• expired

nbn 100/20 $60.90/Month, 100/40 $69.90/Month, 250/25 $79.90/Month, 1000/50 $94.90/Month for 6 Months (New Customers) @ Tangerine


the summer sale until 28/2 for 6 months

Speedy 100/17Mbps $60.90/Month
Speedy Plus 100/34Mbps $69.90/Month
SuperSpeedy 245/21Mbps $79.90/Month (FTTP and HFC only)
UltraSpeedy 650/42Mbps $94.90/Month (FTTP and HFC only)

just joined them on the 100/17 and here is my speed test


Summer Sale nbn T&Cs.

New customer promo T&Cs.

This offer is only available to new customers who are connecting to a Tangerine nbn® service for the first time. It is not available to customers with an existing Tangerine nbn® service or who have previously had a Tangerine nbn® service. The offer is only available once per customer and per premises.

Referral solicitation removed — Mod

Referral Links

Referral: random (121)

Both referrer and referee receive $25 for signing up to NBN offer.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Just FYI if you are after 1 year plan, Leaptel is cheaper with $99 for 1000Mbps (800/42) plan

    • +2

      Does anyone know if either of these options provide proper public facing IP address? So many providers force you to use CGNat these days. I had to buy a static IP on superloop just to disable this

      • +19

        Tangerine, Leaptel and Superloop allow you to turn off CG-NAT for $0.

      • +6

        I had to buy a static IP on superloop just to disable this

        I didn't… I just asked them and they turned it off for free…

        • Same here!

        • +2

          Same here…. just said i host stuff and some of my games cannot run over CGNAT and they turned it off. No requirement for static IP

      • +1

        Just reached out to Tangerine support, if you want a static IP you need to pay an extra $5 a month.

        • +8

          Almost all ISPs require an extra fee for Static IP.
          However most ISPs if they allow it, then they can turn off CGNAT and provide you with a dynamic public IP address for free.

      • -1


      • +2

        I checked Tangerine's FAQs for information about disabling CG-NAT. The FAQ said to call for more information. So I phoned Tangerine today and asked if disabling CG-NAT was an option.

        The sales person had to check with someone else and then came back and told me I'd have to pay $5 per month for a static IP. I asked if they can just provide a dynamic IP and again they had to check. The answer I received was that dynamic IPs are for business accounts only.

        Not sure if the information provided to me was correct but it was enough to put me off churning to them.

        • It seems like everyone is doing that these days

        • am currently on tangerine, have a dynamic IP and run a buch of services off it, not had an issue.

    • +10

      cheaper with $99 for 1000Mbps (800/42) plan

      You need take into consideration the NBN speed boosts coming in September.

      The 250/25 $79.90/Month will jump to 750/50…

      • Is this confirmed? There were so many talks of it happening last year but never did.

        • +7

          There were so many talks of it happening last year but never did.

          It got deferred to Sep 25

          NBN Co today confirmed that it will accelerate the wholesale download and upload speeds on its three highest speed residential wholesale products and make them available to participating internet retailers from 14 September 2025.


          • @jv: What happens if you’re already on 1000/50

            • @Commodore64: You get moved to 1000/100.

              • @Twix: Sounds like it’s smarter to be on 250/50 or something that gets a download bump too

      • Do you know if ISPs will pass these benefits straight to the end users, i.e. my internet speed just suddenly increase free of charge? Or will they keep their current pricing and speed caps and introduce higher priced speed tiers?

        Edit: actually never mind, just saw the following:
        "Customers that have already purchased one of these higher speed tiers, or upgrade at any time in the future, will automatically accelerate to the new, faster speeds when the accelerated plans are made available by participating retailers."

        • Do you know if ISPs will pass these benefits straight to the end users

          If they are not going to be charged extra for them, they'd have a lot of explaining to do, not to….

          Also, the ability to easily change providers would ensure the prices don't rise.

    • -4

      But I don't think they offer Unlimited plans

    • Do they provide a free router or I have to pay for it?

      • Are you asking about Leaptel or Superloop?

        • +1

          Besides which, you're always paying for it. Surely nobody believes anything is "free" these days. Surely we're past that.

      • Free? Worth every penny! I plugged my UDM SE directly into the modem and got full speed and better monitoring than the "free" router could do. Free router was maxing out at 140mbps vs 265 using the ubiquity.

  • +2

    I guess the offer is not valid for anyone who has Tangerine previously. Meaning offer only valid once per premise.

