Donald Trump Has Plans to Completely Change The Visa Law for Australians, and It's Not Good

So now Trump has been officially named president America has gone to shit. But this awful reign won't just affect America, but literally anyone travelling to America. News has it that Trump will have a new law in order to change how Australians are able to visit America. So this new law will make it twice as difficult as it was before. Trump is making a law where if you want to travel to America you have to fly to either Sydney or Canberra to have a one-to-one interview at the USA embassy to then obtain your visa, absolutely ridiculous.

If you thought Trump's wall was ridiculous, this is even worse!



        • +1

          and from the protests and flag burning last week we still havent heard the last of the 1788 boatpeople!

        • +1

          There were boatloads of them coming in as early as 1788!!!

          yeah and given the way history goes, you probably wouldn't be here now if they hadn't.

          All very well to say that these "invaders" corrupted the locals, but if hadn't been a 1788 invasion, it could have been many even one in 1864 by Russia.

          And considering that there is no generitic requirement to identifying as an aboriginal, many declaring be invaded are actually decendants of the very invaders


        • @RockyRaccoon:

          You make it sound like you can just tick the box and boom! you're aboriginal.

        • @syousef: Did you read the link? that way you know for yourself rather than rely on anothers opinion

        • @RockyRaccoon:

          Which link. I've read quite a lot since this all started to go down. Is there a mistake in the story that originally started this thread? Sure. Does that mean concerns aren't valid. Hell no.

        • most where irish prisoners that where promised freedom after serving there prison sentence and could leave whenever they wanted to.
          unfortunately there was no way of leaving, so instead of complaining like all other people that have come here they made Australia the best country in the world!!

        • +1

          @syousef: You really do need to slow down and look carefully. You asked about the aboriginality I posted the link in my post just above yours.

          Reacting to others interpretation is what causes so much grief. Thats why I provided the link to the government website, not to Andrew Bolt, or Peter Fitzsimmons, or whoever you might follow.

          But to make it simple for you here it is again


        • -1


          And I said that:
          "You make it sound like you can just tick the box and boom! you're aboriginal."

          From your link:
          "36.15 Federal government departments adopted the definition as their ‘working
          definition’ for determining eligibility to certain services and benefits. The
          definition continues to be applied administratively in relation to programs
          such as Abstudy funding for tertiary students."

          What exactly are you accusing me of not reading? I said you were misrepresenting your link by implying that the complexity of a definition means none is implied in practice and one can simply claim to be Aboriginal. That's not how it works. I don't understand what your complaint is.

        • +1

          @syousef: Alll I origibnally said is that there is no genetic requirement to prove one is aboriginal. You are the one who said thats sounds like. So I just pointed you to the facts of how they are determined. Its not as simple as ticking a box, but its not scientifically/genetically based.

          So the point is that ancestorally some who is an "aboriginal", may never have been a victim of the invader, but actually an ancestor of the invader.

        • -1


          All you've said, in a very fancy way, is that a person can call themselves aboriginal and others can't point to a single dictionary definition and say "no you're not". It doesn't mean they get treated as an aboriginal by the government or that you or anyone else has to honour that!

        • +1

          @syousef: actually they can, most programs rely on honesty

        • -1


          Hahahahahahahahha BUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH.

          Walk into centrelink. "I'm Aboriginal and I don't have a job. I can't show you proof but I pinky swear".

        • @syousef:

          You actually can.

          With mental issues they actually require 'proof' from a professional. A friend of mine was able to qualify for a scholarship becuase her therapist of 2 meetings wrote a letter saying they suffer from anxiety and depression.

          Centrelink is not allowed to require for proof of heritage, but they can ask. Universities on the other hand can (but don't have to) ask for proof. I know some people who tried to get discounts and/or lower ATAR requirements for courses. It literally is just a tick box and an explanation field.

