Price drop and cheaper than Base!
Merry Christmas all :) enjoy
Price drop and cheaper than Base!
Merry Christmas all :) enjoy
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Sorry, thats a shame. I got one from my local shop a while back. They are very good tuners - reliable and sensitive.
that's also ps3, last gen. This is current gen.
Its a DVB tuner, works on any system. It does not matter that they changed the HD codec to h264, as thats in the playback software.
Tuners have not changed. I use it with Kodi.
What's TV? It's like Kodi isn't it, but from the olden times?
TV was one of the main menus in Kodi, along with 'videos' and 'music'.
But it has long been deprecated and has to be manually enabled. Ask your granddad about it.
Plex > Kodi
Plex + Sonarr + usenet + 400/160 NBN fiber connection = god.
Plex are closed sourced leechers who take and give nothing back to the open source community. Scum.
Except that 90% of plex's features are completely free, the only thing that isnt is streaming to ios/android devices.
Wait, so using Kodi to take from content providers without giving back to them makes them the good guys?
I expect insults and justification as to why stealing in one way is good but stealing in another isn't.
so using Kodi to take from content providers
Kodi does nothing of the sort. Kodi are fighting hard to correct ignorant statements like yours.…
@PainToad: Yes I know, and Emulators are not encourganing the pirating of ROMs… wink wink.
Your comment also attacked Plex for taking from open source yet you seemed to ignore the post for listing how to illegally stream content. Would people who think its okay to steal from some people and not others be hypocritical scum?
@FabMan: You do realise kodi started out as XBMC or xbox media centre before which was purely to enjoy media on your old school xbox. People just took advantage of the openness of the plugins and provided less than legitimate content. I actually used XBMC on my old modded xbox way back in 2008 and the interface and purpose of the program hasn't changed much since then but no one complained about it. Are you saying the developers of the app are to blame for this?
@Kikkoman56: Yeah, used XMBC in the past.
Nothing against Kodi, just noticed PainToads dislike for Plex because they steal from content providers yet PainToad made no mention of the fact user linked to how to stream illegal content. I wondered if PainToad had an acceptable line at which content can be taken from a provider.
Is Kodi really that good? So many people rave on about it but it just seems like it streams crappy internatioanl shows. Am I missing something?
Kodi is just a media player, why its kind of popular (though its steadily declining since they rolled over xbmc) is the variety of addon and plug ins to suit the individual.
Plex is an all in one solution able to turn your media into a netflix style experience able to push content to a variety of devices via phone/tablet/pc Its also supported by a variety of manufacturers as well (samsung/panasonic etc)
Plex sounds better maybe? Does Plex actually show international channels?
@YellowKnight: One of the more popular Kodi add-ons is Exodus. I won't condone its use, so you can probably guess what it's for. Or you can Google it.
@YellowKnight: plex is more like offline netflix. kodi is a regular, extremely moddable movie player like VLC, but designed to run on a TV or PC.
you're more likely to get plex on a tv than kodi, as kodi is designed around a PC with its own storage or network storage/streaming.
Plex is an old, old offshoot from xbmc that is designed around having your own collection in one server, and sharing the content to your TV, xbox, appleTV, rPi box, etc over wifi or ethernet to other devices, or family, neighbours, etc. kodi, is the new name for xbmc.
you can set up plex on cloud/remote servers and watch/maintain files from a variety of plex servers under one account. Plex also lets you sync unwatched movies/tv episodes to your phone, and resyncs over wifi when you've watched the current ones. costs money to run each year, $60 aus, unless you get/have a lifetime sub (3 years equivalent, but it used to be $30. check holidays for discounts.)
you either set up unofficial channels, or set up users to get their own preferences, watch history, recommends, lists, etc. Does require you to have your own content to be shared, but it handles all of the naming and icons, screenshots, etc. Mostly. still needs help sometimes, just like kodi.
kodi is a media player, but you can add unofficial plugins/channels to 'acquire' shows and movies of varying quality without having to accrue a collection of your own media. like TED talks … cough. kodi also works with your own media, much like Plex does with movie and tv folders, but sharing is made more difficult because each kodi app has it's own settings and has to be updated separately if you add more 'home movies' etc.
If you stream content and don't have any media, kodi can use plugins. Plex can use channels. kodi is much easier to run, and has a ton of 3rd party channels, some legal, some unofficial, some just barely qualify as streaming.
Good price. Was $18 on this site a couple of weeks ago. Order hasn't arrived yet!
My one arrived yesterday.
