This was posted 8 years 6 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, PS4, XB1] Battlefield ONE Open Beta


The Battlefield one Open beta is now available for everyone to play is available right now on Origin for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.

Download size
PC: 7.1GB
PS4: 6.5GB
XB1: 6.2GB

Open-beta end date 8th of September, may or may not be extended.

Full game release date: 21st October, 2016

Note: PC people you need to download the latest drivers for your graphics card so it doesn't potentially crash.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I might sound like a noob (because I am) but whats an open beta?

    • +6

      Beta version of the game open to everyone for a limited time.

      • Ok. Will Pos and Play :D

    • +4

      An open beta means that anyone can play it
      a closed beta means only those given a code/key can play it

    • +57

      In the case of EA it is the full release game that you pay full price to play. Bug fixes are drip fed through a payment system known as 'downloadable content'.

      • +2

        Truer words have never been spoken.

      • +1

        That 1 neg in your comment was from EA I bet

      • Was considering buying the game after playing the beta, but for $170?! That's $85 game + $85 DLC. Screw that. Buying the base game now + buying the season pass later doesn't usually save any money if BF3/BF4 were anything to go by although by the time the season pass content is nearly fully released they do a discounted "Premium Edition" of the game that has the base + dlc for much cheaper.

    • A one week chance to sell you a game not released for months. Some say its a 'technical test'..

    • +2

      Beta is a phase of game development, being able to play the beta means they're gathering info and feedback from players to help the development.
      Basically it's a free demo and it could have flaws.

  • +1

    Available on PS4

  • +1

    Available on Xbox One

  • +1

    Sweet. Downloading at 37 MB/s

    • +1

      Iam jealous. Crappy adsl 3.5ks from the exhange. :( and no i cant get cable or nbn. Nbn not even planned yet and im in a captial city close to the cbd.

      • +2

        I am using the internet inside the company I work for.

        • +3

          Gigabit internet connection! Thanks NBN for offering speeds up to 40 times slower than fiber is able to deliver in Australia right now. Who would ever need more than 3MB's per second?

        • +2


          Well the internet is simply a video entertainment system, that serves no useful purpose other than providing cat videos and montages of Abbott's stupidity.
          Why would Australia ever need to invest properly in its communications infrastructure just to cater to the 'poor people' who dont have cars or drive very far, or can't afford computers in the first place.
          And besides, if Malcolm Turnbull decides that Australia doesn't need high speed internet, we should take solace in his decision; after all he did invent the internet in Australia.

          Oh BTW, downloading BF1, I'm getting 377-399KB/s on naked dsl, which is truly marvelous for a poor person that is.

      • +5

        I blame turnbull.
        Downloading myself on cable at 10MB/s

        • +1

          Same. 15 minutes to download and install.

      • +5

        What sucks is that you're in the majority. Internet in this country is woeful.

        • +5

          I'd settle for woeful. Frankly, my internet is embarrassing.

        • +2

          @gasman70: Even the 25mbps "NBN" is a huge embarassment. I love that the highest consumer speed on sale for NBN is 100mbps whereas in some European countries that is the minimum base speed you can get then pay more to upgrade to 350mbps, 500mbps or 1gbps and even the full 1gbps unlimited service is cheaper than what some people are paying Telstra for 500GB on <10mbps ADSL connections

        • +1


          The UK lags behind most EU countries when it comes to internet speeds but when I was there, I lived in the back of beyond and still had 80 Mb connection speed. I even knew people who lived at the top of a hill in the middle of nowhere (just past the back of beyond) and still had 30 Mb!

          Recently, I was living around 7 kms from Brisbane CBD and my internet speeds ranged from 1-6 Mb and I had one bar signal strength on my Telstra mobile. The excuse of numbers and distance just doesn't wash anymore.

    • +6

      700kb/sec yay Sydney Metro

      FU Turnbull

      • +7

        300kb/s Perth metro.

        I would finish downloading when the beta expires.

      • How long does it say it takes? I have around that… I'm thinking at the very most a day?

    • 11.5-12 MB/s here on TPG fiber :D

      • I have nothing to look forward to. I've had 100 Mbps Optus cable for 4 years.

        And I won't even get fibre :(. I am getting HFC.

