Donald Trump Has Plans to Completely Change The Visa Law for Australians, and It's Not Good

So now Trump has been officially named president America has gone to shit. But this awful reign won't just affect America, but literally anyone travelling to America. News has it that Trump will have a new law in order to change how Australians are able to visit America. So this new law will make it twice as difficult as it was before. Trump is making a law where if you want to travel to America you have to fly to either Sydney or Canberra to have a one-to-one interview at the USA embassy to then obtain your visa, absolutely ridiculous.

If you thought Trump's wall was ridiculous, this is even worse!



    • +7

      Hmmm,I think you are confusing doing something, with doing something good. Running headlong into a brick wall without looking is doing something but the wall is going to cause you damage - whether you think so or not.

      • +40

        You say that, yet look at what Obama did to the Middle East.

        Libya is destroyed and unstable, they were essentially preventing terrorists and refugees from pouring into Europe (from Africa). When Libya fell, so did europes protection. Radical groups and what's left of the government are vying for control, it is chaos. But the media won't tell you that.

        Obama bombed the Middle East with drone strikes,killing many civilians. Yet trump is the one who supposedly hates Muslims when Obama and Hillary have been the ones killing them for the last 8 years?

        Egypt. Where Obama funded the Muslim brotherhood, who burned down 60 or more churches. Fortunately, the military conducted a coup, arrested the brotherhood president, and has restored order to Egypt.

        Deadset sick of the left proclaiming Obama as some sort of hero just because he speaks nicely and has done a few speeches and makes people laugh, and feel secure in their safe space. While the Middle East is being destabilised by him.

        Trump would surely be better than this, as if I recall correctly, he wants to limit the meddling with the Middle East.

        • +3

          The Middle East has been unstable for a long time and this was not helped by re-establishing a Jewish state right in the middle of it. Bush went in and deposed the Iraqi leaders, who were moderates by the standards of who we have today. You really think that America getting out of the Middle East is going to help; it is like telling people that we should never have interfered when Germany took over a fair chunk of Europe and that we should've turned away the refugees from World War II. I have no idea what the answer is to the Middle East, but it certainly isn't allowing ISIS to run unfettered; we know how well appeasement went in WW2, it just took longer to restore order and cost even more lives. I have no idea who the good guys are in the Middle East; there aren't a lot of them that don't have blood on their hands. By going down Trump's path he is only going to foment home grown terrorists by disenfranchising a who;e group of citizens. If people wonder if they are being bigotted then replace "Muslim" with "Black Person" or "Jew", if the comment is unacceptable then you are bigotted. I use the same analogy when people wonder if they are being sexist. Isolationism will only add to the problems, not fix them.

        • +23

          I see there is a misunderstanding, let me clear that up quickly. When i said stop meddling with the middle east, i meant no more funding certain groups, no more lies etc etc. Destroying ISIS is fine if its done properly. And yes, of course the middle east has been unstable for a long time, all i was saying is that obama is not the hero the left makes him out to be, i.e that he worsened the situation. As an example of what im talking about. Syria was a relatively peaceful and stable country prior to intervention from external sources. It was one of the few muslim dominant middle east countries with low christian/minority persecution (the other is Lebanon). Obviously its not like that now, but who benefits? The Saudis, Turkey, and Israel.

          In regard to a muslim ban, thats another case of media misleading. It is a temporay ban of immigration of EVERYONE from those listed countries with risk of terrorists. Not just Muslims-from what i understand anyway, i could be wrong. In the end, its a 90 day ban while they sort out vetting measures for security. Sure, it might not be to everyones taste, and it may have negative impacts, but its not as bad as the media is making it out to be-as if its some Holocaust-esque event. Finally, Obama did a similar thing in 2011 to Iraq(for 6 months), yet the left and the media are quiet about that.

          Ill put some links i found just through a quick google (these are not my sources, just to spur on further reading-i get most of my info from eastern satellite news which is in Arabic, so most likely many here wont understand it).



        • +5

          Not many time I see people who doesnt buy into the mainstream news. Kuddo

        • +7


          Thanks mate. It's crazy how influential the media and celebrities are these days. Getting people to riot and cause divide over something that's not even true (Muslim ban).

