Razer is having the CES Fan Appreciation Sale again with 50% off Razer Peripherals.
Sign into Razer Insider for your discount code, and when the time comes, visit the Razer Store for the sale.
You must qualify for the sale by logging into your Razer Insider account and retrieving the discount code, this code will be available for the next 23 hours or miss out the sale altogether.
- Use of the promotional code entitles you to 50% off Razer peripherals and accessories such as power adapters. Offer excludes OSVR HDK and Razer Core.
- This promotion does not apply to systems, extended warranties or products that are out of stock.
- Each customer/shipping destination is allowed to place only one (1) order with a maximum of one (1) item.
- Asia-Pacific customers – January 17th, 2017, 6pm PST to January 18th, 2017, 5.59pm PST - Which is 18th January, 10am Hong Kong Time - Which is Melbourne 18th January - 1pm
Any bargains?