.

        • @reader64:

          I get between 88 to 94Mbps down on MyRepublic on FTTP at all hours, even in peak :)

        • All depends on how you're connected, and what speeds you actually get.

        • +4

          Despite the actions of the current government Telstra and the NBN are separate, and Telstra certainly does not have a monopoly on it.

        • +8

          No Turd - no to everything you've just said there.

        • +2

          @Deviner: oh ok

        • @Turd: Beyond are Telstra - maybe that's what you're mixing up.

          If you're FTTN or something along those lines, then yeah, I think there is some form of copper still in play (potentially a Telstra line) as your house will connect to the node, where the fibre (NBNco) will begin.

          But if you're FTTH, then you're using fibre (NBNco) all the way.

        • +1

          Presently telstra does not have a monopoly on the nbn. Nbn is still government owned for now. If anything, telstra dislikes the nbn as telstra was privatised a while back.

          For adsl, everyone was basically using telstra copper networks and for that, telstra receives money.

          For nbn, government was basically going to replace telstra privately owned network with a publically owned fttp network, which would have shut down a significant portion of telstra earnings. No one can rent your private network if it has been replaced by a public network.

          But now since the government has decided to half ass their network and use fttn and hfc, telstra receives money from the government for using what's left of its copper network.

        • +1

          Lol what rock have you been living under
          Nbn is a MULTIMIX technology

          FTTN is VDSL
          Fttp is fibre
          And wireless is 4g 2300mhz and 4500mhz depending on location

    • +21

      I was with MyRepublic for a couple of months - their peak time congestion is the worst I've ever experienced. Support was non existent and every time you managed to speak to someone the response was just to wait. Eventually my connection with them stopped working completely and I had to engage the TIO to get out of the contract.

      Obviously some people would have better experiences than mine but just thought I should throw it out there. I've since moved to Skymesh who have been much better.

      • It depends where you live, and with how many people you are competing for bandwidth. If an area has serious peak-time issues, they will sometimes buy extra capacity. I agree with you that there is a risk (if it doesn't "just work", you're stuffed), but given the huge savings, I was willing to take it. I ended up lucky, getting >70Mbps on FTTN. Skymesh is good, but you pay much more.

        Keep in mind that many NBN issues (particularly stability related) are due to NBN, not the ISP.

        • +9

          But the government said the NBN is faster better sooner!! OMFG. ADSL2+ is faster than NBN!

        • +5

          From my experience, every time I mentioned the possibility of them purchasing more CVC capacity, they weren't interested. To be fair it would be hard for them to pay for more CVC while offering their service for $59 per month.

          As others have said, you get what you pay for

        • +1

          It's nothing to do with that.
          It's CVC congestion.

          Do the basic math.

          My republics plan is 59 a month for unlimited 100mbps

          To even get this provisioned at the wholesale level costs 51.50 from NBNco.
          you then need to factor in the costs of how much data ppl are using.

          Notice how everyone else charges close to 89 dollars for the same plan.
          That's cause they factor in the extra CVC per poi they have to have.

          My republic only keeps about 15Mbit spare in CVC limits and they generaly take a long LONG LONG LONG time to activate your plan.

          there is a reason they are the 3rd most complained about NBN isp to the TIO.

        • +1


          Spot on

          Skymesh are the only true nbn company
          They don't offer unrealistic unlimited plans

        • @shawncro 222:

          I agree, Skymesh has plenty of CVC (capacity) for everyone as they don't offer unlimited plans.

      • +5

        Same happened to me and mates in my area.

        Switched to Skymesh and now have constant 97/38. You get what you pay for..

        • +1

          Bang, spot on
          Skymesh are the number 1

          Basically the internode of the NBN

        • @shawncro 222: Just looked them up, their website is a bit strange. Why am I looking at an assortment of African animals, including an elephant's butt?!

          (I'll keep them in mind in case I ever get NBN though)

        • @abb: The reason they are good is they don't resell other providers. They use Vocus back-haul for Australia and Telstra Global for international.

        • +1

          @shawncro 222:
          We don’t nickel and dime. There are no setup/connection/activation/establishment fees, no plan change fees, no early termination fees, no credit card surcharges and no equipment delivery fees.

          source: https://www.skymesh.net.au/services/redtrain/fibre/plans.php

      • Would you mind throwing some more light on "connection stopped working" because I am also with MyRepublic looking for ideas to get out of the contract.