        • +1

          @Ahbal: The sad thing is people so wrap up about these politicians who they [mostly] never meet irl. So when they fired up they start to fight/hate common people who they see/talk in person. 2017 and we still dont know how to "live in peace" with each others.
          When will the people comes to realization that politicians are there to keep the wheel of problem 'solving/making' perpetually spinning.
          Im not sorry for my skepticism, but I havent seen a good politician seen JFK …

        • +1


          I agree, you have evry right to be skeptical. Especially knowing what goes on behind the scenes. Politics is naturally polarizing, but we all should remember that the right and left are both wings of the same bird. We can never have one dominate the other (imo leftism has been more dominant recently, which is why Trump was elected). They should always have some form of balance, and clear discussions. Which is a problem these days due to media misinformation, and certain people getting offended and using terms falsely- such as Bigot, Racist etc to prevent discussion and support of conservative/right wing policies.

        • @Ahbal: I couldn't agree more on that, all I hope is when the midnight hour tick I will the wise bride

        • Dude, how can you compare Obama's 2 terms in office w Trump's one week? You can't.

        • @Frugal:

          Why not? Obama was the first president to be at war for most of his 2 terms, if not always. Trump is already taking action and implementing his promised and proposed policies. Obama did nothing in the Middle East that was beneficial. He was bombing or destabilising the countries that are now banned, killing these people. Yet, now you speak out when trump uses Obamas list as a temporary halt to immigration?

          If I can't compare Obamas 8 years to Trumps 1 week, then people should stop their whining, read his policies, and give the bloke a chance. Just like the conservatives did with Obama. This time though, the media, as I've clearly proven, is propagating misleading information to the favour of left wing to incite division, for no reason. Just like this thread. OP overreacted without truly understanding Trumps policy about Aus visas. Now that they know it's not as bad as once thought, they are now silent.

        • Trump's ban is nothing like Obama's 2011. google it.
          Don't just listen to what Trump says or else you'll start a post telling us Trump's inauguration was the biggest turnout ever and there are no such deals to be had on Eneloop batteries!!

        • @Frugal:

          When did i ever refer to what trump has said? Whend did i say Obamas ban was the same? Obama created the list Trump is using now (in 2015). Trump specifically refers to it in the executive order. Besides, banning immigration is radically different to bombing and destabilising those countries for 8 years…

    • +2

      All dictators do a lot. A lot of harm.

  • +9

    Trump wants to stop importing people from countries they are at war with. That's just common sense. So what if it's a minor inconvenience?

    • +14

      The majority of the terrorists for 911 were Saudi Arabians and it is also a known state for financing terrorist organisations - as far as I know they aren't on the banned list. They also have an appalling record on the treatment of women, but still not on the banned list. Trump is grandstanding and playing to his audience. It is sad people are duped by him.

      • This!

        • +1


        • +1


        • @Console: The battle has only begun - we have four more years of this. Even if the Donald bails, which I think is very likely, we still have to deal with a GoP majority, and they ain't exactly interested in the rights of women and minorities. Trump's supporters don't realise he is in it for him and his billionaire mates, not them. The joke is the "liberals" they so hate will do well as they can afford to weather the storm and they can stop caring about the Oakies as they voted for Trump. They will minimise their tax and hunker down.

      • +5

        As far as I understand it the banned list is a temporary measure until they get vetting procedures sorted out. The countries named on the list are basically all in crisis of some sort and have refugees potentially mixed with radicalised individuals. I wouldnt get too carried away with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and whatever until the vetting process becomes more clear.

        Let's not forget Obama did the same thing except nobody cared about that!

        • In what way did Obama do the same thing? He didn't do anything even remotely similar.

        • +4

          Well he DID write the list and placed restrictions on people who had recently visited those 7 countries. This was over a year ago.
          Trump basically took it one step deeper than "certain people who have visited those countries".

        • -1


          Nobody is arguing that the list doesn't represent countries of concern. We have similar lists in Australia where we monitor people who visit those countries. That's sensible. I don't know anyone that has a problem with it.

          People are protesting against how he is using the list. That's a critical distinction. If Trump decided to bomb all the countries on the list to end terrorism, that would be Obama's fault for writing the list too? The identification of those particular countries as countries of concern is in no way the issue here.

        • +2

          @dazweeja: If Trump decided to bomb those countries??? Obama HAS been bombing them but you don't seem to have a problem with that?

