fsdef01 » user profile

Member Since | 24/02/2014 |
Last Seen | 27/06/2022 |
Location | South Australia |
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fsdef01 replied to
timwog on Samsung QA75Q60AAWXXY 75" QLED 4K Smart TV (2021) $1695 + Shipping / Pickup @ JB Hi-Fi

Yep, had this same TV for about a year and the motion blur while gaming was soul destroying. Great image quality, movies are fine but…

If you only know Jack, you dont know Dickel :) Nice drop.

fsdef01 replied to
leftspeaker2000 on Hisense 65" 65R6 TV $716 + Delivery (Free C&C) @ The Good Guys eBay

I have been using 4k LG 55" OLED for gaming for over 3 years, hooked up to a Pc and consoles, and would strongly disagree with you. No…

You once asked: SlavOz on 26/07/2019 - 23:39 "My department manager is one of those solely career focused guys who's only mission in life…

I'm sure OP is sorry for wasting 2.3 seconds of your life while you read the title of his post and moved on, others like myself appreciated…

fsdef01 replied to
Michaelz101 on Xiaomi Mi Ultra Short Throw 5000 Laser Projector - $2082.50 Delivered @ Gearbite eBay

I bought a cheap phone 3 years ago from a company that may be affiliated with Samsung, surely it's as good as a galaxy s10. May as well buy…

fsdef01 commented on LG G6 (H870DS Dual SIM, Quad DAC) $559.62, Huawei Mate 9 (Dual Sim) $529 @ Mobileciti eBay
`LG G6 is a great phone,but Samsung S8 is better (just).Received S8 as work phone and looking to sell my G6, what would be a reasonable…

fsdef01 replied to
cwongtech on Donald Trump Has Plans to Completely Change The Visa Law for Australians, and It's Not Good

> Except now I'm just plain confused what Trump is doing. Is he playing both roles of good cop bad cop? Make a bunch of hasty, ill thought…

Gigabit internet connection! Thanks NBN for offering speeds up to 40 times slower than fiber is able to deliver in Australia right now. Who…

fsdef01 replied to
kimba88 on XiaoMi Redmi 3 Pro Overseas Edition 3GB/32GB US$142.93/~AU$191, Original Xiaomi Mi IV Hybrid US$14.36 @ Everbuying - New Account

[@Risto](/comment/3868633/redir): Not really, Xiaomi Mi 5 is on par with Samsung S7 and most other "flagship" phones, but half the price.…

2 gtx 980's beat a 1080. Your link refers to 2 rx 480's.

someone who already has one and wants 2 in SLI because it beats a GTX 1080, in which case this is a great deal.

fsdef01 commented on My Dan Murphy's February Offers (Membership Required) Gage Roads Summer Ale 6pk $12 Sol 6pk $10
Yes Dan Murphy bastardize the local brewers, (some of whom are fairly ordinary) but they also sell top shelf products at better prices than…

fsdef01 commented on My Dan Murphy's February Offers (Membership Required) Gage Roads Summer Ale 6pk $12 Sol 6pk $10
Oh no! an actual business is trying to maintain a profit by selling their own branded product amongst other great bargains. This, month I…

I have this tablet, picked up for $99 2 weeks ago! Amazing!!Does everything you need, just like a laptop, but fits in your pocket! 1 gig…

IVI, have you ever shopped at Foodland? they will honour the scanning code of practice every time. Don't make derogatory, negative comments…

fsdef01 joined OzBargain.
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