Not gonna lie, but I don't know how people can hand wash dishes and not rinse!? Absolutely disgusting…!!! It's like washing the sheets and letting them dry with suds still in them you just wouldn't do it!
Curious to know who feels the same way!
Not gonna lie, but I don't know how people can hand wash dishes and not rinse!? Absolutely disgusting…!!! It's like washing the sheets and letting them dry with suds still in them you just wouldn't do it!
Curious to know who feels the same way!
Yes I used to live with someone who just soaked the dirty plates in hot water with dish washing liquid. A few hours later he took the plates out and placed them in dish rack - no rinse.
I never use the plates in the house and didn't bother to rinse them because I didn't know how long he has been doing this (I was renting a room in the house)
I don't rinse. I wash, I swirl around in the water (under sud level), I lift fast and dry on rack. If there's a study that says how toxic it is to me, I'll stop. Just do it because it's in the family to.
I'm sharing a house at the moment while building.
Previous home had a twin sink and a dishwasher. Used dishwasher almost exclusively. Only ever used the rinse sink when there was lots of dishes i.e. after a party. So we would use dishwasher and handwash with the rinse sink used to speed up drying.
The place I am staying has a single sink and no dishwasher. We just wash and drain.
Honestly never occurred to me to rinse.
But in true ozbargain style (i.e. borderline mean and stingy), i am now considering reusing the cold water from my hot water bottle to do the rinse with.
My biggest pet hate is colleagues eating my emergency slice of cheesecake and then leaving an IOU note in the empty box :(
You have emergency cheesecake? In case of extreme cream cheese deficiency, break glass?
In case of extreme stress, break glass.
The detergent diet is the best. Cleans up all the oil in your throat/stomach. Makes it sparkly clean.
What about people taking the last consumable item from a shelf, not putting it back, and not telling someone it is running low ??
This can happen at home, with SO leaving empty milk bottles in fridge "as a reminder".
Or it can happen at work, with the last sheet of toilet paper.
(admit it, we've all been there, and its my pet hate)
Growing up, we were so poor we had an outside dunny - and it didn't flush either. There were 4 kids in 1 double bed. No hot water, no shower. Anyway, my mother used to cook vegetables, then she'd pour the hot vegetable water into the sink (with the plug in). After we'd eaten, she would add a little cold water to the vegetable water and wash the dishes - and NOT rinse. I am super meticulous when I wash the dishes given what I grew up with.
My pet hate is ordering a takeaway coffee with sugar and watching the barista put the sugar in without actually stirring it.
"My pet hate is ordering a takeaway coffee with sugar and watching the barista put the sugar in without actually stirring it."
OMG, I can't believe they do that.
People parking across the footpath while in their driveway. Besides it being illegal it means while pushing the stroller I have to take my kids out on the road because your stupid arse couldn't park where the hell you are meant to. Makes me want to smash windows, disable the hand brake and push the car out into the middle of the road. Wish I owned a tow truck as I would be having a field day.
OMG Pram-Rage or Footpath-rage, nice, lol…
Never underestimate what a parent would do for their kid. Oh that's your car? I would burn a million cars to protect my kids.
YES! There was a house around the corner from me that used to do that every day. I would have to walk around it and the grass was all muddy and it started to annoy the heck out of me. They did it every day for months so I reported them to the council …. i feel bad but not that bad!
Nah don't feel bad. Would only take 1 $108 fine and I am not sure they would do it again.
Yes. This is infuriating and so dangerous.
people who answer their mobile phone just to say "I cant talk right now, call me back". Don't fn answer it then!! Ever heard of voicemail??
Sometimes if you don't answer the same person will call you back over and over. I send a text though not answer it. If it was a business/home line I'd have to answer to tell them :(
What a strange thread, who cares how people do their dishes? Some people need to occupy their time with something else.
Do you know where you are? I think you might be lost…
I love animals, but don't understand in 2016 how people still live with animals?
