Another price drop the 1700x. VAT is removed at checkout to bring the final price down. It also says that it does not deliver to Australia in the listing, but you can still checkout fine.
AMD Ryzen 7 1700x €304.07 (~AU $429) Delivered @ Amazon France
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TBH the 1700 can overclock to around 4GHhz too. Another thing to note is that the 1700 doesnt have the stupid 20c voltage offset which makes current temp monitoring software etc think it is running 20c hotter than it actually is!
There might be a fix for that temp offset though.. so who knows.
the difference in overclocking ability between all 3 of them is like 100mhz. the 1700 is the one to get (though this is a decent price)
I dunno if the X chips are the same, but overclocking to 4GHz doesn't seem to be worth it. There's a pretty significant increase in power draw after ~3.8. 3.5 looks to be the sweet spot.……
Unless the X chips are waaay better binned, hard to find a case for them if you do any overclocking at all.
Woops, meant temperature offset. Dont know what to edit :D
Never mind, just not giving me the option to edit that comment.
WTF is it? je ne parle francais.
Cee Pee Uue
Heroes never die
You needed a doctor?
Intel i7 7000k much better processor for similar price… price.
Comparison here (i7 ranked 2nd, while Ryzen 7 ranked 11th):…
Ryzen is a solid workstation with it's 8 core processors though.
Depends on what you want to use the CPU for. Gaming, the i7. Workstation, Ryzen by far.
As I don't swap out my CPU's that regularly, I think the Ryzen will better value long term as games are only likely to use more cores in the future. Sure, the 7700k is faster in games, but as an all rounder, and the fact I'm not buying a soon to be dead socket, makes the choice pretty easy for me.
Tbh I'd probably wait till the R5 gets released - 6 core with a B350 is likely to be quite a cost effective combo.I think the Ryzen will better value long term as games are only likely to use more cores in the future.
I remember people saying the same thing when the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 came out and that was 10 years ago. It's only recently that having more than two cores has made any real difference in games. I don't think 8 threads vs 16 matters now, and nor will it for a long time (maybe ever) when it comes to games.
PC upgrade cycles may be growing longer but I still think it's best to go with whatever best suits your needs now and in the short-term.
This is right. People laughed when the first dual cores were released; intel basically told people you have two eyes, you should be able to read twice as fast now. No need to thank us!
Humans dont work this way, nor do games play this way. I'm amazed at the level of parallelization they've managed to squeeze out thus far, and it has also given rise to the streaming generation because of all the unused cores.
This was true with DX11 games, but things will probably change as more DX12 games are released and programmers get a better handle on it.I disagree - I held my overclocked Core 2 Quad for years after the dual core version would have made my system obsolete.
Battlefield BC2 / 3, Civilization V, GTA IV, Witcher 2….. all fired out in rapid succession in 2011/2012, before that people were laughing at those who bought the Q over the E series, now found they had to fork out $$$$ for a whole new setup whereas those who got quads got another 1-2 years out of their systems with just a GPU upgrade.Quad was king, and those who invested in the next step up from the Q6600 -> the 2500k, found themselves using it for another 5 years! A few fools still got the sandy i3, again had to upgrade within 2-3 years. Those who got the I7 version of sandy/ivy bridge back in the day are still hanging onto their systems over the i5 now too. 8 threads > 4 threads. Disclosure - I still have my 3770K! And I don't plan on upgrading any time soon… if I had a 2500k, I would be "tempted". i3? upgraded years ago…
I think history will repeat itself yet again, especially since all consoles are using 8 threads now (in the exact CCX setup as the Ryzen) - I think those would get themselves a 8 core will find themselves sitting on it for far longer than the equivalent quad.
If you only keep your system for a couple of years, then yes the i7 quads will be the fastest. If you plan on keeping your system for more than that - get a 6 or 8 core.
Workstation, Ryzen by far.
Nope, not at a similar price lol.
Edit: if it was a 7700 I mean.
Your PCCG link is to a 7700 btw. Cheapest local stock of 7700k is $462 @ MSY.
Not to mention that the I7 7700k does not come with a CPU cooler so add another $50-$200 depending on what you decide to add ontop of it.
Over all the Ryzens are a great all rounder, there is a reason intel slashed their prices almost as soon as they were released. This came just in time for me as I was about to start building a new system in the coming weeks.
To be fair… the Ryzen 1700X doesnt come with a cooler either
You're right I never noticed that I was always looking at the 1700 you just saved me from a awkward moment.
i wouldn't say its a much better processor. id say its a slightly better processor for gaming only, and thats changing rapidly.
Ryzen on launch people were shocked at the gaming benchmarks, however so much has improved over time. Ryzen has so much more room to grow and get gains, 7700k does not.
bios updates, faster ram, windows updates, game optimisation - all these factor into decent gains for Ryzen. I have seen a few games at launch the 7700k would be 20% faster, but with a game patch, bios updates and faster ram, have seen Ryzen pull ahead of it.
7700k is marginally better at games, and way worse at everything else.
ryzen has also been improving since launch with bios updates, better ram compatibility, game optimization etc and will continue to do so. nvidias shocking dx12 drivers are also holding ryzen back's funny because a few months ago, before ryzens release, general consensus was the kaby lake i7 7700k was a bit of a flop. marginal improvement over the 6700k and no reviewer recommended it over the i5 kaby lake for gaming.
yet ryzen comes out, and everyones all of the sudden "ryzen SUCKS at gaming. get i7 7700k for gaming!!!!" when the gaming performance is marginal at bestSame shit when the bulldozer came out and the bulldozer is much much worse.