    • Lucky, I get only 300kb/s took me 8 hours to download.

  • +1

    do we need PS+ to play online?

    • No

      • +2

        Do we need xbox live to play?

        • +2

          Yes. All Multiplayer gaming on that platform requires Xbox Live.

  • Would be great if the servers weren't being ddos'd!

    • +1

      ABS has a lot to answer for normalising the term DDoS, while being OzB'd is a real thing!! ;-)

  • +1

    Runs until the 8th of September for now. It also show you that they are getting rid of Battlelog….

    • +1

      I hope not!!! Battlelog is one of the best thing that happened !

      • +1

        BattleLog will remain, they're just going back to an in game server browser I think.

        • +1

          I hope they will give us the option to join servers with the web browser too.

        • @nagel: they'll probably give both options, seems reasonable to please both sides

        • +1

          Apparently EA dice has gotten rid of it for now. They will decide what to do later I will see if I can find the article. Also they reckon any feedback about the game we give them they will listen to us about tweaking the game.

          Is every one enjoying it?

      • +1

        It seems you and me are in the minority, most players hated battlelog big time.

        • Battlelog makes multitasking easier. I like being able to cruise and look at servers while doing other things before I play.

  • +2

    Been playing today… not bad. Room for improvement but I reckon the basics are there. And if the servers work as well as they have so far (PC) with no lag, dropouts and etc it will be a BIG progress from BF4

  • PS4 servers are down. Errr

  • I thought you needed early enlister key to play on ps4

    • +1

      Early access started yesterday, now it's open for all… wait for the servers to get sorted.

      • Open for all starts on the 01/09 no?

  • +4

    Im very tempted to down vote only because of origin. I hate it, system hungry,bloated useless process and missing stuff that should be basic requirements.

    • +2

      Oh amen. Origin is ridiculous

    • +6

      Steam master race :)

    • +5

      used to say the same things about steam, how times have changed

    • +1

      So you upvoted it instead?

  • +2

    sweet, only 70 hours to finish download. good old ps4 / NBN

    • The Titanfall 2 beta was worse - the size was ~14GB!

    • 70hrs on NBN? Daaaaang!

  • +1

    I still dislike both tbh… missed having the ability to just run the game and nothing else

  • +4

    Wish it was available on steam…. I absolutely hate the origin system

  • +2

    For those on the fence, I'm level 25 and the game is incredible so far. As a Battlefield veteran, I'm seriously impressed.

    • What's your favourite BF game?

      • Codename Eagle :D

  • Do you need any form of Xbox Live to play?

  • -1

    Hasn't the BF1 Beta been open since May?

    • +1

      You're thinking of Alpha, and that was very select in who had access I believe.

  • This game is fantastic!

  • +1

    What FOV do people use on PC?

    • +1

      100 but it's subjective

  • Not a big fan of the new points system in conquest but I'll get used to it I guess…

  • 6.2GB Download for Xbox One

  • Ps4 server still down at the moment

  • Cant get it to work, just a black screen. Tried repair…..

    • +1

      got it working by not going to fullscreen. does not like running in 4k

  • +1

    Played a bit tonight. Runs decently well on my 5 year old machine with the graphics turned down. The launch price is always too high for my liking, but once it goes down a bit I'll probably pick this up.

  • Cant download the beta. It is failing saying check internet. Anyone having issues?

    • Did you try going through the origin client instead?

      • Yea, the link took me to the origin client and the game is added. When I start download it is failing and asking me to check internet. Tried multiple times. Has plenty of free space and internet working.

  • jesus i cant get over how blurry it is on the xbox one

    • +3

      You wot?

    • -2

      Looks good on xbox one

    • Go to Options > Video. Reduce or turn off the Motion Blur effect.
      You might also want to adjust the FOV while you're there.

  • not logged in? does it require ps plus subscription (someone said not but can't access to the game :/ )

  • where do you download the latest drivers?

    • Amd or nvidia site.

  • Why is there no one playing in Aussie server on PS4? This battlefield is ridiculously good but initially needs some time to get used to the mechanics.

    • Try changing your filter, I did and got heaps of servers I couldn't see previously.

  • Wow nbn is great no? Mine took 15 minutes for pc.

    • +2

      Mine 5hours at 500kb/sec

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