All shirts from TM Lewin $40. Free shipping for order over $100.
Direct link (if you are taken to the homepage): TM Lewin $40 All Shirts
All shirts from TM Lewin $40. Free shipping for order over $100.
Direct link (if you are taken to the homepage): TM Lewin $40 All Shirts
For some reason the prices won't update if you click on the image. Instead, use the direct link in the description.
or here:
This is for if you just want one or two shirts only.
There's some regular fit dress shirts that are showing as $39.95 each and a few as $40 each and adding to the cart as so. No need to multi buy to get this price for these ones. Those few $39.95 are limited edition shirts too. So i say not all shirts priced at $40 are multi buy only.…
As for slim fit dress shirts, there's shirts going for $34.95-$39.95 each, no need to multi buy. Those London slim fit ones are mighty good value was $89.95 down to $35 each. Pity the very limited shirt sizes left.…
This is their standard price for multi buy it's almost always available as an offer
Looks like $40 per shirt individually, no need to buy 4 if you use that link. Shame not free shipping!
I bought some during the last deal a couple of weeks ago.
BEWARE - your bank might hit you with a foreign exchange fee (CBA in my case). This is despite the prices being listed and presented in the total in AUD. To turn around and charge a customer a foreign exchange fee in this case is a form of deception, IMHO.
So use your 28 Degrees card or whatever to avoid this.
It's because TM Lewim is processing the payment at some overseas payment processor facility.
I don't recall having to pay this last time.
Yes because CBA recently introduced a new policy of charging a fee on transactions processed overseas in $AUD. Many banks do this now.
The problem is that this is not transparent to the AU customer. There is no obvious information to say that it is an overseas transaction. It's a dodgy practice.
Reverted the links back to the free shipping over $100 offer as the individual $40 shirt with free shipping offer no longer works.
when's the expiry date?
Hey guys,
I'm a Charles Tyrwhitt customer like many of you and would like to try TM Shirts. My CT shirt size is 39cm/84cm and Extra Slim Fit. Just wondering what's the equivalent size and fit in TM. Any inputs would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Anyone else just get the email from the CEO of TM Lewin?
$40 is multibuy price. If you buy 4 or more