• expired

TPG ADSL2+ Plans Upgraded $49.99 180GB (90+90GB) - Shaped to 256kb/s


TPG revised plans again! New ADSL2+ Download Only plans that give you more downloads without paying more.

the shape speeds have been reduced to 256kb/s for the $50 a month plan though.

ADSL2+ Plans
Only Downloads Counted

Total Monthly Access Charge
ADSL2+ 60GB (30GB+30GB)………………….$39.99
ADSL2+ 180GB (90GB+90GB)……….………..$49.99
ADSL2+ 200GB (100BG+100GB).…..…………$59.99
ADSL2+ 200GB Premium…………….…………$69.99

12 Month Contract Option = $59.95 Setup
18 Month Contract Option = $0 Setup

Visit http://www.tpg.com.au/products_services/adsl2plus_pricing.ph… for more info.

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Referral: random (5)

Referrer gets $100, up to $1000 a month.

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closed Comments

  • wooot!!!!!!!

    gotta love TPG!!!!

  • +1

    100+100 = 180 ??? Please change the title.

  • subject line incorrect, it should be 180GB (90GB+90GB)

  • +5

    I think you mean 256kb/s in title.
    If it is shaped to 256MB/s, I will call and ask them to shape me now ;)

    • what was the shaping before?

  • +7

    holy s*** 256mb/s! sure beats the national broadband plan

  • awesome hehe! upgrading ASAP!

  • wooo they've finally upgraded the $39.99 plan!!

    too bad I just started a new billing period on sunday and will have to wait until next month to see the changes :(

    • You don't need to wait … just download as much as you can and switch over and they will start a new billing period and reset your dl.

      • -1

        yes you can do that, but start a new billing period means paying another monthly fee

  • Upgraded to the new $49.99 plan =D

  • +1

    thanks for pointing out the typo's guys,

    sorry about that, sortave tired and not thinking straight.

    i have fixed the title

  • This is again good news, but still wondering when I can get rid of my home phone line rental + change to VoIP and Naked DSL!!!

    • ADSL2+ plans with Home Phone for your way

      • Oh yes, or that. But with either way, there's still no way to do it without first having to cancel the current plan and set everything up again!

    • I am too waiting for the Easy Switch + no contract restart
      for either the Naked ADSL plans or the HomePhone Bundle plans

      I really want to get rid of Telstra + line rental
      but restart of contract & 2 weeks down time is a pain in the a**
      and I might lose the local exchange ADSL PORT if I disconnect…

  • thts awesome news

  • Nice post :)

  • +7

    This changes everything. Again.

    • i like.

      question: I am on the $39.99 plan giving 20+20 usage.

      It used to be 15+15 usage about 4-5 months back.

      When I changed to the new plan, I think they told me yeah no charges but you can do it only once in 6 months.

      But when I go to "see charges" link, it says an upgrade is free of charge and defines an upgrade as "ADSL/ADSL2+ upgrade: a change to a plan with a higher or equal monthly access charge"

      Not sure whether to upgrade or not at the moment.

      Their customer service takes aaaaaaaages to answer the phones.

      • It's free to upgrade at any time but when you downgrade, it's free once every 6 months. I've upgraded twice in a month once due to new plans. 250gb used that month XD.

      • You can keep updating your plan for free, as long as it it's the same tier plan, i.e. upgrading to the new $49.99 plan from the old $49.99 plan, it's considered as an "upgrade"

  • are uploads being counted?

    I think they were counting them last update?

    • This is the revised plan. Previously they had a $49.99 per month, 90 peak/90 offpeak plan, with 1 mbps shaping speeds and upload counted.

      This is the same thing, but with unlimited uploads, and a slower shaping speed. This is good news for P2P people as previously the fact that uploads were counted were a deal breaker.

      • scrimshaw was referring to the upload counted plan.

        Existing equivalent download counted only plan is (70Gb+60gb) 130Gb with 1Mbps shaping.

    • -2

      Upload or download are both counted.

  • good deal, but I still prefer the 1mbps shaping speed on my current $49.99 180 GB / Upload counted plan.

    I don't upload anyway so… Usenet FTW!

    • Yeah I think I'll stay with that. You can't do anything if you're capped to 256kbps but with 1mbps shaping, you can still download at about 125KB/s.