        • +1


          We're talking about a specific policy of Trump's and whether it is good policy. I haven't made any comment on Obama's military interventions and whether they were justified or not. That's worthy of discussion but a separate issue.

          Trump's policy targets people who haven't been in those countries for decades and may have fled from there as babies. Should a 40-year old accountant whose family fled Iran in the 80s be treated like a crimninal?

        • +1

          @dazweeja: This list is only for 90 days. Denying somebody entry to a country is not treating them as a criminal.

        • +2


          There's somewhere between 100-200 people being detained at US airports despite having valid visas. If you arrived at an Australian airport with a valid visa and were thrown into detention, I would readily say that you were being treated like a criminal. I dare say that you'd think you were being unfairly treated too.

        • +1

          @dazweeja: I don't think it will be the end of the world for those people. They will know soon enough whether they'll be let in or not. It's not like they'll be sent straight to the Gulag or something. They were unlucky enough to arrive at the wrong time.

        • +1

          @dazweeja: Criminal and unfair are hardly the same thing…

        • +2


          I think that's quite a callous attitude. Say you're a US resident on a green card who's just travelled for work. You're trying to get back to your wife and young children in some US city. You've done nothing wrong aside from being born in a certain country decades earlier. Are you saying that not being able to see your family for months is fine? You don't have a problem treating innocent people this way?

        • @McFly:

          Being detained for illegally trying to enter a country or being detained for doing nothing at all amount to pretty much the same thing to me. How often have you been locked up for doing nothing at all?

        • -3

          @dazweeja: You're attempting to propagandise me by making it sound as though everybody in this group is perfectly innocent and never done a single thing wrong in their lives. Of course I don't like people being detained but the overall move is the right one (even Obama seemed to think so). Trump is following through on his election promises to those that elected him. I don't think they will hold people in limbo too long if they are shown to be innocent and are who they say they are.

        • @gtrdude: I hope they are not famous last words…

        • @dazweeja:
          Obama DID ban people, that's my point, sorry if it wasn't clear. You asked in what way did Obama do the same thing or anything even remotely similar.

          The order from Obama banned people who had visited those 7 countries recently, regardless of place of birth, unless they passed strict vetting processes.

          Trump has taken this out to include all those born there or with citizenship from there, and set a blanket ban for 90 days while the US sorts out a new program of vetting. Media organisations are too worried about sensational headlines to actually read and delve deeper. If they did, they would see that people are already being cleared to enter the US on a case by case basis while the long term vetting process is being rewritten.

        • +1


          Sorry, myself - and the rest of the world actually - disagree with your characterisation of Obama's order as a "ban". His order was that you were subjected to additional vetting when applying for a visa but anyone not suspected of doing anything wrong would still be granted one. No-one with a valid green card or visa was denied entry at an airport. No-one was detained or put on a plane home who wasn't deemed suspicious. It was simply a more rigorous process leading to the same outcome for innocent people, ie. you were granted entry. The other point is that you were deemed to be in a high-risk group because of an activity, ie. travelling to a high-risk area, not because of where you were born (although obviously many people were in the area because they were born there, it's still an important distinction).

          Trump's order was the opposite. Unless you could prove exceptional circumstances, you would not be allowed in even if you were not suspected of doing anything. Not because of what you had done, but because of who you are. It doesn't matter if you have not been in the country for decades, it doesn't matter if you are completely innocent, the presumption is that you are denied entry. That is a ban. Honestly, the difference between the two approaches is black and white. There is a fundamental difference with how innocent people are being treated in each scenario and that is what people are protesting about.

        • @dazweeja: By the logic of people here I think it is time we banned all Americans from coming to Australia - just because Trump is president and the GoP are the majority. They are obviously setting up their country to be overun by Terrorists who have just been given a justification - we don't want any of them sneaking in here under the radar. By terrorists I mean the "good old boys" who have just been given the green light to act like the KKK.

      • +4

        Maybe because it isn't a Muslim ban…

      • +9

        Not a Muslim Ban, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan are some of the the world's biggest Muslim countries by population percentage and none of them are on the list. Pakistan in particular also has a very Dodgy connection to the nastiness happening in Afghanistan. People put too much faith in their conspiracy theories, Trump will have been given the list of countries by some intelligence analysts at the CIA and it will have been compiled by people assessing threats and risks. If you think ANY president runs around making things up on a whim you are so far deluded you might as well hangup your keyboard. Saying 'trump is an idiot' to justify why he is doing something you dont agree with or dont understand is laziness.