Pets definitely do not take a shower (like many stinky people), they do not wash themselves after pee or poo, they do not put on undies and are the cause of many diseases and the host of many nasty bugs and micro-organisms.
Animals should live freely in the wild instead of being toys and end up being surrendered to a pound.
I don't know nothing about washing or rinsing them in a dishwasher but if you wash them I guess you better rinse them thoroughly.
Holly crap, I love you. I've been waiting 20+ years to here another person voice that out loud.
I love you too, just don't blackmail me! haha
Yes, we need to start speaking up.
The society is not anyone's boat, it is everyone's ship. Any potential risk would affect us all and animals deserve to live their own wild life. Domesticating animals into your bedroom is insane!
My pet hate is people walking in shopping centers and decide to stop and chat / talk amongst themselves, and people have to weave around them. Next is when getting out of lifts people are right there waiting to get in, and you have to squeeze past them.
This is why you have shoulders and arms, push them out of the way.
No offence, I totally get where you're coming from, but if I may say… this is a little like lowering yourself to (below) even their bad manners and self-absorbed behaviour. Maybe more of a 'verbal cue'? something like "hope the rest of us aren't getting in your way, what with this being a public doorway (or wherever) and all."
Then just walk away, why waste your better time with such confrontations.
Are you a lion or a sheep?
Cant come and whinge about being held up but then you dont have the nackers to fix the problem on the spot.
They will get over it eventually.
Yeah when pushing my kids in the pram at the shopping centre and people randomly stop I feel like speeding up and slamming into them. I don't because that would be mean, but I really feel like it.
I hate people with prams. Crazy mofos
Haha yeah we mostly are.
@pal…. get off the drugs mate. :)
Thats disgusting. Filling up a sink with water, using a filthy brush to wipe dishes, then straight onto the rack, without rinsing, then even more disgusting drying them with a tea towel.
Yes air-dry is the only way to go I think :)
Do people not rinse?
Proudly 20% apparently!
Never seen a person who does not rinse. Seems like common sense to me to not have detergent on your utensils but there are about 110 people here who don't mind eating soap everyday.
I swear I must have lived with all the non-rinsers….
I've only ever rinsed when there are too many suds on the item. I've never noticed a detergent taste, never noticed bubbles forming when I pour water into a glass, felt the residue on a plate.
Maybe everyone else uses too much detergent?
I totally agree. Most people use like a quarter bottle per sink and the dishes are gross for them because they don't get rid of most of the crap on their plate before they wash them, which is why they need so much detergent.
As a rinser, due to a similar arguement I actually did a fair bit of research into it and there's a lot of evidence to suggest it is harmless, it also doesn't really stick to the plates as you'd imagine it would (reason: science… I can't remember specifics now but there was a lot of information online at the time).
The actual culprit is drying with tea towels. Put it in the rack to dry!
That research I believe is conducted by dishwashing liquid manufacturers.
Have I wandered onto the wrong site? I thought I was on Ozbargain.
My pet hate is people who litter.
Especially those who think things a small sweet wrapper isn't really rubbish and therefore can be chucked anywhere. I get even more annoyed if there is a bin not too far away.
Also don't like it when smokers throw their cigarette butts into the drain or along the streets or worse still, people who think it's funny to break a bottle and leave the glass littered around parks where children run about.
I normally don't rinse (with the exception of glasses) but it's more out of laziness than an ideology. I'm not concerned about detergent residue because I don't overuse it and I'm not concerned about grime residue because I know how dirty the world is and the biology of germs in relation to dry surfaces.
I'm not going to lose my mind either way. You'd be surprised at all the horrific microbial things happening all around you that you just aren't aware of. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
Shouldn't need to bother too much about 'microbes' and 'bacteria' but I'm more concerned about chemicals from washing detergent if unrinsed. And yea common sense says properly wash meaty chopping boards.
Fair enough I'm not particularly concerned about that but respect your right to be concerned.
If I had a chopping board with which I had fresh meat on it, I would take more care in that instance.
To the people who don't rinse >
Does your pee get frothy?