        I was initially quite happy with their internet when I was on their normal NBN plan. My speeds were 96Mbps (off-peak) download however the ping was quite high at 110ms. I found out that their normal plans run on CGN (carrier grade NAT) and therefore the users do not have a public IP as the connections are behind a double NAT and can not do DDNS, VPN etc. So I decided to pay $10 extra and went on their Gamers Plan in a hope that the ping would improve significantly with a public IP but in reality it improved only a little bit; the ping is now 70ms but the connection speed has reduced significantly. Now during offpeak I get about 50Mbps and during peak is the worst about 15Mbps.

        • +2

          They changed my IP from one of their CGNAT IPs to a static IP and then I had no internet. All lights were green and it should have been working, but it just wasn't for whatever reason. I work in IT so I was trying to be as helpful as I could be to their tech support team, but they were literally saying stuff like "I'll just Google the problem and see if I can find anything". After about 5 phone calls, each time being told to wait and see what happens, I snapped and contacted the TIO. Within two weeks they called me and allowed me to exit my contract and refund me for the days that I had no internet.

        • @TimmyShooterB: Oh my goodness… that sounds like my support calls with Vodafone and Primus.
          I signed up to MyRepublic with low expectations, and they have exceeded them. Counting my blessings :)

        • Use the TIO

    • +2

      Aren't my Republic riddled with congestion issues???

    • +6

      Do not join MyRepublic! It's cheap, but after 2 months I still have no Internet. I signed up for MyRepublic On Feb 22nd. I am still awaiting a working connection! The modem was sent out quickly within a week. I thought that was a good sign. NBNCo installer came in about the 3rd week. Not the fastest to come out and install, but that was ok. The installer said it should be working within a few hours. That was Mar 16th. I'm still waiting for a working connection! Each time I have called through to MyRepublic, it ranged from 20+ min to over an hour wait, averaging 40+min call wait times… Each time they could not give me a good update, apart from it's still pending NBNCo or Optus. I am on HFC, and this has had issues. However, for you to get an update, you have to call in and they don't notify you. I had two calls recently where they put me on hold, came back to me and the call dropped out and I went through to their phone survey! This was after waiting 40mins+ on hold! No call backs from them. Absolute rubbish poor customer service when that happens. If you call after hours, they only take your message, promising a call back, but you never get one! If I cancel now, it will take even longer to try to get a connection going as the order is still in limbo… NBN technical issues aside, MyRepublic has absolute poor customer service… You get what you pay for… I paid $1 so far for modem, and I've got nothing….

      • +1

        I think this reflects more on NBN (and their HFC rollout as part of the MTM (aka Operation Cluster ….Something) than MyRepublic, although they should obviously keep you in the loop better.

      • +3

        I have had exactly the same experience as you. The technician didn't show up for the appointment to connect and now it's been 2 weeks of trying to get another booking through their Optus provider. On top of this about 10 or more calls to customer service averaging 1 hr each and two of these dropping out when they put me on hold. I'm going to use this shoddy service as an excuse to terminate the contract. My only problem is finding a decent company for the price. I'm scared I'll go through the same experience elsewhere. I'm thinking of maybe amaysim for a one month trial.

      • You're joking right? 3 weeks for an NBN installer is a miracle. I went without fixed Internet for a year and it took 4 months and 4-5 no-show appointments. Lodged complaints every time with NBN. Every time they couldn't find a trace of any previous complaints. At least I got fibre to my garage now but what a shocking experience. As for myrepublic that sounds like a nightmare though. Time for a new ISP.

    • +1

      MyRepublic isn't that good either. I'm in 2127 and my 100/40 MyRepublic connection can get as low as 3Mbps during peak hours (8-9pm)

    • I 2nd that

    • Oh wow, I always thought they just used Telstra what with all their advertising saying "Powered by Telstra." Aren't they owned by Telstra as well? Weird that they'd use a wholesaler.

    • I did read up the reviews about MyRepublic and it werent good so I stay with Dodo ( not the best either but save myself some $). How fast did they transfer you to their service ?

    • Same!

      Belong is terrible in my area - RESERVOIR at least!

      Changed to TPG and it has worked really well for almost 2 years!

  • +22

    This really isnt a bargain though, I am sure they will close this loophole within the 12 months.

    Then you will still be stuck with the contract and belong.

  • +10

    That is one crazy idea. Better utilize mental power for other ozbargain deal hunts.

  • +3

    $80 cashback from Cashrewards for those that actually take up this offer - https://www.cashrewards.com.au/belong

  • +2

    I hardly have enough time to scan through OzBargain to see what I am gonna blow my cash on next let alone have the commitment for this crazy idea!

