Donald Trump Has Plans to Completely Change The Visa Law for Australians, and It's Not Good

So now Trump has been officially named president America has gone to shit. But this awful reign won't just affect America, but literally anyone travelling to America. News has it that Trump will have a new law in order to change how Australians are able to visit America. So this new law will make it twice as difficult as it was before. Trump is making a law where if you want to travel to America you have to fly to either Sydney or Canberra to have a one-to-one interview at the USA embassy to then obtain your visa, absolutely ridiculous.

If you thought Trump's wall was ridiculous, this is even worse!



  • +3

    What part of certain country citizens do you guys not understand. Same thing went for cubans. He made the right choice. the unpopular choice.

    • +1

      The part where you change the rules for people who are literally mid flight.
      The part where you block people with dual citizenship that have lived in the US for most or all of their lives.
      The part where you make no exceptions for schoolkids who want to come visit you on an excursion.

      It wasn't just unpopular. It was very very wrong.

      • But being wrong is your opinion though. That doesn't override those who think it's very, very right.

        • People confuse fact and opinion way too much these days.

          "change the rules for people who are literally mid flight." is not an opinion.
          "block people with dual citizenship that have lived in the US for most or all of their lives." is not an opinion.
          "no exceptions for schoolkids who want to come visit you on an excursion" is not an opinion.

          Only "It was very very wrong." is an opinion, though I can certainly justify it so it's no less valid than "He made the right choice."

          Keep on downvoting. If you downvote enough I hear it changes the truth of it. shakes head

        • @syousef:

          Of course, it isn't a crime to justify your opinion.

          You only get 5 negative votes, and from the looks of things, you have much more than that :)

        • @justmiike:

          Popular doesn't mean correct or desirable.

          The irony is you're defending someone who claims Trump's unpopular choice was the right one.

        • @syousef:

          It doesn't.

          I try to look at both sides. I try to see views from all ends, and form my opinion. But my opinion is my own.

  • Alot of people were thinking it and obviously someone had to be ballsy and stand up and speak it and now his in power.

    I must give it to trump he has to be the first know male on record to win an argument with a female. For that i take my hat off to the man.

    • +1

      First male to win an argument with a female? Are you high? Women have been shouted down for all of history in the political arena.

    • +3

      I don't entirely disagree with you here. Finding a leader in Australia who would actually go to an election with a clear platform on policy and set about actually keeping their word when elected would be a novel idea.

      I will say this for Trump. He is keeping his word for better or worse. He campaigned on these policies during the election and the people voted. It should come as no surprise then that he is following through with these policies. (Actually, I personally find it completely shocking and suprising, he's the only politican in recent history, that doesn't think back peddling is some sort of professional sport!)

      • +3

        Exactly. This is what he was elected to do and his voters are getting what they wanted. Also Obama banned Iraqis from coming to America for 6 months, hear anybody cry then? Nope. The hypocrisy is disgusting.

        But all these "protest" groups are organized by people being paid by rich assholes to do it, like Soros.

    • +2

      How about a strong leader that actually used it to do good instead of being divisive and playing on people's fear?

      Trump is not for America. Trump is for Trump. I can't believe how gullible people are. He wants money and power, not to give Americans nice things.

    • Hold a big effing banner outside your next election booth with the words

      "They are bank rolled by foreign donors"

  • Yeah, you got to love this guy. His recent advice against flu shots, saying I don't want to put bad things in my body, was pretty good too.
    Perhaps Oz is thought an easy port for baddies to port through. He has many advisers, so this visa inconvenience seems pretty minor, as it wont effect many people I expect.

    • Flu shots are not for the common cold. They are to stop this from happening:

      There are heaps of people affected by his Visa restrictions. You're just refusing to pay attention to the stories.

      • -3

        Flu shots stop nothing from happening, they're ineffective and risk contracting other more serious infections (yeah, a link backed by science):…

        • Mercola? Seriously? THAT IS NOT SCIENCE.

          "Joseph Michael Mercola is an alternative medicine proponent, "


          "Dr. Joseph Mercola Ordered to Stop Illegal Claims"



          Here is a science link to the CDC in America. Trump hasn't managed to scrub it yet.

          Get an education!

        • -2


          Did you read the article? Mercola bases his work on studies which is science, if you had any researching skills you would see that, but your bias opinion clouds your judgement and you attack negative media to prove a point, a sign of someone stuck on one side and can't see the facts from both sides :)

          Your preconception of someone is telling already, spend a bit more than 2 minutes before you judge someone's entire work that has helped millions of people on two articles. It's disgusting.