I have this when getting off a bus. I am always with the kids in a large double pram. Its amazing how many people try to get on and push past when I am getting off.
I have a top of the range Miele dishwasher (came with the house). Used it twice in 8 months. My Mrs finds handwashing therapeutic. Who am I to argue. And yes we rinse. Also we wash wog style. No filling sink with soapy (eventually filthy water). Apply detergent to the sponge as you go. We have a rainwater tank so can afford to be a little liberal.
Amateur hour here!
For maximum efficiency:
Bonus - use disposable cutlery as well.
Ok ok, I'm kidding.
Alfoil looks hideous, use gladwrap instead.
You jest, but when I'm super busy (newborn + wife sick + 2 kids + full-time job) I just use paper plates and plastic cups. Much cheaper to buy those than the time it takes to stack/unstack the equivalent in the dishwasher (at the rate I earn).
I expected it to be much worse for the environment, but I use so much less water and electricity, I wonder if it really is… electricity and clean water seem more scarce in Australia than space for harmless landfill…
Haha, not judging! :D
I've seen some Filipinos use paper plate holders made out of wicker basket type material - mainly for parties. Makes paper plates look more elegant to serve your guests with, and you can use the floppy paper plates which are better for the environment.
Something like this:
Ube desserts, and now these. Thank you Phillipines.
I love when I have a party and there are heaps of leftover plates… ill use them for a while after when I am feeling super lazy :D
What a great idea, host a party and let the others bring the plates!
This seems to quite a common thing for busy families to do in the US.
Go one better, use a serviette
I saw a lot of people do this dishwashing thing in my office and my friends place :|
I had a few backpackers stay at my place before and they do this with my dishes, and I was too much of a pushover to say something, however i ended up rinsing before I use it.
Another pet hate I didn't realise I had until last : flatmate and his gf having loud sex at 2 am O.O
My neighbours did that.
I cranked up the porn movie.
They got the message and quietened down
He's not my neighbour though. He's my flatmate and my best mate. I don't want to begrudge him getting some.
Morning after was already awkward as it is when she came downstairs wearing only his tshirt and asking me about my sleep, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
Haha, you should've rated her performance.
"I'll give you a 2/10. Actually a 1.5 since you sounded like a castrated squirrel"
@montorola: At first I thought he might be watching porn but as I was walking towards his door, ready bang on it, I realised that the moans didn't sound fake at all. Also there was a faint clicking of metal against metal…
It sounded like they were having a lot of fun in there.
So I went back to my lonely, lonely bed,pulled the covers over my head, grabbed my phone and browsed the forum section of ozbargain until I fell asleep. Sad :(
@Jar Jar Binks: Hire a chainsaw and fire it up whenever they start, problem solved.
Just start cheering for them. Yell out things like "go get em mate" and "you go girl". They will either quieten down from embarrassment or amp it up more from the encouragement. Funny either way.
Do I really want to be encouraging them? I need my beauty sleep otherwise I look like an ogre and I act like one too.
This explains why the food has that soapy aftertaste after eating at my fave fusion resto. Never again.
My pet peeves:
People who pick their bus swipe card from their wallets once they are in front of the swipe machine and not before they reach the door (oldies excused).
No disrespect to the women, but it's generally women that do this (I'm talking about at Coles/Woolies).
You're at the checkout, she's standing there doing nothing until the cashier tells her how much the total is. THEN she starts to open her handbag, THEN takes out her triple fold wallet, THEN opens that and starts pulling out notes, and opens the coin purse to get some coins out.
The whole time I'm thinking - where the hell were you all this while??
Maybe women seem to take longer cos we have to dig into our handbag to find the wallet, when most guys have quick access to theirs.
In saying that I ALWAYS have my wallet ready… im just that kinda girl.
Deodorant by itself smells quite unpleasant
Smells worse when applied :S
One of biggest culture shock when I arrived Australia. most def!
walking on hot paved walk ways on bare feet. CRAZY!