  • Ok, confirming that only downloads are counted:

    ADSL2+ Plans (Download only Counted)

  • -2

    Wow TPG must not know that shaping is supposed to be a punishment!

    I did not know it was possible to be shaped to such a high speed with any ISP

  • -1

    it was 1mbps before

  • TPG doing well to upgrade their ADSL 2+ plans…..now when will they upgrade their ADSL 1 plans for those who can not get ADSL2….

  • Just noticed there is an Ad for DoDo attached to this page Just under the infor for TPG :)

    • I'm pretty sure Dodo is connected somehow to TPG as part of its joining/takeover with Soul.

  • OMG….they've ditched their $29.95 low volume (12GB) plan.

  • I will stay with 1MB one, you can do nothing with 256kb/s.

    • -4

      The old plans were 1Mb/s not 1MB/s, so shaping at 256kb/s is infact 2Mb/s (ie twice the speed).

      • +5

        you sir, need to google that :P

        256 (kb / s) = 0.25 Mb / s

        • ooopps!

    • +1

      it wasn't too long ago 256kb/s was the stand speeds for ADSL.

      256kb/s beats most other ISP's shaping speeds, only recently have i moved away from 56kb/s shaping!

  • yeye… been waiting for an upgrade…. TPG…rocks

  • yep, with the 1Mbps it's ok to do everyday works on all 3 of my workstations at home w/o any lag.

    but the 256kbps gonna lag ur line like hell if one comp pull all the bandwidth to itself at once…

    So think careful before you upgrade to this one, upload or not to upload :P

  • Nice, just "upgraded" to the 60GB. 20GB more for $0 extra :D

  • anyway to find out what plan i am currently?

    Package Type: Super Fast Standard/130GB forgot if the uploads counted for that and what the shaping is

    • +2

      Your account page should also list the peak and offpeak times, towards the left-side of the page.

      If that's the $49.99 plan, then uploads are not counted. Only the 180GB (prior to the latest update) and 500GB plans had uploads.

      • cheers

    • I think yours are the same as mine
      60GB(Peak) + 70GB(Off-Peak) = 130GB per month for $49.99
      shaping to 1Mbps/S, with only download counted

      I'm sticking to 1Mbps/s for now,
      as I think VoIP does not handle well on 256KB/S

  • Old plans were better.

  • I currently am on: Super Fast Standard /120GB: ADSL2+ connection.

    Can I move to this new plan? And does it cost anything? Apologies, I'm a bit of a newb.

    • +1

      No extra cost. Unused portion of your current billing period will be credited back into your account.

  • +1

    Just a query would not the ADSL2+ 500GB plan at $59.99 be a better choice with 1Mbps shaping?

    • +1

      Look closely at the peak and offpeak limits. There's a bit of a catch.

      The bulk of the 500 GB plan is in the off peak times, on peak is only 150 GB, off peak is 350 GB.

      You would find it very difficult to download 350 GB at between 2 AM and 8 AM in the morning (unless you're nocturnal)
      Unlike all the other plans, this is the only plan that has more offpeak download than there is on-peak.

      • Great answer to an equally good question haha

  • The shaping speeds on the $49.99 plan are poor compared to the old plans.

  • You get SUPER FAST if your home location is close to Exchange Centre (even 250m) away. My home to Exchange Centre is about 300m away and I get about average 400kb/s. And Starcraft 2 on network - awesome!

    • At that distance you should be getting much quicker speeds than that.. but its your sync speed you need to check.

  • Just upgraded my $49.99 plan (60+60=120GB, shaping 512kb/s) to this one. Yes, upgrade usage but downgrade the shaping to 256kb/s. But I have (30+30)=60GB more. Worth it!

    • I might do the same… I should wait though, right? My cycle only just started today (well technically yesterday now).

  • ..

  • i am just glad that i changed to the 180GB plan few months ago :)

  • So sacrifice 1MBps shaping for extra 50GB.

  • Australia should be ashamed when everywhere else in the developed world uses unlimited broadband we still have limit in our plans.

  • +1

    When I signed up my grandparents to a $39.99 TPG plan last year they were getting about 3/3Gb per month. Now it's up to 60Gb it seems so excessive for them lol

    ADSL2 is soo waisted on them :/

  • Quite tempted to jump ship from iiNet. Cheaper, no upload counting and more quota (on naked I mean).. hmmmm.

