well, I have been with OB for a long time personally, however that's the first time for business, so plz don't give me neg. I just wanna share some free money n <a href="http://www.costmart.com.au/">greet deal</a>
Free $5 [email protected] and $1.4ea. Lockup Sealed Lids Water Proof Food Fruit Container

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closed Comments
- $6.99 is for 5 different size boxes, $1.4 each is totally misleading
- shipping is not included
Please be honest in your title! State the actually price + shipping!
Think shipping cost is the killer. For me this is not a good deal.
Where do i get the $5 voucher?
There is a big bright orange banner on webpage - you need to sign up to get the $5 voucher…. Not sure how many SPAMS you will receive post doing this…
Can't people just unsuscribe from emails later on?
if its real spam, unsubscribe doesn't work. there'll just send you more cause you are confirming that this email address is actually being used.
cant see any containers for $1.40, shipping is a ripoff, cheaper to buy in pretty much any shop that sells these. also begging not to get negged + no rep status + voting pos on his own deal.
the containers are 6.99 and shipping is 7.99 to qld so how did you get $1.4ea?