How much was it once it was converted to Aus
does anyone own one of these and can explain to me what usage it is? Do ppl just buy it to use not on xboxes as above commenter seemed to imply?
edit: also, does it work fine in aus? i thought i heard something about the hertz rates being buggery in certain countries or something?
I own one and use it on the Xbox to get FTA TV via the Xbox. I could use the TV itself but the Xbox channel guide is way way better in my Xbox.l than the crappy slow Samsung guide my TV has.
That said I've only used it half a dozen times not because it doesn't work well (it does), but simply because we prefer Netflix.
do u know if the voice commands work in kinect or is it one of those "not available in australia" things like with cortana where it can't read our accent ?
No idea when it comes to the TV App to be honest. If I can remember I can try have a look later as to what commands the TV Guide supports, if any.
We usually just use the "Xbox go home" command.
Works for basic commands. Tv on, volume, change channels, off, etc.
You must have a pretty sweet power bill
Not really…why?
As I mentioned we don't really watch FTA anyway so the adapter isn't being used too often. Netflix we sometimes use the Xbox, other times the Apple TV but either way it's only a few hours in the evening. We don't have a smart TV with built in services so need an external box one way or another.
We also only have had one TV in our house to this point, although we've just received a smaller 32" from the partners family which we'll stick in one room.
In any event if our power bills are to believed our 3 person households running at roughly the same electricity cost of a 1 to 1.5 person house in our area. I have about 8 devices plugged into our receiver but half get turned off at the wall if they aren't used frequently.
We are 25/50Hz like the Poms. It's the Yanks that are different.
Use it on Xbox or wintel (windows os) I'd think, you can have one tv tuner, ie watch free to air TV on your computer or xbox.
From my research looks like it requires deep driver knowledge to make work with linux…
Free TV :|
I understand that the mods aren't that strict with regard to guidelines, I think that two of the same deals posted one after the other is a bit much though.
Different stores, how is it possibly a dupe?
I understand that the mods aren't that strict with regard to guidelines
Please tell me what guideline is being broken…
I didn't say dupe. If this deal is cheaper then doesn't the first post become invalid ?.
Someone reported this post as dupe
Only the OP can request a post to be removed if they want to, otherwise it doesn't matter if it still exists. It doesn't hurt any one by still being up.
I found a cheaper price and rather than neg voting a 1st time poster, I figured I'd post it.
But why you had to make a comment about mods I don't know. No rules are being broken, everything done is in the spirit of this site - to get the best price possible.
@Spackbace: Well it wasn't me, it might of been the other OP :). Anyway your right, it just seemed a bit strange.
I think we can all adult enough not to worry about a second post of a particular item. At least no one has gone back to neg the other deal (it happens)
I've got one and it works fairly well. I just wish they baked in full DVR functionality (and that OTA broadcasts were better picture quality here dang it).
Got one…doubt I'll use it though lol. Thanks OP
How much did it end up being once posted and exchange taxes?
Currency conversion is in the title…
Thanks OP, ordered! Will be good for the second TV, built in TV guides are horrid.
browsing the guide on my phone and selecting which channel to what from there is quite handy.
It even controls the volume from my amp. I have no idea how it does that given it is an old JVC amp connected via optical cable.
i guess if my built in tv guide is good enough, i dont need this tuner at all, right? i can watch free to air tv directly on my tv.
The worst thing about most built in tv guides, is that you need to scroll to the channel set to get guide data. E.g. If you are currently on Channel 7, your TV will get guide data for their channels (7, 7TWO etc). If you wanted to see what was on Channel 9, you would literally need to change to the channel to download the guide data. Not an issue with PVR's, as they have more than one tuner or like this device, download guide data from the internet. May not be a big deal for you, though worth considering.
Agree, it is very annoying.
To resolve their needs to be better EPG intergration with broadcasting, and perhaps EPG memory facilitilty built into the TV's etc.
But as the TV Broadcasters would likely never agree to broadcasting other (opposition) channel epg data with their own channel, I doubt it will happen in Australia.
Perhaps a little dongle could be designed to store and capture this data for TV's.
Oh bloody hell, I just bought this for $40 at JB only a week or so ago.
Take it back and spend the saved $24.02 on candy.
Is it compatible with xbox one S?
I'm really new to these digital tuners - do I need to have previously tuned in channels on my TV? I'm unable to scan any channels through regular tuners for some reason, and was hoping that this might be a solution?
No it doesn't communicate with your TV, you take the antenna from the back of the TV and plug it into this box which does the scan through whatever software you connect it up to. In this case you use the xbox 1 to perform the scan.
Only one tuner. The Sony PlayTV from EB Games is better. … unless somebody is actually buying these to use in an xbox :)…