Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wax off. Who else had the headband when they were a kid?
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Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wax off. Who else had the headband when they were a kid?
Rental rights
When you rent, the viewing period is 14 days from the time of your order or 48 hours from the time you start to watch, whichever comes first.
you must focus daniel san
Still showing full price in store
Get him a body bag, yeahhhh!
Says expires 05/06/2017
it's 6th of May, NOT 5th of June
Worked for me however says Expires 5/6/2017
Thanks though, I will enjoy watching again
I think it's the American date, M/D/Y, so it would expire in May.
I got it to work with a VPN, it's a US only thing I think. Expired 5/6/17.
I used my phone. No VPN. never tried using the PC or Xbox-one though.
Tried with a VPN with no luck. However, being inspired by the wisdom of Mr Miyagi I didn't give up and for some reason it finally worked after logging out & back in again. Go figure.
Best classic along with kick boxer
Bloodsport ftw.
Ok U.S.A. !
Isn't this the version so bad that it needed re-filming?
What are you talking about?
Why didn't you say hello to me?
The link added it to my Aussie account no problem.Thanks
The link added it to my Aussie account no problem.
Worked fine on my Westpac account too…
Ralph Macchio is the real villain.
High bit rate bluray rips: Also for free on torrent sites. Mercy is for the weak. Crane kick capitalism in the balls.
I'm sorry to inform you of this but making a copy of a film and then sending it to people isn't going to bring down the capitalist system.
Crazy isn't it: 80% of the population are "revolutionaries" in the fight against capitalism by making copies of files and still the darn thing keeps going. Maybe if you make more copies of files it will fall, keep up the fight man, this is some Terminator level war stuff going on with file copies being made everywhere!
"Who else had the headband when they were a kid?"
I dunno, probably the ones that were getting beaten up by the bullies at school when they realized the headband does nothing!
Does nothing?! You're kidding! Once you master the crane kick, you're unbeatable
Not quite, but I thought the movie was so cool……that was before I learned karate for myself. And now the movie is pretty bad..but I've noticed that with a lot movies that were pretty cool back in the day ahem Highlander and now seem pretty sucky. Only Big Trouble in Little China has stood the test of time. Could watch that until I'm 100 years old. :)
Cool story?
Get stuck into Daniel Larusso all you want, but leave Jack Burton alone. We are in his debt. He showed great courage.
of all the japanese movies that's gotta be the lousiest one. Karate is from China not Japan.
Karate is from China not Japan.
I lol'ed.
So it's e about 98% of the stuff sold here. What's your point?
Karate is from the Ryukyu islands (Okinawa). It's based on Chinese martial arts but is itself not Chinese in origin.
Even as drunk as i am right now i still dont think im nostalgic enough to watch this.
Of course one of the things people do when they get plastered is to check out ozbargain.
Don't let being on the drink get in the way of a finding a good deal.
It's genuinely a great movie, I love it!
I used to look like the karate kid.
wew lad. i totally couldn't watch this before because torrents don't exist.
Strike first.
Strike hard.
No mercy.
Cobra Kai!
Never Die.
I watched this movie recently for the second time and over 30 years since my original viewing.
Second time around I thought Daniel was a bit of a hothead who unnecessarily escalated some of those bully situations and brought a lot of his troubles on himself from Jonny and the Cobra Kai.
Also wouldn't appreciate my apartment handyman exploiting my teen son to get his house built unpaid + trying to get him drunk + giving him expensive car!
I watched this movie a lot of times back in the day and always saw it this way. Daniel is a skinny (fatherless) smart arse from Reseda that mouths off first and has to back it up later. He only begins to mature through the discipline of Miyagi's training.
Also have a less one-dimensional view of Johnny after seeing it as an adult. He's still a dick, but not the psycho I remembered.
Apartment handymen used to give away cars all the time back in the 80s. Janitors these days are too politically correct.
I wonder what the actors look like today.
The bloke who played Mr Miyagi looks a bit dusty.
Pat Morita was his name.
he has actually passed away :(
To make honey, young bee need young flower, not old prune.
Didn't have the headband. But I changed my style of walking so that I walked on the ball of my foot. Felt tough.
..looked autistic?
Didnt stop a punch either.
Daniel was rank jerk off that deserved what he got. The most satisfying parts of the movie are early, where the alphas are handing him his arse.
Not showing as free for me, deal must have EXPIRED.
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