Was searching for a new phone and found the new xiaomi redmi note 4 at a pretty good price
I hear goldway is also a very reputable seller
I believe there is also some form of Cash back from ali express ? 10%
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Was searching for a new phone and found the new xiaomi redmi note 4 at a pretty good price
I hear goldway is also a very reputable seller
I believe there is also some form of Cash back from ali express ? 10%
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You can read the review for the note 4 here. http://m.gsmarena.com/xiaomi_redmi_note_4-review-1504.php
There's also some comparison to older note 3. I noticed gsmareana had this to say about the Helio X20
The MediaTek Helio X20 chipset offers the best performance in this price class; The GPU matches some of the weaker flagships (but is about equal to a Snapdragon 650 GPU)
Also there's a lot more to a phone than just the type of SoC it happens to use.
Processing power wise the X20 and SD650 are pretty similar. But the SD650 produces less heat, uses less power and is generally considered more stable.
Yeah more to phones than the type of SoC they use anyhow. The professional reviewer that has used and tested both phones seems to put the helio ahead? Can you share your experiences after testing both phones?
The review backs me up on the power/battery thing (Note 3 ~12% longer life) and the only test the X20 clearly wins is the multicore specific test which isn't a good indicator of real world performance. Otherwise they're pretty similar, processing power wise. That's all in the review.
There are many other factors that can influence those scores, you can't determine that the battery difference is from the SoC choice from the review. It won in every performance test. The reviewer also stated this in the performance section of the review.
Even then, the price delta between Note 3 and Note 4 is so small that betting on Note 4's superior CPU performance is money well spent.
In the gsmreview, they appear to put the phone overall ahead of the note 3. As I said more to a phone than just whatever SoC it uses.
Buy the Redmi Note 4 Pro instead which uses SD652.
I don't think this is available anywhere yet…
The SD652 version is listed here http://www.xiaomidevice.com/xiaomi-redmi-note-4-pro.html
I not sure when its available though.
Pretty dissapointed to see people bashing mediatek processers everywhere. I actually started researching chinese phones after my very pleasurable and fast experience using a budget Acer tablet that worked extremely quickly compared to flagships of the time.
I then bought a jiayu s3 which also housed a mediatek processor and have been using it for a year now. Very nice battery life, easily destroys my sisters HTC M9 and the performance is the same if not better in terms of processing power.
I sound like a shill but my experience has been extremely good with mediatek with no heating issues. I also bought my mum a xiaomi redmi (first version that ever existed) and thats still going strong. Wouldnt hesitate to buy an x20 phone
Unless things have changed in the last 6 months, my understanding is that the Helio processors are pretty locked down. If there were custom roms available for the Helio processors then I think it would be a different story. MIUI 8 is a bit of a mess when it comes to permissions (IMO), so the ability for me to run CM13 (or any other ROM for that matter) was important to me.
It's not just processor the rom has to be phone specific due to memory map of where things reside eg gps, screen , Sims etc. How many people are cutting their own roms and how many hope somebody else will do it and support it.
Mediatek is not only inferior to Snapdragon, but also the company hardly ever releases the source codes of the chipsets. Now I am not very fond of getting your rooted and install a custom ROM, but since Chinese phones usually don't have Google Apps due to their government's regulations and don't even have a multilingual option, I would recommend everyone not to buy any Chinese phone with a Midiatek processor.
Mediatek seems to be heavily pushing more cores = better performance and better battery life. Which unfortunately doesn't make their X20 10 core processor any better than quad core options from Qualcomm or Samsung.
Sounds exactly like what AMD is doing. Multi core madness is spreading to underdog companies.
2gb is not enough with powerful phones
16 gb is also too small if you need 2 sims
They have 64gb for $189 white. No sure about rom
2gb is not enough with powerful phones
Incorrect. Many users will see no difference at all.
16 gb is also too small if you need 2 sims
Yeah too many people talking about ram rom and cpu speed when a lot depends on how they have cut their version of android. Also not sure how many readers try and fix with custom rom and how many readers just expect a phone to work and get ota updates.
Why does having 2 SIM slots require extra storage?
2gb is enough ram for most of people. I am using Redmi note 2. And using Roms from Xiaomi.eu which is Chinese crap free. Still running strong & no issues it is on x10.
@TheContact: Ah that makes perfect sense. Didn't think of that.. all this time I was thinking why are these people saying "16GB is not enough if you need 2 SIMs"…
just because you can tweak phone doesn't make you to correct my opinion.
To you may be incorrect, what phone do you use and use for? I've got 4gb+64gb, not looking back! for a few hunderd dollars, I'd rather enojoy my time play with my phone and do other things than having the headache & time to tweak phones. I'm fully capable but not interested!
if anyone knows or bothers to tweak their phones, they can stay on Galaxy S2. Do most users agree with you?
why do you think most users upgrade their phone for?
@garage sale:
most dont know how to and many do know couldnt be bother to do it.
most people buy new phone often and most phones do work properly without tweak.
I guess geeks like to tweak their phones for whatever reason, just like people buy cars for $20k and make it looks like $100k or spend more to make it run like a sports car.
well you do what you want, I just stated that 2/16gb isnt enough for many I know.
There's no OTA update according to the description. So could be a modified rom from the seller.
"Is 2GB enough for Pokemon Go?" Asked the Pokemon Go fanboy.
Redmi note2 did one ota and then it went end of support ….. They don't seem to have a culture of supporting products once a new model comes out and sales flatten….even less so for users / markets outside of China.
If you are on the Global Dev Rom, you get updates about every 10 days. I have this phone and check every Saturday - whilst not every Saturday there is a new release, I would get 2 updates every 3 weeks.
I also read last week that Note 2 was going to get MIUI 9 with eith MM or Nougat underneath - sorry didn't bookmark it. Look on NeedRoms too if you are in to that kind of thing.
Except they are not Xiaomi people.
I don't know what you are talking about but I have been using Note 2 for almost 1.5 year and it's doing great. Currently using Xiaomi.eu ROM. OTA updates is only for official global ROM. The phone was released with MIUI7.0 and now updated to MIUI8.0. The latest MIUI 8.1 6.9.29 by Xiaomi.eu is buttery smooth and clean.
Band 28?
A Taiwan version has been announced….
Thanks! So just a waiting game?
Yup. Last time I checked there were no confirmed specs for the bands used though.
The Taiwan version still has a Mediatek processor, though.
If they do well enough they might release a Snapdragon.
Wish the headphone out sound quality of this was better.
Left a review on their facebook site due to my horrible experience with Goldway:
"Please exercise extreme caution when dealing with Goldway. My issues with Goldway are the following:
I ordered a phone on 01/08/16 which came with the Chinese ROM despite specifically ordering and paying extra for the Global ROM. I advised of this problem and was told by staff that I would need to flash my ROM myself (which I refused to do as it would void the warranty).
Additionally the phone started developing problems - mainly screen coming loose from the body of the phone and poor battery life (4 hours). However they had the gall to suggest that it was due to letting the battery deplete without regular charging! I bought the particular phone due to it being rated over one day in battery life. Not only this but they completely disregarded my complaint of the screen coming loose from the body of the phone, and suggested that I should accept a paltry refund of $10 as if this would solve the issue.
Written correspondence is painfully slow - taking over a day at times to receive a response, which is just unacceptable for customer service."
Since this time, I've discovered that the problem was due to the internal battery expanding and pushing the screen off the ohone body, and I had to replace the battery myself due to fear of the battery exploding at any moment.
It's an improvement on the X10 based Redmi Note 3 but the SD650 based Redmi Note 3 Pro/Prime is still superior in hardware terms.