          Here we go again, inferring people don't have an education. Are you being prejudiced?

        • @justmiike:

          Learn a little about science research and validity before you open your mouth. Biased opinion has nothing to do with it. Anyone can write a paper. That doesn't mean it is accepted by the medical community and properly peer reviewed.

          You are very VERY clearly showing that you don't understand this stuff. I'm not inferring anything. I am outright telling you that you are plainly demonstrating a complete lack of education in this area and making a fool of yourself by referring to the writings of a discredited and censured quack as scientific. There is no prejudice in that whatsoever. If you cite a source it has to stand up to scrutiny and if you insist it does when it is so bad that medical professionals have been writing how bad the source is for decades you are going to be criticized. Not all opinions are equal. Some are backed by evidence. Some are unsubstantiated and some are only backed by discredited nonsense.

        • @syousef:

          This is what I mean by having assumptions. You have no idea what your Google searching in 10 minutes can find compared to someone like me who has searched areas of concern (in health) for about 6 years.

          You think I link articles just like that? I'm not spoon feeding you, you can form your own opinion.

          I cited the areas of interest to me, that I needed to learn. Looked at studies that spanned over 17 years and implemented my own supplements to help me with my health concerns which cured me of my issues.

          That's how I know Mercola isn't a quack (because everything he was saying was in line with what the studies was producing). Likewise with what Dr. Oz was showing. All backed by science. But, you can believe what you like, how much cancer would you like? Have you checked your Vitamin D3 lately?

          But by all means, I don't understand anything, you can do the research yourself, you lead your own path, but don't be surprised later in the future, when you research something and come across Mercola.

          The same medical professionals that have been prescribing people constant drugs and not dealing with the root cause of the issues? Good luck with that.

        • @justmiike:

          I have come across Mercola before. I would have thought it would have been clear.

          Your 6 years of google searches are not a medical research degree. You have clearly demonstrated you lack the tools to discern proven science from pseudo scientific gibberish. You are making mistake after mistake. You're extrapolating your one biased anecdote as proof and evidence. You're linking to discredit sources. Do you know what a control is? What a sample size is and how to interpret statistical significance? You've had 6 years of "research" to learn that right?

          I wonder do you even understand what the flu vaccine and vaccines is for? It isn't to stop you feeling unwell. it does confer protection to the individual of course but the reason for having it is to attempt to stop a pandemic like this one:

          It wiped out more people during WWI than the war did.

          Anti-vaxers and science deniers like you are dangerous. The sad thing is Trump is one of you. I would not be surprised if Polio has a resurgence in my lifetime thanks to this nonsense. Measles and Whooping Cough certainly are on the rise.

          Ignorance is fixable, but only if you're willing. Come back to me when you're able to discern the validity between 2 research studies on Pubmed.

        • @syousef:

          We can discuss all we want on the different issues, not the place for it. I linked the Mercola article that quotes several studies regarding the flu vaccine. Sources range from the Washington Post, NPR, CDC, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Science Daily, Journal of Infectious Disease, FDA, WebMD, Annals of Medicine and much more.

          But, if you did come across Mercola, than why are you calling him a quack? Seriously, did you look at his articles? It's all backed by studies or people with 'degrees' to prove a point and to push his products (which are made without the fillers), that doesn't mean he's a quack (shoot him for making a business of supplementation). He actually promotes good diet and supplementation based on research.

          Okay, so you're saying the studies I have looked at which were done by various universities like Harvard, controlled studies, independent research that spanned years, people with research degrees and PhDs is a lack of tools and gibberish? Thanks, now I know that you don't believe scientific evidence with real human studies not 'limited data'.

          Why do you blanket my views in a general field? Not all vaccines are needed, some are. Go do your research to know which are. Science deniers? What do you think I based my research on? unicorns?

        • @justmiike:
          everyone seem to think they are research scholars when they can google a study with numbers and fancy words they don't understand. there is a lot more to evidence based medicine than googling a study which supports your views. if evidence was so convincingly against flu vaccines why would governments spend billions to subsidize its rollout every year? ah yes, let's trust some guy i found on the internet who made his living from pushing alternative health products over the consensus opinion of the most qualified doctors and scientists in the country. or do you subscribe to the conspiracy theory of 'big pharmas' taking over governments too?