    • Did you check against your address?

      • +1

        It is stated in their t&c :
        This offer is only available to new customers who are connecting to a Tangerine nbn® service for the first time. It is not available to customers with an existing Tangerine nbn® service or who have previously had a Tangerine nbn® service. The offer is only available once per customer and per premises.

        • +15

          A new customer at the same premises could argue they just moved in and had no idea the previous tenants used this offer.

    • +2

      No. you can move to another service provider and then move back, even with same account you can still get the discount.

      And actually you can move between more and tangerine every 6 months to get the discount from more and tangerine. They are the same company so your login info / ip address won't change…

  • +3

    To late tangerine I called you for a better deal u said u couldn't do better than $79.90 so I went else were $64.90. 12 months good way to loose customers .

    • +1

      where dyou go?

      • +4

        I went to southern telecom .

    • +1

      No such thing as customer loyalty , I might try this crowd out myself.

  • +7

    I am SO sick of churning ffs, every 6 months, superloop, aussie, leaptel.

    What's the reason for this? It's just such a hassle sometimes, gotta sort CG-NAT, make sure it's static IP etc…

    • +30

      You don’t have to churn. Just stay with your current isp and potentially pay more than what you could be paying. But this is OZB mate.

      • +2

        correct, save $15 a month? hell yeah!

    • +4

      Because you're in the minority. Most people don't bother to churn, and cop the price rise when it comes.

    • +2

      Bro is complaining about there being competition

      Would you prefer a duopoly situation like the supermarkets or domestic airlines?

      • +6

        No, they’re complaining that existing customers do not get given current promotion rates to keep their business. Even when they are bothered to call up and ask directly. So instead they have to stuff around and churn every 6 months. It’s a fair complaint.

        • Sounds like something you wouldn't have to do in a duopoly market

    • It is a hassle, especially for internet. So much easier to churn gas, credit cards, private health insurance etc.

  • +9

    Tangerine still owe me for giving my data to hackers.

    • +5

      I'll sell it back. Got Bitcoin?

    • +4

      You'd think they would be offering this to existing customers to get back some good will. I personally don't do business with companies that have been hacked. Some might look at it and think they would be even more safe now, but when there is zero consequences why would they bother to do anything but the bare minimum to increase security?

    • +1

      Yep I'm furious about that data breach I hadn't been with them for years when the data breach happened. How the f&@# does an ISP get hacked?!

  • +1

    Can someone explain what CG-NAT is and why I should care? Is it just for IoT things or is there another reason? If I am just a standard user of internet will this affect me an any way?

    • +6

      CG-NAT works fine for most users. CG-NAT can break remote access to some home security cameras, some home automation products, Plex server, NAS, servers or if you want to host online P2P games. After you ask the ISP to turn off CG-NAT you will be able to use remote access and host online P2P games again. Leave CG-NAT turned on if you don't do any of this.

      If your home security cameras and automation products use a cloud server you will not be affected by CG-NAT.

      • CG-NAT might explain the reason Amazon, Google and other companies keep notifying someone might of breached your account, please confirm if this was you or reply to them if not.
        That is with 2FA off / on Amazon including Prime.
        Yahoo with 2FA off/ off.
        They can not handle the daily IP changes for our accounts.

        And where are the sale deals for old customers to return to Tangerine.

        • +1

          Your IP doesn't get changed daily on CG-NAT.

          Usually when you get those security messages someone knows your password. Security messages can appear if the ISP has given you an IP with a overseas location that hasn't updated to AU yet.

  • +19

    For those not aware, Commbank has a 30% stake in Tangerine and its associated company, More Telecom.

    Outside of promo periods, neither provider is particularly good value so you’d want to churn the moment your promo expires.

    Note that support is offshore and genuinely atrocious.

    The 6 month promo offer is poor value compared to 12 months from Leaptel and Superloop’s recent offering.

    • Thanks, great to know.

    • What do you recommend now for higher speed plans (FTTB)? Would like to stay for a few years without churning.

    • Just moved to More recently because of the 12 month Commbank offer. On Switch-over day , couldn't connect, spent a couple of hours on the phone and the support people had no idea what was wrong, they don't provide much technical support. They organised an NBN tech to visit 4 days later however when I tested the connection the next day it was working (More didn't inform me they had fixed it). Annoyed that I had a 1 day outage but relieved it wasn't worse. Speeds are fine, hopefully I don't have problems in the future.