  • Haha I wonder if anyone is still on this like me. This is what it says in my account area:

    Package Type: ADSL2+ Ultimate Medium /50

    I think it was released around late 2008?

  • waaaaaaaaaaaa….so i can change again???…currently on the 49.99 - 130gig adsl2+ O_o

    • +1

      Yes of course you can! But you decide whether the one you're on now (which I think hash 1mbps shaping speed) is good enough for you. If you think you will still get shaped on this updated, 180gb one, then you should probably stick to your one, since shaping speed is higher/faster.

  • I Was wandering, if someone could tell me, if shaping of 256 Kb/s means the downloading speed.
    if it is so, dont you think it is super slow. 256 kbps cannot be a broadband speed.
    I am with optus and I have checked my speeds coming around 2-4 Mbps.

    It is an irony, Australia like most of the developed worlds dont have good speed and unlimited broadband plans, where speeds are way more than 10Mbps.

    • Well, of course it's super slow, but that's the point. You went over the download limit and that is your "penalty". You can't expect a high shaping speed can you? That would be pointless..

    • Edit: NVM

    • do you think Optus does not shape you once you over your download limit?

  • Yay the 39.99 plan has been updated. I'm stoked.

  • +1

    69.99 plan has essentially become unlimited for me because the shaped d/l speed is exactly the same as my non-shaped d/l speed.

  • I tried to sign up to the 500 gb plan just to be told there was no more room on the server but I could sign up for the 180gb plan for $10 more - ?????!!!

  • 200 premium is the best I can get in my area so its like unlimited for all intents and purposes.
    yay no more having to try and cram my downloads in before leaving work! Such a relief to be able to download whenever the hell I feel like it without having to worry about peak quotas. Also 4mbps shaping is ridiculously close to my normal speeds anyway so it's definitely worth the extra $10 for that alone.

  • -6

    Long time reader, first time poster, when I saw TPG on here I registered to try to neg this but couldn't due to restriction on new accounts

    Just want to say AVOID TPG - just google TPG and you'll see how many unhappy people experiencing dropouts / painfully low sync speeds, shit customer service (their call centres are all offshore and always at capacity during peak time. For people like me who work full time, if I ever have tech issues, I can NEVER get through to tech support). Customer service is so stupid, they keep reading me the same script (turn off your modem, go move all your furniture and unplug all phones to isolate your modem, go fuck up your settings to do a firmware upgrade etc etc.) I've wasted over 24 hours following their instructions and the dropouts still exist! They insist its my internal wiring but I don't buy it for several reasons.

    Anyway thats my personal experience, do your own research and you'll see what a shit company this is. Yes there are many genuine bargains we encounter in life a but TPG is NOT one of them. You pay cheap, but you get worse than cheap in value. i.e. you don't even get what you pay for. I stupidly locked myself in a 24 month contract with 11 months left, so I'm still liable to pay the maximum cancellation fee, so I'm stuck. At the same time I feel sorry for the offshore phillipines call centre workers - they must cop alot of shit from unhappy customers, and it's not their fault. The FAULT lies with TPG's executives, and that disgusting immoral crook David Teoh who founded the company. Until TPG decides to stop cheaping out on its customers and majorly upgrade its infrastructure, there will continue to be masses of hatred filled customers that will spread the negative word on this terrible company.

    • +2

      As long as TPG have many customers, some of them may not be happy with TPG. For those who not happy with TPG, will keep posting on the web and that's why you can search it on Google.

      As long as I am happy with TPG, as long as I haven't got any disconnection(line drop) in my last half year, I keep slient on the internet as they are not giving me a surprise, just fair enough.

      As you put AVOID TPG at the beginning, that means you are AVOIDING TPG. I believe it is not benefit you in anyway. There is no forever friend or forever enemy in this commercial wrold, just grap those benefit from them for yourself. Maybe your bad experience before was just a little case and who knows you may have a very happy experience from them in next time. Peace.
      (I am not from TPG lol)

      • Yes, thats true for most things, most people only both to go post online when their pissed about something.. you don't hear so much from the happy customers.

    • Thanks for the info. It's always good to hear both good and bad experiences, however I'm sure this is not every TPG customers experience.