  • How do you know how far you live from the exchange? thanks

    • just go to a dodo kiosk at a shopping centre and enquire your fake interest in doing business with them
      they will look up your address & advise you how far you are from the exchange

      • -1

        How is that even relevant? This deal is for NBN. The only time distance comes into play is for FTTN, in which case it's about the distance to the node. Look for a green box close to your home, then find the nearest pillar (often next to it) and use Google Maps to measure the street distance to your home (note: you may not be connected to the closest pillar). Add to this the distance from the green box to the pillar and back, which in my case is an extra 100m. Typically, a total distance of ~400m or less should get you close to 100Mbps linespeed (may not be the actual speed).

        • Typically, a total distance of ~400m or less should get you close to 100Mbps linespeed

          LOL not here

        • +3

          @fruit: It's based on the assumption your line includes only copper, and does not have intermediate segments that rely on iron, smoke signals, drums or other analogue means :)

          But on a more serious note: with my previous ISP (Exetel), my maximum line speed was ~60Mbps. With MyRepublic (using their modem/router), my maximum linespeed is >80Mbps. So if you are not getting good linespeeds on FTTN, keep that in mind.

        • Distance to the node is SUPER relevant for FTTN.

          I am 993m to the node and my service sucks ass. Dropouts and max speed of 40mbps even though my plan is 100mbps.

          I dont know about getting your distance to the node before you have NBN, but once you have it, your ISP's tech support staff can run a line trace and that will tell them exactly what the distance is in terms of actual copper travelled - not just crow flies or estimated - precise distance.

          Add to that a coastal area with corrosion of the lead-in line onto the property.

          I shouldn't complain though - in a 50 house street, 20 have been refused connection to the NBN completely (more than 1,000m to the node) - NBN needs to put a new node in, their engineers asked for approval and were knocked back for budgetary reasons - so those 20 homes can only get 4G mobile phone based Internet and NBN Co have no plan to ever offer them FTTN.

          I am getting a Telstra Frontier Gateway with 4G SIM installed so when my NBN connection drops out at least I can still use the Internet…

          One of the myriad of excuses I get for my poor speed is "co-existence" - ie. there are still some people in my area and on my node who have not moved their phone service to the NBN - Telstra claim that could cost me up to half my speed. I've read elsewhere co-existence should normally cause no more than a 15mbps drop and often a lot less.

        • @GreatWhiteHunter: you did not read properly. He said "from the exchange". Which is irrelevant.

        • @GreatWhiteHunter:

          I have been helping to deploy a wireless system that offers 100/40 day in day out

          The NBN is garbage compared to the quality of service + speed we offer

        • Completely wrong
          Distance doesn't equal line length, I live 20m from the exchange in chermside but my cable is 189m in total

          Secondly their line check doesn't tell them squat as you need a device on the other end for that check

          Also it doesn't tell them jack about line taps, joins, pits and pillars along the way either

        • @shawncro 222:

          Erm I said "I dont know about getting your distance to the node before you have NBN, but once you have it, your ISP's tech support staff can run a line trace"

          That is completely correct. You are connected to the NBN, so they run a line trace from the node to your modem. I agree they may not be able to do that if you are not already connected. That trace will give you the exact distance travelled by the signal from your node to the modem - including any loops, whatever.

          Yes it doesn't tell them about taps, joins and other stuff - i never said it did….

    • +1

      Despite people responding to you no one actually gave you a easy to look up answer. Put your address in here and it will give you the relative information you were looking for line distance. exchange map. Keep in mind that most exchanges are being upgraded to fibre some will be discontinued in place of another exchange that is relatively close to the same location.

      And what "make it so" is referring to is the old nbn connections. For the past 12 months and all new areas from there on get HFC which does go to the exchange as copper and the connection to the exchange being fiber.

  • +6

    You Cheeky Bugger

  • +4

    I have Belong ADSL and the connection speeds are really poor. The service broke down completely twice and I was left without internet for 4 weeks out of the 9 months I have been with them. Customer service was very poor and very slow to respond to any issues. Use to have TPG at the same location which was a lot better (much faster connection speeds, better customer service). TPG is not known for customer service but Belong is definately worse.

    Not sure if their NBN service is different but i wouldnt count on it.

    • I don't mind Belong. My download speed and ping times are ok. The only thing I don't like is the long wait times to get through to their call centre. I usually have to go use a payphone because I don't have a landline and I don't really want to use my mobile credit up waiting on hold for over an hour. At the payphone I use Belongs little known freecall number 1800 007 386 as an extra 40c saving instead of using their 1300 number :)

      • +1

        Dont you see that this is crap service? Why pay money for this? I cannot wait for my one year Belong contract to end. Worst ISP I have encountered.

