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Miniport.com.au - 100/40 NBN: 10% off Voucher


G'Day Guys,

We posted on here before and got some good feedback and few great clients so we figured we would go again.

This time for 100/40 FTTP NBN with a 10% discount code.

Mini10 will give the first 10 people 10% off a 100/40 NBN connection. We provide a high quality congestion free service- This is why we are a little bit more expensive than the big providers.

Miniport are not claiming to be the biggest, best or oldest, We are only now moving out of beta and still very much in startup phase hence the limit on 10 connections as we like to be able to personally monitor each service in its first month to ensure the highest quality possible.

And before you ask, Duel stack IPv4/6 is on its way.

NBN 100/40
Unlimited Uploads
Static IPv4
Normal Price - $90pm
Discount Price - $81

NBN 100/40
Unlimited Uploads
Static IPv4
Normal Price - $110
Discount Price - $99

NBN 100/40
Unlimited Uploads
Static IPv4
Normal Price - $140
Discount Price - $126

NBN 100/40
Unlimited Uploads
Static IPv4
Normal Price - $185
Discount Price - $166.5

We offer same day transfer for new clients with existing NBN services with other providers and a 30 day money back guarantee, if you are not happy with your service We will refund no questions asked- beyond those of some basic trouble shooting ;)

Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Fair Use can be found on the website, the CIS can be obtained by emailing [email protected]

All sales and support are run via facebook, email and ticketing on our website. We can call you if needed but you CANNOT call us.

Please leave any feedback in the comments, if there is demand we will add another 10 codes for a slower speed tier.

The Miniport Team.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    how do you offer No Peak Congestion?

    • +8

      By having 100+ pages of fine print TEES and SEAS.

      • +6

        NBN peak congestion is caused by a fee known as CVC. If you buy enough of it there is no congestion hence the higher prices. This is part of the reason we limit to 10 codes at a time to allow us time to grow CVC with our user base.

        No fine print trickery, as mentioned in the post we have a 30 day refund and the fine print make it very clear you can break contract if we cannot perform.

        • NBN peak congestion is caused by a fee known as CVC. If you buy enough of it there is no congestion hence the higher prices

          But that could only help prevent congestion caused by NBN's network? What's going to stop congestion happening on the ISP's end?

        • +1


          Our network is capable of pushing ALOT more traffic then the CVC we let in.

          We are setup in the biggest DC's in Australia, Have high end enterprise routers and switches and over 100Gbps of connectivity.

          Its not coming from servers in our backyard so to speak…. Although we have some really nice ones of those as well.

        • @Miniport:

          That still doesn't explain how you can claim "No Peak Congestion- No Slow Downs" or "We provide a high quality congestion free service". For example if someone were to run speed tests to LA is it guaranteed to be congestion free? Would their speed be consistent throughout the day/month/etc?

        • +3

          I think you might be misunderstanding what they are offering. They are building their network to offer no congestion. They can't guarantee sites out on the internet aren't overloaded.
          I'm not sure why people are so surprised by this, you can easily avoid congestion if you charge a bit extra.

        • +1


          No ISP can control what happens in submarine cables that are 500m under water. We have more then enough international back haul to provide a stable connection with high redundancy however as with every other ISP in Australia we are at the mercy of those cables. We are not saying we have international routes better then anyone else but international routes also are not a problem unless you are with a budget ISP which we are not.

          mskeggs puts it very very well

  • -5

    then the big providers.

    Did you mean 'than'?

    • +2

      Probably- You seem to know, did we?

      • -1

        Wow. Bit of attitude there mate.

        • +10

          Bit of a dick move by bonezAU.

  • +20

    Please don't take this the wrong way. For all I know you could provide a fantastic service. But may I suggest that you do work on tidying up your website. As a consumer, I can forgive a typo or two. It happens to the best of us. But this is truly something else…

    MinipPort is more expensive.

    When it comes to NBN for your home or buisness business- cheapest isnt isn't the best.

    Due to NBNco pricing set by the ACCC the cost price per connection is upto up to 200x higher then than the average provider charges- Now somthing something has got to give and unforutunetly unfortunately its it's rarly rarely profits

    Because of this major providers have had to

    Outsource Support, Oversell Connections and grind Australias Australia's internet to a hault halt in the name of higher and higher profits which only benefit a few CEO's and Directors.

    MiniPort charge more because we provide more- By keeping Support in Australia and by not relying in huge oversell raitos ratios for profits means the service we provide TRUMPS all others.

    Our Directors dont don't drive fancy cars or live in million dollar homes- We have built a product that although is more expensive is far less profitable then than the competition.

    • +4

      This is also a really weird chunk of text at the bottom of their front page under MiniNBN About (which is under 'MiniNBN Features' because an About page is a feature?)