To actually make the cpu a bottleneck in gaming you seriously need to have an insane system. Dual 1080's sorta thing and even then an i5 will more than likely not be the bottleneck. However if you are dumping 1500+ dollars on video cards you would be pretty silly to skimp out on the CPU.
Now they are comparing the Ryzen models with the fastest gaming cpu's ever made and because they aren't smashing them it is suddenly OMG Ryzen sucks. Even though there won't be any noticeable difference in the game performance wise.
People be insane, buy whichever CPU you will be fine.
I have the 1700X and the extra cores are nice to have. Still a lot of issues with the morherboard bios and drivera. Hopefully can get this fixed soon.
Almost certainly it will get fixed soon and this is not unusual for a new chipset/CPU.
I'm settled on 1700X, just waiting a few months for the bios/mb issues to be sorted out.
Thank you!
I am glad AMD still exist despite their year on year losses. They force Intel and Nvidia to keep innovating.
I wouldn't buy AMD products though….
That kind of attitude is exactly why AMD struggled in the first place. Take a proper look at their product before judging. Their processors were undeniably weaker than their Intel counter part until now, however they still had their places (HTPC etc..)
And just FYI, AMD is doing fine.
Wasnt the one that downvoted you though.
AMD is doing fine?
I used to follow them in a past life as a stock analyst. They were losing hundreds of millions a year.
Just had a look - they've had about 3 profitable quarters in the last 20 quarters - but every year for the last 5 years they have lost money. Not exactly a sustainable business model.
Intel and Nvidia want them to stay trading, but their losses mean they can't ever do the R&D of the big boys.
AMD graphics cards are great heaters in winter - I'll give them that.
Have a look at their recent performance then. Nothing is perfect. We make mistakes and we learn from them.
As for R&D.. Do you really want to get into that? If anything, you should feel annoyed about the minor improvements you are getting from the so called "Big Boys" at an increasingly higher price.
AMD graphics cards are no better heaters than NVidias, unless of course you can feel a few extra watts here and there. Also, by your logic NVidia is doing poorly too then? Their cards used to be even better heaters than AMD. Dont get me started on Intel. None of them are perfect, but they all build on their mistakes.
It's unfortunate people with this attitude. a lot of my gaming friends went eww as soon as i mentioned im gonna join AMD this round. straight away 'AMD cpus are shit. radeons are shit. get intel and nvidia'. to be fair AMD cpus were shit, but these people don't read much and are not updated with the times.
AMD is killing it right now, vega is taking its sweet time though.
Any regrets trying AMD this round?
I'm planing to give them a try!@idonotknowwhy: no ragrets. got my R7 1700 for $400 in an ebay sale awhile ago. an absolute beast. you can OC it to a R7 1800X with no issues using the stock cooler, so its pretty damn good value.
Dont bother getting the current ones. Your better off waiting for the next gen which is coming soon. At the moment, the cards a priced a bit higher than they are worth. So wait if you can.
Woops, thought you were referring to GPUs cause of the comment you were replying to. Still.. With the CPUs, I would wait a bit for the kinks to get ironed out etc. Price should drop a bit too.
It seems the majority have that mentality. Always going for the #1 and thus why we have monopolies that reduce competition and ultimately why 1% hold 99% of entire world's wealth.
Go buy an intel 6900k for $1500
AMD Give you a 1700X for 429 here that performance the SAME and uses less power doing it! .. Ryzen has put AMD back in the game in a BIG BIG WAY!
i7 7700k is a kids toy VS the 1700, 1700x and 1800x that are in the big boy i7 6900k $1500 CPU price point and performance league
the thing with this is, before ryzen if you had someone spending $5000 on a computer. everyone would say the 6900k ($1500) or 6950X ($2400) no doubt. nobody would mention a 7700k. everyone creamed at those intel 8/10 cores but it was out of most peoples price range.
fast forward to ryzen going head to head with them at 1/4 of the price, and people are quick to point our the sub par gaming performance comparing it to the 7700k. makes no sense but intel fanbois i guess.
that's the pc/gaming community for you. it's all about 'status' and having the biggest epeen.
the amount of people that waste money and upgrade their rigs unnecessarily every year to have the latest and best gear… of course the people that dished out on $5K x99 rigs are going to be butthurt. they payed top dollar for their elite status, and now ryzen competes for a fraction of the cost.
I still wouldn't buy AMD since I play games a lot but I sure do like the way Intel's prices just dropped all the same.
From my understanding Intel beats Ryzen only at 1080p, for most games at higher resolution you run into GPU bottlenecks. I may be wrong but the case for Intel starts to become very specific.
At higher resolutions, Ryzen still looses by around 1-3 FPS on average depending on the game. Sometimes more.
These should get better with time though, so people shouldnt be so quick to judge.
This deal would be cooler, if it came with a cooler.
Great deal. Copped!
Whats wow in this . you get one with cooler at 475 GST incd
1700X with a cooler where?
Hopefully the Ryzen will help AMD get back on track to its glory days of the mighty Athlon Thunderbird and the value-for-money Duron.
After few hours researching finally I decided to give AMD a chance. Finding the motherboard that I want was the trickiest part tho
Updated: Finding the AM4 brackets for the coolers is PITA! Think before buying this
Be sure to download the new profiles for the ryzen…
WOW. This is excellent value! Just a bit more than a 1700 and you can clock more than the 1800 easily!