        Where Trump differs from other politicians is in the bit where they avoid doing something effective because it might prove politically unpopular. So far Trump doesnt seem to care much about how he is regarded by his opponents. Dare I say it but he is literally enacting his election platform, the same one that won him the presidency. All reports are that his popularity with the folks that elected him is soaring. His popularity with the same folks that have always hated him is probably right about the same. Whether his policies will be effective or not will play out over the next 4 years.

        • +1

          Well said

        • +1

          You are right in Trump not worrying about political unpopularity but personal unpopularity is a whole different matter.

        • Exactly.

          Also, as of yesterday, Trump was holding a 62% national approval rating in the only independent polling being done.

        • Really, a 62% approval rating. Ten days ago he was at 40% what a turn around

      • “My policy is similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months. The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror.” - Trump.

        Some people are so ignorant hahaha !!!!

        • In 2011 they were still at war and it was also the year the osama bin laden was killed. While the war may have died down since, retaliation may not have. Im not defending anyone in particular, just thinking that might have been a major contributing factor for obama doing it

      • "The majority of terrorists for 911 were Saudi Arabians"

        Got any proof of that?

  • +13

    OP's avatar is a give away. Leftie being a leftie. The way the post was written is typical #fakenews: scaremongering with a disclaimer/ correction at the end of the post. Have to come out of hiding just to post this because it is a disgrace that misinformation is being spread on this site for some hit points. Good for the others for picking it up and seeing the true picture.

    In typical twitter fashion, I tell the OP: DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT

    • Haha, your profile picture.

      I won't go so far as to delete my account, but I will not speak of it or bring up another forum post about Trump again. If that's meeting halfway for you…

      • +14

        I will not speak of it or bring up another forum post about Trump again.

        That would be doing us all a real solid, thanks.

        • You're welcome. And I think I will change my profile picture soon

      • -7

        Don't be intimidated by the regressives on the right - you have a right to challenge the "populist" thinkings that are driving the world to instanity at the moment. Unfortunately we only have one world to live on.

        • +15

          The only thing populist seems to be the left-wing loudmouths bleating on with hate speeches…if you want a bit of respect for lefty liberalism, how's about not personally attacking anybody who doesn't share your particular point of view with vitriol like calling them regressives!

          People like you are as bigoted as those they constantly try to shout down; probably more so nowadays…you're just too self-righteous to apply the same tests to your own behaviour.

        • +2

          @StewBalls: So much wing flapping around here.

        • -8

          @DrDollar: Seriously, you think Trump is a good leader. He is racist, has admitted to sexual assault, denigrated Veterans (both PTSD and POWs), made fun of disabled people, is a failed Businessman and was supported by the Russians hacking and disinformation groups. I will not apologise for calling it like it is; particularly when people attack "progressives"; guess what the opposite of progressives are regressives - people who support Trump have earned the label. Given my "down" votings I don't think I represent "popularist" do you; I'm obviously hitting a nerve here.

        • +5

          [@try2bhelpful](/comme HLnt/4400538/redir): All of what you said above is pure lies. It's hard to know where to start trying to unravel it. The only nerve you're hitting is my annoyance nerve. My truth nerve is still fully intact.

          Lefty billionaire-backed mainstream media strikes again filling people's heads with misinformation.

        • +2

          @try2bhelpful: All subjective innuendo and media clickbait. Trump is enacting the platform that won him the US election. The only surprise is that it appears he doesn't GAF about upsetting people. That bit where most politicians make tough talks and promise big things in the campaign then when they get elected backtrack and avoid? Trump isn't doing that because he doesn't care, all of the folks likely to be offended are already offended, he might as well get on and make all of the tough calls. the political establishment must be literally sh!tting themselves because Trump has thrown their cozy gravy train rulebook out the window, he is draining the swamp.

        • -1

          @gtrdude: There's literally audio evidence of him admitting to sexual assault… He's done a fantastic job of undermining the mainstream media for his cause but you can't argue with evidence

        • @goodguy:

          There's literally audio evidence of him admitting to sexual assault

          Got a link to this 'evidence' of him 'admitting?'