          "Your Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage is something that is personal to you. You do not need a letter of confirmation to identify as an Indigenous person. However, you may be asked to provide proof or confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage when applying for Indigenous-specific services or programs such as:"


          You are welcome to find a source that proves otherwise, but it seems you would rather be argumentative based on conjecture rather than just phoning up.

          In all honestly the system that unfairly gives an advantage to Aboriginals over other people is insane. It's like Mr. Trudeau setting a 50% female requirement for his cabinet - it devalues the work of intelligent people and discourages meritocracy.

          In USA Asians need to get higher grades than whites, who need higher grades than blacks to qualify for university placements. It's insanity that as a society we allow this form of racism/sexism.

  • i was about to say… if Trump change to interview for all tourists, that's crazy!! That will definitely cut down visitor numbers and it will be stupid thing to do. 90 days visa is still the same then… no change… that's good. At least I can visit USA by applying online.

    If I have to do a interview to visit USA, forget it! USA isn't the only country in the world… there are many better countries to visit than USA.

  • +3

    Had no interest in going to USA, but if anything was left there TRUMP took it all away :)

    • He hasnt managed yet to get rid of all the snow I'll be skiing on in a fortnight!

  • Some many lefty Snowflakes still upset with Trump doing what he campaigned on.

  • +4

    Can we not have political discussions on OzBargain? I come here to laugh about sensitive laundry detergent and wheel clamps.

    • And snatch a bargain on some Eneloop batts!!

  • +11

    Anyone who believes anything they hear on the news at face value is nuts. All the sh*t you hear about trump (good or bad) is mostly made up these days. He's just managed to outfake the fakers really and we're lapping it up. I stopped looking at FB as every other feed is pretty much about him being great or being an inch away from the end of the world depending on which side you're on. All clickbait rubbish!!

    • Close the thread you've nailed it!!!

      • Some news is fake news.
        Not all news is fake news.
        Some news is inaccurate.
        Not all news is inaccurate.

        • Oh I know this. … Therefore fake news are inaccurate.

        • @Frugal:

          "Fake news" has been around forever. It's nothing new.

  • If I cannot go to USA, I'll just go somewhere else.
    Maybe Mexico. then cross into USA

    • You can pick up a cheap ladder in Mexico.

      • then sell the ladder for 5 times more

        • *5+20%, according to Trump's way of paying for the wall ;)

  • +1

    Who wants to go to US anyway?

  • haha go TRUMP

  • It's freedom of speech. We can talk sh*t about trump if we want to. Freedom of speech, baby!

  • Maybe Dubai, Qatar, Malaysia and Kuwait should enforce a 48hr evacuation of expats out the country.
    When these highly paid businessmen of Construction, Mining, Engineering and IT are tossed back, they'll slap him silly

  • +6

    2020 Olympic high jump results:

    Gold - Mexico
    Silver - Mexico
    Bronze - Mexico

    • That would be amazing, particularly if they were only allowed to have 2 participants in the event!

  • +3

    Here is a really novel idea. I'm not even sure it's been thought of. How about we [ie the entire world] all just boycott traveling to the United States. Impractical? Probably. Realistically there are still another 195 countries in the world left to visit and tick of your bucket list.

    I'm all for immigration control. Control that is planned and sensible. This is just populist [And impractical] policy on the run.

    It scares me actually. I honestly see America heading over a precipice within the next decade, and not in a good way!

    On an even scarier note - how can a president 'in a democracy' spit out 'executive' orders with out parliament [Congress] Approval. And we have the republican movement here in Australia, telling us how great a system it is, and that we must have it! Despite our own government's failings, - generally, they're a hopeless bunch - I'll stick with the Westminster system thanks, at least we have a house of reps and a senate to pass and enact laws. There is still a semblance of democracy here.

    • +2

      Your post gave me cancer. Thanks a lot.