        • @justmiike:

          You brought it up and now you're telling me it's not the place for it?

          Do you really think if you repeat the same nonsense again and again it's going to sound true?

          Once again shouting because you didn't seem to get the point and are telling me about all your links to this trash. MERCOLA IS NOT A CREDIBLE SOURCE.

          I linked to the CDC and provided you with clear proof that the organisation supports flu vaccination.

          I am sick and tired of repeating myself. NOT ALL STUDIES ARE CREDIBLE.

          Absolutely, if your "research" is based on "articles" in Mercola it is based on nonsense as implausible as unicorns.

          Your sources are all pro flu shot:

          Washington Post - Not a scientific source. Pro-Flu-Vaccine, even quotes CDC.

          NPR - Science popularisation but not a key source

          Two of the above quote CDC

          Clinical Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infectious Disease, Annals of Medicine - Individual journals. Learn to search Pubmed! Plenty of pro-vaccination work in these.

          Science Daily,
          I linked to a pro flu shot article above.



          I'm convinced you're now just on a vendetta to waste my time.

        • -3


          I don't Google a study that supports my views, I Google studies to form a view based on what the research finds. It's there for everyone to read. You don't have to have a medical degree to interpret the results (but you need one, then get one). What's so hard to understand?

          That guy uses hundreds of references and sources from the people you're taking advice from.

          But I guess you're one of those people who think fluoride in our water supply is helping your teeth. Believe what you like.

          Sorry, I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories, just what studies have found.

        • @syousef:

          The only one 'shouting' is you.

          We'll I hope you continue to get your flu vaccination to avoid the impending plague :)

          You can take what you want from your findings, and I'll take from mine, stop wasting your time.

        • @justmiike:
          you summed up my points perfectly. your arrogance lies you think you are an expert in a field you have no clue in. To properly understand what evidence based medicine is, how to apply research to practice and determine public policy requires years of specialised training. These are the infectious diseases doctors, immunologists, public health physicians and health policy makers who have put hundreds of years of combined experience and expertise into analysing all available evidence to make a recommendation for an immunisation program.

          But no, "I did my research and I know my body."

        • @xbai: Ah, thanks for showing me your ignorance.

          Then don't read anything, because you're not an expert in that field, so don't form an opinion or change your lifestyle either. Follow blindly.

          Same way they got the food pyramid right, but wait until the research becomes common ground, oh sorry, about that, we were wrong.

          Consider what you like, you're shutting down evidence if it doesn't fit to your liking, I'm open to all and made my choice on the matter. You can freely make your own decision too. It might come across as arrogant, and that might be true.

        • +1

          this is a perfect demonstration of the saying "the only thing scarier than not knowing anything is not knowing what you don't know."

          you have no understanding of what is required to critically appraise evidence. to know what sources are reliable and how data is presented to eliminate bias and skew. you blindly believe what you read without understanding that data is easily manipulated.

          no wonder Trump ran such a successful campaign - it is really the era of fakenews and alternativefacts.

        • @xbai:

          Don't be surprised when the infectious diseases doctors, immunologists, public health physicians and health policy makers who have put hundreds of years of combined experience and expertise come out with "fakenews and alternativefacts", what would you do then? Call them quacks and Trump supporters lol

        • @xbai:

          I'm passing the baton on to you if you want it. Pointless trying to convince someone that doesn't know the difference between a research journal and an alternative medicine quackery site. I now have other things to do and more important things to take care of.

        • +1

          it's a sad day and age.

        • @syousef:

          Such ignorance. Do you even read what you write? You're like a waking quack yourself inferring I don't know the difference and then oozing ignorance on something you know absolutely nothing about.

          Then defame someone who has helped millions of people worldwide, but link a site that has absolutely no merit, seriously, what were you thinking linking a site written by Stephen Barrett who was declared as biased, and unworthy of credibility in the US court system.

          I'm glad your comments are in the public domain to see how uneducated and bias your views are. Nothing Mercola writes is without sources and references (which include journals), and yet, you ignore the facts. Typical stupidity.

        • @xbai:

          It's easy to see why. You don't have to look far to see what's wrong with humanity.

        • @justmiike:

          Stew in your own delusions then. You are beyond saving and I am tired of being abused by someone who should be requesting a refund on his sad excuse for an education. May as well be talking to a flat earther or a brick wall for that matter.

        • @syousef:

          Maybe you should get an education so you can understand what I have written. It will make life a lot easier for you :)

        • @justmiike:

          You think I don't understand what you're saying. That's cute.