      "The NBN is a government funded internet network
      Its aim is to connect everyone in Australia to high speed internet.

      However somthing went wrong and the NBN was turned from a fibre dreamland into an expensive copper trash can with over pricing that makes it worse then what came before."

      And the text just ends. That's it? NBN is copper trash worse than ADSL2? The same service you're currently trying to promote sales of?

    • +2

      Thank you, as IT people we often overlook content whilst focusing on the overall product, Configuring routers is easy compared to a grammatically correct sentence.

      We will have a fresh set of eyes check the site in the next few days for such errors.

      As for the copper trash comment- Right now we are only servicing FTTP so it is different from the product we are selling.

      • Website updated as per users comments.

        As for the Miniport/MiniPort thing- enjoy this trip….

        Miniport PTY LTD is the company. A MiniPort is a product we sell.

    • +2

      Yeah, agreed.

      I don't want to be rude but straight-up the first thing I see is: "Simple Connectivity Soultions."

      I understand that Miniport has stated that they're focusing on the back-of-house stuff, but what about the overall presentation?

      As an online company, it's vital to your success and if you can't present a beautiful, polished product - then I doubt you'll make the sales that you're aiming for. It's as bad as opening a shopfront and having someone who hasn't shaved in 3 weeks, smells of B/O and hasn't washed their hair since the beginning of time. There's literally errors on every single page, and your legal documents (CIS, TOS etc.) aren't linking and throw off a 404 error.

  • +6

    "First 10 people" isn't really a promotion, is it?

    • It is if we dont sell 10 :)

      • +1

        I got "# The promotion code entered does not exist #" error.. reached 10 already?

        • Check again- It should be working now.

          It was mistakenly only applied to "trial" products.

  • +2

    Your description only talks about FTTP … only the lucky ones get access to this. What about FTTN? Fixed Wireless?

    A bit surprised you have no presence or discussion on Whirlpool? Are you brand new?

    Who is your upstream provider?

    • Right now we only cover FTTP, We have the ability to move into FTTN when we are ready however the foot print is still too small for us to conduct a beta test with users we know and trust. Edit As for Fixed Wireless I hear Skymesh are doing great things. Edit

      Upsteam comes from a variety of sources. Our biggest port is to AAPT however we have smaller 1Gbps ports to a handful of providers as well as peering on QLDIX, NSWIX, Megaport and others.

      Whirlpool will come soon, as I touched on in the post we are still coming out of our beta program for NBN- We will post an announcement when we are ready.

  • I've always thought there would be room for a premium RSP with lower contention rates.

    I also like free uploads and static IP.

    If you did FTTN I would join you.

    • +1

      Maybe one day.

      We do have a demand for it however we lack the user base to conduct trials and to be honest, we are still getting over the shock that FTTN is even happening….

  • Well I'm tempted

    If I find that the 350GB isn't enough, can I move up to the 500GB at a later state and keep the discount?

    • Sure thing :) Generally changing down isnt an issue either if you find you are not using that much :)

  • So is it different to FTTH? I already have FTTH connection and looking to switch.

    • Same as FTTH/FTTP, Just a better version in our opinion.

      • Ok that is good to hear. Just want to confirm that you can supply Opticomm supplied connection? Also, would love if you can provide discount code for 50/20 plan please? Ta

        • Ahh, No we don't supply on Opticomms network, It will happen in the near future but right now we are focused on building the best NBN products we can.

  • Maybe it would make sense if there was a availability check before signing up. Also free installation with the $140 and up plans wouldn't be wrong

    • I would love to offer free setup/install however it simply isnt possible.

      Maybe for another Ozbargain post in the future we will offer it for a limited time however often higher data users use alot more data at peak time requiring a much higher amount of CVC. Although its only $50 every cent counts when we are aiming for quality.

      • Fair enough, what about the availability check?

        • A development company we work with has built one for us with unique data sets we provided however it is currently setup for corporate/wholesale clients whom we also service so it contains large amounts of technical information that we need to strip out before it is friendly enough to be put on our public facing website.

          At this point in time given the high price and limited number of connections we will mostly be approached by enthusiast users who already know the availability so its not considered a blocker at this point in time to slowly add to our client base

  • I'd love speeds faster than 100/40 if possible. It seems like RSPs can offer it according to the NBN, but for some reason RSPs don't offer it.

    Maybe a 100/100 or 200/50 plan could be worked out? I'd cancel my Optus contract for that!

    • +1

      The problem with faster speeds on the NBN is that once you go over 100Mbps due to CVC pricing it becomes far cheaper(1/4th of the price at 1Gbps) to use corporate grade NonNBN services, this is the main reason you almost never see NBN plans over 100/100 because its just not economical for either providers to sell or consumers to buy.

      If you think this is 110% insane please feel free to email the ACCC and let them know.

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