      • #truthfulhyperbole

        • +1
        • @snagseb:


        • @syousef:

          I'm confused? By both of you. I'm not a snowflake, and I'm definitely not racist. And I gave one of you cancer??? Seriously! Wt!!!

          All I've stated is that I don't think Trump's policy on the run is wise. I've noticed a few comments that Obama did the same on his election win and it hardly raised an eyebrow. Perhaps it's the way it was done.

          In any event it's been poorly organised policy direction. Essentially he's signed an executive order with no plan of how government departments will handle the fallout amd enact the order so that as few people as possible are inconvenienced.

          All they needed to do was to say as of this date Ie: the day of announcing the executive order we will no longer be issuing temporary visas / allowing travel to and from these countries etc., anyone that already had a visa and had travel arrangements in place would have been covered, and this fallout wouldn't occurring.

        • @poppit88:

          Trump tweeted that if he'd given warning all the bad people would have rushed to get in. Presumably he saw the chaos as a fair price for his imagined security for America.

  • -6

    Nope. Trump is doing good things. The article is about something that hasn't happened or been discussed.

    There's a crap ton of fake news about Trump at the moment from hyped up libtards who are still sore that the crook Hillary lost.

    Not expecting any changes, and where there are, I expect them to be fair.

    • -3

      There is always a "crap ton" of "fake news". You think that's something new?

  • Let's all go to Canada instead

  • +3

    At least Trump gets something interesting in the History books years down the track unlike boring Obama

    • World War II was interesting. I bet you wouldn't feel happy to live it if half your family had been killed, you were maimed and couldn't sleep from PTSD.

  • -1

    Question: does this visa stuff also apply to Hawaii, since its part of the US?

    • +2

      Yes man. Hawaii is part of the U.S …..

  • +9

    A good rule of thumb is never to believe any negative story about Donald Trump until you can verify facts directly from primary sources yourself (and not media interpretation of those sources). The media has cried wolf too many times.

    • +1

      That is great advice. You don't need to make stuff up about this guy. He's pretty horrible and sinks himself.

    • Why don't you apply this to everything Trump says, pretty soon you'll realise he's even worse than the media makes him look.

  • DISRUPTIVE has been the buzzword in the business world for a while. Disruptive industries, disruptive technologies, disruptive ideas… and the corporate drones were lapping it up, while a lot of existing businesses were getting screwed. The public didn't care as they're only interested in what they can do on their 'smart'phones. TRUMP has just taken it to a whole new level. Disruptive president and a disruptive administration screwing with the world. Challenge the status quo the said and voila he's not only challenging it, he has rewritten the definition. Ultimately people get what they DESERVE. (and yeah most of what you know about 'news' and world facts is just fiction)

    • "Ultimately people get what they DESERVE."

      Google photos of Ethopian children dying of famine and tell me how they ultimately got what they deserved.

      This orange haired dictator has brought all the racists and haters out of the woodwork and legitimized them.

      • +1

        I was talking about the leaders they deserve.

        • Again how does a starving Ethopian child deserve a bad leader? How does one living in a bad home situation in America?

        • +1


          I'm not sure why you are fixated on Ethiopia but anyway… I am talking about 'so called' democracies, as a nation if you are dumb enough to vote for a leader then you deserve that leader.

        • -1


          I'm not fixated on Ethopia. It's just a very good example of a group of people that do not deserve their leaders and in fact probably have no idea who their leaders are.

          The trouble with what you say is everyone that did not vote for that leader also gets them.

  • I've been wanting to say this for a while now but @Bearosauraus, your profile picture is unsettling - please change it.

  • +5

    16 countries ban jewish passports from entering there countries.
    Algeria,Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
    i dont see any leftards jumping up and down about that now do i?

    • +4
      1. You just completely lose the argument when you call your opposition "leftards".
      2. America is known as the land of the free and the bastion of democracy…at least it use to be. The countries you listed are not and never have been.
      • -1

        and the US have every right to protect themselves from terrorists.
        the countries i listed ban on the grounds of religion.
        well done Trump keep up the good work.