  • I'm just sitting on the sidelines waiting to see what becomes of

    • Yeah, things are gonna get messy with that one no doubt.

  • +1

    Oh really so what shit are you regarding to? Wanna talk politics then let's go ahead and start with either Hillary or Obama? What was the debt again when Obama too over:

    Sure go ahead make my day so I can chew you up :P

    List all your goodies and amuse me protestor! Lefties I welcome you also!

  • +2

    More interested in his policy… which will stop the flow of up to 500000 Indians lowering wages which is Liberal and one Nation policy here in OZ

  • +11

    I don't really care, he's good for America. Not a country I will visit anyway. But I have never seen a politician do what they say so fast before. People voted. End of story. Move on.

    • -3

      Easy for you to say from the comfort of your seat behind a computer or phone. Tell that to parents and children and spouses who have been separated for 3 months. Pretty hard to move on. This has ruined lives.

      • +1

        They should fix the problems in their own country first before deciding to come to the US and destroy their way of life. The west is sick of middle-eastern people, period.

        And yes, we are sick of (profanity) like Bush, H. Clinton, Obama, Howard and Blair trying to destroy other countries in the name of 'peace and freedom'.

        • Yes because an orphan child should "fix the problems in their own country".

          "The west is sick of middle eastern people" huh? You know what that's called? RACISM.

          Heaven forbid we aim for "peace and freedom" when we can have internet trolling of this low calibre.

      • +1

        Was the immigration ban a secret? Was it not part of the policies Trump said he will do? It was, wasn't it? People voted for it, didn't they? They did because he's president now, and he delivered on his policy. I know you're not familiar with that, because we're living in a country where politicians take years to do anything but lie.

        Don't tell me how easy it is for me to write anything behind a computer, because you know nothing about what anyone is going through, so don't assume. Didn't they teach you that in school? I see you're also making comments to others concerning their education.

        This was not a secret, the immigration ban was up in lights and that's what people voted for.

        Whether it's right or wrong, that's not for me to say (I want the world to live in harmony and have laws to respect everyone). Has it impacted the lives of people, yes, it has. This is the reality of the situation. You come to a country and respect their laws, know their laws. If I travelled to the Middle East, I would read every law to know what to look out for, because I respect their way of life. If I don't agree with them or if I will get in trouble, I wouldn't go.

        What's so hard to get? People want a democracy and yet, still complain! What do you want then? A dictator?

        • +1

          At no point did Trump say he would stop people with valid VISAs, dual citizens etc. and enact a ban when they were in mid air. Do not be so disingenuous. What he did has been described by members of his own party as chaos and it is unprecedented. Attempting to turn this around and make a burgeoning dictator appear to be the bastion of freedom is ridiculous.

          If he's such a bastion of freedom why did he gag all those government scientists and science organisations? He only talks about free speech when Berkeley protesters disrupt a racist from speaking at which point he threatens to pull government funding.

          The rising tide of racism in America AND HERE is deeply disturbing.

        • @syousef:

          Have you looked here?

          It doesn't specifically say it, but the general idea was applied, he went a step further, he wanted a review on how they gave out visas and put a temporary hold on those that had one. Not really left of field, shocking, yes, but many people are over weak leaders, sick of it in fact. Why do you think Trump won? People who live in America are over it.

          He can do what he wants. He got elected. That's the process. I'm not agreeing with what he is doing, I think he has the right ideas, but going about certain things, not the way I would do it. But that's what America wanted, so that's what they will get. They knew what type of person they were getting, he made it plainly obvious what his views were.

          Please understand religion is not a race and your constant assumption people are racist here is concerning to me. I'll say it again, stop thinking everyone is racist, prejudiced, bias, discrimination, maybe, but your blanket statement of racism is getting extremely tired.

        • @justmiike:

          I don't think you understand the US democratic process at all. He cannot do what he wants. He is a president not a king and he still has to abide by the law.


          You're going to get a lot more tired of my accusation of racism before I'm done when you support people aligned with and give to racist extremists like Steve Bannon, and support free speech for racists Milo Yiannopoulos while gagging US government scientists and science organisations.

          Also you should know even though it has now been deleted that I was told to go back where I came from right here on this thread, even though that has now been deleted by a mod. Which is hilarious since I was born here to parents who were Australian citizens and I've only spent a total of 3-4 months in their country of birth. I have also been told that "the west is sick of middle eastern people" on this thread (had not been deleted last I looked). If you don't consider that racist I'd love to know what your definition is.