        • I Have to agree here too unfortunately. Tech staff couldn't fix issues. Connection got so bad that it was a struggle to watch even a low res facebook vid: buf*f****er**********ing. Literally as bad as dial up. It can be hard to find a good provider here, these guys aren't one.

      • Why don't you call the 1800 on your mobile. That would be a free call nowadays on mobiles.

      • Thanks for the 1800 number. I only have 100 mins on my cell plan so i cant get past hold.

  • +3

    I had Belong NBN and it was the most horrible experience I had in my life.
    I had a fault that took me down for 5 days, it was quicker to literally churn then it was for them to fix it.

    • +5

      I had Belong NBN and it was the most horrible experience I had in my life.

      No it wasn't.

      • Maybe fadeinthemix has had a really damn good life?

        • Very very good life :D

        • @fadeinthemix:
          Sorry I meant that it was the worst ISP experience, and I have been around since dial up days.
          They literally had L1's reading from a script and if that script didn't work a L2 would call and go through that script FAQ.
          L2's didn't work over weekends, Reported the issue on Thursday that I couldn't connect and Monday I had to call them and they said they haven't even looked at it yet at 5pm and they were going home

          Safe to say it was easier to just churn then wait 35 minutes on hold for technical support that was literally like "we have trippled in 5 years but can't be f*d putting on more staff".

  • +2

    Just a word of caution. Their speeds are pretty bad + They don't let KODI function properly (links blocked) if you are looking to stream.

  • +1

    I have been with Belong for a year, mine is NBN and their service is terrible. Up to 12mb/sec? They gave me 0.12 mb/sec!! I am looking for another company

    • wow jesus mate that is sad to hear.
      had similiar shit with tpg so avoid them and anything they boughtout

  • +6

    Warning. When it comes to NBN, Unlimited = Congested. The NBN charges are so high that there is no way that they can offer unlimited at these prices without cutting corners.

    • +2

      Surprised you haven't been negged for saying this, as I have in the past.

      ISPs claiming a resource that is finite much the same as power is, as 'unlimited' is a crock of crap.

      'Unlimited' = best effort bandwidth when it inevitably (without fail) runs out on their end.

      Sign up for Telstra 1TB 100Mbps NBN at around $120 odd a month with basic Foxtel subscription and good international links/peering and pings, and never run out of speed or wait for a page to load ever again.

      • +1

        I actually have been negged previously for saying it. There was a MyRepublic thread which got 500+ positive votes. I got a net positive vote for my comment, but a couple of people did neg me ( https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/273957?page=3#comment-4142… ).
        I just couldn't believe the MR deal got so many positive votes. Do the sums, and there is no way MR could charge that little and not cut corners. It is no surprise that now if you read the MR thread on Whirlpool there are very few positive comments. You only have to read the latest few pages there and see a lot of complaints about congestion and poor customer service.
        Hey it's nice to believe you can get all you can eat at all times for $60/month, but that isn't the reality. For an ISP to offer decent experience they will need to make restrictions and/or raise the price. As an extreme case, have a look at the Telecube Whirlpool offer. It is well priced, but has lots of complex restrictions. This is the only way that they can promise to deliver what is offered and do so at a decent price.

        • I don't doubt that congestion can be a problem with Unlimited plans like MyRepublic, but my personal experience has been excellent and I think it is well worth it for $60/month.

          I think I'd rather pay $60/month for 50-100Mbps depending on time of day than $120/month to be guaranteed 100Mbps at all times, but with a(n admittedly huge) cap to watch out for.

          That said, despite other people having complaints, I haven't really had any issues with the speed I'm getting on MyRepublic.

          Wait, no, forget I said any of that. Stay well away from MyRepublic so you don't clog my tubes. I want them all to myself! D:<

        • @lint:
          I'd imagine that you are one of the lucky ones where the CVC they have purchased at your specific POI hasn't yet reached capacity.

      • +1

        I did this about 2 months ago now, on standard hfc non nbn hfc getting 116+ mbs down and about 2 mbs up. With my area being delayed for nbn over and over for the past 3 years I just bit the bullet went with Telstra. Though they tend to screw up your order some what save the chat logs if you use the live chat to sign up use it as ammo to complain at the end of the first billing cycle.

        So my 99$ bundle plus speed boost (20$) was stuffed up so I complained, result was they couldn't fix it in a timely fashion so they gave a 10$ credit for each month for 24 months. Second screw up was abit bigger in that a Foxtel jack hole decided to cut lines to the house after I left Foxtel for the Telstra bundle. Since this again was a Telstra issue for not churning the service to them rather than cutting the old service and starting a new one. When I complained again even though they had a tech out to fix it within 24 hours they added an additional 20$ credit for 24 months. So at the moment I'm paying 89$ for their hottest entertainment bundle ( basic Foxtel, cable internet and home phone) and the speed boost. Couldn't be happier seeing as I've been on adsl2+ for a very long time and being 5.7 km from the exchange ( line distance) I was siting at about 300kbs.

