This was posted 8 years 4 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

LEGO Technic 42056 Porsche 911 GT3 $354 Shipped @ John Lewis


So I found this the other night while looking for a VW campervan (which is $139.50)
Hope those that missed out on the Target deal that are still up will make the most of this.
Porsche is $348 and $18 dollars shipping. The price is actually better today, I paid $351 for it 5 days ago.

Mod 11/10: Available again and $12 cheaper, $337 + $17 shipping = $354
(Thanks grazer)

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John Lewis
John Lewis

closed Comments

  • Store?

  • +1

    How reliable are they?

    • +10

      Not reliable as a Toyota.

      • How about Lexus?

    • Buyer be aware. I ordered 2 lego sets Expert Petshop and XERION 50, both just arrived with broken boxes and falling apart! Very disappointed with their packing. Thinking to return it back now!

  • +2

    John lewis .com
    Think they are a UK retailer like myer or something.
    Took 2 days for it shipping confirmation. Parcel arrived in Australia this morning. Just waiting for it to clear customs now, so I guess it's pretty reliable

    • +1

      Yeah, think of them as UK-based David Jones. I understand they've recently (last 12 months) set up a local operation for Australian online orders.

  • +12

    do they pass emissions testing?

  • What is this store like? Is it guaranteed to get here undamaged?

    • +1

      No idea
      I can tell you in a few days

      • +3

        FYI, toll do the delivery from Melbourne. Decided to leave a sorry we missed you card in the mail instead of knocking on the door even though we were home today

        • +6

          sounds like auspost…

        • They get paid extra for a re-deliver. So dodgy

        • Have you received it yet fugu? I am holding off ordering until you give a report on how it was sent and the condition you received it in. I don't know why I am so finicky as it will be opened and built but stuff poorly packaged is a bugbear of mine. Thanks for the heads up on this deal to btw.

    • +3

      John Lewis is a high street department store. The have shops in many shopping centers across London and other parts of the UK. Think DJ's more than Myer.

    • +2

      Just be warned, I recently ordered a large set from JL for a Chrissie pressie for my little guy. It was not wrapped at all well for international freight and the box was quite squashed upon arrival. If it was for collecting I'd have been demanding another one.

      Also, their customer "service" is just cut and paste robot crap that usually avoids anything remotely to do with the actual question asked.

      • Hopefully for something like this they realise to pack the crap out of it, perhaps in original TLG packaging and it gets here undamaged

        • +1

          This was a $200+ train set, with a thin cardboard wraparound and Glad Wrap-like plastic over that. That's it. It didn't stand a chance.

          The warehouse likely doesn't care if the Porsche is collectible or not, they just churn them out.

        • +1


          Thats worrying

        • +15


          Yeah, how dare people buy brand new products and expect to receive them in brand new condition!

          What a world.

        • +4

          Well for something like this if it is smashed up the op will enjoy putting it back together

        • +11

          @zonra: Regardless of a discount, purchases should be packed appropriately because it's not discounted for sale as a damaged product.

        • +7

          @zonra: packaging has nothing to do with price, if you pay for postage then it should be packed appropriately to arrive at your door in the condition it was intended to be in. That applies for a 5 dollar phone cable or a 500 dollar lego porsche.

      • +1

        I had the same (or worse) from Amazon last year. Ordered a lego set for my daughter. it wasn't even wrapped, it came shipped with only the lego box with the shipping label applied directly to the lego box. Fortunately my daughter wasn't home when it was delivered, and with a bit of care and patience I was able to remove the shipping labels from the box.
        (not happy though!)

        • +2

          That's shocking! :O

          My spaceship, spaceship, SPACESHIP, for my collection, from Amazon came with a damaged box and they sent me a whole new set. It's worth complaining sometimes. ;)

        • @flumpf: +1 for the reference!

        • @flumpf: Had the same problem, box smashed from amazon. They couldn't source new stock but refunded the item cost and offered free postage for new stock was back in the warehouse.

        • +5

          I had the same (or worse) from Amazon last year. Ordered a lego set for my daughter. it wasn't even wrapped, it came shipped with only the lego box with the shipping label applied directly to the lego box.