        • +2


          But he did do what he wanted, whether the courts stop it or it's illegal, is irrelevant. He pushes, they pull. He will still push and do what he wants to get what he sets out to do. I'm glad there's still a process to stop leaders doing crazy things.

          Well, I honestly don't care, but just wanted you to know that the racism is mostly in your head at times, that's not to say it doesn't exist, but you're using it like a loose cannon. It's obvious racism is largely there as a motive maybe, but if someone supports something, doesn't make them racist. They might agree with the idea, or the notion behind it, doesn't mean they're racist.

          I'll only accuse someone as racist if they specifically said all [enter race here] are inferior to [enter race here]. Otherwise we're losing the meaning.

        • @justmiike:

          If he pushes far enough he'll get impeached. Again, you don't understand the process when you say he can "do what he wants". You said that because he was elected he could do what he wants. That is simply incorrect.

          Then you come back saying he did do what he wants. Well that's a bitlike saying you can kill someone if you want. It may be true in the sense that you may kill that person before you're stopped but you'll face the consequences as it is illegal and unjustified.

          The racism is not mostly in my head thank you very much. It's out there in the open for people to see. Supporting a racist policy does make a person a racist.

        • @syousef:

          That's fine, you will believe what you want to believe.

  • Bad news for people on the left. My friends and I had a great 2016 with conservatives winning everything!! we love winning !!!
    When the left shuts down debate and engages in identity politics we were forced to play our Trump card.

    • +1

      You lost Clive Palmer :p

  • +2

    “My policy is similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months. The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror.” - Trump.

  • +1

    What does this have to do with bagging a bargain?

    • Nothing.
      It's not even true.
      It's fake news.

  • For anyone interested in some figures, see this photo:…

    • +1

      Huffpo, nah I'm good thanks.

  • Pretty heated in here… any bargains going at the moment?

  • +3

    Viva la Trump. Love the balls of this guy. There are plenty ways to skin a cat so what suits him may not suit you. Build a bridge and get over it. Worse case scenario wait 4 yrs for the next banana president.

  • +2

    I wish Trump was our prime minister. First thing he would do would be to close the loop hole that allows a Chinese person to send their kid to Australia for 'education' to get them permanent residency after 3 years, then have them purchase houses for all their relatives back in China. Makes me sick when you see all the homeless people outside Flinders Street station knowing so many houses are vacant due to greed.

    • I remember one politician said that the foreigners will (one day) take Australia land back to their country…… Similar to one US scientist mentioned that do not buy Australia Iron Ore, it will cause the earth to be heavier on other side…….

      many has stated that Australia is getting closer to be communism, taxing so high to share all benefits to the people who chose not to work

      many has borrow HECS and chose not to work too so they don't need to pay back

      my colleague retiring soon, has not pay off the HECS too ……

      • +1

        I can't understand you. Where are you from?

        • +1

          1st paragraph shows how stupid people can be - even a scientist

          2nd - comment by a tourist to me

          3rd - Many local people abused the education system, some got paid to study forever

      • taxing so high to share all benefits to the people who chose not to work

        That's an ignorant statement.

        There aren't enough jobs available and those who are looking for jobs probably do not have the required qualifications.

        Ever heard of middle or upper class welfare? Negative gearing, capital gains tax, super tax concessions, subsidised private health insurance and education.

        Doctors are an example of those who get high salaries and massive tax deductions. Whether they deserve it or not is another argument.
        I think they deserve the salaries, but not the massive tax deductions.

        my colleague retiring soon, has not pay off the HECS too

        Sounds like your colleague has never worked a day in his life if he still has a HECS debt. Or is he retiring at the ripe old age of 30?

        many has borrow HECS and chose not to work too so they don't need to pay back

        I will bet you that 99.9% of graduates who have a tax debt WANT to work.

        • I knew quite a few who (male and female) got engineering degree and chose not to work - To pursue their dream of staying at home so that their wife/ husband look after them. Lucky them….. and a few others have been studying in TAFE just to get paid by government (one of them more than 10 years, and he told me he do not intend to graduate from it)

          another two of my friend refused to work at lower level (one degree holder another PHD holder). During bad time, I work as junior and got paid one third of what I should get.

          (All citizens getting benefit from government)

        • @edgar28: Are you talking about Australians or immigrants ?