        • +1

          @buwa99: Kind of ironic posting that in a thread based on anti-Trump fake news…

        • +2

          @goodguy: You seem to be confusing telling a person a joke and making crude comments in jest as "sexual assault". Anyone with a basic grasp of the law, or even common sense, will understand that what he said was the furthest thing from the laughable accusation your making.

        • +2

          @goodguy: No, there is no audio where he admits to sexually assaulting anyone, touching anyone against their own will or doing harm to anyone. You are simply incorrect. Yes I have listened to it.

          It's just bullshit boy talk between him and some other guy on a bus somewhere 11 years ago. That's it. Nothing more to it, probly said worse myself.

        • +1

          @buwa99: Have you not been reading anything that's been said here? The Washington Post is about the last place I'd go for factual information. Where is the evidence? There is none cause it's bullshit.

        • +1

          @gtrdude: As opposed to good old Billy boy. But wait, maybe goodguy isn't just a brainwashed socialist and actually has real evidence

        • @gtrdude: Not only that, who is behind all the lies about Trump that the media keep putting out? I guess if anything the worst/best is they cancel each other out…

        • +1


          Jeff Bezos - Washington Post
          Carlos Slim - New York Times
          George Soros - Funds lots of left programs too many to mention (all with a political agenda of course)

          That would be a good start and no I don't believe they cancel each other out.

        • @gtrdude: The lesson is: Don't trust anyone with an 'os' in their name. 😉

        • +1

          @McFly: Lol, well I'll leave that one to the conspiracy theorists to figure out :)

        • +1

          Really, "The only thing populist seems to be the left-wing loudmouths". That is one of the most humorous comments I have yet to see on this site. Your politics is up to you and you have a right to your point of view, but clearly you did not follow the US election or events since his inauguration. Trump took populist to a new level. It's a shame the conservatives have to stoop to such levels, I think they believe calling anyone with main stream views a lefty will somehow insult or hurt them. Trumps immigration policies as we see them unfold are at best inconsistent , at worst racist. He has chosen to temporarily ban immigrants from select Islamic countries, it just happens that those he has excluded from the ban are those in which he has business interests.
          I don't know why a bargain site is even having this debate.

        • +1


          it just happens that those he has excluded from the ban are those in which he has business interests.

          Wow, that sure was nice of Obama to leave out of his list the countries that a then possibly-in-the-future-President-Trump had business dealings with!

        • @try2bhelpful: To clarify, I am not a trump supporter, nor think Trump is a good leader.

          I am simply stating that people of differing political thoughts are stating their opinions.

          Let it be known that my comment had absolutely no worth or value at all.

        • @try2bhelpful: Best leader I ever served under in the Army was a tough SOB. At night literally 'in the trenches' over a contraban bottle of Stones Green Ginger Wine he said things about women that would have made Trump look like a girl scout. He denigrated and at times physically abused veterans, recruits and pretty much anybody that got in his way. He didnt have Putin on speed dial and he probably hated the Russians or at least had a dirty/racist joke about them. I am pretty sure he was also a homophobe, a mysoginist and an extremely tough but very funny B@stard. I would have followed him to the gates of hell, we all would! He wasnt the type of person to be a role model for impressionable kids in polite society but if you wanted somebody to back you up in a scrap there was none better.

          Also, although I am sure there are some detractors, I am a member of a few veterans groups on Facebook and the majority of US Veterans seem to love Trump. They made fun of his claims about how hard military school was but generally they seem supportive. Most are expecting Mad Dog Mattis to Kick Ass!

        • @2ndeffort: I seem to have hit a nerve with just about everyone above. Everything I said about Trump is on the record, if you care to go back and see what he actually said instead of believing in the "false news" propaganda. The fact that someone was good in a fight does not make them acceptable for what society needs outside a war situation. A misogynistic racist bastard does not make someone who should be in charge of a country; particularly as he is also a failed businessman. I know I'm on the side of the angels and I won't be silenced, however, recommence the storm if you want to.

        • +1


          There is an interview with people employed to use social media to denigrate Clinton leading up to the election. Just because you don't know something does not mean it is not true and if you are determined to ignore any facts that don't chime with your own political views there is no point in posting sources.