          Maybe just maybe you should have ticked the box to have it shipped in an Amazon box….

          "….. because of their unusual size, weight or shape. Often, these items will arrive in their original packaging. When this is the case, it will be noted during the checkout process. You may mark "Ship in Amazon box" on the checkout page (if available) if you don't wish to reveal the contents. If that option is selected the item will be shipped in an box at no additional cost."

        • I bought an X-Wing from Amazon which came inside a shipper but had a barcode sticker on the front of the Lego box. Chatted with them online and they refunded the full cost inc shipping. Amazon customer service is awesome.

        • I bought a mini from shopforme (melbourne based) recently and the packaging was excellent. They have the porsche but it's $449 + ship

        • @Maverick-au: I bought it from - and I don't speak German. Aside from that I've bought literally hundreds of things from Amazon and this is the only thing that didn't ship in an outer carton…something that's obviously for a child. Why would a 50x30x15cm box be difficult to ship?!? Whatever, i'I'll be looking out for it I. The future…

        • Was it actually fulfilled by Amazon or another seller on Amazon?

        • @cynic:
          Direct from Amazon.

      • The second of the two lego models I ordered has arrived in a slightly crushed state. The model was wrapped in low quality carboard wrapped around the outside. The carboard was not secured at either end and easily crushable. This was placed inside one of the standard plastic shipping bags.

        Not overly happy and definitely not up to the standard I would have expected for a retailer like John Lewis. Fortunately this is one for the kids to play with so I'm not overly concerned. I will be annoyed if the Porsche arrives in less than mint condition.

    • Aren't you happy with the one you got already?

    • -2

      They don't come preassembled so damage isn't an issue you can just put the blocks back together.

      • +3

        The box makes up some of the value for collectors. And usually its only collectors who buy these kinds of sets. I like this deal price but its just not worth the risk of getting a crushed box..

  • ugh.. i paid 450 for this last week :-(

    • If you purchased on a credit card, check if your credit card has price protection and you might be able to get that money back depending on T&Cs of your card.

    • +20

      This can be said for everything posted on OzBargain.

      • +9

        No? I needed my poop style emoji pillows.

    • you drive a toyota don't you

      • +1

        Nah not that Japanese rubbish. Has a HQ and still gets brake pads from K-Mart :p

    • Not when you consider how much LEGO goes up in price. This set will sell for $1,500 in under 5 years.

      • +12

        Don't confuse what flippers list their items for and what people actually pay in the market.

        The number of people hoarding sets and trying to turn a buck has grown exponentially in the last few years.

      • No people will be asking $1500 ….. In the words of Kerrigan in the castle and the jousting poles " tell em theyre dreaming"

  • +2

    Change currency to GBP to get it down to ~$351.

    • what card do you recommend

      • +1

        28 degrees is the recommended card of choice here on ozb

        • +1

          Or Citibank Plus for non-credit card option.

        • +1

          Or Coles Debit Mastercard, if that offer is still on.

          Bankwest Zero is probably better than 28deg these days too.

    • +2

      How many tendies is that?

  • Thankyou! Shipping didn't increase from $18 when I added a second item.

    Other good value items are:
    * Lego Creator 10218 Pet Shop at $209
    * Lego Creator 10232 Palace Cinema at $209

    • +3

      Palace cinema is $199 pretty much everywhere in oz.

  • Thanks - i too opted for paying in GBP - £209.99 - which works out about $349 (though i paid with my UK credit card anyway)

  • thanks op
    hopefully it delivers with no damage.

  • +3

    $353.77 by 28 degrees. Can't complain with that price!

  • good finding mate, bought one, local myer staff told me that all sets been sold out across oz from their system, and they wont back order accordinig to her. lucky i grabbed this one for collection, thanks again.

  • Nice!!!

  • -2

    $366 for a beat up car?

  • Do you think that set captures the rear of the 911 accurately? It looks a little like an Autobacs MR2 (MR-S) to me.

  • it says
    Eligible for International Delivery: NO
    does that mean I wont get it?