      • +4

        No he/she doesn't lose the argument. It's ok for lefties to use nasty names when they want to, it's part of their modus operandi. Free people should be able to discriminate as they see fit. That's the point of freedom. They should also be able to say what they want and vote for who they want. People should be able to criticise them for that too but it could be argued that it's gone well beyond that.

        • +1

          What a bunch of baloney. "Lefties", "Leftards", "Libtards"…..this is idiocy. This is not a goddamn footy match where you root for a team and trash talk the opposition. These are people's lives being ruined.

          Freedom does NOT mean you are free of the consequences of your words or actions. When people's lives are being ruined I don't think any amount of criticism is going too far.

          This president has brought every hateful racist and mysogynist out of the woodwork and validated their vile stance.

        • +3

          @syousef: No it's not a bunch of baloney at all. The left use shame, slander and violence when they see fit. They think they have the high moral ground and that gives them permission to treat other people who have differing opinions like dirt. Frankly I'm not a fan of name calling myself regardless of which side you're on, but I'm not opposed to giving people some of their own medicine.

          Your words have consequences too and I will hold you accountable by pointing out your misinformation and hypocrisy, but not by taking away your right to vocalise your opinions. Nobody on the left wants to hold Obama accountable for anything bad he's done and he's been bombing the entire 8 years he was in power. But no, they just want to attack Trump.

          "Racist" and "mysogynist" are just another example of name calling. It's language that's designed to shame people and make them feel like their opinion isn't valid. More importantly it's language that's designed to silence people. But people are seeing through that now and the words are having less and less effect.

        • @gtrdude:
          We wouldn't be in this mess if people would fight there own wars and stop roaming the world trying to Make them like the countries they are fleeing.

        • @gtrdude:

          The right don't use shame, slander and voilence when they see fit? Gimme a break!!! When you've got alt right and the KKK backing right wing views this is the height of hypocrisy!

          Who says no one wants to hold Obama accountable? Of course they want to attack Trump when what he's doing is much worse.

          What the hell do you call it if not "Racist" when you're denied entry into a country based on your country of birth and "mysogynist" when you take away a woman's productive rights and get caught advocating grabbing women by the crotch????? People are "Seeing through that"???? You can't be this irrational!

        • +1


          i wish turnball would do the same here.
          Australia is turning to sh!t

        • +1


          You wish Turnbull would do what? Get more racist??? We're already "turning back the boats" and putting people (including children) in detention hellholes that violate human rights. We've been doing it for years. I don't see that improving the country.

          I weep for this country. I grew up in a place that boasted everyone got "a fair go" and I had friends whose backgrounds ranged for all over the planet. Your ideal Australia and mine are very very different places.

        • +2

          @syousef: The alt-right are giving the left a taste of their own medicine (except the violence part). Frankly I don't even know why we're talking about the KKK. Obviously you seem to see everybody on the right as the same whether they are a normal everyday person or an extremist crazy KKK member. You have no clue (nor do you want to understand because it might ruin your narrative).

          The idea that Trump is doing worse than Obama is completely bonkers. The number of bombs launched alone is in the 10's of thousands. Let's not forget the NSA spying on it's own citizens (but you are probably cool with that right?). Deal with Obama first and then you would have some credibility. But that's right he's on your side! That's totally ok then!

          Nobody has a right to enter a country. That's ridiculous. You can't just wander around the planet like you own it. You need to be granted permission to enter. Guess what? If you can't get in there are plenty of other places to go!! Imagine that. The USA is a sovereign nation with the right to permit and refuse entry as they see fit. The have the right to reject globalism if they choose.

          People are definitely seeing through the hypocrisy of the left. It's absolutely rational. We want our children and culture to survive and prosper. The left don't seem to be able to assess long term threats at all. Sweden, France, Germany and the UK are ruined thanks to the left and will never be the same. We don't want to be like them.