      Understandably, the ISP will have a limited infrastructure, and the more customers they jam into their network the crappier it gets all round. I doubt thats going to affect sync speed and dropouts though.

      Currently being on iiNet, I am happy with everything bar the price. I get 12mbps sync at about 3km from the exchange, and rarely have any technical issues. Most are just things out of my control (ie, wait a little and its usually sorted itself out)

      Having said that, I did once have to call support for a non-technical issue when an old account I had with iinet was still sending me network status emails, I simply wanted it removed as the account was gone and I could no longer log into the toolbox to disable it myself. I think I was on the phone nearly 30 mins as I waited for the support guy to come and go as he went to try and find out what to do. I think any large ISP is going to have similar tech support issues, they'll all read of the script, and if it doesn't fit in with that, your going to be waiting a while.

      At the moment the main reason for me not switching to TPG is because I don't like lock in contracts when I don't know what I'll be getting as I've never used TPG before.. thinking about it though, if you've paid for service and they are not providing that, surely there's an issue there.. maybe you should talk to ACCC or something and find out whether your liable to stick to your contract, you may have an out without needing to pay the cancellation fee..

      I am curious though, not knowing where you are or the condition of the lines in your area, have you previously used another ADSL2 provider at your place that didn't suffer low sync and dropouts?

    • Have called tech support at TPG plenty of times and never had a problem. My connection is very reliable at an affordable price. Never had a problem with TPG at all so, unlike the above poster, would very happily recommend them to anyone.

      From your description, popcorn, I would guess the person on the other end of the line is right. If there is nothing wrong with your modem, computer etc.. then it is probably a problem with either your internal wiring, or else the connection to the switch (which is not managed by TPG). If only you could temporarily connect to another provider to test it out!

  • +1

    If you guys are having problems with setting downloads on your torrents (legal, of course), you can use the Scheduler on uTorrent to set torrents to download only during off-peak times. This means you don't have to stay up until your off-peak time starts, but you can just leave your computer on.

    For normal downloads, you can just use a download manager to set when your downloads should start and stop. Hopefully this advice helps those who have a large off-peak quota.

  • +6

    I hope we get 100Mbps to 1Gbps with the NBN and not 12Mbps on Abbots shonky wireless network patch job…

    • If we can spend $40 Billion on a NBN (yet taking away the things we would use it for, pirated movies and porn with conroy's censorship), $40 Billion on Submarines (if they work properly, and we'll get to use them), why can't we spend $40 Billion on Public Transport/Infrastructure, something we can all use?

      Though we should connect rural australia and those will no service

      • I use the internet far more often than I use roads or public transport….

        PS: Conroy's filter won't block P2P like BitTorrent, so we can still all get our pirated movies and porn through that, if we so desire.

  • Now I just have to wait for Telstra to open up more ports at my exchange.

  • I just wish that there was at least enough copper in place for all new homes in new estates.. I'm in a newish estate (built 5 years ago) and I'm happily on ADSL2, but it's ridiculous that a friend that built within the last year, literally down the road in a new stage, can't get ADSL2 because Telstra are using a RIM there (for those that haven't heard of it, my understanding of it is its basically like a sub-exchange used because there is not enough direct lines back to the exchange)

  • hmmm, i changed my plan to the 200gig plan only 5 days ago and im paying $69.95, wonder if they will charge me if i change it again

  • +1

    Now for them to upgrade the naked plans. Waiting…. Waiting…. Or atleast offer a quick swap from naked to tpg adsl home phone plans

  • +1

    I'm sticking to what I'm on,

    60GB(Peak) + 70GB(Off-Peak) = 130GB per month for $49.99
    shaping to 1Mbps/S, with only download counted

    the extra 50GB is quite tempting but seriously, being capped at 1mb is sooooo much nicer than 256k. Plus, done some quick calculations, it would take about 7.7 days to download 50GB at 75k/s (difference between the two shaped speeds) so for the serious downloaded, best to stick with what I am on, you will have a much fuller hard drive by the months end :)

  • Im on the 120GB plan for $49.99. Does anyone know what the shaped speed is for this plan?

    • log into your account, it should say on the page with how much you've downloaded and such.

  • Its k, i was throttled this mornin with a email which tells me 512kb/s.Thanks anyway

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