    • We share similar beliefs. However, I do not agree Trump or a Trumpist is the answer.

      I know many of these Chinese nationals coming here as students, buying a house for their wealthy family back home with laundered money and taking over our inner cities.

      This also applies to the rich Canadians, Americans and Europeans coming here.

      Our scumbag politicians don't do anything because they are bank rolled by these foreign donors, especially the Chinese ones. Don't vote Labor or Liberal. Maybe then these hacks will get a wake up call.

    • Yes let's give all the junkies a free house to reward them for stuffing up their life in one of the easiest countries to live in the world instead of allowing wealthy and educated Chinese to move here. Great.

  • +4

    At this rate Trump has a possibility of himself getting deported

  • A majority of countries need to go to the local embassy for an interview before a visa is granted, even for a measly visitor visa to America. I guess no one likes change, but I've been subjected to all of it, & by far, I love our Aussie system that we have here.

  • -1

    Trump has totally gone batshit crazy…

  • Don't think D.J.T will affect US alliance that much, they need to earn tourist money anyway, even Trump's five star hotel need people to fill in, by temperately blocking some countries, it open the door for all other countries's people which feel US more safer then EU now, so in another point of view, it will attract more EU people which scared by the new mountains of middle east refuge move to US, for short term view, Trump got a lot of criticise, but for long view, he will truly make America more attraction for high skill and high knowledge people move in.

  • +1

    Don't think D.J.T will affect US alliance that much, they need to earn tourist money anyway, even Trump's five star hotel need people to fill in, by temperately blocking some countries, it open the door for all other countries's people which feel US more safer then EU now, so in another point of view, it will attract more EU people which scared by the new mountains of middle east refuge move to US, for short term view, Trump got a lot of criticise, but for long view, he will truly make America more attraction for high skill and high knowledge people move in.

    • +1

      He is just making the people who voted for him happy. Also, those people who supported him (right wing groups) are reaping the rewards.

      Make America more attractive for highly skilled people… Seriously? It is already attractive. And, if America really want someone, they can just chuck a load of cash to that person. Make America great again was a good election campaign slogan. However, the reality is America is already great. How can #1 country in the world not be great? If #1 is not great, I don't know what great is.

      There is currently no real news at the moment. So, all the media around the world just keep on reporting anything Trump does.

      • +2

        I suppose things like getting poisoned by Monsanto's bio-engineered crops that essentially contains pesticides, letting your public infrastructure decay with no real funds allocated to repairing and maintenance, letting a central bank, named "The Federal Reserve" despite being neither federal nor a "reserve", destroy their currency with an exponentially growing national debt, having a joke of a health care system, having every graduate struggling to pay off the interest let alone the principal of their college debts, having an intelligence agency that has misinformed the public in order to garner public support for a war in the Middle East are all trivial first world problems for the #1 country.

  • +1

    I like Trump. He made my UK passport cheaper

    • +2

      At last, a sighting of a bargain

  • I can't believe jv hasn't posted here

  • +2

    Trump is good for America. Every country needs an enema now and again to flush the s**t out.

  • Fake news.
    Please don't get sucked in.

  • +1

    I came here for the expert political commentary…was not disappointed

  • I'm just loving watching the tears of the libtards and their wanton destruction of free speech in America. Give it another week or two and they will be crushed by the authorities or worse for them, Trump supporters.

    • +1

      Yes it may get to the tipping point where the silent majority has had enough. Them republicans love them some guns alright. History repeats.

  • (profanity) this is great brb gotta go buy more popcorn for this

  • Another reminder for people to discuss respectfully without resorting to name calling or attacking others.

    Commenting Guidelines

  • Obamacare was crap. Glad they removed it

    • What was crap about it?

      • What was crap about it?

        The huge cost to people with little benefit.

  • One wakes up each day and wonder what Trumpet mouth has changed overnight!

  • I don't where his policy is going to lead the US. I doubt whether he will complete his term in the office. He is banning everyone and everything that he says is against America's interest. These bans and restrictions will seriously impact the economy the US badly. My friend had applied for the US entry waiver (… ) 3 months back. I hope he won't ban people from the friendly countries from entering the American soil for a small criminal record.

    • I hope he won't ban people from the friendly countries from entering the American soil for a small criminal record

      I hope he does, why would anyone allow criminals into their country when there are plenty of decent people that have ethics, morals and won't steal from you waiting to enter? The chances of anyone being allowed in under the entry waiver was remote anyway.

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