Pet Hate: Neighbours who are consistently loud, prime example each Tuesday at 6pm my neighbour plays the bongos. Housemates have officially classified that night as "Bongo night".
I used to be THAT guy. It's a drum kit in my case. I was learning them, got yelled at by my neighbour. I've never touched them since.
My next door neighbour uses wood for her heating, she also buys cheap wood so the smoke is extra smelling. Our back neighbour hates it and would bang on pots and pans whenever my next door neighbour has her heating on. This could be any time between 6am to 10pm :l
Dish washing can be such a pain in sharehouses. I've lived with a few gross people in my time.
Girl would use thin plastic chopping boards to cut up chicken etc. She would wash them and never rince, then put them next to eachother to dry in summer. (Like next to eachother - touching) a day later it STANK cos of the poorly washed-ness and the moisture 😞. Ew.
another housemate would wash cups and put them open side down to dry on the sink. However they had like never ever wiped the sink so… yuck! Also a few times they had left so much water pooling inside… and bacteria loves moist places.
Lastly was a guy who wouldn't even use soap. I picked up one of his glasses one day and held it to the light and it was… murky. So gross. It made me super attentive with glass cleaning. Glad I didn't live there long.
I wish I had a dishwasher at my place but there is no room :(
I had a housemate with a couple of cats, who left the cat food out in the kitchen and never cleaned the cat food bowl. The kitchen stank of rotting fish. If you wanted to go to the toilet at night, you had to cross the crunchy parade of cat food-eating bugs in the kitchen. The carpet in the house felt like it was 30% cat hair.
eww yuck :( :(
Perfect example of why I have never lived in a share house.
People who don't clean up after themselves in public food courts. Cleaners are not your own personal slaves. It takes minimal effort to put your own waste in a bin.
I understand your logic but we aren't going to live in a semi-socialist state for that long. Honestly the whole centrelink safety net and everything will probably be gone in like 20 years. Give them the work, I bet they appreciate it. Just ask the Coles/Woolies employees how they feel about automated checkouts. (I used to work in fast food and it never bothered me having to clean up after other people)
I agree with you OP.
I also can't understand how, at the pinnacle of Western civilisation, people can brush their teeth twice a day but don't wash their privates after going to the toilet (except some religions/cultures/individuals); disgusting stuff.
And animals too
Maybe start a thread with a poll: men or women who wash or don't.
Recently I noticed a bit of a (not religious) movement towards this. Good sign.
Humans also happen to use 100's of years of technical advancement in computing technology for generating memes.
When someone in the street is throwing a party and there's a used caryard's worth of vehicles parked in stupid places, on people's driveways etc. Or when people aren't kind and don't rewind.
Drivers who treat lane changes or turns as events that don't require indicators.
Omg I agree… its getting really bad..
People who leave their indicators to indicate that they are continuing on a roudabout when they are leaving, especially when they are on the inside lane and there's a person on the outside lane that doesn't exist in their world.
My pet hate is when I'm on a busy escalator and the person in front of me is super slow walking off of it. I nearly walk into them all the time..
When I first read the post, I had to read it twice because I thought what you were saying is illogical. Never knew that not rinsing off when hand washing is even an option!
Well according to OzB. so far 1 out of 6 people don't rinse …
Well that's about 3 million dirty lazy mofos in Aus
The musical?
Nah, I reckon it's the Geelong Cats.
Off the top of my head;
Fat and unfit personal trainers getting paid to give fitness advice
People that walk on treadmills
People that use treadmills when its a beautiful day outside
People who don't know lane filtering is legal in NSW and move their car to try cut you off as you do it
People of able body who use lifts to go up 1 or 2 floors when they could use the stairs
There are people from a certain part of the world in abundance where I live that all eat with their mouths open and I can hear them masticate from the table I am sitting at.
Those same people think its OK to pick your nose and hock and spit in public
One of those people sneezed into the back of my head one day on a train - last time I caught a train
People who hate what others do even though it doesn't affect them at all.
Does anyone actually not rinse? Seems illogical