  • +4

    peeps i would highly recommend waiting for the below report from ACCC, that tells consumers 'actual' speeds

    coming in second half of year before you lock in contract


  • +8

    Not that I endorse this method, but I do admire OP's dedication to their OZB spirit!

  • +1

    Hi Rep, does this $57/Month unlimited plan apply to Telstra non-NBN Cable? Telstra Cable plans do not have unlimited data. Its 1TB plan costs a lot more.

    • +1

      He's a referrer, not a rep.

  • +1

    after reading the whole deal post, it turns out to be not really a deal but rather a work-around (or a system abuse).
    Too much mucking around over many months just to save a few bucks.

    I feel it is not worth the time and effort.

  • +1

    Belong to one of the worst congested ISP..no thanks! I'd rather pay more!

  • I have changed the "Powered by Telstra" to "Owned by Telstra", because it is a blatant lie that Belong is "powered" by Telstra. If you sign up with Belong, you will not get the Telstra network at all, although your DNS name may imply so.

    • +1

      Exactly so. You can't have all the 100mbs Unlimited CheapSkate plan users on the same pipeline as your regular clientele.

      You'd typically keep the backhaul seperate so that your 'premium' subscribers can get mostly uncongested internet while your cheapskate customers are feeding from the slow pipe.

  • +1 for the effort put into this!

  • +2

    I am with Belong, they definitely has some issues with DNS. This makes it appear like your connection is "slow", it is not really slow, it is just that some of your requests are not being served, so when you are browsing, some pages time out. This is very frustrating.

    • I have DNS issues on my phone all the time, but never noticed that it's only when I am home until I read your comment and checked with my housemate. I just tried changing the DNS server to Google's and I'll see how that goes.

      Settings can be found here:
      Username: admin Password: Belong
      Google DNS and

      • Hmm, i upgraded my router which fixed my packet loss but I'm still having DNS issues. I thought i got a dud router but maybe it's belong.

      • Thanks buddy. I changed the dns server on the server and my internet connection seems much better. Funny how the page you have linked to is hidden on the router, I could not find any link to it from the router menu. I have tried using changing to using Google DNS on my computer previously, but sometimes Belong seems to be blocking/dropping requests to Google DNS servers. I will let you know how I go in a week's time. You sir, may have solved my Belong problems. Cheers.

        • No worries. Yeah, I had to search to find that link; I think I got it off Whirlpool. I'm going to try Google's for a while, and if I still have issues I'll try others. Maybe Telstra's?

  • I'm with Belong and will be changing to MyRepublic as soon as my contract expires at the end of May.

    • +5

      You're going from bad to worse.

  • +1

    Absolutely not worth it, do not bother. I've been with them for 2 years, they WERE great up until about 5 months ago. They've gone to absolute shit. Severe packet loss, poor routing and horrible speeds for certain services. I'm in the process of migrating to Skymesh. Just last week they had an outtage from ~6pm to midnight, their phone system was even down, and they didn't communicate anything until the next day.

  • +3

    I have Belong NBN, they are charging me for the speed boost they said was free for three months, the speed is slow and it's shit customer service. Long wait times and incompetent staff who won't even listen to the query and start talking over you. Stay away. I have 9 more months to go, if anyone knows how I can break it without penalty please do PM me!

    Also I did not get month 1 as shown above as free. I got month 0 (activation 22nd of month) free and charged for the next full month.

    • Heh I've had all those exact issues too. Last time i got through to someone to report the overcharging they didn't know what the problem was but I gathered it was widespread. The wait has been so long i haven't been able to call back since.

  • +2

    my 2cents.
    This may not be the case since this is NBN, however their ADSL2+ service is poor.

    i live 600m from dslam exchange, with near perfect line condition.

    i get 2mbits dl download if Im lucky, with 0.5 ul, making my 'work from home' part of my work redundant, given I cant even join web conference without dropping out or missing out every 2nd word spoken.

    escalated this to their cs team which in return Ive got 5 callback promises - with 0 being delivered.

    however, as said this may be different in NBN but i would steer away from them.

    my apologies for typos grammar etc, just finished work and on phone.

  • +1

    Peoples think that is backed by Telstra which should be good but seems not.
    I have never used it but won't join it as their reviews are a bit poor.
    And it need 12 months contract while many others are no contracts and no setup fee.

    See here: http://www.productreview.com.au/p/belong.html

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