    • +1

      i saw that too, but my order has gone through (awaiting dispatch). and OP's order appears to en route. so seems to be ok

  • For that price it doesnt look that good.
    The Mini Cooper seems heaps better.
    Also the Call of Duty pieces from Mega Blocks are up there too.

  • I feel left out.
    why do we have so much interest for a LEGO car? and that too on ozbargain?

    • +8

      It's a growing hobby, especially amongst parents with younger children who use them as an excuse to buy sets that are really designed for adults. ;)

      In fact, designing sets partly for adults is what saved the LEGO company from a near bankruptcy a decade or so ago: they got the Star Wars licence and found they were selling a lot of big $ sets to cashed up nostalgic adults.

      The Porsche continues that very successful tradition.

      • Yeah I buy quite a few sets with my wife. Although I tend to buy more of the Call of Duty Mega Block sets whereas my wife would buy the City series.
        Still don't think this particular piece looks that good. Would rather buy the Simpsons house for that coin

      • wow. had no idea. thanks for explaining

      • +1

        That's me but no kids. I had a 108 piece set with lots of missing pieces because it was a hand me down.

        20 years later, I can finally resume building things :).

        Wish they'll make a 458 italia on the same scale in their Technics line. The F40 was a great hit.

    • I feel the same way as havok44, do t quite understand the attraction, especially at that price. Was just about to ask exact same question!

      • Check out an unboxing video on youtube.
        This set is very much for the collector.

    • +2

      Dont worry. Buy some eneloops and you'll feel included again.

      • yep furiously refreshing ozbargain to buy something remotely relevant to me.

        • Relevance be damned. That's what you're doing wrong. If you want to feel truly included, buy something you DONT need

  • +1

    Its a hobby for some like when consumers purchase swarovski collections.

  • Thanks Op ordered one. I already have one which I ordered direct from Lego and built. Very happy with the set except it had a missing piece but lego are awesome you can request missing pieces free from their website.

    I bought the 2 large Ferrari models years ago and they have more that doubled in price so I expect this too as well. Hoping to hold this unopened one for awhile then sell it to help pay for the original cost of the one I am keeping………was an expensive piece but I love it. Fun build and looks awesome in real life once done.

  • +2

    should the VAT be removed for non EU orders or has it already been removed?

    • it should yes - but it isn't - i emailed them about this but i dont expect them to respond/do anything about it

      • +2

        They replied. Basically they pocket the extra 20% for themselves!

        • Did you ask how it would be packed? Be nice if they put some of the illegally collected tax towards some proper packing..

  • The maintenance cost is high, no bargain here.

  • I think now I can understand the hype of Lego in adults.

    Most of adults (including me) had spent their time on building models back in the time when being a teenager. This hobby involved in sanding, painting, spraying, brushing and gluing. Most of the process will release potentially toxic chemical substances into the household.

    As part of being an adult is to have a family and hence ending up having kids. Those toxic stuffs mentioned is a big no.

    Lego is probably the easiest and safest way to maintain a hobby closest to building models.

    • Are you sure? Lego related deaths and injuries have been skyrocketing lately!

      • Choking is relatively easier to deal with than poisoning ???

    • I used to do this with dad. The problem was painting required accuracy and patience.

      I'm a patient person, yet was utterly irritated. I only did it because dad did it. In fact, often he did the painting.

    • +4

      Almost as fun is using the Lego Digital Designer.
      It's free. Unlimited pieces. You can download officially released models and originals. Or make your own originals.

      The easiest 3D modeling program I've used.

  • +1

    Bought two disproportionately sized sets. Hopefully that makes them put it in a box and add extra packing.

  • Bought this, the Ferrati F40 and the small LaFerrari. Finally getting the F40 after the Myer schmozzle.

  • +2

    its a toy for adults who could not buy buy lego when they were young (and cashless).
    its like hey i can afford them now!

  • why opera house lego is not increase in price?

    • IMO it isnt a very nice looking set.

  • Wow, I had a look of this on youtube and it is a very nice set. I wish I had that money to afford such a luxury set.

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