SVNT5 Men's Balaclava $5 in store, limited locations refer to the Check my local store box. Perfect for hiking, warehousing, mad Monday in both senses.
Men's Black Balaclava $5 in Store @ Amart Sports

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next minute they see the label and see only a handful of shops stock it and its 4am the door is knocking
Other than what "First in line" described, what is the normal use of this item ?
Covering your face to fight crime after being bitten by a radioactive spider
Its a genetically modified spider now. Even comic books have to keep up with the latest mass hysteria.
I actually use one during winter under my motor cycle helmet, works a treat. but from ebay @ around $2 -…
Any outdoor work during winter when temp gets below 5.
The first one cost $5, everyone after that is free. Please update title!
Thanks OP. Got 10. Should be suitable for my ski trip in Syria.
lol "ski trip"..
No click and collect at Amart…..
Delivery makes it not such a bargain….
I was waiting for this to appear
Also comes with a free entry on the terrorism watch list
If you get one, just be aware you can't wear them on the beach in France…
Robbers ruined balaclavas for everyone!
Reported to AFP.
Australian Fashion Police
Burka for men. The women should demand it!
This would if been great for early morning runs in winter. It's a shame it looks too suss these days
Especially when running….. In an away fashion
Personally I would find a cactus jogging a bit more suspicious.
Black? How Passe,……. I prefer mine in pink, yo.
Oh you savages, that movie is art, pure art!
In Queensland… not sure I'll need these, unless I go to Stanthorpe again.
perfect for holding up the service station…just saying