    • Also beware they'll not prorata refund and if you cancel on your billing day, tough luck.

  • +10

    Worst ISP I've ever used (three months ago). Avoid.

    • +2


      • +1

        Thirded. Speed constantly slows to a crawl after a day or two.

        • +2


          • +5

            @mhz: Fifth'd
            Only ISP I have ever had to goto the TIO to get my issues resolved. Avoid like the plague

    • Yeah but you can use this offer to sign up to TPG and ask to price beat it.

      • +1

        TPG will calculate the cost over 12 months. So cost of the offer over 6 months + full price for 6 month = the price they will match

        • You mean price beat…

        • Good comment. Didn't realize this was how the TPG price beat works, I won't bother going down that avenue. Thanks.

  • +2

    Glad I signed up to the 12 month superloop deal…

  • Would love to 12 month 50/20 deal. Dodo seems best?

  • +1

    Once I switched to Launtel, I don't think I'll ever switch to anything else. They're not the cheapest, but provide amazing support, and the most detailed connection details I've ever seen any ISP provide to its users.

  • +6

    Wouldn't touch Tangerine.

    Absolute garbage customer service. Not worth the $5-$10 you'll save a month.

    • +4

      I wouldn’t touch an Apple.

  • +6

    Just gonna post that tangerine got hacked a bunch of customer details got leaked and my emails got spammed with a bunch of scams. No repercussions for them at all though and they don't seem to give a shit, also I can echo their customer service is woeful.

    • Thanks for the heads up. I’ll go with someone else.

    • this happened years ago no?

      I've actually churned to them a buncha time no issues really

  • +4

    yeah nahhhh, after the way they handled their data breach… originally they were not even going to tell the public…

  • Is Opticomm FTTB faster and more reliable than NBN FTTB?
    Can FTTB handle 250/40 Mbps plans?


  • Pppoe

  • +1

    For those not wanting to churn every 6 months (or even 12), get commbank yello rewards and get the 35% off more nbn (Tangerine' sister company). I pay $62.40/month for 100/20. Yes, in another 12 months i will have to jump on support and give them a new code, but that's far easier than churning. I was with superloop at one stage and their speed is rubbish in regional qld (anywhere outside sydney from what I've read). The connections i have on 4 houses (relatives that i look after in different cities) have been rock solid, but all fttp. Support is ok. Had a problem with one of the fibre upgrades, but that was an nbn co stuff up, and i just used a 5g connection for a few months while it was sorted. Without the yello discount, they are expensive, and i would go back to Mate. Mate's service was exceptional. I can't comment on leaptel as I've never used them. I wont touch tpg whatsoever due to a few very bad experiences. (internode were awesome until bought by tpg)

    • With the Commbank to get this deal what hoops do you have to jump through to get a fee free account and the % off the More deal?

      • see post below :)

    • Seem the Commbank yello discount can range from 20% to 40%?
      But you would need 30 transactions per month.

      Did you get the Netcomm NF20 Wifi 6 modem?
      Or will the standard NBN Co modem work?

      • +2

        I had a 2x NF20Mesh previously at mine and my parents houses when they were fttn. I actually bought these second hand (as I previous had a netcomm and it was rock solid and i needed voip for mum). One was rock solid, the other flaked out until I reset to factory and upgrade the firmware, and it was fine after.

        I got 2x free Eero 6+ when i went to More (part of the fttp upgrade at the time). I still used the NF20MESH for a little while on the fttp, but replaced them with the eeros after a few months and sold the nf20s off. They no longer have that free eero promo. I use the eeros at my sister's and parent's houses (with a cisco voip device I already had). I was a little worried about signal strength with these being so small, but they are very good for the size.

        I use ASUS DSL-AX82U and RT-AX92u at the other two houses. I'm testing ASUS's mesh network. So far with the AX82 as the main router I am having to restart after about a week but that is a different story. The nbn connections are rock solid.

        "standard NBN Co modem"… not sure what you mean… I didn't realise nbn co had/supplied fttc modems, but i just learnt something new from my google search. I am assuming you have fttc and copper into your house then? By the looks of it you would still have a wireless router/AP plugged into the nbn co modem. In theory that nbnco modem would work. These 4 hosues are fttp (I went to more with the fibre upgrade offers), so they have the NBN co supplied utility box(outside) and connection box (inside), which is really just a fiber to ethernet converter. I then have the above routers connected to the nbn connection box via ethernet cable.