          If you believe you can really accept evidence impartially go search for it. If you just want to argue politics and rhetoric ignore this and keep going.

          Only one of these paths may help you grow and develop it is not really a choice but a reflection of maturity.

        • @infinite: Why are we defending him? Ok, technically he didn't admit that he assaulted anyone, but he clearly expressed how easy it was for him to "just grab women by the (profanity), and nobody says anything" clearly implying lack of consent… how'd you like your daughter/sister/wife hanging around guys that claim they can "just grab" womens' genitals? For some reason when it's the cashed up president of the US it's not a big deal…

    • +1

      Maybe OP is a trump supporter

  • +20

    We really need a voting system for forum posts as well so that click-bait posts like this one is filtered out.

      • +17

        Was there even one correct fact in your original post?
        It seems that it is nothing but opinion.

        You were asked by the owner of the site to link to relevant news article to provide context. You didn't bother.

        Your click bait title now contradicts the text.

        I thought I'd post it up to warn others?

        You post lacks any credibility.

        • +1

          It's also highly inaccurate saying "Anyone" can apply (if less than 90 days). Anyone who is from a visa waiver country that is.

      • +6

        You didn't even link to the damn article, but you took the time to provide your own opinion of the man instead.

      • +2

        to warn others?

        You don't need to warn us - anyone outside of the group-think bubble already knows the leftist media have been making shit up about Trump (and anyone else that doesn't fit into their topsy-turvy world view) for ages and will keep doing so.

  • +2

    Awww. And I wanted to visit America, just to be on hand when someone tries to assassinate him, and his bodyguards yell the inevitable…."Donald. Duck!!!"

  • +1

    You can download a copy of the DRAFT Executive Order here. It's about half way down the page.…

  • -4

    One has to ponder the purpose of the wall. Is it so they can keep the raping, drug peddling Mexicans out or rather to keep the raving loony yanks from escaping? Countries who build walls historically largely so out of fear and repression. This is not an initiative of courage or progress. Trump is a maniac.

    • +4

      It's to keep the rabbits out timmy

    • +1

      More mexicans are actually going back mexico…… its not for them

    • -1

      The wall (which Obama currently built 90% plus of already, as it currently stands) is about keeping illegals out and creating choke-points for the capture and documentation of varying illegal trades from the US to Mexi & vice-versa. Border patrol agents busted a couple of CIA stooges trying to smuggle drugs into Mexico only a week ago. It's heavily supported and rightly so.

      No one in the Trump admin has an issue with legal immigrants & none of his policies do either.

      • Bush started it, for the record :)
        And it's only 1100km that's been done, the next 1100km was on hold because the House started bickering over other crap and never got round to funding it. That just leaves another approx 900km to go.

  • I feel for people wishing to work in the US, or who have family there.

    But everyone else, just don't visit the USA, consider it a political statement.

    Boycott would be a strong word to use, and make me a hypocrite because I buy half my tech from the US anyway. But one can have aspirations, right?

    • If everybody from around the world that is frothing at the mouth about Trump decides to boycott the US and stay away,……..that seriously increases the attractiveness of going there for a holiday! I am still waiting for the mass exodus of singers, actors and other vague celebrity types that have promised to leave the US now that Trump is President.

      • Yeah I'm not exactly shocked a bunch of whiny lefties trying to use their "celebrity status" to personally attack someone who's actually doing something for the people, gutlessly reneged on their promises and never left the country.

      • +1

        I am still waiting for the mass exodus of singers, actors and other vague celebrity types that have promised to leave the US now that Trump is President.

        Yeah, holding my breath for those HYPOCRITES to do that.
        Maybe they can join their heroes Snowdon in Russia… or Polanski in France.

        • -1

          Or their other hero Assange in London, dinner at the Ecuador Embassy will be like the Oscars

  • +11

    America has gone to shit


      • +9

        How is trump shit exactly? If Clinton was elected America wouldn't be made great again.

        • +1

          but they had become used to zero progress under obummer and they don't like change.
          obummer sat in the sun for 8 years and no one noticed.
          Like here their system is horribly broke and the people who should be leaders never stand a chance.
          My bet is that Trump will meet with the usual common cure they use in the us for things (or presidents) they don't like…

        • by denying entry to people with valid visas… by bringing a lot of confusion and distress to the people being detained in the airports and their families. you want more?

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