        • +2


          traveling half way around the world to get to a country that they want to go to is not a real refugee.
          they land on our shores illegally with there nike shoes and iphones then ditch there passports.
          refugee my ass

        • +1


          The alt-right are giving the left a taste of their own medicine (except the violence part).

          You mean like blocking a Supreme court appointment? No wait the right did that.
          Or blocking the passing of bills in Congress? Nope that was done to Obama.

          Frankly I don't even know why we're talking about the KKK.

          Really? Bannon poster boy of the KKK and Nazi party just got a seat on the National Security Council, and you don't know why I brought it up?


          Obviously you seem to see everybody on the right as the same whether they are a normal everyday person or an extremist crazy KKK member.

          If you support racist policies you are an extremist. End of story.

          You have no clue (nor do you want to understand because it might ruin your narrative).

          No actual content to refute here. Just a personal slur. Nice try.

          The idea that Trump is doing worse than Obama is completely bonkers.

          The violent protests, hushing of scientists, executive orders that may be unconstitutional and the turmoil he has brought say otherwise. You can't have it both ways. If he is so divisive you're moaning about violent protest you can't turn around and minimize that when looking at his performance.

          The number of bombs launched alone is in the 10's of thousands. Let's not forget the NSA spying on it's own citizens (but you are probably cool with that right?). Deal with Obama first and then you would have some credibility. But that's right he's on your side! That's totally ok then!

          I don't support any of those actions, nor did I say that Obama was a perfect president. He had a hell of a lot more decorum than this one though! It's not about teams and if you think it is you're being played. When someone does something wrong it should be called out. Obama was a disappointment to me and many others. But in some areas he did seem to try. This new president you back cares nothing for the truth or for the people he governs. He has proven it time and again with his orders. You think it's totally fine to gag scientists on climate change? Let me guess - are you one of those who don't believe 97% of the experts or the data they've gathered?

          Nobody has a right to enter a country. That's ridiculous. You can't just wander around the planet like you own it.

          Lovely straw man you have there. I didn't say that anyone could just wander around the planet without respecting national borders. Also you're wrong in that citizens of a country do in fact have a right to enter that country and move within that country.


          Guess what? If you can't get in there are plenty of other places to go!! Imagine that.

          Tell that to the 15 yr old Melbourne boy whose parents had scrounged $7k to send him on a school trip to Spacecamp. Looks like he'll get to go. Tell that to the medical resident whose wife couldn't come back to America to be with him after visiting her dying mother. Tell that to the scientist who'd left her car in long term storage at the airport and her dog with a friend while she went to visit family.

          If these policies weren't enacted so suddenly people could plan their lives and adjust without it being catastrophic. Instead people already in the air learnt via the news they'd be deported on arrival.

          You are completely and spectacularly clueless!

          People are definitely seeing through the hypocrisy of the left. It's absolutely rational. We want our children and culture to survive and prosper.

          No it's not absolutely rational to elect a rich power hungry mysogynistic racist science denying business man with so much conflict of interest it's ridiculous to empower you and save you from poverty. It's the height of insanity. The world has gone mad.

          The left don't seem to be able to assess long term threats at all. Sweden, France, Germany and the UK are ruined thanks to the left and will never be the same. We don't want to be like them.

          "We"??? You don't live in the US. See above. They've hired a parody - Biff Tannen - to save you from those perceived evils. We are a multicultural country and we don't need Bondi riotic racist rednecks ruining our country.

        • @Squidmcsproggen:

          First show me where this has happened?

          Second no issue with sending non-genuine refugees back or refusing them entry. But must we detain them in facilities comparable to concentration camps and let our guards beat and rape them?

        • @syousef: There is literally too much cognitive dissonance to unravel here without writing a novel and I don't have the time to deal with this. Continue on your own path to delusion and self destruction. Better yet, why don't you move to Europe to one of the more multi-cultural countries? You'd prefer that more wouldn't you? Cause that's what you like right? Different cultures and backgrounds all getting along wonderfully. Sounds good to me??

