Biggest Pet Hate. EVER!

Not gonna lie, but I don't know how people can hand wash dishes and not rinse!? Absolutely disgusting…!!! It's like washing the sheets and letting them dry with suds still in them you just wouldn't do it!

Curious to know who feels the same way!

Poll Options

  • 357
    I Rinse
  • 54
    I don't rinse


    • +1

      With that lift one… you can't really tell if someone can't use the stairs. They could be sick, or really tired, pregnant, etc. I've had to ask someone to give me a seat once because I was on the verge of fainting. I don't know what it was.

      On the outside, I would have looked just fine. How do I know this? Because the person I asked just looked at me up and down, frowned at me, and finally got off their seat when I said I was going to throw up. I was lying. I just felt really light headed.

      I felt really guilty asking for that seat, having to justify my condition.

    • There's a bunch of Asians that walk on the treadmills at my gym. Once you see them run you'll understand why they walk.

  • +2

    I have the same pet hate as well. You see dishes drying in the rack… and what's this? Soap bubbles dripping down the plates? Soap on the insides of the glass?

    When that thing dries off, you go fill that glass with water and drink, you're drinking soap. Sure, it's only a small amount and probably harmless, but you're drinking soap.

    Then again, there are more things to worry about. Like using hot tap water to boil noodles because it's faster. Use a kettle, buddy.

  • +3

    People that walk around holding their mobile phone 6 inches from their face and talking with it on loud speaker. Worst!

    • +1

      Lol must be my aunties

  • +6

    Anyone who speeds up when you try and overtake them eg. sitting on 70 in an 80 zone and then it takes 120 to get past them. Any egg that does that should be shot!

  • +1

    People who stand in the doorway of the train platform blocking people from walking out. Especially the people who start getting into the trains as soon as the doors open and passengers are trying to get out.

  • …To the 34 voters here who voted don't rinse, YOU'SE FERAL!!!!

    Once upon a time I dated a woman who didn't rinse, I was not impressed. Another habit of hers was she continued to use an electric kettle that was rusted inside and had metal fragments from the heating element inside rattling about. She said she suffered from depression and her kids suffered from eczema. I told her to either clean out the kettle or get a new kettle and rinse the dishes and maybe those health issues will subside, but yeahnah, CBFed.

    • +2

      Aaahhh, so now I know why I'm all depressed and my kids are sick. Coz I didn't rinse the dishes week before last while the dishwasher was on the blink. yeah…nahhh. Depsressed coz had to wash by hand and kids are sick coz it frickin winter and dry air.

  • OMG I knew someone will bring this up, AMEN! I know so many people who washes all their dishes in one sink with no rinsing. Absolutely disgusting, have you ever drank water out of a cup that has not been rinsed off…. just don't understand. .. you wash your car, clothes, shower and brush your teeth… then you always rinse. Just most likely pure lazyness.

  • -1
  • My biggest freak out is the attitude to hygiene from coworkers who use public toilets. Had friends who are addicted to their mobile phone and play games, social media and talk on the phone whenever they're on the toilet.

    Every morning a coworker used to bring a cup of steaming coffee into the mens room and set it down in the corner before doing his business.

    I don't mind people reading the newspaper on the toilet because newspapers get thrown out the same day but mobile phones are a different thing. How many people do you know wash their mobile phone between visits to the toilet?

    If I know that a person uses their mobile phone on the toilet it really makes me look at them in a different light! eg. when they shake hands with you while talking on the phone, they Facebook while eating, talk on their mobile phone while driving.

    I'm not a germophobe but it feels kind of disrespectful to other to be sharing your fecal matter.

    • Bacteria is everywhere. Door handles and light switches are just as bad as mobile phones, and I doubt you'd be able to find a difference between phones used in a bathroom and those not.

  • When people just sit cups/bottles upside down on a flat surface and expect them to miraculously dry. How is the inside of a cup going to dry if the water can't escape?

  • +2

    people who disagree and argue for the sake of it, always trying to get a reaction from you, especially when you've just started a new topic.

    • +1


  • +2

    A few of mine have been answered but one I loathe is when people leave the tinfoil cover on the yoghurt as well as the plastic lid. The plastic lid is sufficient

    • lol, my family hates me, I leave the paper cover on the margarine too and just fold it over as i use all the margarine from one side of the container to the other side.

    • +1

      Totally agree. A piece of foil flapping around is not making it any better; take the whole thing off when you open it!

  • +5

    When banks don't pass on the full interest rate cut… oh wait :/

  • I wash in a bowl with hot water (using gloves ). Hot water kills the germs. Then rinse under cold or hot tap. People washing in cold water are not killing germs and also less effective for grease.

  • +1

    Music or loud talking on Public Transport. May the fleas of a thousand camels infect the crotches of anyone that does this.

  • I don't like dogs that much - though I once had a duck and would not recommend as a household pet (they poop a lot)

  • Jaywalking and speeding

  • +1

    When people say to be honest. I then think to myself, have you been dishonest?

  • +2

    People who chew LOUDLY with their mouths open.

  • Traffic Lights. God they're p*ssing me off lately. What happened to just getting in the car and going somewhere ?. I don't mind a 30 second wait but when they change and there isn't even any traffic AARRRRRGGHH…..

  • People who think they are better than others because of some arbitrary personal choice such as rinsing dishes.

  • I sometimes rinse sometimes not, I use a tea towel which removes the suds and any other material which might have stuck to it in the water.

  • Maybe you rinsers are using too much detergent? Never rinsed, never had a soapy taste, its a non issue.

    The only religious rinsers I know are also the same kind of people who don't use a microwave, and seem to have other psycological issues and insane double standards. eg. Only eating organic food, and yet smoke and drink. But OMG you should rinse.

  • People who all stick to one turning lane, when there are two…thereby causing traffic build up.

  • Seriously I'm trying to gauge the current concerns us of things, but do only Australians have this rinse not rinse dilemma? Kids used to only wash during meal prep class at school: hand drying with a towel. I would rinse then dry. Their omission resulted in beautiful detergent bubbles when one wanted to cook pasta. Didn't affect me anyway. I always rinsed it prior to use

  • Personal pet peeve: people whom allegedly "speak" two languages but are compelled to use both languages interchangeably. Drives me up the fricken wall. I don't want my language to turn into Hindi or Filipino with 100s of loan words

    • You don't want loan words huh? I'm afraid I have bad news for you.

  • +1

    My biggest pet peeve is hearing people chew loudly.. I can literally feel the rage build up.

    • YES!!! YES! One time after a long stint at work, I literally said quite loudly "CLOSE YOUR F…" before stopping myself there just in time. I don't know where that came from, I'm usually cool as.

  • I have one rule. It either goes in the dishwasher or it goes in the bin.

  • -1

    So many autists in here spergin out over dishwashers.

    People that don't indicate when driving are my pet hate

  • Lottery results. Why, oh whyyyyyyy, can't they re-arrange them into numerical order.

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