        In terms of commbank yello terms and the % off, see the post here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/855701

        I churned from superloop (which were crap speeds…lucky to get 50 when im paying for 100 fttp) to More about 18 months ago becuase they had a 30% off for 12 months. I was about to churn (proably back to Mate) at the end of those 12 months, but they have the commbank yello offers, so I applied that a few months ago and get 35% off for 12 months, and that was much easier than churning (particularly when voip and mobile accounts are included in the mix). I talked to the customer service people who confirmed that in another 12 months time, I can apply another yello rewards code to get another 12 months @ 35% off… but i guess we shall see in another few months.

        I have a free svaing account by auto transferring $2k each month into that account (from a different bank), and a cba credit card for the bonus qantas points offers, so i am easily making the 30+ transactions per month to get 35% off. (5+ transactions pm gets 30% off). The misses has a home loan through CBA, so she gets 40%, so a 250/25Mbps for $69. You only need to make the 30+ transactions one month to get the 35% off code. Get it applied to your account, then in theory you can make fewer transactions per month for the next 11 months. If you want you can just transfer say ~$1900 back to another bank then next day, and just leave the rest account to pay the more bill. In theory, go make 30+ tranactions 11 months later to get the 35% off code and apply (assuming the offers are still around in 12 months).

        I got 3 free months with my sisters house (that was the offer at the time), then applied a 30% code, so she is happy with that.

        • Wow thanks for the info.
          My building has FTTB. I was hoping to avoid paying for the Eero 6+ when I already have spare ASUS mesh routers.
          I was referring to FTTC Connection Device:
          Not sure if that will work with FTTB.
          Also have an old myrepublic modem/router which could work.

          • @congo: Just for info, More is using CGNAT from the 20th to 31st January (staggered roll-out), opt-out requires a dynamic IP (free) or static IP ($5 per month).

            • @GTR12: Thanks, I am not using static IP, what would be a use case for static IP?

              • @congo: File hosting, Plex, Jellyfin etc.

  • -6

    I'm happy not to constantly churn ISPs - 50Mb/s is plenty for my family on the ISP with cheapest ongoing rates - it is probably plenty for you too.

    How often is your link speed the limiting factor in performance?

    I've helped numerous people fix their Internet experience by installing Google Mesh wifi. The consistency of connectivity is often the weak-point.

    If your moving massive files at speed in and out of your network, are you really using the Internet right? I'll usually terminal-server of some form into a cluster or super-computer to work on big data. In principle, the connectivity most need is the streaming speed each of the displays in the household require. When large files really do need to move in or out of your network - download managers / resumable downloads / rsync. Why the need for instant gratification.

    • Maaate have you seen the size of new LLMs!

  • +13

    These guys got hacked and revealed personal information listed below.

    Full name
    Date of Birth
    Mobile number
    Email address
    Postal address
    Tangerine account number

    While they disclosed it via email, and said they were investigating the cause, they never followed up with any other details on the hack and how it happened and how they were doing to mitigate it in the future.

    Added to that, I always got notifications from my UniFi router saying that there were significant latency spikes quite often.

    I would steer clear.

  • Is return customer also a new customer? :)

  • the summer sale until 28/2 for 6 months

    we usually do ISP comparisons around May :|

  • +2

    any current or previous customers of tangerine I highly suggest checking if your data was leaked by checking: https://haveibeenpwned.com/

  • +8

    Need a flag on posts where the company has leaked customer data. We should never forget the ones who didn't, and likely still don't, value privacy.

  • +1

    With nbn these days - does it really matter what service provider you use? Not like they have a better server at the exchange? This is all software based service level?

    • Well, join up with this mob and find out, if none of it matters

      • They dick you kinda hard if you dont cancel before they bill you…..everyone else just pro-rata you.

        • ah k thanks. i cbf with that. prefer just pro rata, if i leave just do an adjustment.

    • This was my thinking when I churned to a Swoop discount. The answer is yes it does matter. They can still be screw ups.

      FTTP this is mitigated somewhat. Somewhat.

  • +1

    Anyone else but Tangerine. Would not go back to them under any circumstances. As has been described above there are plenty of alternatives.

    • I used Tangerine last year and it was good until the honeymoon period is over. Will go back to them, hopefully before the promo ends. Hopefully I am qualify as "new customer"

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