          Just watch out for runaway trucks in France if you happen to be there ;)

        • +1


          yeah lol, that worked out real well for them didn't it?

        • @Squidmcsproggen:

          Still that signature eloquence. Didn't I see you say you weren't going to reply again? Changed that text I see. #alternatefact #truthfulhyperbole

        • @gtrdude:

          Australia is about as multi-cultural as you get. Why don't you move to America instead since you like Trump's policies?

          Terrorism doesn't excuse racism. Martin Bryant was Australian and killed 35 people - our biggest mascre. Don't let facts get in the way of telling an Australian to piss off out of the country though.

        • +1

          @syousef: No, we clearly aren't doing our fair share in Australia. We need 5-7 percent of our population to be Muslim if we are to be keeping up with Europe. Not multi-cultural enough. Remember: Multi-culturalism is a strength! That means the more we have, the stronger we are. So we should strive for more immigration not less.

          Martin Bryant was 20 years ago how is that relevant to this discussion (if you can call it that)? He wasn't a part of a terrorist organisation or a religion that is belligerent towards non-believers. He was an individual with psychopathic tendencies. Again, more cognitive dissonance on your part.

          Terrorism is cause for self-preservation. You can call it racism if you like (it's not) but it's not going to change anything.

        • @gtrdude:

          Thanks for making my point for me. Most of our crime here has nothing to do with terrorism.

        • @gtrdude:

          Me on welfare? Yeah not a chance buddy. More #fakenews by people who no longer give a damn about truth and reality…just make it up as you go eh?

        • @syousef: What are you talking about??? I'm not blaming terrorists for ALL of Australia's crime. That's retarded. Please either make a rational argument or admit that you might need to re-think things.

        • @gtrdude:

          "Just watch out for runaway trucks in France if you happen to be there ;)"

          "What are you talking about??? I'm not blaming terrorists for ALL of Australia's crime."

          Is terrorism in Australia a reason we should be abusing refugees or not? Is it a significant threat or not? Make up your mind! If it's not important why did YOU bring it up? And you think I'm irrational?

        • @syousef: Well it was funny anyway :) I think it was more the fact that leftists do like to take other people's money and spread it around. More and more it seems. Glad to know you are gainfully employed :)

        • @gtrdude:

          Well don't let the truth get in the way of a good joke or a good bit of abuse huh? #alternativefact

        • Discussion is fine but attacking each other is not. Please be respectful.

        • @syousef: Why are you using hashtags? This isn't Twitter. #tryingtomakeapoint?

  • +2

    political correctness? screw it.

  • No interest in going to the States anyway, Asia is where it's at.

    • +3

      Bit biased there Mr Jet Li ;)

      • Rofl

    • Skiing is not as good in Asia. Japan is OK but America much better for those of us that like to ski

      • -1

        and big greasy food

  • Trump was elected by the majority. It's obvious whatever he do will not go well with certain people. Not defending his decision to ban Muslim entering USA is good idea but there is no much you can do about it as it is happening right now. Insulting Trump like the CNN do, doesn't solve anything.

    • +2

      Not the majority of people but won the majority of the vote - Different things in America. 1 vote in California is not equal to that of states with a smaller populous

      • +1

        Plus not everyone voted as it is not compulsory. I think it was just below 60%. So roughly 30% of people voted for him.

        • If people didnt vote, they cant fudge now. They were given option to choose their leader.
          If 30% have chosen, leader will do what he promised.
          Also he has banned few countries only….

      • +2

        number of electoral college votes are based off population, counting non-citizens and illegals, if anything california would be overrepresented

      • +2

        Turn the graph on it's side and rotate around. Look at how tall those blues are and how much more blue there is than red!

        3D geometry requires you look in 3D.

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